The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2257
  • Ahhh, trick question. You didn't say what year of the war. I was trying to guess what year he was born in.

    Edit: I guess that means he was born in 1894/95.
    2nd Edit: Did you see the lady, I forget her name, that celebrated her 116th birthday recently. She is the oldest confirmed living women in the USA. Born in the 1800's...seems so unreal. 1898...Wow! She needs to have that growth on her left cheek looked at by a doctor though. It looks cancerous. Those things can kill ya. lol
  • I had pet turtles named Thurston Howell and Lovey once, but most of those episodes I wasn't aware of any other characters except Mary Ann and Ginger.

    I pretty much grew up on reruns of that and the Dukes.
  • @Kelani Although it seems more fitting now, I was never a fan of Boss Hog and the boys.
  • @Rat I sure was, although when I got older, I didn't like learning how many '69 Chargers they obliterated making the show.

    When I was little, my mom asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said "A Duke boy!" Naive mom got REAL happy, and bought me a Blue Devils hat :P
  • Good night Kel.
  • Night Sir Rat
  • That's OK @Kelani. You know me well enough to call me "Your Majesty".
  • @Kelani I just got the Duke joke. Boy am I slow tonight. Very funny Mom.
  • Good afternoon to you @all.
    @fenikus one round of TT is fun, finishing it is even more fun. Keep up those flinging, we know where we meet... :-)
  • @fenikus and remember, the wise mr. @Rat once said "we can say anything about ranking in a month". So, we have to keep that in mind.
  • Good afternoon @bernersenn. Did I say that? I'm not sure that's what I said. What are you trying to say? I think it got lost in translation. That's the first time I didn't understand you.
    You got the "wise" part right. lol Do you understand sarcasm?
  • @Rat I have three qualifications:
    1. Good memory for remembering what people did say or write
    2. Bad memory for looking up references
    3. Sarcasm, is part of me. Yes, you should get used to it.

    What I wanted to say is that you once said (I thought in one of the older Rio or even in Space - again, refering to point 2 above here) that we must not take any conclusions or even hope about our ranking at this moment. The ranking will be more or less definitive in a month after the game is released.

    In the menu of the BP you can have a look into your older comments, I cannot look at yours. Please do yourself a favore and have a look into these comments.

    Although I am sarcastic most of the time, this time I wasn't.
  • Oooooo...that I understood. I did say that. Or at least a version of it.
    We'll get along just fine together @Bernersenn. I'm a bit sarcastic too. lol
  • @rat nice to have this cleared out.
  • @bernersenn, timber is just not tumbling right for me at the moment. Take TT 16 for example: I clear the whole scene except the top bridge with 2 birds several times (only way to do it) but maxing out at 256K. That's good enough for only #43 and 6K below high score. Points are down there on the ground where we can't see what's happening.

    I can't believe @SweetP and @HunnuBunny are kicking our butts. That hurts! Good flinging, ladies :-)
  • @fenikus, no problem with this games ;-) except for 4,7,14,10,1,19,17,3,16,15,2,13,9. Lol
  • Ohhh, I know why @HunnyBunny has been so quiet lately…she's been busy tearing up the TT leaderboard! Watch out @Kelani, the hunted becomes a hunter...
  • @fenikus yikes. The other day, I told her she'd underreported a score by 10k, since her GameCenter score was higher. It was because of something else, but she never mentioned the impending bunny march. That's one sneaky wabbit.
  • Ha, ha, sneaky wabbit here!
    Going out with friends tonight, so that's probably the end of my flinging for today.
    Back to the hunt tomorrow!
  • I hate tests @Kelani. I thought I would never need to take another one. But I'll give it a go.

    1. 1965
    2. Sgt Shultz, General Burkhalter, Labeau?
    3. Lebeau
    4. Hilda and Helga
    5. Bob Crane married Hilda (don't know her real name)
    6. Dusseldorf
    7. singing and a pizza
    8. General Burkhalter's sister?
    9. I know this one, but can't for the life of me, remember.
    10. 1942? maybe 43
  • The Hofbrau!!! I knew I knew this one.
  • @Rat It's not a test, it's an opportunity to show off. :P Anyway, nicely done. You got xx9xx 10 out of 10.

    1. Sept 17, 1965 (45% got it)
    2. Schultz, Lebeau, Burkhalter (84% got it)
    3. Lebeau (small bullet scratch) (43% got it)
    4. Hilda and Helga (68% got it)
    5. Hilda was Bob Crane's wife. (68% got it)
    6. Dusseldorf (identified by safecracker Alfred Burke) (67% got it)
    7. six bars of Santa Lucia and a pizza (56% got it)
    8. Gertruda Linkmeyer, or Burkhalter's Sister. (46% got it)
    9. The Hofbrau (78% got it)
    10.1942 (32% got it)

    edit: you got it in before the buzzer.
  • Obscure fact about the married Hogan's Heroes characters. Although not married in the series, Sgt Carter is seen with a wedding band on his finger on at least two occasions. No, I never noticed this. But an avid fan pointed it out to me years ago.

    Obscure fact two. Robert Clary, the Labeau character, actually spent time in a German POW camp during WWII.
  • @Rat yeah, I saw that about Labeau being in Treblinka. Schultz and Burkhalter were also in camps before the war, and both lost their families.

    obscure fact three: It aired in Germany in 1992, but nobody liked it until they rewrote the dialogue to make the characters more idiotic.
  • You have a better head for obscure facts than I do @Kelani. I didn't know either of the above facts.
  • Speaking of WW2, I saw a local car commercial yesterday that had Daniel Truhitte in it (he played Rolf in The Sound of Music movie). Apparently he lives near here.

    @Rat wikipedia is your friend. I didn't know any of them were in camps. and got 70% on that quiz. (missed 1,7,10)
  • BTW, @Kelani. What do you mean 45% got it, 84% got it, etc.? I thought you came up with the questions. Does this test exist somewhere?

    Edit: Oops. You answered my question while I was typing.
  • Speaking of famous(?) people @Kelani. William "The "Refrigerator" Perry of "Da Bears" lives just off the same highway I do.
  • I might have seen some episodes more than twice. lol There's not a lot on TV late at night.
  • No kidding. When nothing's on, I default to Law & Order reruns. Some of those, I've seen a dozen times.
  • I watched two episodes of 'Allo 'Allo last night. There were 95 episodes. I know I haven't seen half that many.
  • Btw @Kelani. I answered your first question yesterday. I said the series ran from 1965-1971. I couldn't have told you the day though.
  • Wow! Still first place in BI #1 & 2 two days in a row. You and @Ollygod are slipping. Good thing too. I'm not fling capable again.

    Edit: I got scolded last night for flingin'. I forgot that although Mrs. Rat may be out of town, but she still has access to my Nest account. She noticed my ranking had improved. Whaaaaa ha ha ha ha...
    She must have been real bored in that hotel room to have checked my standings.
  • I may have to watch some of these 'Allo 'Allo episodes soon.

    btw, Flock Favorites has set a personal record for the least time spent on an episode. Played 5 hours and I have no desire to play any of them again. Back to TT for an hour before I'm ipadless again.

    edit: @Rat I had an opportunity to grab the lead on TT, so I took it. Then that FF episode came out yesterday. I voted in the survey, so I wanted to check it out. I'll be in Space most of this weekend.
  • Sad feelings and anger, powerlessness came back. national day of mourning.
    Flinging extreme bad, today
  • lol i just put this on the b tv
  • That took tooo long to type!! I put the BP up on the t.v. skcreen ! It's cool but hard to type:^
    (((Hug)))) @bernersenn it will get better:) have a drink on me to cheer you:)
  • Oh come on. I just blew a 115k high score on TT #3. Had 100k w/one marmoset left. :(

    @Kathy what'd you use to put it on TV?
  • I had heard they were bringing back some of the dead today @Bernersenn. My heart grieves with and for you as well as anyone else affected by this tragedy. Hang in there buddy.
  • Don't hurry back on my account @Kelani. I've got a lot of 'Allo 'Allo to catch up on.

    Edit: It's a lot more enjoyable to watch when you don't have to wait seven months to see "Who shot J.R.?".
  • I used the clicker @kelani ; P
  • @bernersenn @e-star -- Watched the ceremony and moment of silence on the news this morning. Very moving.
  • @Rat I'm ipadless now, so back in orbit, but I think any more Beak2 kelpoints are gonna come from ipad. On PC, those levels seem tapped out.

    @Kathy cute. Now how'd you really do it? :) Your TV have web browser?
  • @kelani -- Don't think you ever mentioned if you got your TV down without severe damage to your home. I assume you got one of those nice flat-pannel jobs that's relatively light to replace it?
  • Yes @Kenobi is a smart t.v. ; P
    I didn't see the ceremony as I was at work but clips of it on the news very very sad and reminders of 911 :( I can't stand watching the news anymore but i have to:( very scary times ahead
  • @bernersenn feeling sad for the people of your country

  • @mvnla2 I attached a block & tackle to the floor joist, using my weight and a brake to lower it safely. Had a scare, though. It fell a few inches when it left the shelf, which made me lift off the ground for a second (long enough for all those Looney Tunes episodes to flash before my eyes). I replaced it with a LCD I got for birdday. Of course it has issues with my cable co, so many ladder trips to swap cables and such are in my future.
  • @kelani -- I thought you said it weighed less than you? I take it the TV is in your basement?
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