The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2453
  • Thanks @mvnla2, I see now where to enter golden egg score. Seasons physics are sure different from Rio's, so it will take me some time to get used to it.

    It's interesting that advent levels are daily challenges the day after they're released. This has potential to bring many puppies to those who pay $0.99 to unlock all the levels immediately.
  • @fenikus SOooooo glad to see you back! I was worried about you. . Hope you're feeling much better now!
  • @fenikus nice to see you again:) hope life , work issues are improving and the health issues not to serious?
    I haven't installed the Seasons update yet but sure @Estar the Queen of seasons can help with any questions you need;)
    Hope your thanksgiving was nice . and the pups are faring well:)
  • G'nite all
    Nite Pa
  • @TomPuss & @Kathy, no nothing bad at the dentist, just routine.

    Hello @fenikus, it's been awhile since you've been around! Good to see you again.
  • Night Ma

    G'nite everyone. You too @Funikus.
  • Hi all. Sorry I've been quiet lately. (all together now: We're not!)

    I've had a busy week. Lots of unpleasant family stuff going on with the caregiving/grandmother situation. Deal with that for a year and a half, and any family can start to come apart at the seams.

    I'm also pleased to report I recently met a really great girl (cute story: she wandered into our ABN guild on Plunder Pirates. Turns out she lives in NC ). We've become somewhat of an item, so needless to say, she's now getting a huge chunk of Kel's free time. :)

    Hopefully things will get back to normal by this weekend, so I can start getting caught up on all these new levels, and reply to a few emails :)

    @fenikus welcome back, man :) btw, I think puppies are suspended during those Advent levels precisely for that reason.
  • @TomPuss! -- I owe you a couple of PM replies…many thanks for keeping me up-to-date with your awesome video playlists :-)

    Thanks for the welcome back @Kathy, @SweetP, @Rat, and @Kelani (congrats on becoming an admin and especially meeting a cute girl).
  • @kelani you have free time?????? Only joking! OB must be smiling fondly at the two of you from a distance - has she been into the pub yet?
    @all - I know I have only been popping in infrequently and am MIA from B&R (thanks again @kelani for covering for me) - but my very own Mumsie is really not very well at the moment so little time for ABN.
  • @kelani !! you are here! I was almost about to send out a search unit to find ya, but that's a pretty good reason to stay below the radar. Sorry to hear about the family stuff. Hope you are a good seamstress and you can repair the damage the best you can. But ever so happy you arrrrr found your matey, is she an active member in the Nest or just in Plunder Pirates? Ghi, what are the odds right she is living in NC as well.

    @fenikus Welcome back! Hope the health issues are a thing of the past? Anyway it's great seeing you in the pub again.

    @kathy I am sorry it took me longer than expected to answer your question about the log in. I am not sure if you uploaded a screenshot just yet, but I checked my iPhone, logged out and I am able to log back in by tapping the little human silhouette at the top of the page, just below the first add, next to the icon of 2 little white stripes and to the left of the magnifying glass. Tap that and it says, "sign in" or "register". Let me know if Android is different and I will check if hubby has an Android phone somewhere.

    Mister @rat … did you do your christmas shopping yet?? wink wink… hint.. hint…
    oh and I think our kitchen is even smaller than the one your misses had in Britain LOL. Our fridge is always to small when we go grocery shopping and the freezer, well… I think you will find it pathetic, just three tiny drawers underneath the fridge part hahahahaha. But we hardly ever freeze our produce, we are to lazy and unorganized to get it thawed out in time and we don't have a microwave (no room). We do have the same small fridge/freezer combo in the basement, but it's only half filled. But living in the city, with the fresh market twice a week around the corner and one in the city centre also 2 times a week and a new food market open 7 days a week, plenty of grocery shops within 500 meters… yeah fetching fresh produce each day isn't such a big task. Anyway I had to snicker thinking of your standards and our home… our home is probably as big as one of your freezer/fridge hahahaha

    @JLZ December is always a month your are the busiest, just hope you are hanging in there. Cold hasn't fully developed so maybe it is listening to you and laying low (or lurking for the best time to hit, read on my way in a train stuck with a ton of other people and sneezing my way all the way to Cologne hahahaha

    @mvnla2 you got rain??? actually wet stuff falling from the sky?? You and @kimmiecv must have been so pleased. Did you go out and do a little "singing in the rain??"

    @mumsie give a big kiss to your Mumsie, hang in there! [[[hugssss]]] and a ton of good vibes coming your way!

    @Sunshine !! Great to see you pop in, you always brighten up the place. I too loved changing the items on page 1, but it was time consuming and well… guess we ran out of time to spare and turned the frequency way down, but still when we do pop in the HQ to coordinate a new page 1 it feels like nothing has changed.
  • Oops sorry for the long post ghi
  • @Kelani -- She plays AB (or at least Plunder Pirates) too? You couldn't ask for more (except playing AB if she doesn't and being a member of ABN). : D
  • @EStar -- Didn't do a rain dance outside, just inside. It's been wet again most of today, when it was supposed to be dry. The vegetation is loving it! Lawns that were brown last week are showing sprigs of bright green.
    In case you don't know the norm for a lot of CA is to be green in the winter and gold (well, brown) in the summer. When I was in college in Chicago, and came home to the San Francisco Bay area for Christmas, I was blinded by the bright sun and bright green hills.
  • @mvnla2 I did know, but somehow I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact one can be happy about rain and sick of the sun... but believe me @Kimmie more than once tried to explain it and calls me and JLZ loons for wanting to have a bit of sunshine ghi.... blinded by the sun on Christmas... nope, image is not producing in my head as it is just too far out there ;)
  • Nighty night a little late @Estar ☆☆ Sweet Dream and Thank you.. it's not usual that i get logged out. Just lately but yeppers (as my pahtnah Kimmie would say) darn i miss her.The little fat person icon worked ; ) maybe there should be an arrow or something saying 'sign in' next to it?
    Anyway it works :)
    @Kelani !°° darn you I was just about to put out a bolo for ya!! But i held off thinking you were very very busy with ABN stuff..but you are plundering pirates and taking poor 'cute girls' and charming them away with your piratey charm. .What was that movie..nooo dont tell me. I'll remember the one where i said you looked like that actor?? ?
    Yw @fenikus glad to see ya back around hope you stay..btw ty again for all your help with my battery issues. .I've since got a new phone and applied all that you said. Now my my battery lasts all day and more:)

    Edit : ok @kelani tell me
  • Ob I'll have one off those Santa's Whisker's please..
  • Oohhh and yay @kelani i figured out why i couldn't view some of the walkthrough videos
    On my android there is a setting 'protected content' you need to have that checked 'on' :)
    Just in case any one has that problem in the future:)

    Forget that. . The videos worked for a red planet 5-9 first yuriyigolkin video not working.. then i changed setting mentioned and it i haven't done anything different just flinging away go back and again it's just a black and white scrambled like when your not subscribed to HBO and you put that channel the old days of cable t.v the signal was scrambled:/ any ideas anyone?
  • Night Pa :)
  • Night Ma

    Good Morning Star
  • Mornin Pa :)
  • Morning Ma
  • Off to work i go..hi ho hi ho
    Have a fantabulous flingin day everyone :)
  • Hello everyone! Sorry I've been MIA the past couple days. Been so busy working I hadn't had time to do much else except working, eat, relax for a few hours then sleep. In between all of that was some errands, dentist (just a checkup) for semiannual cleaning and new set of xrays.
    Oh, and downpours of wet stuff which is what we need in these horrible drought conditions. But we got over 2 inches in about an hour just east of us, causing flooded streets and stranded cars. Lots of flash floods from runoff of adjacent slopes and mudslides. Heard there were 8 people that had to be rescued from getting stuck inside their own vehicles. And for the life of me, don't understand why people don't slow down on the freeways and give plenty of distance between them and the cars in front of them. I had to brake-check some idiot that couldn't have been more than 30 feet behind me, as we're going 60mph. Good thing it wasn't raining at the moment.

    @Mumsie, Big (((HUGS))) to you, dear friend. Hope everything gets better for you soon. The Blues send their love, too!

    Ahh, @Kelani no wonder you've been gone for awhile. I know how family is so important to you, and with your keen sense of logic and tenacity will keep everything under control. I'm so happy for you, meeting a wonderful girl! What a great way to spend your free time getting to know each other and having fun!

    @Kathy, what is it with you and Android devices? I can't figure out why you can view some videos but not others? I wonder if it has something to do with your Flash Player and the way it works in other websites. Like me, I can view videos in ABN on my phone, but not while I'm on Facebook. I keep getting a message that I need the latest Flash Player, which doesn't work on Android phones! I have no problems with my tablet.

    @Estar, those of us in California, myself, @mvnla2 and @kimmiecv are sick of the sun because of the drought conditions here. It causes really bad water shortages, that raises the price of what we have to pay for it. Serious fines are imposed for residents that don't conserve water and use more than the recommended usage each month. The dry conditions increases the threat of fire, because of all the dry brush throughout the state. When vegetation in burned areas do not grow back, there's no roots to bond the soil so we get mud and landslides during heavy rains. So, either way rain or no rain it's a constant battle. We just don't get enough rain! Hope that explains it for you. And no you're not a loon!

    Sorry, gotta go for now. I have work to get done.

    Happy flinging, I'll be back later!
  • Hi everyone:)
    @sweetp and @e-star it's not my android or wifi i dont use wifi i have mobile data. . The videos work if i go to you tube.. and some of the walkthrough videos work fine some don't:/
    I am going to watch and see if it may be depends on who recorded it ie: sal slim or bl
    But even some videos posted by members work some dont is a mystery to me..must be something in my settings not sure it's not really a big deal as i said i can view them directly on you tube
    hope all are having a good evening .
    good luck with the SW update walkthroughs @Estar :)
  • What's the deal with the Advent daily challenge? Are we getting puppies on day two of a release?
  • No puppies awarded during advent @Pa :/ right @sweetp ?
  • Night Pa
  • *prettig sinterklaasfeest!* @estar @bernersenn @burpie! (Did I say that correct?)
    You're never to old for chocolate and sweeties so I hope you woke up to some lovely treats this morning......if you've been good that is? ;)
  • @jlz666 thanks. Yes, you said it correct. It's going to be a sweet night.
    Good morning to you all. Again, not much time for social talking, I'm struggling with the Advent game. Ow, it's hard for me.
  • Good Mornin' Ma. TGIF

    Hopefully Sinterklaas has the gift of world peace in his bag @bernersenn, @Estar, @Burpie, and @JLZ???. You're never too old for sinterklaasfeest.
  • @Rat thanks. Indeed, you are never too old. @JLZ666 has a dutch hubbie (as far as I know), so they will have their part of the party also.
    Also a 'prettig sinterklaasfeest' for all the dutch members overhere.
  • Good Morning Pa and all:)
    Tgif and Happy Sinterklaas to all who celebrate :)
    Off to work i go hi ho hi ho! See ya all later ♧
  • Good afternoon! "Fijne Sinterklaasfeest" everyone in Dutchieland! @JLZ thanks hon, you got it just right! Me and hubby don't celebrate as it is a kids holiday. But it is indeed a sweet sweet day for many kids over here. I remember my dad fabricating a doorbell besides the couch, so that when we kids were singing and waiting for Sinterklaas to arrive and leave us a huge bag of little pressies, my father would casually let his hand fall besides the couch and rang the doorbell... of course we kids would rush out to the front door and opened it... no one there? Wow Sinterklaas fast a fast man for sure, but then again he needed to visit all the children in Dutchieland so he needed to be fast :p

    So "Sinterklaas avond" to me is an evening with the family drinking hot choco, singing the Sinterklaas songs and playing games until the doorbell rang and then it was pressie time and loads of candy time... the times I went to bed sick of eating too much sweets... sjeesh hahahhha
  • @bernersenn I have been struggling with the advent as well. Haven't even put in my scores as they are all under average! The downside to the advent being the challenge, it makes the Nesters competitive right away and averages skyrocket. O well... I like playing the one game a day, I just need to not-focus on the leaderboards :)
  • anyone home? figure I'd stop in for some whine before i start level 2 again. more than 16 hours in the last few days and i cant get above 96k. just got off shift, so I'll fling some birds to wind down.
  • Hi @jkhalb69 you mean level two in the Advent? I found it frustrating as well and it took me a long time to get the 97k I have. I almost want to do an investigation to see if the scores in the advents are made on different devices, better flingers or flingers with more time on their hands... but which ever the outcome, I still struggle to meet average ;)
  • @estar you are right. This is tough, I think that it has to do with the 'other' physics. The slicing over the ice, etc. Even that new bird, the second Terence - knowing that the red Terence is not my best friend. That bird is hard to aim. (For me). Anyhow, we're struggling. I was sneaky hoping for some good videos from you. Somehow I am glad that you struggle as well. Almost nominating myself for the "bad flinging" badge.
    Ok, enough whining, it's not tuesday.
  • Hello @jkhab69. Nice of you to stop in for a bit.

    I don't care what day it is, I'm declaring this whine Friday! Please put on your earplugs everyone! One...two...three...wwwhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeeeeee!

    @bernersenn and @estar, I feel your pain! It took me about two days to get the 96K in level 2, and that was by pure luck that I was able to get the debris destruction. Remember, Terence and wood do not mix well.
  • @sweetp now I'm feeling much better. It's a seasons game, argh. But, why do all these other people better as us? What do they have that we don't? @rat, please no sarcasm.
    Btw, where is our Aloha friend? Mostly he is playing these seasons games. I shall contact him.
  • I know what you're saying @bernersenn! I just increased my score by a measly 2k back in level 1!
    I think lots of L-factor is the key, of which I have none. So, I'll just have to keep flinging, flinging, and more flinging!

    Rinse, repeat...seems to be the trend in Finn so far...aarrgghhh!
  • Are you kidding me @bernersenn? I keep repeatedly pushing that big red button hoping something will happen...this time. Isn't that the definition of insanity?
  • @rat that definition is just perfect. Couldn't said it better.
  • @bernersenn My spatial visualization ability is better than most. It comes in real handy to solve some of these puzzles. It's the reason I like Space because most levels have solutions, not rinse and repeat.
  • @rat that is true. Even after you write a comment it's hard to carry out. But, I cannot agree with "rinse and repeat" in seasons. Also in this games it has to do with little details, making the difference between a good or a high score. And, our friend Ernor63 masters this is a no one else. I think - and that is of course my opinion - that the searching for details is the charm of playing the birds.
  • No such thing as a kids holiday @estar ;) We should enjoy anything that promises sweeties! BTW hubby is asking for the name of those yummy crunchy wee biscuits that tasted of cinnamon and nutmeg? His Dutchie colleague is flying over next week and he wants some.
    @bernersenn no, hubby isn't Dutch. He does travel to the office in Schiedam quite regularly though and tries to visit Delft whenever possible. I'm glad I got the words right! Enjoy your sweet evening!
    Sorry but I'm not in the mood for flinging ATM and have only played first 2 Finn levels. Think I might leave it until I finish work for Xmas and can focus on it if it's rinse repeat but then again.........;)
    @kelani We have our first ABN romance? sweeeeeet!! Very,very happy for you and I'm glad to know it's not all work work work. Do you think she'd like to pop in here or would that be like introducing her to the slightly demented family members?!
    @sweetp Really, we sun deprived people truly understand the seriousness of the situation but as @estar said,when you get so much rain and so little sunlight it's funny to hear people welcoming the wet stuff. The grass is never greener ;)
    @mumsie Love to you. I'll be in touch soon X
  • @jlz666 sorry that I misunderstood you with your hubby's roots. Ok, then this is als cleared. Thanks for the wishes.
    That other thing you wrote pulled my attention, "the first romance" - pointing to @kelani. Who, what, where, please give me (us) more details. Yes, I am a guy but also extreme curious.
  • @bernersenn A few days ago @Kelani told us he's wooing a flinger from North Carolina. They met in Plunder Pirates and it was arrgh (love?) at first post.
  • Yes, you're right @JLZ-666. I do love the rain, just wish it would be more often to turn this ugly brown landscape into green! My cousin lives in Oregon, and she doesn't get very much sun either so I know how you feel.

    Edit: @kathy, I wonder if I'm having the same issue with viewing videos?

    BTW, anyone know what flash player I'm supposed to have on my android phone?
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