The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2567
  • Merry Christmas @hunnybunny Thanks for the santa tracker
    And after all that the pm didn't go through: (
  • Argghhhh I give up!!!
  • Ooohh it worked no it didn't
  • :) @hunnybunny Hope your having a wonderful day have a glass of Cristal * clink*
  • @kathy no I am Gumby Dammit lol and does anyone know if advent leader boards have been fixed, I haven't looked yet?

    @all MERRY X-MAS
  • Here's hoping everyone in the nest has a happy and peaceful Christmas (peaceful as in harmony - not necessarily sound levels - says she with 7 adults and four small people coming for dinner so quiet is not an option!)
    @kathy - I always parboil my potatoes (about 5-10 mins, drain, shake to make them fluffy, then follow @hunnybunny! (yes turkey is happier having rested out of the oven for an hour whilst everything else cooks!) a couple of glasses whilst cooking helps the cook to just try her best and not care too much if things go wrong :)
  • Thanks @Mumsie42 I only have 8 to serve hee hee for the first time in Forever! Uhmm I'm not really a cook, at the risk of sounding really ,really stupid I'm assuming "parboil" means like boil for a couple minutes¿ *
    I can cook Other stuff lol potatoes, I've never been lucky with, I'm gonna try ..baking a few, try roasting as instructed, and good old fashioned mashed one batch with milk and butter one without for my dairy free daughter, jeeeeshb you'd be surprised what 'dairy free' includes Bread even¿ who knew?
  • Good luck with the dinner Ma.

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
  • @mumsie42 @kathy wow so few people, consider yourselves lucky try 25 plus 9 little ones running around. I might have no hair left by the end of the day. And a few glasses will definitely be in order before, during and after just for my sanity :) MERRY X-MAs to all. OH and the dogs and cats being chased around all day LOL.
  • Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
  • @all -- Merry Christmas! Saw the first snowflakes I've seen in years Wed and Thurs. No, not in LA; we spent 2 days in Santa Fe for my sister's 50th wedding anniversary. Turns out Christmas Eve is not a bad time to fly -- most people are already wherever they're going.
    @hunnybunny -- Thanks for the cooking advice, but not doing any this Christmas. For the 1st time ever (?) we are going out for Christmas dinner, due to being out-of-town for the proceeding days and not able to shop.
    @rdnzlrips82 -- Great to see you! Hope all is well with you and your family. Have a great New Year! Thought of you at Thanksgiving when we had a bottle of Chateau Montelena.
  • Merry Xmas to all my fellow flingers around from the former realm of the still wonderful place-to-be of Peru is the sincere wish of your friendly neighbor TienShenLong.
    (and with the music of a well-knowed xmas carroll...)
    "I wish you a merry flingin, I wish you a merry flingin (bis) and a happy new league..."
  • Happy Christmas fellow flingers xx

  • AHHH Peace on earth again LOL well at least in this house.
  • Merry Christmas All:)
    I'll be back
    OB a glass of Cristal please:)
  • Merry Christmas to all at the BP! And did I see Ripsy sneak in?!? Time for me to relax with some hot chocolate (I believe that Kathy knows the best way to have it involves some Baileys). Hope the day had joy for all.
  • Who left this empty Mountain Dew can on the floor? The nerve of some people...No no OB. Don't worry about it. I'll put it in the recycle bin.
  • Haha @Pa , yes @catsnbirds I thought I saw Ripsy poof in and out quickly now it seems Pa has found the evidence lol:)
    people come and go so quickly around here:/

  • @TomPuss -- How do you get your links to open in new window?
  • Anyone else feeling like a Bloated Pig?
  • @hunnybunny are you still here?
  • Lol @hunnybunny after 2 huge Christmas dinners that's exactly how I feel.
    A day late, but I want to wish my fellow flingers a Merry Christmas & I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday :)
  • OmGoat @mvnla2 hee heee Literally giggling with that video! !! And agreed the best Christmas song thank you for sharing those:)
    @wrw01 ty for the updated 'P' list with 'B' addition :D
    @bernersenn thanks for the pixel perfect, tip i found it, still can't get it but *sigh* I'm trying still. .sorry to say I let team BP down on this one:(
    And Darn @hunnybunny I wish I Could feel like a Bloated Pig, these darn teeth of mine:( and I didn't manage the roasted potatoes ,didn't even try, I tried Baked, didn't work either..made a box of 4 cheese instant that everyone loved except my dairy free daughter :anyhooo I'm off to fling
  • @mvnla2 I just use iPad, so have asked Hubz to try on his MacBook Air, I let you know.
  • (((((Hug))))) @tompuss either your up early or I'm up to late lol:) Hope you had a wonderful Christmas:)
  • @mvnla2 Hubz has done his best and sends you this message:

    "On computer, open Safari, click on Safari in menu bar
    Select "Preferences"
    Select "Tabs"
    Then select. . . and if you're not sure what, consult "Help"

    Another way to save time on Pad is quickly bring each link up on YouTube, you will find them on "History" later for easy reading.

    Go goats! Loved it!

    @kathy I'm an "early to bed, early to rise" person!
    Playlist: I'm wondering if I posted too many things at once? I do hope everyone finds something they like in there. Thanks for Wiz/Oz, always a joy!

    Cats & Christmas trees:

    Yes, had lovely Christmas dinner (i.e. lunch) at friends' place. But everything has been rather fraught cos Donny had to go to the vet's after a fight, examined under anesthesia, revealing a nasty triple bite in thigh - he's grounded for five days and kicking up a storm! Also being very difficult about eating and drinking and taking his meds.
  • Help! I'm stuck on level 35 and King Pig's been a thorn in my butt! How do I take him down?
  • @BossPigAssasin what are you playing? Possibly Epic? Very few Epic players here.
  • Good afernoon all :)
    @tompuss guess that means i was up way to late lol ,and np never to much, i don't always have time to watch them all, but I do when I can and Yes I'm sure everyone enjoys your videos:D
    @bosspigassasin welcome to the Bloated Pig , not sure what episode you need help with ,as @hunnybunny says not many here play epic if that's the case?
  • @BossPigAssasin -- Welcome to the BP! Please be sure to read the first page. Drinks and food are on the house for your first visit.
    Level 35 of what?
  • @BossPigAssasin -- I do play Epic and also AB2. Just let me know what game you are playing. Sounds more like AB2, but there are other AB games with boss pigs.
  • @TomPuss -- Please thank HWDNF for me.
    Actually, what I meant is that whenever I click on one of your links in the BP, it automatically opens in a new window. When I click on one of my links, it replaces the BP window. So I'm thinking it has to do with how you copy the links. Maybe I should try my iPad??? On my Mac, if I just copy the links, they actually show up as an embedded video.
  • @BossPigAssasin -- If you are playing AB2, here's how to beat level 35.
    Don't worry about any pigs other than the boss. The rest will disappear when the boss does. You need to knock out the bridge in the lower middle. Having Matilda to bomb it helps. Then you need to push the king pig off his perch to the right. He will fall down and be blown into the gap where the bridge was.
    Good Luck!
    As with all boss levels, you need as many birds as possible for the boss fight, so try to use as few as possible in the first scenes / rooms. Of course, it also helps to have high level birds. If you have and gems, boss levels are a good place to spend them to get extra birds.
  • @Mvnla2 regarding opening links , on my android if I just quickly tap the link ,on both your and tompuss posts, it will replace BP page, but if i long press it, (hold my finger on it for a second ) it will give me a choice to open in new tab maybe you need top check your you tube settings?
  • @mvnla2 Pad is easy, tapping on link takes you straight to YT. After each video, tap Safari to return to ABN. I have only one way to copy links, i.e. by tapping on the sharing sign top right corner of video, then pasting into text.
    I have to confess I'm still on iOS6. . . hope that doesn't confuse things further!
  • Hello guys,
    Pulled in my @kathy. Lady, please don't blame yourself. The competition is hard, especially on this Episode. I must say that I enjoyed the game. Still playing it, will continue it till new year.
    Also much complements to @rat. The little time he can play and still getting these scores.
    Pal, I hope your pain will get less next year, preferably disappear completely. Is there any sight on healing?
  • Thanks for the kind words @bernersenn , it really is a tough episode , I'm still trying though ,maybe now that the leaderboard may settle down a bit I'll be able to improve some.
    Level 7 and 9 are my worst, can't get them into the top 100 so I'm trying to improve some others at least till the new year.
    OB please serve everyone a drink of their choice, I'll have a Pigkiller please, maybe that will help me stomp these oinkers!
  • @kathy thanks for the drink. I could use a Guinessbiers right now.
    According to your issues, the problems for me started with #9. finally I got it, not perfect but ok. Then those games where things have to fall down, especially 12 and 13. All disappeared but no scores. Then level 14, it costs me lots of days, still does. Can't get that one-birder (with a great score). That's life. Btw, did you get you the todays puppy? It is doable
  • @bernersenn you mentioned level 14 again. Right before bedtime. Nightmares again...
    But excellent flinging, my friend.
    Mister Rat doing well, I'm not quite on your tail yet, but made a few extra points today, and a top score on the hateful nasty train level. Pure luck on my part
    Keep going Team BP
    Goodnight all
    And thanks for the drink @kathy OB knows my favourite, I'll take it to bed
  • @bernersenn We will get those terrible levels using the 5 P's and a B ;)
    Thanks for the heads up on the puppy I will take a break from SoS and give it a fling or 2:)
  • @kathy hey you are forgetting some other letters LOL

    pasted from other convo- @kathy yea and luck helps LOL so its 3P's a D a W and an L, LOL

    and don't forget to buy some vowels
  • @gumby I was referring to @wrw01 famous tradition of 3P's update on previous page, but by all means we can add the 'L factor, and the 'W factor, and the 'D factor ,and let's not forget the Power of the Post:D
  • @kathy and if we ever get some vowels we could make an acronym :)
  • Betcha we could use All the letters of the alphabet and I still won't get some of these levels!
  • Hmmm we could use @Kelani for coming up with an acronym but :( he left us high and dry, not even a Christmas pop in:(
  • @kathy, well I had the top score on GE #67 for about 6 hours the other day. That didn't last long
  • Darn I just missed a puppy by 60 points:(
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