The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2122
  • I am so sorry for getting a cup of coffee and disappearing.... I promised the guys I would help out with the new update of SWII and when I came back the update landed. Anyway I see JLZ and Sunshine played a good game of air golf :D
    @kelani I can only agree with JLZ just head back to a Bday party.... ermmm I think it was Kimmies Bday? Not sure, but we did have a day with a comment total of 700+ aka 14 page changes, so this is nothing ;)

    Hi @Mumsie Looks and Sounds like you did go to Mackie D... well hope the slices of everything are hitting the right spot. Enjoy your (second) G&T!
  • @kelani I did see you profile text a couple of weeks ago right? Sunshine made me look as well Mister @Rat ... I remember grinning when reading it... funny guy!
  • Just been busy @Kelani. I'll post it now. What's @Mumsie reading that has her chuckling over in her rocking chair?
  • Yay @mumsie is home! Of course we've all been sipping on her bubbly and totally forgot to order up some G&T's :( Thank goodness for OB ;) Don't hold back on our account of us birthday girl....chug away! You deserve it after a traumatic day with the ankle biters! I hope you had more than a sniff of a Big Mac? Btw I asked hubby to pick a funny to post in here but he's scared lol!! He wishes you a happy birthday but is wondering why @birdaddict gave you his Xmas pressie!!
    Have fun reading through your birthday messages!
  • @estar I try. Y'all put up with me every day, so the least I can do is occasionally try to make some of you snort drink out your noses. :)

    @Rat and I just posted mine. muhahaha. That is such an evil level. You and @bernersenn should take a break and try one of the 130k 2-bird strategies for a bit.
  • After being overrun with babies and rug rats at the reunion this weekend, I now know why y'all pinch cheeks @Mumsie. You're trying to avoid holding and playing with each and every dirty diaper and kiddie germ ever created. Smart!!!
  • @estar you need some bubbly after your day!!! How about some early bird worms? They are full of protein and you could probably use some of that tight now to replenish your brain cells!!!!
  • Oh the wanderer returns @estar ((hugs)) The only day I was free(ish) to talk and you have to be a good admin? Pfffft.....;) Yep we drank,ate and played estar so even though the birthday girl was busy we had fun!
    Now I'm curious about @kelani profile message! don't think I've seen it. BRB
    BTW hubby is now working upstairs so not feeling guilty being in the pub ;)
  • @Sunshine YES please!! you are always looking out for us all!
  • @jlz IKR... I blame Rovio for planning an update on a wednesday... a wednesday!?!?! They always update on a Thursday! Sorry i couldn't be around for the air golf, it did look like you were having fun!
  • @rat just one word .... ughhhhhhh
    hahahahaha I do like to be the funny aunt but I have a limit of 2 kids at the same time... okay I will tolerate 4 if necessary. Both my brothers have 2 kids, so when they both come at the same time there will be 4 kids, but it is something me and 3times hubby try to avoid at all time... and not because of the 4 kids ;)
  • Well I have to say - what a superb birthday in BP! Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, banners, avatars, cakes and other assorted goodies! You are all amazing and I'm delighted to know you all! xxx
  • I like my level 14 score better @Kelani. It's not pretentious. Yours is Gaudy. Did you ever hear that growing up. That's Gaudy. I didn't know what they were talking about until I went to Barcelona. The Spanish architect, Antoni Guadi, is well known and revered in Spain, especially Barcelona. But his work looks like he took a pile of rubble; broken glass, ceramics, etc. piled up into a mound held together with mortar. It's over the top ornate and fantastical. After you look at it for a while, it's quite beautiful. But at first glance, beware! It's GAUDY!
  • We love you @mumsie42 !!!!!!
  • It's been so long.
  • I'm sorry guys. It's like I forgot about the nest a long time ago. But it's good to be back!
  • Hi @tas where you been?
    @jlz666 don't mention Spain, we' re packed up ready to go in the morning. But it's was beautiful and one of the best weddings I've ever been to.
    And yet again

  • hey @Tas how are you doing! indeed it has been a long time, good to know you can still find your way into the BP
  • awww @jlz how sweet your hubby bought @mumsie a gift and WOW a good one at that!
  • @hunnygermansheperd We weree in Canada for a week, and later we went on a camping trip over the weekend with some friends from church. Still though, I should have come earlier.

    So how are you?
  • Hey @hunnybunny HOW ARE you FEELING today??? or should I keep my voice down??
  • @tas German shepherd came out as the avatar to honour all those nesters who had lost much loved pets about a week ago. Max The GSD died some years ago. But let's forget sad things today, and let the party go on. Without me, I'm afraid, early to bed, plane to catch in the morning
  • Durn it @JLZ66. You went and made my gift to @Mumsie look pitiful by comparison. All I got her was Master's tickets and the use of my home while she's here. I'll try harder next year. happy birthday I guess...*head held down in shame*
  • E* that was Tuesday! Dark glasses removed, and sorry I started the most boring paracetamol v aspirin v USA drugs I've ever heard of debate. Even Kathy fell asleep.....
  • Sorry @mumsie....I'm not bitter...really.....have fun.....
    @rat sorry I didn't read you caught the lurgy from the rug rats! Nasty,evil,smelly,disease ridden,gorg,sweet,innocent,heart achingly cute little darlings......that don't belong to us!
    @estar I'm a wee bit sad that I don't play SW2. Only because you're there helping though,I think the game is horrid :(
    @kelani jeez I hope you don't come across any of my strats (of sorts) *note to self* must do better ;)
    @hunnybunny oops sorry :( ermm the UK is having an amazing heat wave and Wales is getting the best of the weather.......*cough*
    Hey @Tas!
  • @hunnybunny boring? I was a big part of that debate! :o(

    All these nice gifts. @Rat what's that PGA event in my state? I could probably get her a midnight kart ride through the course.
  • I was beginning to think I started it @Hunnybunny, but it was YOU!
  • And now I'm really off to bed. I don't fly well, but it's only a couple of hours from here to our local airport, thank god.
    Perhaps I'll try some godforsaken BR level on the plane
    Goodnight all
    Happy flinging
    And once again to Mumsie, hope all your shots are under par :-))))
  • @jlz666 I've seen the pictures of our nearest main road flooded "cough"
    They have the web in Spain, you know lol
    Last good night xx
  • Are you talking about golf at Wounded Hurts. Is that the one you're referring to @kelani?
  • Will someone across the pond please call an ambulance for @Hunnybunny. It sounds like she's dying. Too much partying.
  • @Rat is it Pinehurst? I seriously don't know what it's called. Heck, I didn't even know until today that Maya Angelou lived a half-hour away from me.
  • No lurgy. So far I'm free of disease @JLZ666. I used the @Mumsie cheek pinch maneuver. Pinch with one hand, antiseptic wipe in the other. Thanks @Mumsie.
  • OMG I'm only on the second party page and Im Roflmao !! @Jlz666 you are Toooo Funny!!
  • @jlz ermmmm I don't have a thing for SWII either, but I just love helping out ANYWHERE if I can and well I can, so I have to... but you are to sweet for wanting to love SWII to more just because of my videos.

    @HunnyBunny Didn't know if it was a massive hangover that could be still lingering around, but it is great to hear you had such a marvelous time. Night night!
  • @Kelani I'll see your Maya Angelou and raise you James Brown, the Godfather of Soul.
  • ow and believe I didn't get a chance to catch up on your conversation on the pain meds... still need to read back a couple of page and I will... tomorrow :)
  • Please don't @Estar. We already put @Kathy to sleep with that conversation.
  • @kathy [[[hugggggssss]]]] welcome home!! I think @Mumsie has nodded off in the rocking chair, awww she looks so peaceful! OB can you be a doll and lift her without waking and poofing her home? She has had a marvelous day, but I guess the kiddy energy got to her. *blows a kiss to Mumsie* night night Mumsie, sweet dreams!!
  • mister @Rat if it is that powerful... why don't you use it before your powernaps, maybe they will turn into actual sleeping times??
  • Well I'm mostly caught up lol. But i keep getting further behind the more catch up.. wish there was a Pause button in here haha..
    @kelani I wasn't picking on your codes I was simply saying I am a numpty..I DID Save it and ask @e-star I can't be having to delete and add stuff cuz i always mess it up she has tried endlessly to teach me we even had a special room for practice. . Sometimes I'd get it most times not:/ I appreciate the gift you gave me.. I'm just a dummy when it comes .. maybe if iwas on a pc instead of typing on a 1" keyboard it would be easier..sowwwyyy.
    Anyway @Mumsie do happy you had a great birthday party lol.. didn't see you much hee hee those gkids running you ragged... hope you had a great day (((((((Hugs))))))♥♥♥♥♥
  • Hi @e-star ♥♥ thanks for your help; )
  • Hee hee ... see i missed half a page while i was typing haha!!
  • Nah @rat she's just coming home. Somehow flying back to the UK does that to you ;)
    Love that @kelani didn't quash my "worries":)
    @kathy hey hon! Ermm I've no idea what happened this morning! Seriously! It was a blur of codes,cakes and wax!!! All at the same flippin time! Happy reading...I'm sure it gets worse!
    @estar Babes I'd follow anything you do but nope....I hate it:( it's the only AB game I don't play! Thank you again for all your help today honey! Happy hols!! Kisses! Talk soon XX
    Ok I've finally got some time with hubby so after I've quizzed him about mumsies birthday pressie we'll catch up and watch some mindless telly
    Night night @all XX
  • Hey @jlz666 ((((hug)))) you were so funny this mornung hee hee;)
    Sorry I couldn't po in longer it was my middle of the night haha. .
  • @Kathy you don't need all that special room stuff. Hit the Preview Button right above the box where you type. It shows what it'll look like. Surely you know this? :P
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