The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2123
  • Nope @kelani didn't know that and ermmm where is the Preview button?
  • That's what i got @kelani when i copy the embed code from my album where I Saved it :/
  • Ok I've brushed my teeth,put jammies on,got into bed and I'm still seeing lessons @kathy :( Just go with @estars tutorial! You got it right earlier! Too much info is confusin for us numpties remember? ;)
    *Off to never never land*
  • Happy BawsBaws @jlz666 nightly night♥
  • @kathy no worries, I love helping out, I am just happy we got everything up and running this morning! [[[hugggsss]]]
    @jlz awww mwaaaah you are so welcome, but stop putting feathers in me bum (for many reasons ;) but it's mumsies special day... you guys make me so special and I don't want to take any of the shine of mumsie today, she deserves all the praise today as she is one amazing lady, always running around in real life and never to busy to pop in the Nest and give support to any in need :)
  • @kelani... no offense towards Kathy but what seems so easy to use to us can be very confusing to miss voodoo hoodoo (Kathy you know I love you right!!) the things you are saying (even the preview tab) I mentioned many times before... but on the phone things look so very different. Not sure @kelani are you on a pc right now or phone? I tend to be lost on the tiny screen of the phone too
  • Ooooh I did something! ! Don't know what lol..but it turned yellow Hahahahahahahamwwaahaha
  • Lol thanks @e-star I tried to tell himm but *sigh*
    I know you wuv me..hee hee
  • I am Really a numpty Especially on a3.5 "phone so the keyboard only 1" .
  • @kathy and just because of that you should get a special badge... I could not visit the nest as much as you do only on the phone... I would give up within an hour or so :)))
  • Hee hee @e-star I Should get used to typing on my tablet but scared lol I'm used to the phone one. .
  • Happy Birdday @Mumsie :)
  • @Kathy the yellow color means you got the code tags right. :) Now you need to put the link to that image between them and I'll help ya out.

    @estar Yah, I'm on PC. I get lost on ipad, so I'm sure a phone is much more difficult, but the preview button is there for them, no? Even if I resize to phone-sized resolutions, it sits right at the top left of the textarea for me.

    I hear ya, though. *sticks a few bucks in the Get Kathy a Laptop* fund.
  • Ok here goes I'll try brb..
  • Amazing. Typing on a 1" keyboard would give me a major headache. Oh, that reminds me, @Kelani, we never really finished our pain meds convo from last night…so that Walgreens tension headache formula, what did you say were inactive ingredients? LOL
  • K I dont want to take up a whole page of html lessons believe me.. soo we'll just leave it at that. I really appreciate @kelani that you want to help and love the sling I can just use as is and everyone knows what i mean. .
    Hi @fenikus hi @annifrid
    Oohh and sorry i missed ya @theanonymoussomone :) WB
  • Hi @Kathy. You are doing fine. It's not your fault that you are being "helped" by both quasi-programmer and quasi-graphics designer. You never have trouble with @E-Star's images, do you? If @Kelani had made the image the right size, everything would be kosher.
  • Yes @fenikus I never have trouble when e-star Send me codes. .but i Do appreciate @kelani gesture :)
  • ♥♥♥♥ thanks @e-star I Lovve that Wand ;)
  • @Kathy, now that it looks like that you almost have that LTMF thing down, let me ask you this: Is it appropriate for a hostess of The Bloated Pig pub to post that image in here? What kind of message are you trying to convey here?? LOL
  • Ermmm lol your right @fenikus !!
    More talk !! More Drink and Eat ;)
  • Sorry i gotta pop out..Pizza here :)
  • @fenikus it has nothing to do with my job... I was brought up with computers when I was young. And I must admit it does sting a little... the word "helped" ...but you probably didn't mean it in a bad way... and if you did, the little sting feeling is subsided immediately cause I know what I did to "help". Things that make sense are more easy to learn... stuff that seems like a bunch of foreign stuff aren't... so believe me when I say I am the most patient and understanding "teacher" out there, but there comes a point where I realise some things will just stay foreign for some people and let me be clear... that is okay! I do not think anything less of someone. We each have our own sets of skills ;)
  • hee hee you are following your own advice there Kathy.... but ermmm it is meant to be in here, but do Enjoy your Pizza in real life @kathy [[[huggs]]]
  • Hi @Annifrid, @fenikus, @TAS, and my favorite Star.
    Speaking of @Estar, your avatar seems to be getting bluer. Using the Doppler effect to determine the relative motion of a celestial body and since you seem to be getting further from the BP and your visits less frequent, shouldn't your avy be getting redder. Blueshift wavelengths imply you're getting closer. All I'm seeing is a redshift. At least you're still close enough to poof in occasionally. But I do miss my favorite star.
  • @E-Star, you misunderstood! The only person I was calling "quasi-programmer/graphics designer" and referred to as the "helper" was Mr. @Kelani!
  • grr. I'm no quasi-graphics designer, either. I'm no @estar , but I'm pretty damn good for a guy who can't even draw a stick figure right. :)
  • Html ...Numpty. Math and Space...I understand a little better.
  • Don't make me get my big stick and beat you on the head @Kelani. Play nice.
  • Yeah, 2014 has started out very ugly for a lot of flingers, myself included. Here's hoping for better times @Estar. *clink*
  • @fenikus ahhh I thought @kelani was the programmer and me the designer in your comment and the quasi was just an added edition to the terms. my bad... but still... I think Kelani feels the same way as I do... when I (probably we) try our best to explain there is no intention of making the other feel bad, it all comes from a good heart ;)
  • Mister @rat yup maybe it was a virus embedded by Rovio in one of the Games... but which one would it have been... you didn't set foot in Seasons when it hit for you... I haven't set foot in Space since a very long time... been in SWII?? Cause I have been... Haven't been in SWI in ages not to speak of ABO.... hmmmmm could it be in the Nest??
  • @Rat Me not playing nice? @Fenikus is completely dissing my net.cred over there! :P

    @estar He was making fun of me. I'll return the favor at a later date. :) Guy code requires us to be mean to each other, call each other idiots, and such. When you're really nice to another person like @bernersenn is, people start making kissy noises and stuff. :)
  • mister @ratI did learn one gets used to a level of pain and discomfort, so maybe in a couple of months time I will not remember how it used to be and ignore it completely?? Anyway I will try to pop in more often and shine my starlight on your day hee hee :p
  • I blame the young Whippersnappers. They're just older rug rats. They infected us @Estar.
  • @E-Star, Mr. @Kelani knows he's fair game to me as long as he's in #1 spot in BR ;) The comment was designed to sting…but only him! You are doing a fantastic job with you graphics creations all over the nest and I think it's awesome that you find the time to avail yourself and your talents to others :)
  • I tried that route, ignore, for about twelve years @Estar. Mind over matter only works up to a point.
  • Ahhh I lost the plot of the BR statistics... I forgot to visit @burpie in the ISS space station for an update... but in that case... carry on...
    Sorry @kelani but mindgames are allowed when competing for the topspot :p
  • Mister @rat I am not giving up just yet, but at least it could work for 12 years you say?? Anyway I feel like a whining wuss when thinking of the aches and pains you go thru every day !
  • @Kelani I'm just sayin that if you tell us something once or twice it's helpful. If you keep saying the same thing over and over, just louder, it makes us feel stupid, worthless, inferior...unhappy.
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