The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2121
  • Sorry I had to leave you talking to the goat @sunshine but duty called.
    @estar should be winding down for her holidays,not rushing around....shame :(
    How's Spain @hunnybunny? In fact I don't want to know the details! It'll be beautiful!
    @rat I still can't comprehend living on that amount of sleep. It's awful :( I'm a bear without 8hrs.
    Ok @sunshine lets go again before I disappear,who's shot is it?
  • Oh now that's a lovely turn of page header lol!!
  • I think it was yours!!!!!
  • Was it? Oops sorry,then I really did leave you twiddling your thumbs didn't I @sunshine? Ermmmm hang on........this bottle of champagne is empty....;D
  • In fact nobody should play crazy golf sober so I'm going to nip back to the pub,grab another bottle and join you!
  • That sounds perfect!
  • Ooooookaaaaaaaay......I'm now on my lonesome,talking to a goat :( *sighhhh* I knew it would come to this eventually *sob*
  • Oh no I'm not! *cink* @sunshine lets move on to the chicken coup!!
  • Wait up....I'm on my way! I just needed a big gulp of champagne...
  • The worst thing about not sleeping @JLZ666 is how lonely and quiet it can get when you're playing balloon golf in the middle of the night by yourself.
  • All righty it's time to take off fun filled,party head and put on boring business head as about to start a 2-1/2hr back to back stretch :(
    Have a great afternoon everyone and if somebody could join @sunshine on the course.......or at least look for her in a couple of hours I'd really appreciate it ;)
  • BTW if anyone is playing the challenge today, the high score to beat has been changed. We had a few fake score, so @burpie 's score of 125,130 is the score that needs to be topped!!! ;)
  • Oh wait! There she is. Welcome back @Sunshine. How about a glass of the bubbly?
  • Awww @rat :( you shouldn't be playing by yourself! Here's the perfect chance....sunshine needs a drinking partn.......I mean golfing buddy now!
  • Thanks @jlz I'll just keep stumbling around out here....
  • Oops, gotta run. Be back later today.
  • I'm on my way out the door @Sunshine. But I got to thinking about how @JLZ666 said I could partner up with you before I dashed. No offense meant by leaving you. I just need to do battle with the cable company and this is my window of opportunity. lol
  • *bookmarks the last 4 pages to show people next time they say I talk too much*

    What a great turnout for a great lady. Happy @Mumsie :)
  • @rat9 don't forget to take your golf club!!! It may come in handy.......hole in one!!! ;D
    Hi @kelani
  • hello there @sunshine After all that lovely food and drink, I assumed everyone was still passed out and snoring loudly. :)

    @Rat hope your trip to menace the cable guy goes well. Mine starts in 1 to 3 hours. If your monstrous 6'5" Ratness doesn't do a sufficient job, that golf club @sunshine mentioned is a great idea. It'd scare me, anyway.
  • @kelani I read your statement on your "homepage", very funny!
  • Happy bird-day, @Mumsie!
  • Hi @fenikus !! Would you like some cake and champagne ????
  • I was right. The cable store manager ran into his office as I came through the front door. He saw me coming. Everything is working as advertised now. Plus they ran a few extra cables for me under the house to appease me. So I'm now better than I was. Good luck shorty, I mean @Kelani.
  • Made me look @Sunshine. I had not seen your new profile statement @Kelani. Loved it.
  • 6-30pm and work day finally done :) Just got some clearing up to do then I'm off home. Sadly real life din dins won't be as extravagant as the BP's menu of champers and cake but that's (boring) life ;(
    @sunshine did you finish that bottle and play all on your ownsome? I see @rat didn't need to take the club as one look from him had them quacking!
    @kelani Any birday party normally gets the birdies tweeting! Actually because the birthday girl wasn't even here means that was pretty tame! Add in the absent Kimmie and it was really quite quiet ;D
    Ok *show me the way to go home....* oh sorry.....has @sunshine already been singing that in the corner? LOL!!
  • Hahaha @estar I just noticed it stopped snowing on page1 you crazy girl!!!! ;)
  • Happy Birthday @mumsie!!! I hope you're having a wonderful day :D
    Hello everyone else - I can only pop in, but everything looks so delicious. I'll have to come back later for some cake. Have a great day everyone!
  • I saw them quake a little @JLZ666. But no quacking like a duck. You're funny. Matters not. I got what I wanted, what I deserve, what I pay for. Finally!
  • @Sunshine, sure, I'll have some bubbly…what kind of cake we're having though?

    @Rat, too bad for you that you can't make these top flingers yield to you like that :=>
  • @mumsie -- Happy Birthday! I was wondering why the SW II update came today instead of tomorrow, but it seems that Rovio wanted to do something special for your birthday! Hope you play SW II.
    @Sunshine -- Menu is great? All except Sand Trap, that is. What on earth is it doing on a menu? I try very hard to avoid them, as does mumsie, I'm sure.
  • @fenikus take your pick!!!! There are so many cakes to choose from..just look over al past few page to see which one tickles your fancy!! :)
  • @mvnla2 thanks!!! :D
    I thought it would be a fun treat! Lol ;) Would you like some bubbly or a 19th hole?
  • @Sunshine -- Bubbly would be good -- At least it's lunch time here, almost. You didn't say what the Sand Trap was???
  • Don't have time for chattin' today. I'm dipping the pigs. Practicing for next week.
    No, I didn't forget that #14, each day 50 times, it will come. Have a drink from me - OB takes care of that. Cheers to @Mumsie, may she live long and healthy
  • @Sunshine, okay I'll have a BIIIIIGGG piece of that golf course cake, please. Cut along the sand trap boundary and give me the "sandy" part but quick before Mumsie joins the party and sees the "abomination" ;)
  • @mvnla2 Sand Trap sandwich - choose from freshly sliced Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, Bacon or Corned Beef with American or Swiss, lettuce & tomato on your choice of bread

    @fenikus here you go. Enjoy before @mumsie42 catches you!!! Lol
  • @bernersenn, good to see you my friend. This is the first time I don't understand your English -- what's "dipping the pigs"?!?!?

    Edit: It's either I don't understand your English, or I'm still not well versed in "Space" language.
  • Quacking? Seriously Jlz? Sorry @rat,that's typing at speed and not looking at spell check ;) However I do love the idea of an office full of grown men suddenly starting to strut around,flapping their arms and quacking at the sight of that's power ;) Glad you got it all sorted whatever the method!
    @sunshine have you forgiven me for walking out on you? :( Are you still serving? What would you recommend for a pre dinner aperitif?
  • @fenikus, the daily challenge is 'Space Pig Dipper 6-7'. Practicing while next week friday, a new episode of ABP is arriving.
  • Oh @jlz everything is good!!!!!! I had one of you yarn cupcakes, yummy!!!!!
  • This is a bad day for cable guys!!!!!
    @kelani I'll keep that in mind the next time I post on a walkthrough....I don't want to be the cause of your lose of control! Lol ;)
  • @sunshine a cupcake before dinner? Ooooo naughty! They do look delish and gooey but I think I'll leave that for dessert! I could seriously dive face first into all these cakes! Poor @mumsie is going to be confronted with a bunch of sugar high,frosted faced flingers when she does eventually come in! Sorry mumsie....we couldn't wait lol!!
    Ok dinner bell is ringing.
  • Oh love the golf sling @kelani!
  • @jlz I think she has been having a sugar high day all day long with the grand kids!! ;) Enjoy dinner!
  • Well I'm back and as everything in BP is calorie free I'll have a slice of everything! Oh OB what a delicious looking long cold G&T with lime - for me? Thanks - Mumsie takes the glass and downs it in one! Gkids have that effect on her! "OB if it's not too cheeky could I have another? I promise I'll sip it in a more ladylike manner as befits an elderly female whiles I read back and enjoy!
  • Happy Birthday @mumsie42 Huge Hug and Kisses!!!!!!
  • @sunshine aww, no. I've never gotten a confused look from any of your writing :) There are some serial offenders, though.... Still, I'll refrain. I'm sure posting that would get me yelled at.

    @fenikus dipping pigs I suspect means the Pig Dipper challenge

    @Rat glad you liked the profile text, it's only been there a month :P My cable guy just left. New HD box, free modem. Aside from learning my overclocked router is getting flaky, it was actually... pleasant? I've hated Charter for so long, now I'm confused. :P btw, where's your #14 score? Better hurry, cos I'm gonna post my shiny new one soon :)
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