The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2220
  • @mvnla2, 55 is the lowest number of folk who speak both Italian and Mandarin. I drew the worst case scenario Venn diagram for these two languages. Now there is 45 people outside of the intersection so you subtract that from 90 Spanish speakers for the worst case scenario for trilinguals.
  • @Kelani, nope never saw those visual puzzles.
  • @kelani @fenikus -- Are you shure? I did it in Excel. Maybe I need to try again tomorrow
  • BTW @Rat, I probably would have eventually guessed the dartboad without the Eric Bristow reference if your third photo showed the whole thing closed. But you cleverly cropped it so it looked like the thing was rectangular.

    Pretty clever setup, especially the light, never seen it made that way. Usually there's a French door setup like on my store bought cabinet.
  • @Kathy in case you don't get a reply, on #7 redzym's 'fuse' is the canister's butt end, where the gas spews out. (fart joke unintentional.)
  • Darn I missed apuzzle. But i wouldn't have got it anyway. .good going @fenikus OR @mvnla2 hmmm excel against doodling? We shall see. . I've got one I'll post tomorrow BUt I don't know the aanswer so I'll wait.. gettingnear bedtime. . Gotta fling
    G'nite my fine feathered flinging friends..
    Hey it's Tuesday! !!
    *Places Baskets overflowing with earplugs on all the booths and spaced out on the bar.. and seeing is beautiful weather I put a couple on the patio also. .*
    And a reminder how It's done. .WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
  • @kelani, sounds like I'd be good at this (I have the mind of a 5yr old)..but the image is not showing.
  • one sec
    @fenikus fixed. Apparently the site I grabbed it from breaks the link after you reference it twice. :P
  • @Kelani, I guess I've matured…couldn't figure out the bus direction. But I did find the answer somewhere and yes, I do feel stupid now.
  • Good morning to you @all. So tonight, the soccer continues. The Germans are playing against (or with) the Brasilians. We'll see.
    Btw, thanks for the Leaderboard watchers. Twice in the past few days I had the Sheriff on my door, with unbelievable scores. Those trolls haven't any idea what they are doing. The scores were removed when I woke up. No problem to loose a highscore, not with regular playing.
  • @kathy about the Harvey Wallbanger (yeah, it's actually to early to talk about). I have relatives living in Vancouver. My parents visited them back in the 70ths and they came back home with the recipe of it. One of my cousins turned out to be a bartender.
  • @rat - amazing - what a brilliant idea and to have those guys come to practice with you! Wow! Used to play pub darts many, many moons ago wasn't bad, even if I say so myself and had a board in the garage for the kids - never allowed it in the house after the first day!!! To many wayward shots! And SWDNF actually does!! But not angry birds! Mmmm I suspect that the eye hand coordination is still paying off in AB!
    @kathy - if you hadn't given me the clue and @fenikus had said about the wind I'd never have got it!
  • Ooops! Sorry about the spoiler @Kelani. Maybe they won't see it in my verbosity (verboseness?). Is that a word? Pretentious, too say the least. lol
  • @Rat, good morning to you. It's already 1 pm here. Can report that when I woke up this morning it was raining. At the moment it's still raining and the forecast for today is not a good one.
  • Good morning Vietnam!
  • @bernersen wow, that doesn't look good....
  • @kelani the bus is going left, I'm stood on the pavement, waiting to cross the road, in the UK

    Of course, in the US, it's going the other way, oh no, flattened bunny!
  • Ha ha I just cheated, looked it up, and was wrong....

    Feeling stupid, too
  • @hunnybunny lol. We're all stupid on that one, but it's much worse when you actually show it to a 5yr old and they too-casually give the right answer.

    My solace is knowing we can do lots of stuff they can't. :>
  • @kelani but in time, they'll do it better than us
  • Well, OB, talking to myself.

    Ah, Now I see all the men watching some darned football game, and the women are secretly internet shopping!

    Btw kelani, womanly charms used, my new friend is Genkik, who I mentioned yesterday ;-)
  • @hunnybunny not if we stop teaching them!

    That car also looks a bit scary :)

    edit: sorry, working on an espresso-fueled avatar refresh
    edit2: Aww! A new bunny buddy :)
  • lol. well that was unexpected. Transparent avatar shows the default ABN one behind it. I don't hate it (yet), but not really what I was aiming for.
  • @kelani nice cat though. My favourite is always black with those piercing eyes
  • Well having read back, I got the directions puzzle immediately, and came up with 55 on the other. Something went wrong with my internal venn diagram drawing :-(
  • Without spoiling, now I know why the men are watching the football. WOW
  • @hunnybunny Fixed. Actually, it's not a cat, per se. It's a clipart cat shape. I painted in the lil eyes and whiskers. :P Black ones are nice, but just impractical. They scare the superstitious, and are prone to being accidentally punted in the dark.

    You got 55 just like mvnla2! That's what I got also the first time. In retrospect, a venn diagram might've made it much easier. Instead, I filled up a page of notebook paper with arithmetic and increasingly-angry profanities.
  • @hunnybunny is that Germany vs Brasil? It's kinda funny, Brasil has so many Germans, it's almost like Germany vs Germany.
  • Thanks @Kelani. I admit the flinging clue was a cheap shot. But in my defense, I thought the case was too obvious and would be guessed very quickly. But @fenikus was the only one that made the connection to some other type of flinging. And only just before I gave the Dart Pro names clue. Way to think outside the box @fenikus. And the "ROTFL" award goes to @ABcrazy. She really do be crazy. lol
    I loved some of the guesses trying to connect it with AB flinging. A storage case for "precious", the rat signal, a poof portal, a "Psycho-esque" peephole cover, a coaster (ha ha ha ha, thanks for that one @Mumsie, rotfl), and a portion of the Pixelator were some of my favorites. I've got a few more picture mysteries, but I thought I'd let someone else have some fun.

    I came to the same conclusion about the roll top feature Kel. I had wanted to incorporate my computer hardware into the desk design. But computers had just come into being and there size and shape changed daily. And you're right, the top would have limited it's position in a room as well. I'll snap a few close up shots of the joinery if you promise to be kind. I built it over thirty years ago (Dang! Is it that old?) and it was my first attempt at dovetailing. It's also resided in the high desert at zero humidity and the deep South at 100% humidity. I don't have to tell you what that can do to a poorly made joint. Be kind!

    I hadn't seen the Splinter Kel. Although very interesting, I'd hate to be in a crash. His seats were over the front axle with nothing in between him and a head on impact. Ouch! And I'd hate to be in it if it caught fire.

    Hi @Hunnybunny. I mentioned one of your Cymry flingers yesterday, Mr. Leighton Rees. I used him as a clue to help @fenikus solve the mystery photo. I didn't know he lived in Ynysybwl. Kel came up with that.
  • Hi @rat I think you mean "cymraeg"
    And as for Ynysybwl you really don't want to know. Like all countries in the world, there are good places and bad. Ynysybwl, Gurnos Top in Merthyr, Penrhys, all dreadful, run down, godforsaken.
    But even God's country has it's occasional downside.
  • @kelani *HunnyBunnySpellChecker* BRAZIL. With a ZEE
  • @Rat Don't worry about unkindness from me on that subject. That desk is better than anything I've built, or will build anytime soon. :P Good wood is way too expensive and scarce here (despite having 10 sawmills within 50 miles), so I do mostly salvage/repair/restoration. For actual creating stuff, half my go-to tools are 100-150 years old. So, my proper-woodworking skills are pretty bad. Having to teach yourself every lesson after 'how to swing a hammer' doesn't help, either. :)

    Kel still doesn't have a clue how to pronounce Ynysybwl. lol. My best guess is ENNIS-e-bawl. Gee, how I wish we had someone to enlighten us. *cough*hophophop*cough*
  • @Hunnybunny BraSilians spell it with an S, and they don't like that we changed it on them. I had 8 BraSilian exchange students growing up, and they completely indoctrinated me to their cause. :)
  • @kelani the best I can do is un-iss-ee-bull (phonetics not one of my strong points) But if you ever have the misfortune to be stuck in Pontypridd one Saturday night and fancy going further north up the valley for cheaper beer, more fights, and loads of tattoos on both men and women, just ask the taxi driver to take you to "The Bull" If he's brave enough.
    You would not believe the difference between where I live and "The Bull"

    Thank you BraSillian educator ;-)
  • Drats @Hunnybunny. I almost used Waleians. I knew better than to change it and use Cymry. Always go with your first instinct. lol
    And if it's a rough area you're looking for, try Chicago. This weekend was horrific.

    @Kelani I tried to do a text link for your "1st law of woodworking photos" but was unsuccessful. You know where my album is. Go for it.

  • Anyway @wrw01 just got Sling God the first nester ever. Far more important than our banal conversation.
    Expect @Estar will be in any minute with a HUGE banner
  • @mumsie was going to post some pictures of Wales, just to make kelani understand how beautiful it is. I'll leave that for another day. You out did me, hands down :-))))))
  • Huge Congratulations to @wrw01 for reaching SLING GOD - first nester (apart from our very own @AMslimfordy!) to reach this amazing goal
    Sorry the picture is so small - to see it better please click below
  • Congratulations @wrw01! Were not worthy to be in the same nest. A Sling God, Wow!
  • @Rat First attempt at dovetailing and 30 years old?! I've seen worse joints come off a CNC. :) I'd need your flinging magnifier to find the gap . I did notice you're a member of the "If it ain't visible 100% of the time, don't stain it" club :) How much does that thing weigh?

    show-off :P

    @hunnybunny You don't have to convince me it's beautiful. I've seen photos of your landscapes from Snowdonia to the Llechwedd slate caverns. I've also seen a few photos of your exported lingerie models, and I've listened to Charlotte Church. I'm sold. :) If you had colder and longer winters, I'd have moved already :)
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