The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2222
  • Definitely flinging. Working my way through all the new releases.
  • I lost all progress again a while back @GreenImperial so right now I'm flingin the space update (still) then i think i am moving to Seasons..not sure .
  • @fenikus it's 2. The kids method is they notice each loop in a number is worth 1. So 0,6,9=1 and 8=2 ergo, 2581=2. The one adult method I understand is using the number sequences with XXXX=0 to determine what each number is worth.

    You have these lines:


    Using 7662 and 6666, you can deduce that 6=1, so 6855=3 must be 1+2+0+0
  • So ding ding ding @GreenImperial wins!!
    Lol good puzzle @kanji (That's A new one lol) @ Kelani
  • I don't get it :/
  • @Kathy It called me kanji before :P What don't you get? Any number with a loop is worth one. If it has two loops, it's worth two. If it has no loops, it's worth zero. "8" has two loops. so 2581= 2
  • @GreenImperial You got it. Sorry, I missed your post in the page change.
  • Ohhhh I get it now @Kelani I didnt know what you meant by 'loop' I'm only good at math in my head. .so in paper I was doing it the way you said adults do.. trying to figure out what value each number
  • N ahlike the second explanation better than the mathematical one lol..
  • @Kathy That's what that poor mathematician tried to do in the link I posted showing his notes. I started off that way, but then realized preschoolers don't know math! So then you realize the numbers aren't important and look at it like a secret code. The preschoolers for some reason just notice the loops, and plow right through it :) Darn preschoolers.

    That was easy. I've been trying to figure out the one Einstein made. It's...too damn hard.
  • Who are these pre-schoolers? I mean are they just some random brats or kids of couples with minimum 160 IQ? The problem says they solve it in 5-10 minutes, didn't think they could concentrate for that long :=> Dam whippersnappers!
  • @fenikus rofl. Yeah, they tested these at that top secret MENSA-or-better preschool!

    Supposedly preschoolers only notice the shapes and patterns. Knowing math, especially advanced, is what bites you. So illiterate people and those who don't use arabic numbers also figure it out pretty quickly.

    edit: my new avatar is confusing the hell out of me. Now all of ours are dark-ish and similar.
  • @Kelani, Stephen Hawking got the bus problem wrong or he didn't get it at all? Since he's British, his wrong answer would have been right!

    BTW, do you want to know how I got 7 as the answer?
  • @Kelani, did you just call @GreenImperial illiterate? LOL
  • ? Huh? @fenikus what makes you say that? Kelani calling grennimperial illiterate?
  • Well I Am Done with Beak 1 for now. .!! #7 not bad I think.

    Second pass in Beak 2 and then somewhere else..
    Any ideas @ratpack how bout Rio ? Or seasons update?
  • Ohh forgot
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee !!
    OB a PigKiller please. .and remind me to speak to @bernersenn on the Harvey wallbanger :/ Must have not found his comment but i saw it.. maybe the booze went to my head lol.
  • I'll be in beak for a while @Kelani still all of second pass in 2..
    You Gonna stay here forever lol? I meant after
  • @Kathy, Kelani said "illiterate people and those who don't use arabic numbers also figure it out pretty quickly." I'm assuming GreenImperial is not a preschooler and solved the problem very quickly.
  • Show off? You asked for the pictures.
    But thank you @Kelani, thank you very much...
    What's a CNC? Oh, computer aided.
    Yeah, the dovetailing is not perfect, but I'm not ashamed of it either. How much does it weigh you ask? It weighs too much. I was rebelling against flimsy plastic veneered particle board "fine" furniture. It's solid oak. Everything is oak. I was young, stupid, and mad, "Mad", I tell ya! Mwaha ha ha ha. Let's see...I made it in 1981, so it's 33 years old. Oak was cheaper then, not cheap, cheaperrr. So I used it everywhere. As far as the "If it ain't visible club", stain was cheap, but I did a hand rubbed lacquer finish on the exterior. A lot more work, but worth it in the long run. However, as far as surface area, there's just as much area on the non visible parts, like the drawers, as the outside of the entire desk. That's a lot of extra rubbing. If I did it today, I'd finish the sides of the drawers, but nothing else extra. I don't know if it will be worth anything five hundred years from now, but it will still be a functioning desk. And if it gets dinged, just sand, stain, and varnish it. Voila, new desk! You can't sand through the veneer of "solid" oak. It was built to last. lol
    I wonder who will discover the two false bottoms in the large drawers years after I'm gone. I plan on leaving presents in there. Rare coins, gold, or if the wife dies before me, her jewelry. It'll probably drive my surviving relatives crazy looking for some of the stuff they just knew I had. Like I said, there's just junk in the safe. Photo memory sticks, papers, passports, birth certificates....junk. In the false bottoms...treasure. Ain't I a stinker?

    Shoot! I totally missed another "a five year old can do it" puzzle. Didn't you make me feel stupid enough yesterday. Y'all have to do it again. Loops? Luckily I saw the answer before I got too engrossed in the puzzle.

    Hello everybody. Sorry I missed you @Estar. They flung happily ever after.
    Welcome back @GreenImperial.
    You're welcome @ABcrazy. You earned your "ROTFL" award.
    And thanks for the drinks and burnt toast @wrw01.
    Sorry Nesters, no flinging again today. I keep coming up with reasons not to fling. At this rate, @Kelani will have worn out the upholstrey on the big chair in BI #2 before I get to sit in it again.
  • @fenikus add to that "good at" list:

    1. cryptographers
    2. savants
    3. people who use facebook, since it's been a popular post on that site for years.

    whew. way to cover my kelbutt. :)

    @Kathy Naw, I'll defend my title on Beak 2, but staying in the top 10 on B1 is all I'm gonna do there. Before I quit playing, I do plan to fix those pesky 10-20k under high score on the last 4 Beak1 levels.

    @Rat No really, the dovetailing looked perfect in those pics, and I looked CLOSE. Aside from the suddenly-ending varnish on the drawer sides, they'd make the cover of any woodworking magazine.

    I'm with ya about cheapo stuff. Half my wood storage is pieces from cheapo furniture that people broke and threw out. Veneer can be a good thing. Sometimes. I'm restoring an old walnut dresser my neighbor threw out, and the only clue it's pre-1930 is the super-thick veneer sheets.
  • And a great big GONGRATULATIONS to Ma on her accomplishments in Beak Impact.
    WTG Killer.
  • @Kelani, the first column of single-digit numbers is missing 2 numbers from the 0 to 6 sequence (3 and 5). To match that, we need the second column to miss 2 numbers as well which would be 2 and 6. Ergo, the missing number is 7…QED.
  • No more preschooler puzzles for me, @Kelani, I give up. But here's an AB puzzle for all the @Beakers:

    There is a small green crystal in the left pig bubble on level 8-12. If you hit it directly, it will disintegrate, but if you hit it indirectly with a stone, it will make baby green boulders. How do you get a top score using this knowledge?
  • *poofs to 8-12 quickly* nneeeddd points..neeeedd points! !
    Thanks @fenikus ..
    Hi @pa ..

    Neee porch enclosure ..bugs following me :/
  • @fenikus How'd you hit it indirectly with a stone? I've never seen it inflate a pig, I don't think. There's a few of these bubbles with crystals or baby greens scattered about.
  • @Kelani, it was a puzzle wasn't it? Hint: It's not that hard to do, at least with the second bird, but I don't have the ultimate answer re: how to make this into a top score…yet.
  • Speaking of puzzles, I always liked this answer to the question "Is Hell exothermic or endothermic":
  • @fenikus It is a You did it with the bomb bird? That'd take more finesse than I can muster tonight. I tried it with the first bird into the far right side of the lava rock to spin it CCW into the bubble, but the pebble just bounces off the crystal.

    That '...yet' sounded like you think you're on to something. :P
  • @fenikus rofl. repeatedly. That's just awesome. I only stopped laughing because I saw the ad with Giorgio Tsoukalos' idiot face at the bottom. Genius followed by stupidity.
  • Night Ma
    I'm going in to BI #2 for a little while @Kelani. I wouldn't get worried. Nothing planned. Just a drive-by or two. Make that a fling-by.
  • @Kelani, yes -- Red into the top of the wooden triangle but you don't want to engage the thruster; rather miss it high and turn it around approximately 90 degrees. Then bomb bird above the thruster so it pushes the boulder into the crystal. All pigs plump up and with a little luck the lava boulders will explode.

    Not sure anymore this can be top score unless we somehow get it with the first bird (I wasn't successful either). On other levels (prime example is 8-38) scores seem to be higher when pigs plump up and explode. Haven't seen the same pattern on this level though.
  • That Tsoukalos dude looks familiar. Ancient Aliens show? Bunch of idiots.
  • Thanks @fenikus. I needed that. One of the best.
  • O.k not sleep yet @fenikus I tried what you said exactly And did get the crystal to explode into smaller And make plumped up pigs!! Its late. .but i think perfection is needed. .
    Nightly night.

    I did exaxtly..but used Reduced speed on first shot to top of triangle.. then bomb above thruster ..boulder into crystal after it settled into the crook of the wood..hmm..goottaa sleep. .
  • @fenikus yup. I hate him and his show. "Everything notable man has ever done was actually done by aliens!" Bah! I agree with you that the irradiated pigs are probably worth more points. I'll keep my eye out for some easy way to test it.

    @Kathy WTG on getting the puffed piggies! I know what I'll be trying tomorrow. :P

    Also gotta sleep. That day sure went fast. :)
  • Good night @all. That's all the flinging I had in me for tonight.
  • Hello? Anyone still here? I know I've been MIA for a looong time, but I'm back, not that anyone would really care.
    Anyway, how are you all doing?
  • @rat9 Time to put the coffee pot on ?
  • Hello all
    @bernersenn thanks for the footie timetable. I will be able to wear my shirt as a good luck token this evening after all as it's close to my bedtime anyway. I'm looking forward to a proper game tonight as I watched last nights horror show through my fingers....Oh boy,that was awful:((( Hubby's work colleagues from Rotterdam have been over here helping him for a few days but go home this afternoon. I can only say "Thank God for that" as I'm pretty sure they'd be up at our house tonight to watch the game!! I'm pretty hospitable but not after a long day at work and especially not at 9pm in the evening.
    Sorry,the quizzes and problems are too confusing to quickly read over but I did see the school bus and although I wouldn't have got the answer,the bus would've been travelling to the right over here.
    Well @rat I never in a million years thought I'd be skimming through the BP pages and see Eric Bristows' name!! That was so out of context it was hilarious!!
    @kelani have you pm'd @estar yet ;D
    Sorry I've missed a ton but lunch is more important
    Have a nice day
    Go Dutchies!!!!!!!
  • Oh and I love your new black kitty avy @kelani! What prompted the change? Did I miss something?
  • How do you mean @JLZ666? Out of context?
  • The BP was buzzing about 8-12 last night @Ollygod. It seems you either listened or were the reason it was buzzing. Good score.
  • Thanks - Sorry no magic solution from me at least.
    I had noticed the green crystal bubbles but have yet to see any pig inflate @rat9.
    In my case it was the same fling as a many times previously and a one birder.
    Sometimes persistence pays off, but extra points are harder to find now.

  • @SweetP -- Of course we miss you and glad you're back. The pages have been whizzing by so quickly it's hard to remember whose been here or not.
    @kelani @fenikus -- I've been really busy lately, and haven't had time to work on the puzzles.
    @fenikus -- Are you another mathematician, like Slim, not me? A Venn diagram? Really?
  • @Mvnla2 Even us non-math wizards have to use a version of the Venn for solving word problems which have sets, subsets, unions, intersections, etc. I personally was never very good at it. For some reason if a word problem on a test had the word "not" in it, I was destined for failure. My mind couldn't incorporate the simple concept of "not". Word it a different way and I'd at least have a chance at the right answer.

    Sorry I missed ya last night @SweetP. I was concentrating on flinging for the first time in forever and didn't see ya.
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