The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2221
  • Goodnight @all
    I'll leave you to celebrate a Sling God.....
  • Congrats @wrw01 wtg!
  • Thanks for the rofl acknowledgement @rat. It's always more fun to be making fun. :-) I'm off for summer, but I still got to keeps my wits up. My high school students pay more attention when I keep em laughing....
  • Hi @estar g'nite! Sleep well.
  • Hi everyone! ! I'm just catching up so not sure if anyone answered the bus puzzle?
    The bus is traveling left..depending on which side of the road your on.. the door is always on the right side and there is no door in the picture ?
  • Ohh I can't keep up on this page!! I know nothing of dart players. I've already congratulated @wrw01 but hey Congratulates again. .all drinks on the house in honor of @wrw01! !
    What's that car @hunnybunny ?
  • Beautiful Banners @mumsie and @estar !!
  • Lol @kelani hey I'm young at heart! !
    There used to be a show called 'are you smarter than a fifth grader' I'm not haha
    Cute sad little stars ya got there :( poor little guys:(
  • I'm Getting nowhere in beak 1
    W WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
  • @Kathy, what do you mean "depending on which side of the road you're on?"
  • Well there was my mistake lol @fenikus I knew youd catch that !! doesn't matter which side I thought of editing but waiting for you lol..
  • @Kathy, I thought you meant what side of the road the bus is on. In UK, Japan, and other countries where vehicles travel on the left side of the road, the answer is just the opposite.
  • It would be an interesting experiment to give this puzzle to your 10 year old nephew, @Kathy.
  • Yes it would @fenikus lol.. he'd probably overthink it though haha..
  • Uhmm Yes that is true. .I hadnt taken other countries into consideration hmm.. very interesting:)
  • @Kelani, got some more of these preschooler puzzles? Adults are burdened by too much knowledge, i.e. I was looking for differences in shapes of the sides of the bus, exhaust, etc. I bet once an adult gets one of these, they'd get them all.
  • @fenikus @Kathy I can't remember what the actual age is, but there's a definite cutoff where a younger kid gets it right, and an older one doesn't. It may be 6-8,but that's just a guess.

    I know of a few more puzzles like that, but have to go cook dinner. I'll see what I can dig up when I get back. :)
  • @hunnybunny @mumsie @rat @estar @abcrazy @kathy
    Thank you all for the very kind word, the banners and the posts.
    OB I am buying 2 rounds for all. Also, throw in some burnt toast.

    The funny thing is, I mention this to my wife and she immediately congratulated me with, "Ok Sling God, our dinner dishes await your presence".

    Thanks again to all. Very kind of ya!
  • Lol @wrw01 !! Thank you for the drinks..
    Hee hee now you gotta sling dishes..priceless !! ♡♡♡
  • lol @wrw01 The wife doesn't impress easily, I take it? :)
  • Uhmm Yay!!'I beat Stephen Hawkins !!? Really? Woooowhhooo is he? Lol o recognized the name but cant think. .
    Is the answer above 4 ?
  • @fenikus @kelani -- Played golf today, so just now trying to catch up. Will have to reconsider kelani's puzzle. No real clue on the bus one, but there is no door. I would think it's going to the right.
    @Kelani -- Love the wooden car. I think Jlz666 would also, but I guess she won't get it unless she reads back.
    Gotta eat. BBL
  • @Mvnla2 there Is a door!! That's the clue you just Cant See it because......
  • @Kelani
    Very nicely understated!
  • @Kathy You know who he is. He's a very sharp English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author. He's in a wheelchair due to ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), uses a computer to speak.
  • Oooh yeah @kelani yes I know who he is !! Lol I had a mind block!
  • @Kathy
    I think you and her would get along like lifelong friends. Heaven help us if they ever meet....
  • @wrw01 Just saw your post in B&R. I'm glad you didn't miss the odometer turning over. I actually only noticed because late one night the entire activity log was you posting on Free. I assumed you were on a mission. :)

    The product of OCD or not, your keeping track is still pretty neat. The list makes a rather nice road map for us newbies.
  • @Kelani, by "there's two ways to solve this", do you mean there are two correct solutions?
  • @fenikus No, only one correct solution, but two ways to approach it that work. Actually, ignore that. There's three. :P
  • @kelani
    I had to delete all my scores from AB Free to get the game to load. Tried to load the update three times and it refused for reasons beyond my wildest imagination. Deleted all my previous scores and WOW, it loaded. Why did it work, the stars were misaligned!

    So now I am trying to play each level to repost scores on ABN leader boards and improve the scores in Game Center.

    Seriously I do not have a clue, it does not make sense but it worked to enable the game to reload the update.
  • Lol @wrw01 you never know:)
  • @kelani you didn't say if my answer was correct ? 4
  • @Kelani, I never went to school in USA, can pre-schoolers add and subtract at that age here?
  • @Kathy no, that's not it. Also, the blurb at the top is probably just crap someone added. To my knowledge, this one has never been used to test a large group of preschoolers.
  • @fenikus Nope. Lots of our adults can't even do it. :P They can in Brasil, though. Perhaps that fact is.... a clue? ;)
  • I like this one, because most people of any age will eventually get it. The time it takes depends on the method they use to solve it.
  • @Kelani, you mention Brasil and single digits in column 1 compared to single digits in column 2 look a lot like soccer game scores. But that can't be right because pre-schoolers won't know this.

    Edit: In any case, I think solution has to do with only looking at single digit numbers -- the 4 digit numbers are probably irrelevant.
  • @kelani, I'm gonna go with 7.
  • @fenikus My bad. Brasil was a personal comment, not the clue. The clue was "hey! preschoolers don't know arithmetic!", therefore, they must solve it differently.

    edit: 7 is wrong.
  • Okay, then it's 6.

    Edit: If it's not 6, I can make a good case for both 6 and 7 being solutions. The one for 6 would be more convincing though.
  • Never mind, it's not 6 or at least my logic for it is incorrect. If it was, there'd be two answers -- 2 and 6. I give up. If @Kathy got it right again, I'll be very impressed.
  • @kelani, the answer is 2.
  • Lol hi @GreenImperial you are quite the lurker!!
    I imagine your answer is correct and you've scared @Kelani and@fenikus away hee hee!!
    How are you ? Still fflinging?
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