The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2227
  • Lol @fenikus .. my phone Does have kelani stored in my user dictionary. .but sometimes seems like my phone is possesed or being overwritten by another keyboard other than the Samsung one i have set in my settings. Believe me I've tried fixing it over and over. .now i just live with it!:/
  • And there is the Princess!! It's really annoying when she jumps in.. cuz i have to go back a page every time. .keyboard wonky tonight. .:/ sorry taking me a long time to keep correcting..
  • OK, my preliminary opinion is S-15 no longer works on iOS either. Where the pig's bubble used pop, stopping him in his tracks so he could float down, the bubble pops, but now he keeps on flying around the planet. :( I tried for 5 months to get that badge.
  • Awww, you're no fun @funikus.

    I'll take a look at S-15 for ya Kel.
  • @Rat why thank you, kind sir. You might stop me from making an idiot of myself by posting that :P
  • I hope they don't close the badge, because I'd totally install an old version if I had to. Need those 20k space points badly.
  • I have some bad news for you Kel. Rovio's played with S-15. I can't get the anchors to lock up any more. They pass right through each other. I think they killed the "Glitch". When did this happen? I checked six months or so ago and it was still there.
  • @kelani -- I see no reason why the glitch on ABS S-15 shouldn't still happen. People have gotten it as recently as May 2014. Don't know if it is more difficult on PC than IOS. It is quite difficult to get, so I am not going to try it. Good luck!
  • @kelani yay!! Keyboard got it right. Do you get the (I think lpiece of wood? ) with the little piggie ccircling out of sight at the top right of screen with (I think you need anchor dragging) that's what it does. Sometimes it's faster at racking up points. .but i think it took me days of Not ttouching my phone..racking up points slowly.. then the second shot at the exact right time. .I'msure you read it all but they(moderators)may have cleaned up comments in there as many were repetitive..
  • @Rat My guess is the Beak update, v2.0.0 Craig and pax got it in April and redzym on May 10, but none since. On PC, I stopped being able to get it after January for some reason. When I did, the anchors never locked, the raft and ship just gently drifted into the grav field, raft got whipped around, and it worked fine. Bubble popped, raft flipped right side up and drifted to the planet. Now the bubble pops and the raft keeps on flying. I think it's still possible to get if the raft survives the trip, but I've only had that happen once in hundreds of tries.

    OK to include in the post that you couldn't get it either?
  • I'd try it but i can't get there after progress losx I don't think. .I'look where? Lol I can't even remember what episode it been so long..
  • @kelani do you have a back up of an old version?
  • @mvnla2 Well, people were capable of getting million-point scores. Not such a big deal on ABN since the cap, but terrible for game center. It was hard on PC. I could never get the raft to live long. My best score was 159k. In January, I could get the raft to drift down maybe 10-20% of the time. That part was easy. After March, it's never happened once. I even left it in the tester for 3 days trying all possible shots, and it never happened there, either.
  • Let me look a little closer Kel, but I'm seeing different results from before after a quick look. I think they fixed it.
  • Nope I can't get there:/
  • @Kathy I have the PC installers for Space 1.0.0 and 1.6.0, but to use them, I'd have to set it up on another computer.
  • The badge is still available. .so i think if it wasn't they would say..and Slim Did say it was still open. .
  • Kelani it IS really hard to get it running. .just sayin'
  • @Kathy the badge is still available because they don't know it's fixed. Even so, it should stay open. It's still theoretically possible if the raft survives the big crash, but that'd be really really hard to get.
  • @Kathy problem's not getting it running. It's getting the raft to float down. It doesn't do that anymore.
  • @Rat it looks like it wants to work if the raft falls into the grav field directly on top of where the attached boat falls in, but the boat breaks it pretty quick. Maybe there's another shot that could get the raft and boat to fall in that way.

    edit: It used to also work if the raft fell in the bottom right grav field, but that's not working either.
  • Sorry, I've been dealing with a couple of issues this afternoon, and only now I'm able to settle down a bit to relax here in BP. OB, I'd like a Top Shelf Margarita, please with an extra shot of Patron on the side. Thanks!
    @Kathy, I heard a distant cry for help on checking a high score? I've flagged it, and will send a PM out. There's no way that 106K is possible without a PU.
  • Well Kel. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I'm 99.9999% sure it's not there anymore. The anchors pass right through each other, the bubble on the pig pops, and the raft no longer floats to the surface. You have my permission to say it's been modified. On the bright side, it's much easier to score over 145k.

    Yea for me!!! It looks like I have at least one top score that will never be challenged. I just knew you were going to try and beat my, what is it, 7 million+ score. *ROFLMAO*(sorwy) If it makes you feel any better, I missed the "Santa Hat" glitch.
    If you're looking for a working version, you don't need to go back very far. Someone asked me to check earlier this year and it was still there. I also heard somebody say they got it to work not two months ago.

    @SweetP. Slim already verified that score.
  • In fact, I'm flinging in B2 #29 now, and can't see how anyone could get an extra 3K out of what little debris was left!
  • @SweetP that #29 score. Someone needs to find out what's up with the screenshot. Slim saw it and thought it was OK, but it doesn't look right to me. Black borders, and wifi, battery, and No SIM card text is on top. Maybe iphone does that, but I dunno.

    To be honest, I don't think a powerup would help on that level except for the add a bird one, and even that would be tough.

    edit: @SweetP I've missed several 108-109k 1 birders on #29. Just had one pig left. If he got a true 1b, he should have had a higher score.
  • @Kelani, @Rat9, what level are you guys talking about? Raft? Anchor?
  • Thanks @Sweetp ;) ya I don't think it possible. .sorry my keyboard pulling the hoodoo voodoo again:/
  • Pig dipper S'-15 glitch @sweetp they are talking about.
  • A member @excelrox Asked about it today and slim said he think it still possible. .they haven't closed the badge. Anchors away..
  • @Rat yeah. one of my failures, I got 150k. I don't want 7 million, but I would like the 170k that everyone else has. :) I don't need no more Space handicaps on those old levels. :) I've got all the old versions, just haven't gotten around to setting one up. S15, DZ4 I think, one of the snow levels and that level with the 6 pairs of maces that used to be 8 are on my Redo list. My scores are awful in those since the updates.
  • @Sweetp I'm posting my results on S15 not working anymore. Should that go to Slim or Admins?
  • @kelani id send it to admins since slim has already been asked. . And @sweetp is .
  • @Kathy okie dokie. thanks :)
  • Omg I Gotta go to bed! !
    Night all. .*passes flashlight to OB*
  • Night Pa ;)
  • Ahh, Ok thanks @rat9. I just read the comments in the walkthrough. BTW, when you aimed Red at the bridge, how much of the white rocket did you destroy with that shot? There seems to be a bunch of points there that I can never get. If I aim at the bottom, the bridge always collapses and lots of wasted debris points float into space.
  • btw @SweetP from my failed 108-109k 1-birders, I was able to figure that about 3-4k debris floated away, so 112-113k total. The white rocket is also worth 5k, but it's common to get 100-101k and leave the base untouched.

    Also, there's a shot to hit the bridge and destroy ALL the rocket. Just aim Red into the rocket base about midway. Play around with the aiming, as the sweet spot on PC and iOS is different. but frequently, the top part of the rocket will fall right and 'walk' up the side of the bridge, collapsing it.
  • Good night @Kathy, sweet dreams my friend!
    *gets Kathy's flashlight from OB. Takes it all apart, replaces light bulb with a new LED bulb. Cleans out the reflective cone, and wipes off the dust from the glass lens. Checks and cleans the battery compartment for better contact. Reassembles flashlight, then using special metal polish and gives it a good shine. Carefully places it next to Kathy's pillow, and lights a candle that sees her safely to dreamland.*
  • Thanks @Kelani for the tips! Now I'll have to go and retry this, try to break my current 100K. Did someone mention a straitjacket? I'm gonna need one soon!
  • @SweetP anytime. I'm glad to see ya back, again. :) Tell ya what, I'll dig up a straitjacket for you, if you find me some of those sweet LED bulbs and a can of that metal polish!
  • My approach is a little different @SweetP. I shoot at low speed over the top of the white rocket. The explosion pushes one of the concrete blocks back on the rocket pig and destroys all but the far left piece. I was able to get another 103k+ score while checking this for you. But with this approach, I don't see how a one birder would be possible. That tops you out at 104k max.
  • Night Ma
  • Hubby and I were on our way out to grab some dinner, and found her sniffing and looking for food on our neighbor's patio. We could tell she was a stray, as her coat was pretty dusty/dirty, a bunch of ticks on her, and a bit skinny, but no ribs were visible. When I called to her, she came straight to me, tail wagging. We think someone just dumped her on the streets recently and she'd been roaming around the neighborhood for a couple days. There was a collar on her at one time that was probably too small, judging by the "ring" mark around her neck from the missing fur.
    It infuriates me that people can just do that! She's very sweet and very playful. Probably about 4-5 months old, house broken (thank goodness for that!), and looks like she could be a pure bred lab.
    We're taking her to the vet in the morning, to get a thorough exam and scan for a microchip.
  • Time to greet my pillow, have a good night everyone!
  • @SweetP Black Lab's are wonderfully playful loyal dogs. He looks a little malnourished. Good luck at the vet.

    I tried the glass cube approach but never succeeded in getting a one birder. The over the top method was very easy and scored high.
  • @mvnla2, thanks. The biggest treat for me is always when he's getting better. This time he wasn't really ill - his sight was aweful. Today, he's doing fine - the left eye is as new. "I see things that I couldn't remember".
    Good friday to you @all - a few hours and then back to the flinging.
  • Good Morning all! ! Happy Friday! !
    Thanks for shining up my flashlight @sweetp :)
    Hop all goes well at the vet .
    Have a fantabulous flinging Friday everyone☆★☆★☆★
  • Bless your heart for that act of kindness @sweetp. I couldn't have walked past her either. What I could do however is administer an appropriate level of punishment to the ******* that left her. Hopefully they'll find a microchip and it will have a happy ending but I doubt it. Not the happy ending.....the microchip!! Maybe it's just because she's skinny in the photo but she looks a bit like a cross? She's got awfully long legs! Labs are such good natured family dogs so I'm sure she's a sweetheart. Anyhoo good luck at the vet. Don't forget to fill us in. Would you actually consider taking her? I don't think you said if that was the plan? Goodness! After everything you've been going through,you should be taking it easy! Whatever you decide,that was a really lovely gesture. Who knows what the person after you could have done to her :(
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