The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2225
  • No that doesn't work. . But if you click in mvnla2 name it shows all comments and its not to far down. .she got it @Kelani ;)
  • Darn Princess !! Why...why..
    @Kelani yes @mvnla2 got it..
  • Page 2219
    mvnla2 July 7 Flag
    @kelani -- There is no "e" in it, and I think e is the most frequent letter.
  • Sorry to copy and paste your comment @mvnla2 I didn't know how else to do it :/
  • Ohh OB the flashlight. .ty..night..:/
  • @Kathy I have another puzzle that's supposed to show how our fear of chemicals isn't always a good thing. I've gotta sleep, so if you guess, save your answer 'til I wake up. If not, that's OK too. :D

    You are locked in a room, and will die if you don't escape. The room is empty except for a table with 5 labeled glasses, each filled with a liquid. You've been told the door will unlock if you drink from a glass with a safe-to-drink liquid. The other glasses may or may not contain poisonous substances. If you drink poison, it will kill you. The glasses are labeled as follows:

    1. Swamp Water
    2. Dihydrogen monoxide
    3. Hydric acid
    4. Hydrohydroxic acid
    5. Sulfuric Acid

    Which glass do you drink from?
  • ok then @mvnla2 wins, and @Kathy gets an A+ for repeating the entire answer except for the E part :) 'night all.
  • Read up @Kelani. . Night. Ty fir puzzle will look in a.m.night night:)
  • Lol night @Kelani. .talkn over each other. See ya manyana
  • Drink glass #2. It is plain water.
  • Haven't visited y'all here in a while. Got off my plane at 12:00 midnight Thai time (yes, I'm in Thailand). I had 3 flights, and the 2nd one got delayed until the next day. >:(
    Anyway, glad to be here. @kelani Cookin' up more puzzles? :)
  • Also, I wonder why my avatar won't appear on the BP. It appears every where else on the 'Nest. :(
  • @rost - I know that question re avatars has been asked many times but as I use Gravatar mine shows up in the BP (old type forum) and across the rest of the nest - well I think its because I use gravatar!! :^)
    try this link it will certainly help more than I can!
  • Oops, @Mumsie42 you and I were replying at the same time! LOL

    BTW, I haven't been able to do any golfing lately because it gets unbearably HOT by noon here! Wish I were living anywhere but this drought-stricken California, ugh!
  • Hi @sweetP - well I've had a very quiet week for golf - played Tuesday and that's it! However next week I'm playing Mon, Tues, Thurs & Sat so need to do some housework and gardening this week as I won't be doing any next week! Being in the UK sunshine & a bit of warmth is a blessing but our temps rarely reach 23 - today's high is going to be 18! Don't think I could cope with Californa's constant highs
  • Good morning! !
    Welcome back @rost:) alot has changed since you ve been gone..
    Catch you later. .
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone ;)
  • @Kelani there is an 'e' peculiar :/
  • Thought I'd try some other Space levels today, as I have rarely played them other than the daily challenge, beak one and CC.
    Currently following one of the @rat strats "the chance in a million, blind squirrel strategy"! Madness...
    @kelani what was it you said about a straitjacket badge?
  • Some are easier than others @HunnyBunny. lol
  • @rat
    If total success = total insanity on 1-29
    Hunnybunny needs the straitjacket but not the padded cell as yet!
    I made another 12k which wasn't difficult with my abysmal starting score, but I can see how it would work, which is a definite sign of madness.....

    And then looked at 1-30! Dear Bird Gods, what were you thinking :-(
  • I agree with you @HunnyBunny. I consider 1-30 a rinse and repeat level. I'm 22k out of the lead on this one simply because I don't play R&R's. There are a few R&R's in Pig Bang, Cold Cuts and Eggsteroids.

    Edit: It might be more correct to call them "Fling & Pray's".
  • @Kathy That e in peculiar shouldn't be there. I typoed peculiar instead of particular when I typed it in, and could've sworn I edited it out within 30 seconds.

    @GreenImperial Very nice. Actually #2 #3 and #4 are all water, so all correct answers. Glad you got it. I just realized I left the key hint out of the description. That's what I get for late posting.

    @rost For me, fixing the avatar was a two step process:

    #1. Upload one to Gravatar and enable it. That will make the avatar show up in the BP, but it may break your avatar everywhere else on ABN. If It does,
    #2. From your profile, upload the same avatar to ABN and it should work in both places.

    I'll post a puzzle for anyone who wants one, but don't blame me if they're stupid/too hard/make no sense. :)

    @Hunnybunny I said Certified users should get the normal badge, and the certifiable ones should get a little straitjacket badge, so others can tell the normal people from those who are just plain nuts. (Sorry! barmy, potty, off their trolley)
  • Good morning @all!

    Just a quick update, I'm almost done with the radiation treatments, only three more to go whoo-hoooo!! Sleeping in is going to be a real treat starting wed morning.

    @Kelani, since I haven't had a chance to read back the last dozen-or-so pages, I'd like to take a crack at your next puzzle. sooo...whatcha got for today? I'll have to take a look later on...fatigue is setting in and I can hardly keep my eyes open. so, nap time for me!

    see u you all later!

  • @mumsie, @kathy, thank you for your support. After the flop yesterday went directly to my bed. Had to spent lots of hours today again with my father in the hospital - this time to get a cataract surgery. @jlz666, @kathy, thanks for your shirt support.
    And yes, I'm a little bit down today, this will change into normal tomorrow.
    So, no humor today. Have a nice thursday (or what's left of it)
  • @bernersenn hope your dad got through it ok. Fortunately, cataract removal is safe and has a short recovery time. Take care of him and yourself. We'll be thinking of you.
  • Well I'm not a hug person normally, but here we go

    @bernersenn (((little hug for you))) ((((bigger hug for your dad)))) I know what it's like taking repeated trips to the hospital with an ageing parent. It was my mother, in my case.

    @sweetp ((((((huge hug)))))) can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound banal, hug will have to do :-)
  • @kelani the nuts / potty / off their trolley / barmy badge for me please.
    Following any strategy by @rat or @happyshake surely qualifies any flinger for that!
    The blind squirrel strategy? And I'm trying it.........
    Padded Cell here I come
  • Note to self: don't google straitjacket pictures in an attempt to find the icon for the nutters badge.
    Oh Dear, not what I had in mind at all
  • @Hunnybunyy, looks like you gave up on Seasons already?
  • @fenikus I said before, I've the attention span of a gnat when it comes to flinging.
    Fling here, fling there, fling anywhere....
    And Crush the Candies
    If I put my mind to it I could do really well.
    I enjoyed BR and Beak One when we all flung together, but now we've split up so it's back to gnat. Or at least I split away
    And of course, there are the great flingers, the strategists, and the rest of us who just have too much time on our hands. I'm the latter....
  • Psst (don't tell @Estar) I preferred Beak One to HAMerica ;-)
  • Mrs. Bunny, I think if all of the BP crew went to HAMerica together, we'd stir up some serious trouble. We all seem to bring the best in each other when it comes to good flinging.
  • @fenikus

    BR six out of top ten from BP

    B1 eight out of top ten (if you count Ollygod who I invited into BP, but only turned up once he'd trounced Rat, for the time being)

    B2 seven out of top ten from BP

    Well BP patrons, where do we make the next assault?
  • Hi guys, I'm back - emotions back to normal.
    @hunnybunny thanks for your huggie, felt good.
    About seasons: doing my first round, until now got to #21. Weird scores, got 4 highscores, but also 9 !!! games where I have more as 9k less as the highscore. Never had this, not in Rio, not in Space.
    Anyone of you already playing seasons, or still hanging in Space?
  • And forgot to mention, @surfcow has returned to play AB again.
  • hee hee @estar's inbox just got 5 pounds heavier. :>

    @hunnybunny good idea. In the lull between releases we all play, we should all pick an episode in one of the games and spend a week or two cleaning house and kicking out the current top 10. :>
  • @bernersenn glad you're back to normal
    HAM is just rinse and repeat, sadly
    Love @surfcow he sang songs to me in Cosmic Crystals......
  • Didn't @surfcow also do creative strategy posts? Someone did, and I enjoyed them. They're way more cryptic than @Rat's, but quite entertaining.
  • @hunnybunny 'au contraire mon ami', SH is during the first round 'rinse and repeat'. In the second round we will see if there are alternatives, read better ways to play these games. Already have some ideas, first want to finish the last one to see what it's worth at all.
    OB, let's forget the worldtitle (is it called that way?) - and concentrate on what's really important for us - kicking those bacon buds.
  • @hunnybunny, oops. Butts it is.
    Well after a tough night and tough day I'm tired, going to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow
  • bacon bits?
  • Can Justin Bieber move next door to me, please, and throw some eggs?
    $81,000 in damages? The prosecutors decided to go with a felony charge, as the damage from throwing eggs was more than $400. What heck type of eggs were they?
  • Yum bacon bits
    Kick bacon butts
  • @hunnybunny golden eggs? I see by the article link the little jackass got probation. Yeah, I'm sure he'll handle it responsibly and emerge a productive member of society. :P

    edit @hunnybunny the comments at the bottom of the article are eggcellent. Quite a group of punsters you have there.
  • @kelani if you changed the word 'peculiar'to 'particular then the sentence didn't mAke sense. Particular and peculiar are totally different. If you changed the word'peculiar' to 'odd' or 'unusual' that would make sense.
    @bernersenn I'm happy to hear you've recovered from the game. And i hope your Dad cataract operation goes well.
    @hunnybunny you did a fine job out flinging in both BR and beak!!
    I am still finishing beak 2 but
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