The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2248
  • Also @Kelani -- I just read your post in TT #5. Meh, I would have started with simple "hey, that's an awesome score, can you tell us how you got it?" On the other hand, good job on putting pressure on admins re: the DCB bug ;-)
  • @fenikus that's my way of multitasking. :) You saw my post, Meh indeed. That's why I let these feisty ladies do that dirty work. I can't ask someone how they got an obviously impossible score and make it sound like a casual request.

    Re: Gift colors. Maybe it uses several colors, but the time I saw a pink 3k, a gift fell in a clear area on a wide stone plank. I shot Red directly into it, so there weren't any distracting big scores popping up. Next time I see one, I'll try to get a screenshot. lol That'll be fun.
  • Arghhh I still cannot update Rio on my tablet! ! I am connected to Wi-Fi but the play store keeps saying no connection:(
  • @Kathy to just the store, or to everywhere?

    Grr, I cannot get this damn TV down without breaking it and/or me. I think I'm gonna have to rig up a block & tackle. :(
  • @Burpie -- Sorry your friends of friends were on that flight; most tragic.
    @EStar -- Glad your immediate loved ones are OK. Hope you don't find any friends of friends were on that plane.
    I've often though that Rovio could get the Noble Peace Prize if they just managed to give tablets with AB installed to all the terrorists. Not cell phones, because they don't need more communication, from my point of view.
    I mentioned this to Peter Vesterbacka, but they haven't done anything, as far as I know.
    @fenikus -- You're kidding right? Flock is now available in all Rio episodes?!!!
  • @Kelani, I did catch the last two zeroes of 3K present graphic. It's behind the free power-up popup that appeared after I hit the present. I'm too lazy to upload it now but am still not certain about color, very pale shade of either blue or green (I'm not the greatest with colors).

    @mvnla, no -- not kidding. It makes sense though because it's a new power-up and all the power-ups are available everywhere. Rovio is promoting this new one so that's why it has its own icon. That's my theory anyways.
  • @kelani just to the Google play store:/ I can get internet connection to here.. .. but anyway somehow it worked I have tumble tumbler ;)
  • @Kelani I can't say there are drawbacks to being tall. That would be a lie. There are quite a few. My head hits the roof in sports cars. For some reason, doors in mobile homes are only six foot high. I scraped a few hairs off the top of my head in my youth because of that. My feet tend to hang off the beds or, at the least, I feel short-sheeted in hotels, especially in Europe. Clothes are harder to find and cost more. I could go on. But if I were in line to pick tall or short at my inception, I'd still pick tall for one very important reason. My wife of thirty-eight years of wedded bliss liked tall men. Plus, I can help short people such as yourself get things off the upper shelves. lol
  • @hunnybunny -- Don't mean this to sound critical, but it does sound that way, and I can't figure out how to fix it. This comment is based on my experiencing my world stopping several times.
    The world does not stop for everyone in the world when tragedy strikes, but it does stop for those affected when tragedy strikes one's family, acquaintances, country. My deepest sympathies to all whose world has stoppen.
  • @mvnla2, great idea about giving out iPads with AB installed. Except I would distribute them to politicians -- it'd be easier logistically plus they're the ones that stir trouble that leads to all the bad things.
  • @mvnla2 lol did you really suggest that to Peter? It it's an aawesome thought eeveryone join ABN and All get along!!
  • K I'm off to try timber tumble;)
    I agree also @mvnla2 I think. .if what your saying is our world personally can't come to ahalt because of these tragedies, but it sure puts a long pause in.
  • @Rat -- Really sorry to hear that you're suffering more than usual.
    @Kelani -- You really should flag scores you can't believe. You might even become a leaderboard guardian.
  • @Rat Both have drawbacks. The only job I've ever applied for but didn't get was at Circuit City (RIP) during a summer break. When I got called back for an interview, I noticed every salesman there was really tall. Of the 4 people who applied, the two tallest ones got the job, despite not knowing a banana plug from a banana split. Shortly thereafter, CC was smacked with a class-action suit for only hiring people over 6' for sales positions. Serves 'em right.

    I liked being short as a kid. Hide & Seek is more fun when you can fit in small spaces, and cute little kids get more presents. High school, it's hell unless you're not afraid to crack a big bully in the jaw. Adult life, not so bad, although the wage discrepancies between tall/short people who do the same job make me sick.
  • @fenikus politicians already waste enough time doing nothing. :P And if you beat one of their score,s they'd call the FBI on you!

    edit: @mvnla2 I do flag, just don't ask for explanations much. Others here are much better at that. Also, how would anonymously flagging scores help one become a guardian? :P
  • Welcome back Ma. Enjoy chopping down that timber. You can hold on to that luck for a few more days. I don't expect I'll be needing it for a while yet. I might try flinging a few next week while Mrs. Rat is in New Mexico. What she don't know, she can't stop. And I'm just stupid enough to try. lol
  • Thanks @Pa .. don't go hurting yourself! ! I'm just having alittle walk in the woods nothing serious. Still I'll hold on to the Big L for my last sprint through Beak 2 :)
  • My sincerest condolences to everyone affected, whether directly or indirectly, by the tragedy caused by selfish, power-hungry peoples that care about nothing but themselves. I hope those responsible suffer a Hell 10x worse than the victims did. Karma~what goes around, comes around!
  • @Sweetp !! YES !!
  • @SweetP I'm mad at you (not really) for getting that great score on #6. I've been trying to do it for 4 hours now. :)
  • *hands flashlight to OB* night all☆☆★
    Night @Pa
  • @Kelani, the person you went after in TT #5 just posted another ridiculous score in HH #4.
  • @fenikus hrm. Knowing what we know about DCB, some people sure are impatient to {censored} during such a short wait.

    edit: HOLY... That score is ridiculous.
  • @Kelani, you just posted it so we'll see. I get a feeling you'll get a reply on this one :-)

    BTW, the previous comment from Slim clearly states that Call The Flock is considered a PU, so that's a relief at least.

    Edit: Funny, I never even noticed that people can post under that leaderboard page.
  • @fenikus Mrs. Bunny's on the case! As for it being considered a PU, I never thought it wouldn't be. The only issue I see is if someone gets a super-high score with Blu their first time playing #3 That can't be matched with Red. That one could be problematic.
  • @Kelani, well the other potential issue I see is that people may not consider it a PU because it is in its own icon. Did this make Short Fuse messy?
  • BTW, I removed my payment information from the app store about an hour ago. Not one parachuting present so far since. I'll keep an eye on it.
  • @fenikus I wasn't around when SF came out. Given how it was different and confusing like this one, and from all the posts in the walkthroughs asking about it, I assume it did cause quite a stir.

    If the payment info makes a difference. I'm gonna be creeped out. no way Rovio should have that knowledge :)
  • I'm sure Rovio doesn't have our payment information but Apple *may* be sending a True/False flag to apps. True = payment info on file, False = no payment info on file.

    Edit: I'm talking out of my a** now, but hey -- it's Friday night ;-)
  • @fenikus could be. If @ABSM was around, he could tell us. Unless that's a perk reserved for companies that make Apple a boatload of cash.

    edit: All the main pages have comment sections below them. Challenge has one, too.

    edit2: Rovio is the New World Order. Targeted powerups for people with unmaxed credit limits! :D

    ok, night all.
  • Our poor world is sick. At the end of 2013 I had high hopes that we might see a turn around and healing in 2014. Unfortunately it's taken a turn for the worse. 2014 isn't over yet so make your voices heard! Maybe there's still hope for us in the midst of all the insanity. I like what @Estar said:
    "AB and ABN seems to either attrack the best and most caring people in the world, or the game and talking in the nest makes us all more understanding of each other. I think it is the first, but just in case of the latter Can we make playing angry birds and participate in the Nest a mandatory thing for every one in the world?"
    I want to say thank you to everyone in the nest who has shown me that we still have wonderful and caring people around the globe who can live together and enjoy the gifts we share. My condolences to us all, because even those who were not touched directly by the tragedy of MH-17 are in pain. Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?
  • Hello guys, good morning to you @all. It's gonna be a really hot saturday. Not good for us, certainly not good for the dogs. They suffer. Now it's getting more clear what dimension this drama with this plane actually is. Victims are getting names, stories about them are published now.
    For all of you thanks for the supporting words, they did well. I'll try taking up the flinging again and see what comes out with it.
  • Hi @all? Must be too lovely a Sat. morning / afternoon / evening for people to be spending time in the BP.
    @Kelani -- Used to be that badges such as leaderboard guardian were awarded solely by admins, since they know who is diligent about flagging scores. The admins still do sometimes award badges without a nomination from others.
  • @all -- I came to the BP yesterday to ask a question, and got flattened by the news. The BP is a great notification system for important news, even if it is something you wish had never / would never happen.
    Anyway, the question I wanted to ask is "Do you think the word 'newbies' is insulting?" As some of you know, @TienShenLong created a forum called "Letter to Newbies". Someone actually left a post there saying they thought it was a great idea, but that the word "Newbies" could be considered insulting. Would like to know your thoughts.
  • I don't find it insulting at all @Mvnla2. But if you feel the need to be more politically correct (I hate that phrase) then use something like newcomers.
    Personally I think we should call them "Pingers" (Pre-Flingers). lol
    But I'm probably being influenced by my history in the Air Force. We called new recruits that had just completed basic training and we're headed to a technical school to learn a skill, "Pingers". Here's a mystery for you @Kelani. Why did we call them "Pingers"? Hint: It's an acronym.
  • @mvnla2 Nah. Newbies is much nicer than newb/noob/n00b. People know when they're a newbie. Until I've been here a year, I'll call myself one. I think the offense taken by the term is proportional to age, with kids disliking it most. That excludes hardcore gamers. The more unbalanced ones will get highly upset if you call them that. But who wants unbalanced hypercompetitive people here anyway? :)
  • @Rat My uncle used that term before. He said People In Need of Graduation, Education, Relaxation and Sex

    edit: which IIRC is the only polite thing you called new recruits.
  • I thought it would take you a little longer than that @Kelani. You do "Know it all". ha ha
    BTW, Don't tell Mrs. Rat, but I flung a few this morning while she slept in. She'll just think I'm in bad shape today because I slept wrong, not because I flung for an hour. Your 180 point tease was just too much to bear. Make it 5k next time. I can ignore 5k because I know it will take a bit longer to achieve so I won't attempt it unless I'm feeling better. Less than 200 points I can fling in my sleep. You did that on purpose didn't ya?
  • @SweetP You've been here 3x longer than me, have way more scores entered. No way I've had more trophies than you!
  • Hi @all, on one or the other way I found my mood back. It is what it is.
    About the Newbie discussion, I feel myself like a newbie for my english here. I know it is true, try to do my best, probably will always be a newbie. No problem with the term.
  • AB preinstalled on the Ipad? Sure, why not incorporate it with IOS? And, to avoid discussions about discrimination (also such a word) do the same for the other portable OS
  • We weren't belligerent to our new recruits in the Air Force @Kelani. At least not in my experience. The Army? Whewwww! They're mean to anyone with less rank than themselves, newbie or lifer. I never understood why.
  • @Rat I always figured the Army has a bit of an inferiority complex, surpassed only by the Natl. Guard and Coast Guard. :)
  • @Kelani Stashed points? Have you noticed that I'm in the top ten on all BI #2 levels now. All but one in the top seven. Points are getting a little scarce. As I said, I might be forced to chase your monster score on level 8-38 soon. Don't make me chase the monster. Whaaaa!
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