The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2250
  • I'll have to check the others tomorrow::
  • @Kathy Thank you! Glad the demerol didn't make me imagine stuff. :P Anyway, yeah, the HD Rio has ads, too, but all Rovio and not the ones you have to wait or click through.
  • Lol @kelani at first I thought i had gone nutters.. but nope clearly remember buying every ad-free version including Space HD and even SW HD..I will check tomorrow which version i have and which have changed but i don't think I ever paid more than .99 but hmm maybe $2.99 for something sounds familiar:/ I think i can check Google play for past purchases
  • Hm, interesting. So if I understand you guys correctly, Rio used to cost $.99 but it was ad free. Nowadays it's free but has ads. Correct?

    Edit: Wait a minute. I purchased Space HD recently for $2.99. The only difference between Space HD and Rio HD is that there are no parachuting presents in Space.
  • @fenikus no, but there's the occasional powerup gift when you first start up. May be one per day.
  • @kelani @fenikus @Kathy -- When they first came out, ABO, AB Rio, AB Seasons, and maybe AB Space were all $0.99. The ME was an additional $0.99, but well worth it, IMO. None of the original releases of those games had PUs.
    Forgot to say that the first AB SW may have also been $0.99.
    Also, in AB Sp and AB SW, there was / is no ME; you needed to pay for the equivalent per use (Gaah!). You also needed to pay an extra $0.99 for AB Sp Danger Zone. Seems like there was something else you had to pay for, but I'm not sure what.
  • @Rat Is that upside down?
  • Yes @fenikus @mvnla2 has it correct. @Pa hmm I'll work on that one:)
  • Naw I can't I don't have apple.. looks like an upside down owl
  • Since it's made of wood, the pre-Apple was implied :P I think it's upside down.
  • The first correct observation goes to Mr. Noitall.
    Ooops, it's upside down.
  • @Rat Right side up wasn't difficult enough for ya? :P
  • Lol I tried to turn my phone to look at it upside down but the image flips with my phone. .it did transport me to strange place though:/ I won't say where cuz i couldn't figure it out anyway.
  • Back to flinging. .good luck guessing @Kelani. .
  • @Rat I copied it and flipped it right side up. I'm running out of ipad & awake time, so I'll look at it in the morning. :)
  • Sorry about the orientation @Kelani. I don't know how that could have happened. Dad burn technology. lol
  • @Rat rrrright :p Thank god for those serifs, or I'd still be thinking M. I'll give it proper attention in the morning, but my first impression was a Wurlitzer organ, or unpronounceable German clock.
  • I am having a hard time making average scores in TT so i don't care what day it is I'm
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee ing :( OB i know it's late and i should be sleeping but it's my last day of mini vacation. .I'll have a strong Marmoset masacre please!
  • Still looks like an owl to me Pa lol..
  • It does look a little owlish Ma.
  • K thanks pa ;) hmm sounds familiar ..
  • Nope not a clue lol..@Pa I'll sleep on it. Getting late gotta sleep
  • Night Pa
  • I've got the king of mystery photos around here somewhere. It's something very important. Everybody knows it, but nobody has ever seen it. Guess I'll be digging through boxes tomorrow.
  • Awww @Noitall, you're no fun. I thought you went to bed. I was giving everyone else a chance by posting the logo. The prices on the case are 25 cents to $1.50. I've also got most of the bins full with original pince-nez goggles.

    Fun fact: They were made popular by Teddy Roosevelt.
  • @Kelani You actually found that logo on the internet? I'm impressed. I assumed it would take you a little longer to nail it. How'd you come up with the dates? I don't know that one.
  • Good morning everyone. I'm normally asleep now, but I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I started working on my Rio scores. I then got an alert that seemed odd, about news Seasons levels. I went to the App Store and there was nothing about an upgrade. I clicked to open Seasons and it took me to the new level(s). One low-gravity to play now, level 2 opens up in three days, 13 more levels after that, and a "Coming Soon" screen too. What a nice surprise!
  • @dmsral you're right, a new seasons. I have to wait for tuesday to give my opinion about this. The game looks nice. But time? (No I didn't said that - waiting for WT).
    Beside that, I missed the puppy today for 160 points, that isn't either nice.
    Btw, good sunday to you @all. Happy flinging.
    @fenikus, I'll come back to your oldtimer question, will retrieve my boughts from the Appstore, then you get an answer to what I bought and when. I remember that my first game was ABO (Iphone), followed by ABO HD (better graphics). In that time I bought the Iphone game for EUR 0,99 and the Ipad version (few weeks later) for EUR 3,49. This is coming out of my memory - will adjust it when read my Appstore history.
  • What the heck, why waiting for Wining Tuesday. whiiiiiiiiiinnniiiiiieeeee. Rovio is going nuts, look at the facts: not done with that BI thing, ok, pick it up after the new Seasons SH is done nicely. That Seasons version has to wait for the new Rio to finish. And now this Apollo thing in Seasons. Had a look in the Appstore if we can buy some time in there: nope.
  • All you Apple guys check your app stores... Reasons Comics v1.1 is here with Pack 3!

    Please note that the Android version is also in progress.
  • Mumsie comes in clutching an ice cream cone - beautiful day here! Asks OB, nicely, to tune the mega screen TV to BBC 1 to watch The Open, pulls her rocking chair into place, sits back, invites OB to pull up a chair and asks him to fill her in on all the pages, and pages of comments & info while they wait for Rory McIlroy to tee off.
  • Oh @rat - so sorry that everything is so bad at the moment - Mumsie searches google to see if there is a massage chair that will fit in the BP to give a few minutes respite -
    I liked TT - wish Rovio had introduced the flock as a new bird but hey ho! My flinging is distinctly average at best! So will stick to no PUs and just be content with 3* and then use walkthroughs to try for above avg.
    Candy Crush 619 is very tough but I am happy to use whatever goodies they give me to move onto the next level - gave up trying to get 3* there a long time ago.
    @kathy - no win but no loss - sounds like a good time to me!
    @bernersenn -AB is the only games I have paid for and yes hours and hours of 'fun' for very little cash.
    @mvlna2 - I went to the practice day last Wednesday saw loads of the great pros at close quarters - had a lovely day. I've never played the course - and after my game last Thursday I need to have my clubs shortened - so they'll fit in the bin!
    Hi @kelani & @ fenikus - do you two break keyboards ? You type so much so fast!!
    Mumsie wipes her hands clean - picks up her knitting needles and settles back to watch the golf
  • Hey @absm - is that why we hardly see you any more?
  • Well I seem to have cleared the BP entirely !
  • @mumsie I've been at my grandparents without Wifi and a small data plan, so I'm not able to visit much. I'm leaving for a fourteen day camping trip today, so I will be absent for the whole time then as well...
  • I peek out of this hole in the wall occasionally @Mumsie. So your not totally alone. I tried to stump Mr. Noitall last night. Didn't work. He almost knows it all and knows how to find what he doesn't know. Ya know? Scary!
  • @mumsie -- Glad you got to see part of the Open in real life. Not sure I understand your comment about your clubs, but I gather the golf gods were not smiling on you last Thurs. Did they at least grant you a good shot on the last hole. That's what they usually do to make sure you'll come back for more torture.
    @Rat @Kelani -- Never would have guessed. I tried googling the first pick yesterday, but it didn't find anything. I thought Google truly did know it all. I've even google picks of flowers I see, and they always come back with the name, even for obscure ones.
    @bernersenn -- Hmm... I don't remember paying more than $0.99 for any of the AB games, but maybe I should check my App Store purchases. Didn't even cross my mind.
  • @ABSM -- Seems your updates don't come out as an update???
  • @mvnla2 I'm not complaining, it's worth every cent :-)
  • @Rat -- How about posting a pic of the whole thing? I gather you are a collector of antique objects. Not clear to me what the correct term would be?
  • @fenikus I don't have any payment info what so ever in my apple account and I am getting the obnoxious parachute every now and then. I didn't play the levels, but I did try to obtain the ME feathers and every other level it drops down… really mucks up my video !#!@$!#$# Or maybe it also considers ones iTunes credit of 1,42 euro enough to send me the shutes?? (that's how I order my apps, with prepaid cards)

    @SweetP our temps are not as high as 100F (in the shade, in the sun we can easily reach those temps these last couple of days), but yeah your moderate temps you find pleasant we find too much. Most likely because the humidity skyrockets (this morning it was 90% and has dropped throughout the day, finally, to 75%) and not a lot of us are having AC's in our homes. Not sure if you have one in your home, but I actually escaped the hot and humid yesterday by going shopping in big supermarkets in Germany, driving there in a car with AC. They did promise lots of rain, but haven't seen it yet.

    @mvnla2 I must admit, I think I would find "newbie" a little bit insulting now that I think about it. It never occurred to me, as I am not new, but I think I would if I was new to this website. Maybe it is a second language thing? or maybe I am a teen like @kelani mentioned… hmmm or am I the hardcore gamer LOL… Nahh just kidding, I agree with JLZ, if I think about it it does sound a little bit condescending. Maybe "fresh meat/bacon"?? hahahaha LOL I am soooo Sorry the heat is getting to me, ermmm let me think… What a fresh birdie should know... sjeesh it's hard to not be so formal but still keep it friendly :/

    @bernersenn LOL you could be on to something LOL…. I have an aunt from the US (they drove us to Germany) and speaking English not a problem for me, but sjeesh German!? Nope not a word, and if I want to make my husband cry from laughter I just have to try to speak phrase from a German brochure or something… hahahaha He was born in Groningen and raised there and in Drente, so close to the German border, watching a lot of German tv shows. Me living on the other side of the country watched more English cartoons and shows and have little to no knowledge of how to speak German (I do understand a lot of the words though)

    Pfiewwwwww obviously I didn't get a chance to catch up these last few days LOL... sorry for the large comment/catching up
  • ahhhh the sweet sound of rain! temps dropped to a nice and cool 23C, still humid but I do love the sound of rain on the patio roof.
  • @Rat See? no noitall here. What would you have done if I'd shot back 'Oh that? That's a Willson display case' 2 mins after you posted the upside-down image? :P

    @estar *wave* Glad you have happy rain today, and remember, 1-2 days after the rain stops, the humidity usually goes down :)
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