The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2249
  • @bernersenn I assume this is one of very few places you speak English? Either way, you do quite well. To me, 99% of your English is readable. Sometimes there'll be a word or idiom that takes me a few seconds to get, but that's normal. The only time I needed you to clarify was 'stone clew' in Beak, but @Kathy asked you first. :)

    Also, just curious, how long have you spoken English?
  • @Rat we all think you hold back a few scores to mess with us :P I agree the points are scarce. I've tried many times on #39 to get the scores people got with my strategy, but no luck. It's like when you install the game, it picks a few levels where you'll score great, and a few where you'll suck.

    Chase the monster at your own risk! I love that score, but no way it'll last forever.
  • Ooooo, @Kelani made a misstaaaake...will wonders never cease.
    You said I only picked up 150 points. I was 180 points behind you this morning and I'm now 30 points ahead of you. When I add those up, I get a 210 point change in my score.
    *real important stuff* lol
  • @kelani, I have to speak 'conversational english' at work. I'm working for Atos (ICT company with lots of multinationals as customer). So regularly there are online meetings, where Americans, English, French, German, and very offen, Indian people are involved. My designs are mainly written in english - but that is technical english. That I can manage. In here, in the BP, it's different. There I don't have advantage of my technical or logical background. Mainly I speak Dutch or German - about 50/50 percent. On the streets or where I come I never speak english. Lots of the dutch are speaking very good english - they usually don't speak german
  • Hi everyone ;) I finally got to level #3 on Timber Tumble and I WAS Not forced to use blue.I just reset a couple times (I think 3 resets) and finally red hops inn the sling.
    You all were talking about getting rid of that annoying icon. What was the outcome ? It is in w terrible spot i can see accidentally tappng it":/
  • @Kathy I think @funikus said if you use up all of the CTF powerups, it grays out, but doesn't go away. And using up all powerups changes the "Use Powerup" prompt to a "Buy Powerups?" prompt.
  • Thanks @kelani :)
  • I've already hit it twice by mistake:( guess I'll just use them up thanks @kelani
    OB drinks on the house today:) I'll take a PigKiller please.
  • Anyone able to comment on #10? There is a strat of @jlz666 - doesn't work for me. Anyone else?
  • Good evening @all
    Hmmmmm.......I think I'm ok with newbie @mvnla2,it's a pretty generic,worldwide term but I can see where it may be a bit of a problem. Not exactly an insult but maybe a wee bit condescending? The ages of new members range from teens to 70+. Maybe the bog standard "new members" or "new nesters" might make people feel a bit more comfortable exploring the nest and not feel like a work experience kid starting on the bottom rung?. Sorry,as I said,that's just my take on it.
    @bernersenn There's nothing wrong with your English! Everything you say makes complete sense. If there is any confusion,it's easily worked out :D I bow down to all the multilingual peeps in this place!
    @all I'm not getting into the PU mess again. Sorry but it is what it is. Rovio is a business,it wants money. We've had 4 years of unpaid fun and I'm happy with that. Yes it can mess our scoreboards up but we just have to be vigilant. 99% of AB players throughout the world probably want the extra thrill of PUs! We are a freaky bunch of weirdos who are a teeny,tiny drop in the ocean of people who actually care about our scores. It's not worth losing sleep over. I didn't know that we got 3k for the parcel drop but I'm happy if I did! It only opened a PU that we don't use anyway right? The only problem is it's obviously been inconsistent. If we all had one a level then it wouldn't have been an issue I'm guessing. Whatever......remember it's a game,just a game. It's huge fun and and has brought us all together but at the end of the day it's a GAME. Having said that I'm tearing my hair out on a couple of TT's ;)
    Sorry,agree or disagree with me.....I'm just trying to keep this real.
  • @bernersenn I posted a question to @JLZ about that and an alternate strat on #10 but my score sucks on it so far.
  • @jlz666 tearing your hair out? Don't do that. I did, and you don't wanna see the result :-)
    @kelani thanks for the effort - it'll do at the end. Still working at my first pass - the plane thing did drag away my flinging capacities. I'm sure they will come back.
  • @JLZ I agree with you. All of ABN is not even 1% of the total players. If I see them used, I'll complain, but worst case, if some PU Princess claims the #1 spots, nobody ever said we had to recognize them. If I'm #3 after a two PU users, Their scores don't exist in my book. :)

    @bernersenn no problem. I'm sure you'll be back to awesome flinging soon. AB is a great way to distract us from reality. :)
  • @Jlz666 I completely agree with all that you said!
    It's just a game is right and it has brought us all together from all parts of the world. The nest is just adrop in the sea .
    Speaking of pu's I'm having trouble in #3 reaching average and I'm assuming most people used blu cuz it was given? Are the above 110k scores achievable without using him ?
  • @Kathy @fenikus said he got 111k w/red, and there's a lot of 111k scores. Since everyone only got Blu the first time, it's unlikely they hit that perfect shot on the first try.
  • @kathy about that #3 I did write a comment, please look at it as i used it to get my 111k. Not a highscore but >110k anyway.
    About the Rovio and PU thing: I hope for them that we aren't the only users (read customers) they have. All those updates, patches, etc for free. Don't know how many people are in the nest - not every account means a 'real' player. People register them selves and never came back to here. We, in the nest, are capable enough to keep the leaderboards clean. When not regularly, the Challenges did unmask many trolls already.
    And as@kathy mentioned, it brought us together from all parts of the world. I only can speak for myself that since I am here in the BP, i'm hardly on facebook - as I was before. Thanks to all
  • @bernersenn We're definitely NOT all their customers, or even 1% of them. :) If you look at Gamecenter you'll see just how insignificant we are:

    # Rio Scores, Gamecenter: 11,049,309
    # Rio Scores, ABN: 3,338

    # Space Scores, Gamecenter: 5,016,439
    # Space Scores, ABN: 2,270

    Even on brand new Timber Tumble it's much different:
    TT Gamecenter: 124,074
    TT ABN: 170.

    Ansd that's just iOS. No android or PC.
  • @EStar, @mvnla2, @JLZ666, @all You are all so right - ABN as a Force for Good. . .
    @BirdAddict Peace in the Middle East? It makes me despair. Last year I found on the web that an old friend (I won't mention his nationality) had been the victim of a political assassination by a "sleeper" who had passed himself off as his friend. . . What hope is there when this sort of thing can happen? And he really was one of the good guys. . .
  • Thanks @bernersenn for your writing the strat on TT#3 now i know there is hope;)
    @TomPuss I'm so sorry about your friend:(
    Peace in the Middle East unfortunately doesn't seem like there ever will be is very sad:(
  • Hi @all trying to catch up, so much said in the last 24 hours.

    First @JLZ666 well said

    Someone, and I know it must have been @kelani (!) looked at the GC leaderboard for Blossom River and found that four, I think, of the BP patrons were in the top ten of GC scores once the hackers were taken out. WE RULE Sorry @kathy for shouting, but it was worth the shout

    Regarding the leaderboards, I flag all the time, that's easy, spotting the troll
    What is more difficult is confronting someone. I do the @fenikus suggestion "WOW great score" to start with. Then call in the admins if needed, being a feisty lady.
    It seldom wins you friends (nasty exchanges) sometimes a really heartfelt apology (sorry, a typo),and most annoying (being ignored)
    Please do this, fellow flingers, not for some badge, just to keep this wonderful site at its best!

  • @mumsie -- Haven't seen you around much recently. Are you spending time at the British Open? It is at your home club, after all (at least as far as the Members' Map is concerned).
  • No need to apologize for yelling @hunnybunny that news is definitley worth shouting about! I remember when the reporter came to interview me he did say ABN members are among the Best flingers in the World!:)
  • @hunnybunny That's just what the world needs: Feisty bunnies. Knowing you're always guarding the boards against troll invasion makes me feel better. :) {Really!}
  • {really} @kelani knowing you're about to become a very squat TV stand doesn't make me feel too good! But I might just snicker if you post a pic ;-)
  • Whilst searching for another pic, I stumbled upon this

    Couldn't embed here, far too scary!
  • @hunnybunny I didn't look at your link yet Should I? I don't understand what you mean by a 'squat TV stand' concerning @kelani i must have missed something but i can't find what?
  • O.k looked at link (scary yes) now more confused:/
  • @kathy @kelani is trying to move the worlds heaviest TV, if it drops on his head
    Look at my link at your own risk the worlds scariest woman
  • @kathy glad I made you laugh!
    Goodnight (although I'm probably doing the lurking thing)
  • Thanks for the updated photo Mrs. Bunny. Have you lost weight?
  • @hunnybunny gee. thank you for giving me a week of nightmares :P

    @Kathy 120lb TV on a shelf 7 feet up. I need it on the ground. If I use a ladder, me, the TV or both of us will cease to exist, so I'm having to rig a set of pulleys from the floor joist so I can lower it down (relatively) safely.
  • Uhmm o.k. @kelani good luck with that! Why may i ask is the T.V. 7' up? Be careful please. .
  • @Kathy that's the only place I could put it and see it from anywhere. :) I'm being careful. the pulley/block & tackle setup is waaaaay safer than a 160lb guy carrying a 120lb tv down a tall ladder. If it falls, I'll be 10-15 feet away. :D
  • K @kelani as long as your careful. .rather not have you 6' away; )
  • @Kathy if it fell on me, I'd be squashed, so to save money, they'd prolly slide me in a pizza box and toss me on top of someone else's crypt. :P
  • Funny guy @kelani lol..:P
  • @Kelani and @AnyoneElseInterestedInParachutingPresents…after removing payment information from the App store, I have not gotten even one parachuting present since.
  • @fenikus I assume you're gonna leave it like that for a few days? If you don't get one in 48 hours, I'd say you solved it.

    New TT typo: Tumble Tribble
  • Yes, I'll leave it out. I don't buy much from the app store, AB purchases were my only ones. Plus one less place for my CC info to get stollen from.
  • @Kelani, are these presents ever dropping on PC platform?
  • @fenikus I got about 8-10 Gifts in 3 hours earlier, then did errands and used the same stored CC in 5 places. Haven't gotten a single gift since :P Pretty typical day, but your theory now makes it seem kinda creepy.

    edit: Nope. No ads, gifts, prompts or powerups on PC! :D No Eagle, though :( That's why it costs 500% more.
  • @Kelani, 500% more? I see PC version costs $4.95 and iOS/Android version costs $0.00. That's little more than 500% ;-)
  • Where are you guys getting the parachute gift drops?? I haven't got any even with my Wi-Fi turned on. .not inn Timble Tumbler anyway:/
  • @fenikus When I got it on PC, I could've sworn it was 5.95. iOS was .99 or so. Actually I'm wrong again. I have HD version, which is 2.99 I think. When I went to get Space, non-HD version was nowhere to be found.
  • @Kathy I got mine on pretty much every other level, and if I stayed on that level awhile, I'd get 1-2 more.

    lol, before TT/HH I had about 50-60 powerups. Now I have 113, counting the 10 CTF.

    edit: I wish I could sell them back to Rovio. :>
  • @Kelani, iOS was 99 cents? I don't think I ever payed for the actual game of Rio except 99 cents for the Mighty Eagle later on.
  • @fenikus When I downloaded them, I was lying in a hospital bed after surgery, so I could be very wrong. :) I think they had it like this: ABO Free, ABO $0.99, ABO HD $2.99. or maybe it's just Free & HD. One of these old timers would know better. I just figured since the 'Free' version have separate leaderboards it was different,
  • I bought all the ad-free versions originally that were available for .99 cents. But then during a few updates and progress losses the ad-free versions aren't available anymore. I think my space and abo are still ad-free but not my Rio:(
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