The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2461
  • Just want to say Thank You to all the folks who make this Forum what it is by interacting and bringing folks from all over the globe to meet and become friends:)
    @rdnzlrips82 Merry Christmas
    @angryguy (angryboy you once were) ; )

    @Team BP *clink* Merry Christmas And Happy New Year
  • Night Pa ;)
  • Lol Guess the Princess wanted to Speak on this occasion ; )
  • @Tompuss thanks for the steam movie. Great.
    What the video concerns about 'Smokey Hangaala', those people are driving very dangerous. All on the wrong side of the road.
    Stop kidding for now, have lots of family things these days.
    Again, a very kind and merry christmas to all of you
  • Good Morning, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! @All
  • @kathy *clink* hear hear to that! A wonderful place this is! love to all!
  • Have a great day @EStar!
  • @TomPuss and @Kathy I am not sure what the PM bug is... I will try to compose a PM to the both of you in a minute or so. Never seen the ""Messages" will not advance beyond page 2" message either @TomPuss :/ ... I have 63!! Pages of PM's so I am sure it will advance beyond page 2 LOL
  • Thanks @AEX10 the same to you!
  • Merry Christmas @Estar. Enjoy the yummies. Btw, I can't advance past page two of the PM's either.

    Vesele Vanoce back at ya @TomPuss. Is it true that the Czech people keep a scale from the Christmas carp in their wallet for good luck in the next year? I need to go fishing.

    The children of the world are happy your Santa trap didn't work @AEX10.

    Do you celebrate Christmas @BeautifulVVorld? I got you a present anyway. I stashed it in Beak Impact. Enjoy!
  • @Rat The scale's supposed to bring lots of money to the wallet in the next year, not good luck :)
  • Awesome Banner @Estar !!
    Merry Christmas to all:)
  • LOL @Rat
    Yeah it didn't work ;)
  • Lol @AEX10 so you Santa trap didn't work huh? What happened; )?
  • @hunnybunny merry Christmas thanks for the track Santa link that's pretty cool!
  • Merry Christmas to all my flinging friends everywhere! I hope everyone has a lovely joyful holiday :D
    We celebrated with my hubby's family last night & I'm about to head out for round 2 with my family today. Then no more food for a week.
    Have a great day all! :)
  • Thanks for the info on that carp scale @Annifrid. I'd never heard of keeping fish scale in your wallet to make money. Us Southerners eat black-eyed peas, fatback, and turnip greens on New Years Day. Peas for luck, fatback for health (go figure), and greens for wealth. The more peas you eat the luckier you'll be. Some say you should eat 365 black-eyed peas but I don't cotton with that superstition.
  • Has anyone got any experience with ipads. Mine is fully charged but won't power up. And I haven't backed it up in about two months. Whaaa! Hurry up and get here 2015.
  • Well @kathy I was watching the STC (Santa Trap Cam)
    and then I gkzmdgwunraeyzzzzzzzzzzz...

    Thats what happened.
    But I'll catch him next year (he he he ;)
  • Lol @AEX10 Better luck Next year hee hee;)
  • Pa try connecting to the computer , my nexus woukd not turn on when i first got it then I googled it said use usb and plug to computer.
  • Merry Christmas to you also @karen68 ty fir popping in♡
  • Hey hey. Merry Christmas to all! Merry belated Christmas to Australian friends!
  • @Jaydee Merry Christmas to you also; ) nice to see you again!
  • @kathy - Hello. Always a pleasure!
    @all - Unlike my northern hemisphere friends, we celebrated Christmas over here in sweltering heat. My mum-in-law stays in Richards Bay on the tropical north east coast of South Africa. It was intensely humid and the temperature was a "nice and balmy" 43 degrees Celcius (109 Fahrenheit) - NOT QUITE A WHITE CHRISTMAS!!! Hehehe!
  • @Jaydee -- We're officially in the northern hemisphere (Los Angeles, CA), but it isn't even Christmasy by southern CA standards this year. Our neighbors were in their pool at 9:30 last night. Not quite so warm today.
  • @mvnla2 - I think if I ever had to stay in USA, I would have to consider FL or CA, because I am used to hot and humid weather. TX might work too. Funny thing, though, is that I actually really want to go to AK! For a vacation only, of course!
  • To everyone west of South Africa, enjoy the remainder of Christmas Day. Over here it is officially over now.
  • Arghh @mvnla2 i am soo Jealous even though it was a nice sunny 46° here today warm for December lol..uhmm @jaydee not so jealous lol 109° a bit tooooo warm :/
  • Has anyone heard from @Kelani ? I hope he fell in love and is busy with all that. . I shudder to think he met someone online and well..idk you never know. Its been a couple weeks now right?
    Oh my his last post was the 17th hope he certainly wasnt Kelnapped :(
  • Ackkk @Estar i can't get past page 2 of pm either and i was gonna reply in the test pm you sent but am now Stuck on page 2 of my 61 pages of pm's @birdleader ?
    No rush enjoy your Christmas just letting you know .and to all i owe a pm reply to uhmm i cannot get there atm:/
  • @jaydee -- You'll have to settle for FL or TX if you like humid along with your hot. in CA, hot comes with dry. What's in AK?
  • Yes @jaydee down here in TX it was in the 70's this Monday
    Pretty hot :)
  • @mvnla2 What pictures are everyone getting or seeing in Finn Ice? All I see is Professor Pig tidbits? Is that it or am i missing something?
  • @mvnla2 - that boat cruise along the Alaskan Coast draws me for the wonderful scenery and hopefully I will be able to see Aurora Borealis. Unfortunately that requires accurate timing. I assumed LA was humid, though?

    @aex10 - Hi, nice to meet you. Yeah, that is the type of winter temperature that I can live with! :)
  • @kathy - which state are you from?
  • @Jaydee -- Yes, an Alaskan cruise would be good. Hate to admit that I thought AK stood for Arkansas (which is AR). Wasn't aware you could see the Aurora Borealis from the cruises.
    The parts of CA that are humid are not known for being warm, e.g. "The coldest winter was the summer I spent in San Francisco." LA is basically a desert.
  • @Kathy -- On the golden egg page for On Finn Ice there is a photo album.
  • @jaydee i am from Massachusetts coold winter lol
    Thanks @mvnla I'll look for them:)
  • Pa were you able to turn on your iPad ?
  • Strangest thing @Ma. About two hours after it stopped, my ipad started working again. My first order of business was a new backup.
  • @kathy - MA : Ouch! A nice and far up North state. Brrrrr!!!

    The absolute coldest minimum temperature that Richards Bay South Africa has ever experienced in its entire history was 6 Celsius or 43 Fahrenheit. Accordingly it is not quite the snowiest city I the world, to make a bit of a severe understatement. Hehehe. It has never even seen frost, never mind snow! LOL! The average mid winter day over here is minimum 50F , maximum 73F. Now THAT is what a COLD winters day should be like! Johannesburg where I grew up gets cold in winter and it normally reaches between 30 and 36 in the mornings, but afternoons are ok and sunny (between 50 and 68). It has reached as low as 18, though. Ouch. When I was 3, in 1981, Johannesburg was hit with a freak snowstorm. It has not seen snow ever since.

    Our absolutely breathtaking Drakensberg mountains are quite high in altitude and sees quite a bit of snow, but I simply never go there in winter! Its grandeur in summertime is quite sufficient for me.
  • Hi everyone !
    come to say that, I am on a small trip with my parents, uncle, aunt, sister and a other team.
    We come here by train, because it has much more fun than an aeroplane. But forgot that it is still 2014 :P
    We reserved a compartment at S11 section. We were walking here and there on the station to find the section. A person came to help us. But he.....he sent us at the wrong direction. When we realised it we were near S1 section !! and the train started to run !!! So we got on the train and somehow found the section by the conecting doors. Don't want to say about the crowd :P
    At night when we were sleeping a theft happened to a person who was sleeping near us. So father and uncle stayed awake whole night for guarding the luggage.
    Phew...after that nothing bad happened. But will it end here ?!
    sorry for the long post :D
  • @BirdWatcher Straight out of one of those "trying-to-catch-trains" dreams. . . I have them every single night! Plus two horrendous real-life experiences. . Best wishes for the rest of your trip!
  • @tompuss - that is such a sweet photograph! J'aime le petit chien! I hope that makes sense!
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