The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2462
  • @tompuss - Were you born in England and emigrated to France since?
  • Yes, @jaydee, born in Newcastle, Northumberland, have been living in France since 1970! Et oui, ton français est parfait!
  • @TomPuss Look at those rosy cheeks. Too cute for words.
  • I think my iPad was hacked by a Korean @TomPuss. At least that's who took credit for my down time. I'm not naming any names but I think it starts with an "R" and ends with an "o". ha ha
    Btw, excellent flinging @Romo.
    Happy Holidays @BeautifulVVorld.
  • Sorry to say i was sick in bed all day cold sweats i could not get up:( Finnaly at 8pm i got up and tried to eat some toast and a glass of ginger ale but couldnt for some reason the roof of my mouth was very painful and sore to try and eat. I kinda feel better now but need to try and sleep. We are celebrating Christmas dinner tomorrow. Daves sister and kids coming.
    I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Never made it to my sisters yesterday or today:(
    Night everyone
  • Pa will catch up with your pm tommorow
    Night ♡
  • That's OK @Ma. Take care of yourself first.
    Nite nite
  • @Rat9

    You lead BI2 again. Let me fling later. Happy Holiday~
  • @BeautifulVVorld

    Beak Impact #2 is turning out to be an Epic battle my friend. My luck against your skill. Each of us is forcing the other to higher and higher improbable scores. As they said in the movie War Games, "The only winning move is not to play". If I were a betting man, I'd have to go with your skill every time.

    Awesome flinging Romo.
  • @Kathy -- So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Isn't that the way it usually happens? Sick when you have the week off. Take care.
  • Hope you feel better @kathy
  • @kathy So sorry you're sick. . .
    For you, @rat9, @mvnla2, @AEX10, @all: Rare footage of Frank Sinatra and the young Elvis Presley singing "Love me Tender":
  • I hope you get feeling better soon @kathy. Such a bummer to be sick during the Christmas season! (((hugs))) my friend.

    sorry I missed everyone in here, but no time for the Nest, been sooo busy with relatives staying at my BIL's and showing them around! Most of them have gone home today so relaxing and trying to catch up with you all.

    Hope that Santa brought lots of goodies and sweet surprises for you!
  • @TomPuss you are the YouTube Queen! I absolutely loved that video! Thank you, it brought back good memories of my mom and aunt swooning over one or the other. Heehee.
  • Oops, gotta go for a quick tour of a winery with my nephew and his wife. Have a gorgeous day everyone!
  • Thank you @mvnla2 , @sweetp and tompuss everyone for the well wishes..i feel a bit better today. I think my sodium levels were low yesterday and a bit this morning. But I've managed to eat something today , we are celebrating Christmas today with bf sister and family so just finished dinner and am feeling a bit better:)
    Pa glad you got iPad working. Hey is Ole Miss your team? I see they are playing today?
  • Thank you @AEX10 :)
  • Happy your doing better @Ma. Maybe you should get back on your milkshake diet.
    MSU and Ole Miss are rivals. But I still root for Ole Miss from time to time. Not because my Brother-in-Law graduated from there, but because Peyton Manning's father, Archie, played football there. Not a bad quarterback legacy in Archie's family. Peyton and Eli. I wonder how many College and Pro quarterbacks will come out of the next generation. His grandkids. They must have eaten all their black-eyed peas, fatback, and turnip greens on New Years day. Forget the milkshake Ma. Have the Southern New Years Day meal. Cover all the bases. Luck, health, and wealth.

    Have a glass of wine for me @SweetP.

    I think I saw the Sinatra/Elvis duo when it first aired @TomPuss. I was only six years old at the time and I've seen it so many times since I'm not sure. There weren't that many channel choices back then.

    Home alone for the Holidays. Whaaaa!
  • Hi @Rat9
    I don't have skillful means as you mentioned than your passion&efforts.
    As other people have done, I just spent a lot of time to get higher score. At that moment, I met great luck as you experienced.
  • Allo, allo, allo, @Romo

    It takes skill to find 3k that quick in BI #1. As William Shakespeare said, "Methinks @BeautifulVVorld doth protest too much". OK, I paraphrased Shakespeare. But you get the idea. You got skills.

    Edit: I don't know about you, but I'm running out of places to find points in BI. That last 12k jump I got in BI #2 surprised even me. It didn't hurt that I finally figured out repeatable strategies on two tough levels. Level 24 had been killing everyone.
  • Oh Brother lol..@rat9 @beautifulvvorld will you 2 never end the battle ;)
  • Hey half my comment dissappear! ! I said just kidding lol..hmm that's weird..where did my words go
  • @Ma I'm going to keep flingin' until he updates his webpage acknowledging me as lord and master of Space, or at least in the lead, or another Space episode is released.
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    Right now it says he is ahead of me. Malicious propaganda. lol
  • Heee heeee hooo haha Pa and sooo the battle goes; )
  • Night Ma
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Thanks for the ding Pa I gotta get to sleep..
    Nighty night
  • @rat9 Finally managed to get info on carp-scale tradition! I found the article interesting.

  • @TomPuss
    I'm sticking with the black-eyed peas.
  • @rat9 I don't blame you! Carp is revolting - one mouthful was enough for me -:/
  • Yep I'll stick With Ham for dinner after looking at that @Tompuss lol
    Uhmm black eyed peas..not so much lol;)
  • Tee-hee @kathy, @rat9, Yup, steering clear of black-eyed peas too. . . too much natural gas for me -:/
  • Test @Birdleader ? Worked ?
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • Heck, it's quiet in here. Wake up OB, shake the blues into action: you have a customer "Large vodka, rocks, no fruit. Please"
    I'll just sit here and debate on Finn #2
    OB send me home when I drop off or scream in frustration......
  • *gently nudges @hunnybunny * hiya ;)
    Ob I'll have what she's having :)
    Sure has been quiet lately :/
  • hello @kathy and @hunnybunny .
    Again on train going to home.......
    and no bad luck this time :P
  • Hi @aryamoitra i got that wrong i think Bird - watcher ?
    All good luck on the train :D or at least no bad is good:)

    Edit :i fixed it lol..
  • @kathy
    forget the username :)
    I know it is hard to remember.
    Just @bird_watcher is easy, I think :)

    edit: yes you did :D
  • Ok lol thanks @Bird_watcher much easier . Glad your on your way home and safely:)
  • @kathy
    thanks for best wishes !
  • @kathy
    wishing good health and happiness to you and @all on nest also :-)
  • *quickly poofs in..setting baskets of earplugs on the bar and all the on the table by the door*

    Welcome all to the weekly meeting of Whhiinnneee Tuesday:) now I'm sure everyone has a level they would like to Whine about? Maybe the Whine will help or just maybe another patron can give a tip..Whine away; )
  • I'll start with Space Red Planet 5-20 @swelld how the heck did you make that shot?
  • Night Pa♡
  • @bird_watcher, @hunnybunny, @kathy, @rat9, @all
    Hi! Did anyone have a problem accessing the Nest lately? I couldn't get in here for a whole day! Or were you all busy shopping/cooking/flinging?

    OB !!! A Becherovka on ice, please. . no, on second thoughts, make that a double!
  • Good one to whine about @Ma. RP 5-20 and I never came to an understanding.

    I've had access problems too @TomPuss. But I don't know if it was the Nest, my ISP, or my computer. Even my iPad decided not to function a few days ago. And then it started working again. ??? I must have a gremlin.
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