The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2463
  • Hunnybunny wakes up. Twenty four hours later, even after @kathy's gentle nudge
    "WOW" top score in Finn#2
    Or was I only dreaming?
  • Congrats on top score @hunnybunny sorry i should not have been so gentle in my nudging hee hee! And for some reason I'm not getting notification from this forum:/
    OB is still Tuesday right? I'll have a SpacePigKiller ty and hope you have your earplugs in..
    OB..*taps ob on uhmm ? Shoulder? Oohh yes didn't mean to startle all means yes put the earplugs back in AFTER you get my drink; ) ty
  • Ready Still Red Planet 5-20
  • Hmm... This doesn't seem to have been posted, and part of it is missing.
    @TomPuss -- I was out for most of yesterday, but there was a message from BL on the chatter page saying they were working on slow access issues.
    @Rat -- I think @Kathy's gremlins have invaded your devices.
  • Oohh sure Blame my innocent gremlins @mvnla2 lol;)
  • I don't think so @Mvnla2. @Ma has phone gremlins. My phone is the only thing that hasn't glitched.

    I'm not positive @Ma, but I think @Hunnybunny was just dreaming about a top score. The word "bugger" is a dead giveaway.
  • Uhmm yeppers Pa you are right lol..buggers...
    Don't mind me a lot on me mind..
  • I also wasn't able to open BP yesterday. A page appeared with a chart. But I forgot to copy it (really sorry!).It was also saying about fixing some slow accessing problems as @mvnla2. Then I turned off the internet connection and after sometime I again turned it on. Don't know why, but it worked.
  • I saw yesterday i think Birdleader sent 'test' @mvnla2 @Pa @Bird_Watcher so must've been working on site things. . Maybe that why interruption ?
  • Night Pa♡
  • @all The new update will be released in less than 24 hours. The last edition had too many bugs. Viva la 2015!

    Night Ma
  • Good morning, @all!
    @mvnla2 Thanks for that info - seems to be working OK now * fingers xxxxxx'd *
  • Hey all, I hope everyone had a splendid Christmas and all are well. @Kathy, I hope you are over your bug and ready to celebrate New Year's! Boy, am I ever ready for a new year, 2014 sucked big time! I have never been so eager to start a new year.

    I don't usually make New Year resolutions, but this year, starting in January, I'm going to get caught up on a lot of things I've let slide, fun things like a mammogram and a colonoscopy :)

    Anyway, the main reason I stopped by was to say,

    May we all be blessed with a Happier New Year :)
  • Good afternoon to you @all.
    Wasn't much present here - busy, busy.
    I want to wish everyone a very good and healty 2015.
  • Happy New Year birdie friends
    Now time for food and champagne......
  • Happy New Year, folks.

    I'm joining the crowd that feel 2014 sucked big time. Good riddance!
  • Hi all! Happy New Year to all!
    Hope everyone's new year brings them happiness and a bunch of good things.
    @Rat -- What new update?
  • Happy New Year to all my fellow flingers!
    Bye bye 2014, I wish everyone a much better 2015.
    OB I hope you have some Cristal on ice for when midnight arrives :)
  • @Mvnla2 The update to the less than perfect version 2014.12 of life. I hope they include "World Peace" in version 2015.01.

    Good luck to @all in the New Year.
  • Happy New Year @All
    Hope everyone has a great 2015!
  • Happy New Year to all my Euro flinging friends! I'll be in bed when the ball drops across the pond so hope you all have a wonderful evening! Hopefully the only tears we'll see this year will be born of laughter! Good bye and good riddance 2014! Wishing you all a healthy,happy 2015!
    Slainte Mhath!!
  • Adios with 2014 *waves and slams that door shut with a bang* byeeeeeee!!! Helllllloooooo 2015!!

    Happy new year my fellow flingers!! May 2015 be a wonderful and flingtastic year for all of us!
  • *Rushes in Pressing D2 on jukebox on the way by*
    Wooot Woot @Estar so happy 2014 got a door slammed in its face on your side of the pond! ! Happy New Year!! I have 3.5 hours and watching the clock tick every minute away cheerfully!!
    Awesome Banner! ! OB I'll have an Angel's Delight please:) and my Favorite Bacon wrapped Shrimp !! Thanks @sunshine for remembering my favorites:)
  • @Jlz666 What a lovely wish fir the New Year :) May we all have Tears of laughter and joy in the coming year:)
    @karen68 ty for popping in and a Happy new year to you also
    Plenty of Cristal and Ripsy ' S Special Stock on hand.
    Maybe @Abcrazy will bring some Fireworks later?

  • I'm planning to celebrate the New Year with maybe Iceland or Greenland! So Happy New Year to everyone on the other side of the world who are already in the new year, and Happy New Year to everyone still looking forward to it!
    @Rat -- Uh, duh! Didn't get that one. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones for whom 2014 was OK.
  • Well to me, 2014 was one of the best years ever ... you know, finally graduated from that stupid high school ... anyway, happy 2015 ;D
    May it be an awesome year full of luck and love for everyone :D
  • @Annifrid Thank you and happy new and @fenikus yes hope 2015 is a better year for all
    Sorry i got interrupted forgot what iwas gonna say
    @AEX10 thank you also happy new year 2u
  • Happy New Year, @all!

    "Dinner for one": The classic New Year's Eve sketch, broadcast in many countries around the world on December 31:


    The sketch:

    Cats vs xmas trees

    25 New Year traditions around the world:

    Cats help snow leopards:

    "We no speak Americano"


    "We are the ladies of the chorus": cancan from "The Merry Widow":

    Love, hugz and purrs
  • Again, Happy New Year to @all ! Health, happiness and may your every wish come true!

    @EStar Awesome banner - animated, wow! You beat me to it, thought I'd wake sooner to press "post comment" to coincide with your brilliant artwork, but the playlist sat there for another hour or two. . .

    @kathy, @bird_watcher, @annifrid, @mvnla2, @JLZ666, @AEX10, @rat9, @fenikus, @hunnybunny, @karen68, @bernersenn, @BPC . . . @all_Nesters Hope there's something here to please everyone!
  • Thanks @Tompuss it's actually a banner OB dug out of the basement for me, but I remember having fun making it. As I am sure you had making your list. I can't wait to check out the links, but at 5AM I really do want to get some zzzzzzz

    @kathy [[[hugggss]]] and *clink* to the NEW year! The menu looks delicious, but nothing for me atm... I have had too much of... well everything tonight ;)

    Make the most of the last hour(s) of 2014 my fellow flingers on the other side of the pond and sweet dreams to those snug as a bun in bed on this side of the pond.

    PS: Is anyone wondering like me if @kelani ever did return from the beach or if he got stranded?? is he welcoming the new year with his mystery birdie? Hmmmm don't we have a Slingtown journalist that can investigate and report back?
  • Well unfortunately I won't be staying to watch to see the ball drop :(
    Good Night @All
    And cheers to 2015!
  • @Bird_Watcher oh my i keep trying to catch up but keep gerting interuppted
    Ty and awesome banner ty
  • Hmmm @Estar i think I saw @kelani in a walkthrough the other day..but hmmm still wondering how things went at the beach lol..
  • *calling @kelani @Kenobi @Kanswers to anything beginning with 'K ' lol

    Ty @tompuss i havent time to click the links now but will surely; )
    Happy new year my friend♡
  • Not know why my symbol doesn't work here?
  • Happy New Year!!!
  • OB Cristal all around;)
  • Thanks @kathy !
    I was also thinking that where is @kelani ....
    and again a nice banner @Estar !
  • @Annifrid I'm so Happy 2014 was a good year for you:) congratulations on graduation and Be Very Proud of yourself for a great accomplishment ♡♡ you are a dear and ty for your good wishes:)
  • Happy New Year everyone, may it bring you happiness, health and top scores!
  • Happy New Year!
    Have a awesome 2015!!!
  • Hee hee @tompuss
    Happy New Year everyone :)
Post in the New Forum!