The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2466
  • thanks @karen68 ! yeah, my '@' name is different, but it is just nice with @birdwatcher :)
    thanks to @jlz_666 and @estar too !
    both of your banners are also great !
  • Night Pa♡
  • howdy slackers anyone awake?
  • guess I'll go back to poppin pigs
  • I'm awake @jkhab69 !
    From india, so morning here :D
    are you new to BP ?
  • ha ha...
    happy popping then !!
  • @karen68 it's still your birthday in my time zone, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU!!!
  • Heehee! Great card @sweetp!
    @kathy Well the house survived but it was a sleepless night. VERY scary with winds and gusts over 90mph. Combined with hail it really felt like someone had a machine gun aimed at the house! Wheelie bins (trash cans) were rolling around the street and a couple of neighbours cars were hit so the alarms were going off. Debris was strewn around the garden but it was still dark when we left for work and it's going to be dark when I get home so goodness knows what I'm going to find. I've definitely got some damaged potted plants and trees :( The roof however seems to be ok. Hubby went out with a torch this morning and checked it.
    @estar what's wrong with a barrel of whisky? LoL!! That will keep her going for another year!!
    Hope you had a lovely day @karen68 Jeez you're looking good for 68! Haahaa!!
    I've been watching in utter disbelief at the events in Paris today. Had the live reports on my iPhone playing at work. It's completely watching a movie. Sadly it's not :( Shocking,just shocking and very,very scary. My hearts go out to everyone involved :( I just can't say what I think about these *bleeps*
    OB I'll take a coffee to go please. Heading home for dinner then an early and hopefully peaceful night sleep.
  • Ooooooooo was that a @birdaddict doing a flyby sing song?! Missed you there! Hugs x
  • That be me, alright. Hugs back at ya Miss @JLZ-666! Glad to hear you rode out the storm without major damage.
  • Thnks @birdaddict & @sweetP - no apologies necessary! Thank you for the pics, they're so nice!
    @jlz666 wow what a rough night, I'm glad you suvived safe & sound, even if all your trees didn't. Hope the damage isn't too bad.
    Enjoy the rest of your Friday everyone :)
  • I thought I recognised that tweety bird voice @birdaddict! Yeah we survived,just ruffled feathers ;) I swear the next time I move house it will be to a gully in a valley not on top of a bloody hill! Oh rains a lot here........flooding or wind damage? Gotta love Scotland ;)
  • Sorry @karen I was talking over you. Leaving it up to hubby to do a clean up tomorrow while I'm at work. The man who plays golf in all weather is shying out tomorrow as wind is picking up again and snow is forecast! Guess 50mph sleet in the face isn't fun lol!! Just about to veg on the sofa with iPad and look for a pick me up mini break for our anniversary in March. Looking is half the fun :D
  • Belated happy bird day @karen68 - hope you don't have to go out in that cold weather!
  • Je suis Charlie
  • @Hunnybunny -- How right. Je suis Charlie. They got all of them, but unfortunately at the cost of a few innocent lives.
    @TomPuss -- You must be physically well, I hope. I assume you're pretty mentally shaken up. Remember that these kind of unspeakably horrible events bring us together and make us stronger.
  • @Kathy -- Boston Strong for the Olympics!
  • @mvnla2 i need more thought on that. I'm a little apprehensive i guess. .yes Boston Strong but I fear pride cometh before a fall:( in light of all going on in the world idk:(
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Sweet Dreams Ma
  • Good Afternoon OB :) I'll have some Bacon wrapped shrimp and an Angel's Delight please:)
  • Hope all are enjoying a cozy Saturday :)
  • OB
    The Blues
    Wake Up
    A Customer!
    OB opens a weary eye, "Ah, Hunnybunny, your usual?"
    "Yes, please, and drinks on me for anyone else who drops in tonight"
    Hunnybunny settles into a little booth, having had a rather good day, clutches her whiskey lovingly, and hopes the BP is empty simply because everyone else is still having a rather good day....
  • Hi @Hunnybunny @kathy -- Are you still here? OB -- How about something like a rum toddy? It's got to be warm. It's actually been a grey, rainy day here, and more rain predicted for tomorrow.
  • Hi @mvnla2 yep I'm lurking.. just watched the Pats game sorta lol..listening to my book, flingin and lurking:)
    so not wanting the rain so much now I gather, consider yourself lucky is still in the low 20's here cold.. and grey:(
    Hi @hunnybunny
  • Night Pa♡
  • Uh oh, I think I am about to lose a top score to a Daily Challenge. I am surprised it is still standing, so get on over there and get yourself a puppy :)
  • Two puppies already on Rio High Dive 8!
  • Ahhh Thanks for the heads up @BPC ;))
  • @kathy, @BPC actually there's 3.... I just can't get at my PC at the moment to post my screenshot. I will soon. Sorry @BPC for beating your score :(
    Why don't you guys give it a shot? :D
  • Now there's four!
    Woo hoo...
    @fenikus where are you? A Rio puppy up for grabs, and will give more points in Hive Dive, as if you need them ....
  • Good night, even more puppies now, good luck for those still trying xx
  • No problem @karen68, and congrats to you and the other puppy winners!

    I did put an hour or so into trying, but the best I could do was 136k. There is about 1.5 hour left, I might go give it another try.
  • SEVEN puppies now! I better go fling!
  • No puppy for me :( i tried i did..ty @BPC for the video and @comex666 also i just couldn't get it
    Good night all
  • Night Pa♡
  • Another slow day huh Ob:( guess everyone has the winter bout some music?
    Let me see..
  • *presses J2 on the jukebox*
    I'll have a SpacePigKiller pleass and my own personal Famous Pizza :)
    A drink fir anyone who pops and all:)
  • Hi everyone :)
    Haven't been here in quite a while. I've been learning for two Maths exams ... one is tomorrow and the other on Thursday. I think I know all the stuff I can but I'm still pretty nervous.
    OB ... I'll have some chocolate. And something to drink.

    BTW congrats to everyone who won the puppy yesterday :)
  • Hi @Annifrid :) sorry i didnt see you there ! Nice to see you
  • Hi @Kathy :)
    What's on Kathy's famous pizza? I may ask OB for one ;)
  • I'm sure you'll Whiz those math exams ! You always nrevous natural before a test but you'll do well:)
  • Yes please OB a pizza for Annifrid pleass :) whatever you want on it @Annifrid. .i like mine with just xtra cheese:)
    Oh and drink on the house :)
  • OK ... I'd like it with loads of super smelly cheese :)
  • I'm sorry @annifrid but i gotta pop out for a bit . I'll bee back
    Good luck on your exams; )
  • Lol i don't Ike smelly cheese but yes have it as you want ;)
  • @Annifrid --Good Luck on your exam! But shouldn't you be sleeping even when you last posted? I learned early on in college that my brain was mush if I didn't get enough sleep, especially for science or math tests.
    And what smelly cheese do you like?
  • @mvnla2 My brain kinda works the other way :) I learn best at night when everyone's sleeping and I can concentrate on it. I'm a terrible night owl who wouldn't get enough sleep anyway (exams over here generally start at 8-9am) and from my own experience no sleep at all is much better than just a few hours. I'll go to bed immediately after the test, I promise :)

    As for the cheese, I'll eat pretty much any kind. French ones are the best. The more it smells the better it tastes ... and as an added bonus my sister hates it ;)
  • @annifrid -- Well, I sort of agree with you, but only partially. When I was in college, the first year I lived in a dorm, and got into the habit of sleeping for 3 hrs after dinner (when everyone was running about and chatting), then getting up at maybe 10 and studying until 3am, then sleeping until 6 or 7. However I did sleep a lot (OK, 6 or 7 hours) on a regular schedule every day.
    What taught me the lesson about sleep was the time I had a paper due the same day as a physics test, and had left the paper until the last second. I stayed up essentially all night writing the paper, and then went to the physics test, which I should have done very well on. However, my brain was totally mush, and I couldn't remember or figure out how to solve most of the problems. I did so poorly, the teaching assistant asked if I had been sick.
    I'm thinking I posted this before?
Post in the New Forum!