The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2464
  • @JLZ666 Glad you liked it!
    Screwed up again - Dead Ringers is tomorrow 18:30hrs, not today -:/
  • Don't worry about Dead Ringers @tompuss,I've got it sorted:) Also missed a couple of other programmes so iplayer is coming in handy!
  • @tompuss @everyone Seriously thinking about a London New Years Eve this year. Sydney and Dubai may boast the best fire work displays (they ARE incredible) but London is getting pretty damn close!
    Enjoy! FYI 4mins in is spectacular!
  • @sunshine you're a sweetheart. What a wonderful menu! Thank goodness I didn't miss this.
    OB yes I know I've had a huge amount of food over the last week but I'd love some of Kimmies Escargot,followed by Karen's Mac n cheese all washed down with a glass of Cristal please. What would be even better if there was any way of turning the Candy Cane drink into a frozen dessert? It sounds amazing!
  • @jlz666....poof!!!! One candy cane frozen dessert! Just like in Frozen! ;)
  • Thank you @sunshine but Ohhhh don't mention Frozen! This Christmas my nieces have made damn sure "Let it go" is forever stuck in my brain ;( However that Candy Cane dessert is an absolute winner! B & J should be afraid ;)
  • Just wondering -- Has anyone actually seen the price of Crystal in real life? I hadn't until a month or so ago, and was really glad it flows like water in the BP, because that's the only place I'm likely to get even a virtual taste of it.
  • @JLZ666 @sunshine -- I'm with JLZ on the menu. Hadn't peeked at the first page in a while. Lots of the old favorites!
  • @mvnla2 thanks! Enjoy!!! Happy New Year! Cheers!!! :D
  • yaaa !! At last got my first puppy !!
    in AB space beak impact part 1
    level: 8-1
    place- 5th XD
  • OB !! this with
    @rat9 's micro-pixel strategy......and also it is in space....I think Rat's Utopia Mix would be great !
  • I don't want to burst your bubble @aryamoitra, but I'm not sure you won a puppy with that great score.
    First: Beak Impact 8-1 wasn't the daily challenge, was it?
    Second: You didn't beat my top score.
    But I could just be confused. It wouldn't be the first time.
  • hmm..I think I misunderstood something.
    I thought that puppy is a good rank.
    so it is just for daily challenge isn't it ?
    okay, just on top 10 then.

    edit: still happy though for having a good rank. thanks :)
  • No, but it IS a great score on a tough level @aryaoitra. But the only way to win the daily challenge, and therefore a "puppy", is to beat the top score during the 24hours of the challenge. If I got a puppy for getting top five scores, I'd have 21 puppies in Beak Impact #2 alone. Only one level is currently above top five. Only 2 above top four. @Romo keeps beating me in BI #2 and has pushed me into some ridiculous scores. I could be wrong, but I think my lead is safe for a while. Good Luck @BeautiulVVorld.
  • thank you very much for the information @rat9 !!
  • Your welcome @aryamoitra. Do I need to worry about you now?
    I can't fling a bird without hitting a young whippersnapper trying to whup me. lol
  • @rat9
    Do as you wish :P
  • @JLZ666 Congrats for making "Top Chef", better than 15 minutes of fame there. . Love brownies. . scrumdiddlyumptious for sure (that's YOUR word, right?) -:)
    And thanks for those crackin' fireworks, I don't think Dubai does better. .
  • Yes that's my word @tompuss ;) I'm not sure top chef fits my creations but I do make a mean brownie! Actually I'm sitting flicking through Jamie Oliver's Comfort food (1 of 3 cook book Xmas gifts) and he's got one for Peanut butter and Jelly Brownies!?!?! Hmmmm I'll have to think about that one. Might give it a try over the weekend. I'll report back whether it's a hit or miss.
  • Hi @all anyone found @kelani yet? Hoping he's in a love nest somewhere near the sea.
    Even Kathy's mad phone names failed to find him.....
  • Scrummydiddlylumptious? Pass anything this way that tastes THAT good!
  • @hunnybunny @kelani's fine - see previous page! Enjoying the company of a svelte, lissome beauty in a slinky dress, you get the picture?

    ❤ ❤ ❤ lol


  • OMGirraffe @Tompuss how did you manage to get the secret camera to take videos of @kelani encounters lol;)
    I don't think we'll ever see him again by the looks of those videos lol..
  • @kathy No escape from the paparazzi, alas. . .
  • Hee hee @tompuss ; ) i wish he'd at least check in and say a quick hello.. ya know ?
    I'm out is been a long day with bf dad's services ..wiped out I am
    Thank you all for keep popping in and keep this little hole in the wall pub active♡ it means a lot:)♡
  • Night Pa♡
  • @kathy, @tompuss
    I think @kelani is only absent in BP. I saw him on recent forums. He was solving problems of other flingers. Maybe no time for chatting :D. otherwise he is regular in nest.
  • Night Ma

    I saw your whine for help. Sorry, but I'm totally out of commission atm. Good luck.
    SWDNF typed this for me because it even hurts to breathe. Not a great start to 2015.
  • @rat sorry to hear that. I'm not sure whether I dislike you or love you to pieces, but you are certainly entertaining. Hope things get better soon xx
    @kathy hugs to you and bf. We all suffer loss, but nothing anyone says really makes it easier xx
    @kelani report! Please! Although if @tompuss videos are correct I don't suppose we'll hear much from you again......
  • Hope you get to feeling better soooon Pa:( not cuz i could use your help but because i don't like thinking you in pain:(:(
    @hunnybunny ty for your kind words , it means a lot to know friends all over the world take a moment to send words of comfort, as you say there really are no words.
    It was a very overwhelming , emotional day for all.
    And nice try lol trying to bully @kelani to 'Report' haha I guess he's just to busy for us now:(
    Yes @Bird-watcher I've also seen his posts around the site..he probably really is busy but a simple "Hi " would be nice:(
  • OB ya bored? I'll have a SpacePigKiller please and add a shot of something Red..hmm cinnamon schnapps will do ty:)
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • @all my friends and acquaintances in the BP - I know many of you have heard me tell of my wonderful very own Mumsie - a truly wonderful lady - so it is with great sadness that I have to tell you that she died, peacefully, on Saturday.
    I hope to return to the nest and the BP once her children (4), grandchildren (11) great grands (10) have celebrated her life (through many tears but also with much laughter at marvellous memories) but for now OB a drink for everyone to raise a glass to her.
  • Hey @all I am back again to this nest... Hope you guys remember me? It's been a loooong time :D
  • ABfriends league thing is permanent???
  • @mumsie You've made me break my detox resolution already but I think she's worth it.
    *Clink* To a wonderful lady. Thank you for sharing her with us :)
    Now go and spend time with your family and friends to laugh,cry and share those precious memories. We'll all be here for you when you return. Take care Mumsie ((hugs))
    *curls up in Mumsies chair and raises a glass to Mummy Senior* "cheers"
  • Yes of course @Lamia Hi! How are you? Sorry,don't play AB friends so can't help!
  • @mumsie
    Giving a salute to the lady and raising the glass. No words to say but hope that time will cure everything.

    how are you now ? feeling well ?

    nice to meet you @lamia .
    hello to @jlz_666
  • *Cheers* to a peaceful journey @Mumsie42 Mum♡
  • Welcome Back @lamia :)
  • @mumsie so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you & your family.
    I'm happy to raise a glass to you wonderful own mumsie. *Cheers!*
  • @mumsie -- So sorry to hear of your loss. I know it's painful even if you were expecting it. With all those grands and great-grands there will certainly be a lot of wonderful memories to share. Make sure you take care of yourself as well as them.
  • @Lamia -- Welcome back! If you mean the AB Friends weekly tournament, it has been going on for quite a while, so if that means permanent, it is.
  • @lamia -- Have you really been gone for 2.5 yrs? Are you done with your medical studies?
    @rat -- Hope you are feeling better, and good enough to resume flinging soon.
  • @mumsie I am sorry for your loss. She was fortunate to be loved by so many.
  • Sooo.... is it Tuesday yet? No? I will be back...
  • Oh what the heck, it's mighty slow so I will go for it now..


    My Finn Ice scores are horrible! I don't have a single really good score, Not one! I need a drink.
  • @mumsie sorry to hear of your very own Mumsie passing away. I'll raise a glass xx
  • @bpc I have nightmares about Finn #2
    And most of mine are pretty awful too.......
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