The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2465
  • I just noticed, my current total score standings for ABO, Rio and Seasons are all 12. A very temporary coincidence, especially for ABO and Seasons. If I was a true blue Seahawks fan, I would be in 12 heaven :)
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • *runs in quickly placing baskets of earplugs on the bar and scattering them everywhere*
    OB be a dear please and up for WWwwwHhiiiinnneeee Tuesday;)
    Poofs to work
  • Good morning Blues and OB. Just a quick drop in to grab a large coffee and an egg and ham croissant to go. Busy day ahead, work, work, work!

    Happy New Year @All! Wishing you many happy and treasured memories the new year brings!
  • Yeah i have been gone for about 1 year!!! Been a long time... @mvnla2 Nope still 1 year left :D and thanks @kathy @mumsie ... wow!!! Seeing you guys after a long time!!
  • Hi all, been a bit under the weather (read nasty cold) so have been laying low lately. Just now checked up on the messages in here and I hope I am not too late to raise a glass in honor of @mumsie 's own mumsie! @Mumsie I am so sorry for your immense loss. You have told me (and others in the Nest) so much about her, she lives inside my head and heart forever to come. So know that her memory will live on a cross the globe, I am sure of it. *clink*

    I wish you and all your loved ones all the strength you are going to need. mwaaaah kisses my dear @mumsie
  • I have been amazingly bad in Finn Ice as well... it seems it is either against me, I lost my flinging capabilities or I just suck at the "lucky" debris collection. Whichever way it is, I am actually dreading to open up my beloved Seasons. :((
  • Good evening to you @all. Finally have time for social things, starting tomorrow. Read some comments here. Comment from @estar I liked, I also tought my skills were gone, completely gone.
    To @mumsie: so sorry for your immense loss. Wish you lots of power in this hard times.
  • Thank you all so much for your kind words - they really do help. xx
  • @mumsie nice to see you pop in, hope you & your family are keeping well.
    Feels like the polar vortex has returned, it's sooooo cold outside.
    I just noticed the new menu on pg 1, @sunshine it's amazing! Could I get one of Kathy's pigmuffins & a large black coffee to go please - nice & hot to keep my flinging fingers from freezing!
    Have a happy Hump Day everyone :)
  • Oh my, I missed your quick visit @Mumsie. I'm so sorry to hear of the immense loss of your very own Mumsie. My heart goes out to you and your family. May you find peace and comfort as we raise a glass *clink* to celebrate her life. (((hugs)))♥♥
  • I hope you feel better soon @Estar. And don't worry, you're not alone, I've been doing miserably in On Finn Ice, too!
    Love the new menu! OB, I'll have an order of @Kathy's Bacon Wrapped Shrimp, @Karen's Mac & Cheese, and a bottle of Stone Pale Ale please.
  • Sorry BP admins, that pic was very large. Please forgive me
  • @hunnybunny it is really awesome. See lots of this kind of pictures on facebook (that happens when you have almost 1000 friends with BMD's. Thanks for it.
    Popped in earlier this evening, nobody was in. :-(
    You did a pretty good job today on the Challenge. I read the comments, looked the pictures, read it again. Nothing, nada.
    OB, serve this lady anything she wants.
  • @admins please forgive @hunnybunny posting the picture. It is incredible. The dog is a bernese mountain dog, in swiss-german named "bernersenn". Please
  • @hunnybunny that is indeed on beautiful picture!! I did resize it a little bit, hope you don't mind.

    @sweetp thanks, I am in the last stage (bad cough) so almost there :) I think Finn Ice will be a months if not more project until I am ready to upload my videos. For the time being I did psrticipate in getting the average down, I put in my atrociously bad scores hahahaha. Just so I am not all the way down at the ladder over the overall scores of seasons.
  • Now, THAT's a hug! Very sweet picture @hunnybunny! No worries, a picture like that is worth every square millimeter.

    @Estar, my scores are so embarrassing, I almost didn't put them on the leaderboard. :( I'll have to revisit those levels again when I'm in a better mood. I'll be looking forward to your videos when they get uploaded

  • well @estar if you are having trouble with Finn Ice there's no hope for the rest of us. albeit @fenikus did really well. haven't looked at the leaderboards recently, too embarrassed!
    excuse bad typing, on PC!
  • @bernersenn thanks for the drink
    OB a little drop of your best whiskey for me (as long as Karen68 doesn't object)
  • Good night all. Off to ipad and challenge or Finn?
    Who knows?
  • Must be the daily challenge bringing out the warrior in them Seasons-Advent flingers. I remember having the same trouble last year. December is a busy month for me (anniversary weekend and a couple of other obligations) so I hardly have the time to participate in the daily challenge during the advent. but but.... hmmm maybe that is the key... the luck of the fireworks is luckier on the day itself... yep that's it... that's my excuse for my horrible scores and I am sticking with it hee hee

    OB can I have a Virgin Long Island ice Tea and a Mister @Rat 's Utopia Mix? Just a little snack before getting ready to turn in for the night. During the 2 week holiday I saw at least 4 AM on the clock each night, without even realising it me and hubbys body automatically switch to the night owl time when we have vacation. So it has been a struggle to get our minds back into the real world of 9 to 5. Thanks OB!
  • Night night @hunnybunny tough choice... have fun in the challenge hee hee
  • Night @E-star @ & @hunnybunny, looks like I just missed you both.
    @hunnybunny that drop of whiskey sounds good, I'll have to drop in later for one.
    @E-star hope that cold is gone for good soon. As for Finn Ice you're right, the Advent challenge does seem to bring out the best in people & the scores are really high. I don't want to think about the hours I spent getting the scores I have. I know you'll do great in the end, you always do.
    PS - isn't it Wednesday today? :D
  • @SweetP -- Hmm .. Didn't think there was a beer menu on page 1. Not a beer fan myself, but HWDNF loves Stone IPA.
    @E-Star -- I sure hope you get your videos up before a month expires. I still have a ways to go on OFI.
  • Night Pa♡
  • Early Night Ma.
  • Have a wonderful Birthday dear friend! Hope friends and family help make your day perfect!!
    Mwaaaaah! XX
    @hunnybunny that pic is adorable!!
  • @karen68 --Happy Birdday! Have a wonderful day, and remember: You're as young as you feel. As you get older, it helps if you "can't remember" how old the calendar says you are. There are 2 women I play golf with frequently who are 90. One of them walks more of the course than I do, and before I found out her age, I would have said she was in her 70s.
  • @jlz666 aww thank you.. what great pics to wake up to. Those flowers look yummy, I'll have to share them around. And the whiskey too, but maybe I'll keep the boys to myself (although I guess they'll have to go back to your garage at the end of the day) :)
    @birdwatcher - I think your "@" name is something else, I'm sorry I don't know it, but thank you for the banner, it's lovely. And it's nice to meet you!
    @mnvla2 thank you & wow your golfing friends sound amazing. And very young-at-heart!
    Glad I'm home today, it's hibernating weather. Woke up to a temperature of -19C this morning. A good day to stay inside. And my hubby has promised to make dinner tonight so I think I'll have a nice lazy day.
  • You're welcome @karen68! Yep you'd better enjoy the boys before I tuck them safely away for the night. We've got an awful storm due between midnight and 8am so we've just finished securing the garden and placed as many things as we can in the garage so it's going to be a tight squeeze in there! Wish me luck that my house doesn't do a "wizard of Oz" on us :(
    Mum emailed me this morning saying she to had woken up to -18 She's in Pennsylvania and is getting hammered. Guess Mother Nature is in a mood ;) Enjoy your relaxing,cozy day and your dinner this evening :D
    @birdwatcher What a lovely banner!
  • @karen68 wanna wish you a very nice birthday. Enjoy your day. Let's see if OB has some whiskey left for you? OB, bring those ladies their drinks. Pronto.
    Good evening to @all of you.
  • @karen68 guessing your age from your name! Have a large one on me. OB the best, please xx
  • Happy Birthday @karen68 !! OB has the special stock out for you ♡
    Hope your day is filled with laughter love and joy..and lots of Pressssies hee hee !!
  • Hee hee @hunnybunny you are Waayyy off ... better edit before she sees !!
  • Wow @Jlz666 you really outdid yourself awesome pressies.. hope your safe through the storm!
    Yep @Pa i had to call an early night.. needed to get up early today cuz of the cold! It was -3° when i left for work today and now it's a balmy 15° brrrrr....
  • Holy Giraffe @Jlz666 -18° ! I cant even imagine!!
  • @kathy year of birth NOT age hee hee
  • Roflmao @hunnybunny I took it wrong i guess lol.
  • Great banner btw @bird watcher and @JLZ I love the cards hee hee and the boys... Ehhhh whiskey barrels.
  • Thanks @bernersenn, @hunnybunny, @kathy. You guys are too funny, my age or birth year lol.
    @E-star thank you for the lovely banner. I had a nice dinner thanks to my hubby. I hope your cold is gone by now.
    With all the drinks going round I should be very happy by the end of the evening :)
  • Hee hee @karen68 I thought @hunnybunny was thinking you were 68 by the way her post was stated..i thought I'd better set it straight haha;) hope you had a scrumptious dinner and are staying warm and toasty:)
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