The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2693
  • @Sweetp i am 7 hours ahead of you and 6 hours ahead of @bernersenn, but both your time stamp is shown in my time¿¿ yes weird :/
  • @kathy it has to be that way I think. Your comment got 5:56 pm - which is correct. Ok, we write 17:56 but that is the same
  • @Ma I thought @SweetP lived in CA. That would make her three hours behind you. Not seven ahead. I think?
  • @rat9, I do live in CA, which is 3 hours behind the East Coast where @kathy lives. I'm 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

    @kathy, I'm in Pacific Time Zone, and it's 11:10am here. You're 3 hours ahead of me, which makes it 2:10pm Eastern time. GMT is 7 hours ahead of me, 4 hours ahead of you. My timestamp is 6:10pm, which is GMT. Weird, indeed!
  • I think I see what's happening here. All of the timestamps I see in these comments are in GMT, not in my time zone.
  • Time stamp experiment
  • 11.37 pm which is British Summer Time, not Greenwich Mean Time. An hour's difference, but absolutely bloody correct for where I am.
    Will try next week when I'm in different time zones (sorry, alluding to cruise, again, I'm just so excited!)

    Nighy night all xx

    OB Blue Mongos for all who come in tonight, my tab

    PS anyone seen @Pellystar missing his eighties music ....
  • Where are ya crusin to this time Mrs. Bunny? Or is it just the fact that your on the ship that has you so excited?
  • Well I guess we all see our own time zone on tune stamp, I'll be curious to see @hunnybunny wyat it is when your on your cruise, speaking of which ,seeing as @bernersenn has offered @Pa and @gumby on his vacation, can you take me on your cruise? hee hee I've never been on a cruise, i live my travels vicariously thtough you lol
    Nighty night ,Sweet Dreams :)
  • haven't seen @Pellystar in a while, hope i didnt offend him ,because i didn't like one of his songs :(
    Hi @Pa @all
    nice to see you pop in @Sweetp Welcome home:) and duh lol my bad, I knew it was only 3 hours difference, but @bernersenn and E-star are 6 hours difference from me.
  • And now I'm gonna Whhhhhiiiinnnneeeee, startinh SG from the beginning to try and improve on my improvement and found a high scoring strat by angry chicken on #2 but can't get it:(
    OB Blue Mongos please and I keep em' coming, the blues know the way;)
  • I've been on numerous cruises @Ma. Not near as many as Mrs. Bunny, but around eight or so. I like destination vacations better. I always get sick towards the end of a cruise no matter how many times I wash my hands. Plus the rooms aren't built for someone that's 6'4", especially the bathrooms. My knees are scrunched up against the walls if I try to shut the door to the toilet. I feel like a sardine. There are a lot of things to do and loads of food but these days everything is an extra (expensive) charge. But the higher end cruise lines give you an excuse to dress for dinner and dancing. I'm going to try a few river cruises in Europe in the near future. I think I'll enjoy them more. Excursion times will be longer, I think. And more to see other than water between destinations. Have you done any river cruises Mrs. Bunny?
  • @kathy WASSSUPPP and Im not sure about @rat but I invited myself on @bernersenns vacation :)
    @bernersenn hello
  • @kathy that new chat room isn't working for me :(
  • @gumby are you friends with everyone in it? You have to be for it to work.
  • Here's an oldie but goodie
  • @gumby Waassssupppp??? @karen68 is right, are you friends with @bonneypattycat?
  • @knichy you probably want to check your friends list as well?
  • @Pa i wouldn't know about the size of rooms on cruises ,but i bet they'd suit me just fine lol, 5'4 90lbs ya Id manage lol:) what's the difference on a River cruise?
  • @karen68 I think you have figured out the problem, I don't think bonneypattycat and I are friends
  • @kathy I sent a request, now just have to wait.
  • @kathy I went to see my 10 day old nephew today, he's soooo cute
  • Omg Ialmost forgot @gumby ,ibetcha he is cute:) is he home yet?
  • @kathy yeah he is home, I went to my sisters house an hour away.
  • That's cool @gumby:)
    Yeppers big Bangs going on now, did you see the rainbow earlier ¿ i missed it, was on the sloooooowwww computer trying to pay a bill:(
  • @kathy no I didn't see any rainbow, you could have walked to the bank and payed it quicker LOL
  • @kathy I remember when my sister was smaller than her baby, and holding her in my arms
  • probably @gumby though i think the bank is in NJ or somewhere lol, still a bus may hsve been quicker, or a cab lol,
    I rember when my sister was a baby too,,but also hsve had my own since then lol
  • Cruise ships travel between locations at night pulling into ports early or mid-morning. Then it's a rush to cram on a bus for a one-three hour trip to a location such as Rome. They then give you one to three hours at the excursion destination before cramming back on a bus for another one to three hour trip back to the ship. As if that wasn't bad enough, they stop somewhere on the way back to allow you to shop. Allow? Ha! The cruise lines have made arrangements to get kickbacks from a clothes/purse factory, jewelry store, etc. for bringing them a captive clientele to shop. You can end up spending as much time at the shopping location as you did at the excursion location that you paid quite a bit of money to go to. Talk about getting ripped off. I've been on excursions that you never got off the bus. You just drove around and looked at scenery and buildings through the bus window. But they still had time to get me off the bus for over an hour so they could to try and sell me something like a cameo broach. I didn't pay to look at broaches. I wanted to see Rome. Tell @Ma if I'm exaggerating Mrs. Bunny.

    River cruises dock in town and you can walk off at your leisure and explore. Big difference.
  • Hello all, just catching up, BMs for everyone on me. Ooooh, that didn't come out right. I've not been on a cruise either, Mrs knichy really wants to go but is germophobic so hasn't thought it through. I think it would be well worth trying, but I like going to the beach, chillax! I had a terrific work trip to Hawaii, the logistics made a two week trip out of five half day site visits, my airfare and lodging paid. It's good to be a team lead!
  • Hmmm @Pa yeppers River cruises sound much more relaxing , although if . i was on a regular cruise, i probably would nt bother to get off the ship:/ i prefer the ocean:) the sway of the waves , I'm just in in it for the cruise ship, not the the sights , or tourist attractions
  • OB I'll have a Blue Mongo as knichy kindly offered
    My keyboard (tablet) is wacky atm going Flinging..
  • Well folks I'm out , early bedtime , I'm trying to be good @Pa , sorry @snicker may not get his chance for a while , I'll mess up one of these days , then he can have his proper training lol..
    Nighty night all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • You sound like Mrs. Bunny when it comes to crusin. She enjoys the travel more than the destination.
    Good night @Ma
  • @hunnybunny you are going on a cruise? Never did such thing, but when I see it in movies, I like it (I think).
    @rat @gumby I think that my vacation (or holiday, what is the best word?) will be crowdy.
    Till now we (Charlotte and myself), @rat @gumby and our 2 dogs are in.
    Guys, what should I ask the landlord? Should she add two sleeping romes? Or do you share one room? Are you bringing with you mrs. @rat and mrs. @gumby ? Lol.
  • @rat9 Check out the Azamara cruises. Smaller ships, easier and much quicker to get on and off, can dock places the larger ships can't, and, most importantly, they stay in a port for a full day. As in dock around 8:00 a.m. and leave around 10:00 p.m. Sometimes overnight in port. I did an Italy, Turkey and Greece trip two years ago and had a great time. Normally, I am not a fan of cruises.
    As for European river cruises, have been on a few of them too. Love them! Top deck is for lounging while boat tools down the river, beautiful scenery on both sides. We've been on Uniworld, they have bikes you can use when docked, great to explore with. Just make sure your boat is fairly new, some of the older ones have really small staterooms. (By older I mean built in the 1990's.)
  • Hi @all

    Hope you are all well and sorry I haven't been in the bar for a while.

    @Kathy you certainly haven't offended me, I think you are completely sensible to take an aversion to some of my '80's numbers!

    @Hunnybunny hello my old friend and foe, I think you should try and regain your leadership of ABR Timber (I think)....forget about ABS Bonus!!!

    I have been through a sh1tload of stress hence radio silence....but am now back!!!

    Time to listen to a feel good song:

  • Thanks @Pellystar, relieved to know i haven't offended you:)
    And you've redeemed your musical reputation:) I've heard Duran Duran, ibut never that one, very good and great video:) sorry to hear you've had some stressful stuff,
    Weirdest thing,after i view ed the video, the video, a big white box was blocking my screen, something about cloudfare, and timeout! Then said the site was down for a second:(
    Did the site go down for anyone else , strange..
  • @rat @everyone who is actually interested (not many, I expect) We sail tomorrow on Cunard's Queen Victoria, our favourite ship. Booked about ten days ago, and secured a very cheap cabin with a fabulous view of.... A lifeboat!
    Well there you go, it was a toss up between awful cabin on good ship, or good cabin on awful ship, for much the same cruise itinerary...
    Leave Southampton tomorrow, three days at sea, two days Barcelona, then Cannes, Rome, Florence, a day at sea, Cartagena, Gibraltar (really good duty free shopping, shopping, shopping) two days at sea, and home. I just love cruising!

    Mister Rat first cruise was The Nile, highly recommended, but pay money for a good ship, ours was bloody awful. The sights were amazing. Not sure that Egypt is safe any more. We went fifteen years ago and had armed guards at some locations, they looked like teenagers with guns bigger than they were! Not done European river cruises, but certainly interested, done the Med, the Caribbean and the Canaries so often, a change of scene sounds good

    @gumby is nephew turning Gumby green yet?

    More on cruising @pa @ma Rat is right, almost. There are two things you can do to avoid the "dreadful" cruise tour. They now offer "small group" tours: no shopping stops, small coach, talented guide, highly recommended. Or if you dock close to the town, buy a guide book and walk!

    @kathy jump on the plane, now! I take so much luggage no one will notice you packed into another case!

    Have to post this now, keep getting the dreaded error box, which I seldom see. Was going to try and beat @jlz-666 for the longest post ever!

  • Now the video is gone:(
  • Oohhh @hunnybunny i also forgot to mention the giant error box! Glad it wasn't just me..
    And lol ,sure enough I could actually curl up and fit in a large suitcase hee hee:)
  • OB drinks for all on the house in celebration of our very own @bernersenn making the top ten on the Seasons leaderboard!!:D
  • and the video is back:)
  • @kathy how could you say "not in it for the sights"? I send you all the pictures of the sights we see, which you love. And Rat, although I love being at sea, and dressing up; the art, architecture, gardens, and everything we see are fabulous. Hoping to get the Uffizi Gallery this time.

    @bernersenn if I wasn't away, you could put me and Mr Bunny in your suitcase as well

    Hi @catsnbirds you convinced me on river cruising! @rat I'm sure amazara boats are totally non-smoking, so good not for us people with the leper habit

    Lol @pellystar my favourite Duran Duran song, but not terribly "feel good" more "feel sad"
  • Ahh your right @hunnybunny , i am in it for the sights lol, but not the way @Pa explained it;)
    I love all the pics you take with me in mind ,:D especially the castles. Pa made it sound like there no time to walk about for long
  • Woo Hoo song

    It's a weird Japenese thing, but Woo Hoo, this time tomorrow I'll be cruising, with the tiny Kathy released from my suitcase...

    Nighy night, all.

    See you tomorrow night, Kathy, in The Commodore Bar on The Queen Victoria xx
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP
    @bernersenn I wish I could go on vacation lol, work work and more work. Never ends
    @hunnybunny nope I went to see him yesterday and still no signs of green
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