The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3035
  • BTW @kathy there's not enough hours in the day to make a list of my lame jokes.
  • Did you hear the one about the window cleaner with a crown?
  • Wow That page flew by! @Brian I can't help but feel you stole my crown on purpose this time:/
    @desperaredan the only difference is when you go to copy it, copy the 'direct link's is last in the list of html httpp thingamabobs.
    Nighty Night Birdie Friends..
  • @kathy, the problem is getting the photo into the album in the first place. Either I go to upload it and nothing happens (although it seems to be doing it) or I get an error message saying that it is bigger than the 80Mb limit which is not true.
  • Ah, I have an idea. I will take screenshot of the photo, that seems to work.
    Here is Twiggy in "her back garden" a couple of days ago.
    "Me? Must have been some other dog wot did it"
  • On best behaviour this morning
  • Finally We get to see the Famous Twiggy :D she's so cute @DesperateDan but I'm afraid she would never qualify for the Hedge Hopping, she isn't as tall as the 'must be this tall' mark lol
    Visiting Nurse here any minute, turn I'm gonna for up my laptop finally! Order.. watch my new show on Netflix , is another Harlan Cohen movie called 'safe' guys a post good writer!! So far so good, watched 3 of his so far and loved them all
  • @kathy i'm not so sure about your opinion on twiggy about the hedge hopping. Pretty sure I've been chased by something similar. The secret was near the end grab a washing line post, do a half swing and head back the way you came from checking the old bill weren't waiting for you at the original starting post. Those were the days my friend. I feel a song coming on.
  • In Twiggy's mind she is not a small dog. However, her tactics to get past a hedge would probably involve eating her way through it.
  • I used to have a.mongrel with little dog syndrome. Forever picking fights with alsatians and rottweilers. Never ate hedges tho.

    Hey @ixan57, bet you couldn't manage bonsai hopping these days.
  • @BrianN if there is a pint at the end of it, I'm sure I would manage anything
  • Anyone lurking?
  • I never lurk.

    Did you hear about the autistic guy who hated greens? He had asparagus syndrome... ok I'm just going to lurk for a bit...
  • @BrianN find your own place to lurk unless you're buying beers
  • Challenge too difficult today. I seem to remember that my score was a bit flukey when I got it. I quite like the Birdday 5 levels but this one wasn't one of the best.
  • Anyone know how I get the bronze underdog?
  • @desperate-dan I asked @sweetp to award it but she hasn’t been around for a bit - let me see what I can do.
  • No hurry @karen68, but thanks. I never thought I would get to 10 after it took so long to just get one.
  • Well @ixan57 I never said where I'd be a lurkin'. Found a nice quiet retreat in the Himmalayan foothills called Lurkers for Ghurkas. Learning the martial art of feng shui. Not ready to fight a bear yet, but man I can arrange a room superbly.
  • Speaking of fighting off a bear did anyone see that video of a teenage American girl pushing one off her wall to protect her dogs? I reckon Twiggy could've handled it tho I'm guessing she doesn't know feng shui.
  • She loves feng shui. I can't stop her eating the stuff. Good roughage.
  • Ooh @kathy, we are Challenging for one of your trophies today.
  • Having had a go at this I will stick my neck out @kathy and say that I think your trophy is safe. This level is a brute.
  • Well i stuck my neck out and it got chopped off. I'm clearly doing something wrong. I can't break 80k for love nor money.
  • @desperate-dan today’s challenge is a horrible level. You’re not doing anything wrong.
  • We still do call her Twiglet @ixan57, that was going to be her original name. Her pedigree name is Tanqueray Red which I believe is a gin.
  • Well I think I am @karen68, just by playing it in the first place. There are some levels that from the word go I have a good feeling about and others that never click. I wonder if it is a platform issue. On an Android phone this one seems impossible to line up correctly. And it's rare that I can't even get to average. Nothing behaves like things do in the videos. I am not whingeing but just observing huge level to level variations that I can't explain.
  • Sounds like whinging to me. Is your pedigree name Moaning Minnie?
  • Kick a man while he's down, won't you? ;-)
  • Yes, should I put my Doc Martins on?
  • Now today on the Challenge, all fine. Too much for my brain.
  • This is me trying not to miss a page,, can't chat right now
    I'll be back :) taking longer to get back to myself than I anticipated ..
  • This page is interminable @kathy, you were already on it about a week ago. The gobby gits have gone a bit quiet.
  • Trolling...
  • Everyone is lurking, obviously. As I was saying to Lady Gaga, it's amazing who you can meet in the lurkers' section.
  • Result @karen68! I have my shiny new Bronze Underdog Badge. Thank you. Drinks all round. Come on, lets be havin' yer!
  • Giving it the full Delia. Non UK patrons need not enquire.
  • So. Dan. It appears you haven’t hooked any fish yet…
  • No, I guess not @catsnbirds, unless you are yourself a fish. A catfish? I idly looked back a couple of years and noticed that the jukebox was in much greater demand. This needs to be rectified.
    No-one makes music like this anymore.
  • Knock Knock
  • OK i give up.
  • know how you feel @ixan57
  • I think this page needs to be taken in hand and given a good spanking.
  • Guess @brianN's back on prison food
  • Is Vic there?
  • ooh, speak of the devil
  • I hear ringing in the air
  • grabs the fez
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