The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3144
  • @Desperate Dan

    There is one excellent Kevin Costner film - No Way Out.
    Great plot, full of surprises and twists
  • Hi @tompuss, glad you survived the riots. They could do with someone like Dumas marshaling the police over there.
  • Currently reading About a Boy, because I loved two other Nick Hornby’s:
    A Long Way Down
    Juliet, Naked

    On films: The Blues Brothers!
  • @cats’n’birds
    A tennis quiz
    Name the two players who have beaten Rafa, Djokovic and Federer five times

    Annie, never read that, must do xx
  • I think I saw that film @tompuss. Ok, not bad. Is that the one where his photo gets (implausibly) reconstructed over several days? Ooops, SPOILER. I take it all back. I love Kevin Costner after all. Who knew?
  • Can you rephrase your question @hunnybunny. Just add a verb somewhere. Thanks.
  • Yes, Nick Hornby always well worth a read. Of course, as an Arsenal fan I would say that (Fever Pitch). But I have read at least 3 others including High Fidelity. Not my elusive Desert Island fiction pick though. Still thinking.
  • I think she meant beaten. Andy Murray surely must be one of them.
  • Phew, most other verbs would have been a bit dodgy.
  • @hunnybunny Yes Blues Brothers!
    Other two most hilarious American films:

    My Cousin Vinny

    Beverly Hills Cop (first one only, sequel NBG)
  • American comedy. How far do you want to go back? Some of my fondest memories of me and my old man were the two of us with tears streaming down our faces and sides aching watching Tom and Jerry or Laurel and Hardy and mum poking her head round the door wondering what the fuss was about (which added to our laughter).
    That's my level but if we're going down Blues Brothers route early Steve Martin(before he became unfunny) Trains, Planes, Automobiles being my personal favourite. Nielsen as Drebner, Airplane. Farrelly bros. Thing about comedy is it's probably more subjective than any otherfotm of entertainment. You either get it or you don't.
  • BrianN Don’t miss Vinny.

    "What’s a grit?"

    And most hilarious court-room scene ever
  • If we are going down the comedy route then Spinal Tap. Ever wondered why the BBC IPlayer volume setting goes up to 11?
  • I'm afraid there are vast swathes of American comedy I just don't find funny. I'm not saying I find UK comedy universally better but at its best it does seem to be far more cutting edge. I have to conclude the average US sense of humour is different and to me, a little less sophisticated. There! I've said it.
  • Bloody autocorrect, obviously “beaten” Murray one

    US comedy:
    The Golden Girls and Cheers
  • Wawrinka, since I know he's beaten Djokovic more than 5 times?

    Could have been something else @hunnybunny. Who knows how your mind works?
  • Del 'boy' Potro?

    Hear what you're saying @desperatedan. Slapstick just hits me in the gut and causes instinctive belly laughs and it is very unsophisticated but I think the British do it just as well. Also there are some really sophisticated American comedies more tv than film the Bunny mentioned a couple also Seinfeld Veep etc.

    Spinal Tap is brilliant but is American and the same team made Best in Show also Brilliant. Did you mean that as the exception? Also which British comedies set your hair on fire @desperatedan? Think I may have mentioned that Fawllty Towers is the best sitcom ever(imho). What say you? In fact most things Python float my boat.
  • Anyway what about you guys Stateside? Defend yourselves, great U S and Canadian (@karen68) comedy. What makes you laugh?
  • Hey @desperatedan have you noticed how @hunnybunny airbrushes her mistakes out of history? So vain.
  • When I was very young, Do Not Adjust Your Set was my favourite which had a ridiculous amount of comedy talent in it for a kids programme (David Jason, Tim Brooke Taylor and half of Python, not to mention the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band). Subversive. After that I was really into The Goodies. Python and Fawlty Towers goes without saying. Also re-runs of the Goons on radio. Later, off-beat, slightly dark stuff. One Foot in the Grave in that genre. Blackadder is class. As a family we all enjoyed Mr Bean (not the films).
  • Agree with most of the above. Think I read everything Spike Milligan ever wrote and also loved the BBC Q series he did.

    Without necessarily any rhyme or reason Palin was my favourite Python. Did you ever see Ripping Yarns?
  • Speaking of Ripping Yarns England have given themselves a chance tomorrow. I hope Bairstow scores the winning runs as I'm not a fan of the Bair bating going on at the moment. People have such short memories. Yes I know he has iron mitts but he's worth his place as a batter and I understand England 's thinking but with Pope' s absence tbey missed a trick by not playing Foakes at 7.4 seamers is all you need at Headingly.
  • Lol, the much maligned Rat once played Your so Vain for me in this very pub!
    I’m totally and utterly vain, and everything about me is out the bottle: blonde hair, tan, fabulous complexion, amazing big blue eyes (not the blueness, that’s real)
    It’s who I am.

    Agree on Fawlty Towers, One Foot in the Grave, and Blackadder. Did either of you see the pilot, first broadcast last month. Starts out very Upstart Crow (another one of my favourites) and turns into every Blackadder you’ve ever seen

    Tennis question: Theim, who sadly got injured and never took his place amongst the greats.
  • @Kathy sends love, but is sadly still unwell. Hope she pops in soon, to see how much us nutters love her too
  • Across the Andes by Frog. Ripping Yarns classic. In another, the hilarious cop car chase in early motor cars that are only going at walking pace but no-one thinks to jump off and run instead.
  • For a fake you're very honest. Or is it a double bluff?

    Have watched all episodes of Blackadder in the past but not seen the pilot for a long time. Have a vague recollection of the singing at the end being more high pitched and hysterical than the other episodes?
  • Amazing to think they're nearly 50 years old @desperatedan. "8 bloody 1!"
  • Ooh, just remembered Count Arthur Strong (but best on radio). Of course that takes me to I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue (Humphrey Lyttleton era - the funniest host of all time, ever, despite being a straight man).
    We didn't actually have a TV until I was 11, so had to catch stuff at friend's houses. So I was very much brought up on radio. Test Match Special was the backdrop to every summer. I remember very clearly sitting listening to cricket when I was very young, only about 7 or 8 then going out into the garden pretending I was John Edrich or Basil D'Olivera. I thought gully was a ditch where the fielder just popped up from and caught the ball. Our local cricket ground was a bit like that anyway.

  • Also was listening to Just a Minute from pretty much when it started in the late 60s, so was pretty shocked to find Nicholas Parsons still presenting it in 2019. Some of Kenneth Williams' finest moments.
  • @kathy can skip all this stuff when she gets back.
  • In 1980 my college resurrected its annual summer ball. We had music provided by Humphrey Lyttleton on that night. The previous ball had been back in 1967 when the music was provided by Pink Floyd.
  • @kathy usually skips everything anyway. One of my father in laws (my wife's family history is complicated), the one who wears fishnets in public, put me on to Count Arthur Strong(Walter Mitty meets Mother Theresa meets Capt. Mannering). Only seen the tv show but was gutted it only ran for a couple of series. Wonder if the radio episodes are still around?
  • Well @ixan57 I finally unlocked the last 3 episodes of Seasons. 2 of them came back with levels complete, 1 came back empty!?

    As Fred Trueman used to say: "I just can't work it out."
  • @BrainN crazy must be lurking in the depths of your tablet memory. Can't come from the cloud, rovio seen to that. I'll be sticking with the same make of tablet (Samsung) from now on and using the smart switch app. That way i should not loss any data.
    Are you still using airplane mode to achieve this?
  • No I was linked via WiFi this time @ixan57.

    Justice done at Headingly. 3 bloody 0 would have been a travesty.
  • 2005 was the greatest series ever. Not just Ashes. This is on a par so far, and that's a very high bar to clear. The thing about 2005 was that all of the matches (except the 1st) not only had tight finishes, but were exciting all the way through. This is the same. The sides are so well matched.
  • Well, I’m very truthful, @BrianN
    I’m just a fake beauty, but seriously not fake about anything else
    Well done England
  • @Desperate_Dan

    Love I’m Sorry I haven’t a clue!

    Favourite Mornington Crescet moment: Jeremy Hardy and the sat-nav lady:
  • I see the Aussies have drafted in Joe 90 as their new spinner thus taking cheating to new heights.

    Thought we'd agreed 1981 Ashes best series ever. C'mon @desperatedan get a grip.
  • Sigh! That grip is my hands round your throat! The 1981 series had no redeeming merit whatsoever until the last 24 hours of the third test. And nothing was riding on final (6th) test, The 2005 series was electric from the very first ball of the first test with a sensational first day. And grindingly tense on the last day of the last test with everything to play for. And that's all I have to say on the matter.
  • I'm sorry I haven't a clue either @tompuss but I think it might be heatstroke.

    Gutted for Cav @desperatedan he had history within his grasp and now his Tour is done. Looking like a good battle betwixt Pedalcar and Vinegar gourd.
  • Cav had the legs for it but not the shoulders. He could be back next year, it appears. The Jimmy Anderson of cycling?
  • Pakistan's Mudasser Nazar holds the record for the slowest test 100 but who has the slowest test 50?
    Clue: he was just as boring in the commentary box.
  • C'mon guys admit it we're all dying to know who this dodgy BBC presenter is(what is it about BBC presenters?)Despite our prurient interest in such things I'm glad they changed the law to protect innocent people from false charges being publicly shamed. Felt sorry for Sir Cliff who was falsely accused of sexual offences and had to endure a police raid on his house being filmed by cameramen in helicopters and relayed on national news. Think the law was changed after that.

    Mind you he has a criminal record spanning eight decades.
  • Ha, ha @Brian his one redemption is “Summer Holiday” a crap but very watchable film

    Did you mean “he has criminal records spanning eight decades”?
  • My prediction for the Ashes
    Unbelievably, it doesn’t rain at Old Trafford, and England win
    It pisses down at The Oval, hardly any play
    Australia retain
  • This is where Bazball helps. You can lose one or two days to rain and the match will still be over. Sourpuss McGrath is now calling it Cazball (casual ball, an insult). He said he would change his prediction from 5-0 to 4-1 if England won. Go figure!
  • Yes I did mean records, I'll have to go back and delete that mistake @hunnybunny.

    Very cryptic. Bloody Welsh Couldn't he have stuck to sheep?... Literally.
  • What have you been telling the Sun @hunnybunny?
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