The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3156
  • You two musical luvvies need to book a room.

    Worst night of the Proms @hunnybunny far too much jingoistic pomp for my liking. BBC N O of Wales did a good version of Beethoven symphony No 5,one of my favourites couple of weeks ago.
  • Take it all back about Gordo he's top dog in Arctic Eggspedition. Must've been his golden period. Eventually stumbled into 3rd in Abra-ca-Demon wild horses will not drag me back there... maybe the Daily Challenge...
  • Well, Brian you look good in The Crown, so live with the Pomp!
  • At least the Rugby World Cup is on terrestrial TV though I won't be expecting too much from Wales or England. Scotland are in a tough group with Ireland and South Africa. My head says France on home soil for the title but after their scruffy performances against Scotland I'm not so sure. My heart says Ireland but they've never performed that well in a RWC. Still they've never been this good hope they can handle the burden of being world ranked No. 1.Never write off the All Blacks or the Boks as they nearly always come good at a World Cup.

    I know I'm talking to myself here but that's never stopped me before.
  • And the circumstance is heady. Thought @kathy would fire off 10 posts to claim her 'rightful inheritance'.
  • No, Bunny is here; listening
    My money is on the All Blacks -v- France and/or Ireland final
    Bet I’m completely wrong!
  • I don't care much about rugby. But I inherently find myself hoping England get slaughtered. Can anyone diagnose my condition?
  • I'm sure Sigmund Freud could have a go @desperatedan ... if he wasn't dead.
  • I think I just miss the amateur days. There seemed to be a lot more characters then. The game is also just too complicated for me to understand. Bad memory of one of Henry's school pals being paralysed in a school match. Lots of reasons why I have no time for it. But a sport I hate even more is basketball. I mean, what is the point?
  • Being Welsh, I also want those arrogant English, stuck up, B*stards to be slaughtered
  • Anyway, there is the small matter of a World Cup Final tomorrow morning. We may go for a long walk to avoid the stress. We got badly lost today in a network of footpaths that all the local farmers had decided to block off. Ended up with almost 3 hours of walkies. Not a problem for Twiggy but I was starting to wilt. I was wondering what doggie treats might taste like.
  • Hang on, I thought you said you came from Surrey,
  • Ah, yes, I've just remembered that we are arrogant stuck up b*stards. I knew there was something.
  • Now now why don't we all settle down and enjoy a nice chilled piece of music. Mr Bunny will approve of the title, Mrs Bunny will approve of the bad language and @desperatedan will approve of the music.
  • No need to diagnose @hunnybunny's condition. English envy.
  • Here's a clip from the musical We will Rock You.
  • Indeed I do approve. And if you like that minimalist approach to music then this lot are the daddies.
  • Now there's a proper Welsh band @hunnybunny though I'd say the Mods were more in the spirit of John Cooper Clarke. Thanks for that @desperatedan haven't heard it in ages.
  • Well I'm off to bed all but before I go @desperatedan I assume you don't want the Lionesses to get slaughtered tomorrow? Sigmund would have a field day. Nite all.
  • No animals should be harmed during a football match.
  • Seems like he's come out of retirement.
  • Definitely a chance of a pup today @comex666 has already smashed it and @hallieginsb has gotten within a few hundred points. Hey @desperatedan why don't you set it up on a rinse and repeat cycle and take Twiggy out for a long walk (which is de rigueur for you these days what with you regularly getting lost 'n all.) When you get back squeaky clean new puppy.
  • Welsh on Fire, a bit too late for the Men, however they are upsetting Spirit
    I think once you move to God’s Own Country, you just hate the English
    My mother was born in North Kent, so far north it’s now part of London. Had a cockney accent, moved to Wales in 1964, and always supported Wales
  • My mother was technically a cockney, but spoke quite poshly.

    Anyway, really pleased to report first sighting of a red squirrel. In the Dingle at Llangefni, if you really wanted to know. They are apparently moving south into Gwynedd. I think there must be an attritional front line with the greys similar to the Russia/Ukraine conflict. They lob acorns at each other.
  • Am I right in saying that Fire will qualify if they win their last game? Didn't see that coming.
  • I did say they'd have a better season.

    Seems like squirrels play with their food as well. Did you say nutritional front line?
  • Old joke: two cannibal families on holiday, their children playing on the beach when one of the mothers intervens and tells her son to stop playing with his food.
  • Boom boom that's a cracker.
    Well @DesperateDan you wanted response from lurkers Corner, you got it.
  • And so tasteful too.
  • Question. Anyone else here a Good Omens fan? (Yes, I’m still in my lurkers booth, where I’ve been since page 1)
  • No, @catsnbirds never seen it
    Dan, Quizzical Monday! Are you ready?
  • Can someone PuHLEEZ explain Quizzical Monday to me ?

  • @Kathy each Monday there are two quiz programmes on British television that the Bunny and Dan pit their wit's against each other.
  • Quizzy Monday

    Only Connect 7 points. 1 for yellow/red flags, 2 for October being the longest month, 2 for the black pool ball and 2 for M4:Cromer. Do I get a bonus point for knowing (and been to) the Worcestershire village (Inkberrow) that
    Ambridge is based on? And it has a pub called The Bull.

    Just onto UC now. Usually useless. Chris was always very good (and diagnosed Paxo's Parkinsons about 2 years before he announced it).
  • I was useless. But how can they guess Genesis and Rush when the answer is Joy Division. What do they teach at universities today?
  • Explain Good Omens @catsnbirds, now we have dragged you kicking and screaming out of your booth!
  • Anyone other than @hunnybunny want to say why October is the longest month?
    This one may not cross the pond.
  • Novel by Terry Patchett and Neil Gaiman published in 1990. Turned into a 6 episode TV series a few years ago (created by Gaiman) on Amazon Prime. Gaiman wrote a 6 episode season two, which was released last month. Plans are for a season three to finish the story. Stars David Tennant and Michael Sheen. I am obsessed!!!
  • I'm lost on the chat page @ixan57 please help me find the new chat, @hunnybunny, @karen68, @bernersersenn, someone grab my arm and pull me in?
  • @Hunnybunny thanks for the link to This Forum, work,s out well,
    I'm just lost, wandering all over the Nest lol
  • Are you feeling ok @ixan57? That joke was actually funny in fact it deserves it's own musical tribute.
  • October is one of the 31 day months but also in the name of Daylight Savings the clocks go back an hour on the final Sunday of the month thus making it an hour longer than the other 31 day months.
    Americans will be familiar with the concept but the clocks go back on the first Sunday of November?
  • What's the connection between this song and the last?
    I saw them live at their peak. Wow!
  • Fire probably out, need to make zillions of runs in quick time
    Of course, we would have won without Brook showing the England selectors why he shouldn’t have been neglected
    What an innings!
  • Wild guess on the link: 10cc I’m sure one of them was involved in the first
  • Yes well done England selectors.

    Can think of 2 connections @desperatedan loved a bit of Ska back in the day.
  • We had a quick drink with the delusional Frenchman earlier
    Still hasn’t booked his ferry to France. Arguing with the wife over whether he can take the dog
    If I was his mother (who is still younger than me) I’d give him a good slap around the face
  • Well, Super Chargers can’t qualify, so there is some, little, microscopic hope…
    Which reminds me, Dan, when you said, “Wait til you get to the cells”
  • @brianN has the connection. 2/3 of the Fine Young Cannibals were in The Beat. Not front man Roland Gift.
    And you two both beat me to the utterly inexplicable omission of Brook. Someone needs their head banging together.
    Looks like Fire will win...
Post in the New Forum!