The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3157
  • Have you ever, I mean ever ever, seen an insane scorecard like that Superchargers one?
  • Prince Harry.
  • PrincessLurker
  • I typed Lurking ???
  • But I used the disappear it arrows
  • I thought they only worked c one way I'll never understand
  • @sweetp you sent @meanguy a message saying his puppy was disallowed but the message came to me as well and it didn't reference his name anywhere so I thought it was intended for me! I was in a desolate state for about 2 minutes given that it was going to be puppy number 30. Please don't ever do that again, I can't take it.

    Maybe I should just get out more...
  • Oh hang on, I do, thanks to a small four legged furry friend.
  • Keep up the good work @sweetp. Gotta keep those lists clean. I do feel for @meanguy though, I've been there more than once, as you know.
  • Anyway drinks and nibbles all round as I have a shiny new badge.
  • Congrats King Dan. Wonder if @meanguy knows the rule about 'after the fact' score tally screenshot being acceptable proof?
  • I'm losing track. I surmised from what @sweetp was saying that would be inadmissible as well otherwise she simply would have asked to see it. Can. Worms.
  • I've been having fun watching the very erratic live sub-titles at the World Athletics Championships. Apparently the Australian pole vaulter just had the biggest dump of her life.
  • Do your disappear it arrows work on people @kathy?
  • Lol @desperatedan they work on your name, not actually people :) I wish !
  • I hope it wasn't mid vault.
  • @hunnybunny I'm guessing your favourite number isn't 0.11 right now.
  • As for puppy score proof you have a short memory @desperatedan. Rio Jungle Escape 28.
  • Anyway @kathy, just out of interest who would you most like to make disappear. Guessing it's not Trumpy.
  • Tricky Wordle word yesterday. VERVE. Idiots going into meltdown saying it's completely unfair, too difficult, not even a real word or one that anyone ever uses. Never going to play again because it's such a (s***) game (this after quite happily playing for the last 200 days when they always guessed it).

    One thing the internet continually exposes is how many completely stupid and utter ignorant people there are how have a completely misplaced sense of entitlement. Not in the BP, thank goodness.

    Didn't go searching for this news BTW, it was an actual headline can you believe.

    Got it in 5. Average was 5.2 which is the highest I have ever seen apart from PARER which was my one and only downfall in 548 attempts.

    EDIT: @Desperate-Dan, a slight slip of the fingers, so it was censored. Must keep it G-rated clean, thanks!
  • Do you really think that rule is nailed down @brianN? It has had more U-turns, a really U-turny thing.
  • Mornin'' birdies :)
  • Hello! Did you ever finish your book?
  • *looks around,* uhmm you talking to me @desperatedan ?gggg
  • Suggest you refresh your memory by checking out the discussion we had on Rio Jungle Escape 28.Seems pretty concrete to me @desperatedan.
  • I see some floral boffins have decided 2023 is the year of the orchid.
  • You're right I am sure @brianN. But these days, what is truth?
  • Doing an anal deep dive through all REM albums up to New Adventures in Hi Fi, after which they went off the boil. Always liked this one.
  • You think you know someone but guess what my wife's just said to me?
    "Who's Johnny Marr?"... Cough splutter... Audible gasps from the gallery...
    Think you're right about a lack of learning at university these days @desperatedan. She has a first but na's nowt.
  • I see old Stipey likes a bit of anal deep diving himself. Never realised he was a woofter but then I don't follow people on Twidderbook or whatever Muskerberg decide to call them this week. Irrelevant of course and excellent tune.

    Been revisiting Everything Everything first album Man Alive. They can do sociopolitical as well as REM but this is just a human story.
  • Well the rear suspension went on me motor this afternoon and given I was working out in the countryside had a few miles to get home so drove gingerly(I don't have ginger hair that's just a figure of speech) and still managed to knacker the exhaust as well.
    But that's not the worst of it phoned the local garages and the soonest I can book it in is Wednesday 6th September. Astonishing.

    Living in Brechin right now is like being in a Jaques Tati inspired vision of 1950's rural France(or modern day Penarth, take yer pick). Brechin - the city that never wakes.

    Anyway I was in sore need of good cheer so I put on the news (my no1 stop for belly laughs) and truly wet my pants laughing at Trump's mugshot. Was instantly reminded of this:

    If only I could find that comedy skit of a sentient fatberg planning world domination...
  • You know how they say there's a song for every occasion?Sometimes there's two!
  • Ah, Dan, lost my 145 streak on Verve…
  • Sounds like you need cheering up as well @hunnybunny. Oops!
  • There's a lot to catch up with.
    Stipe is one day older than me. I may have mentioned that before. It's hard to keep track of these gems.
    Bad luck @hunnybunny. I won't gloat. A lot of streaks will have ended with that one.
    That Wednesday Week one was interesting. I had noticed that before so I knew what was coming once the jukebox cued up the first one.
    What a handsome 6' 4", 215 lb man (cough, splutter, was that under oath?)
    Who's Johnny Marr?
  • Twiggy the super dog climbed her first proper mountain this morning (apparently 2000 feet is the qualification for mountain, in Wales at least). She runs down at high speed and I have to keep up. We are both amazingly fit, at last.
  • It was under oath Dan, must admit I didn't marry her for her musical taste.
  • Here's another tune from Man Alive. I think this is a beautiful song. Feel free to disagree.
  • I know I've mentioned this before @hunnybunny but National Orchestra of Wales performance of Beethoven's 5th symphony is sublime. Please check it out on I player.
  • Hey, Dan. I hear he is selling t-shirts with that photo. Sure you want one as much as I do.
  • I'm clearly missing something @catsnbirds.
  • Brian. If I add that the photo in question is a mug shot?
  • I think he should try a t-shirt made for a 215lb person and see if it fits.
  • To be honest @brianN, I find the high pitched vocals annoying. Which is obviously a shame.
  • Sorry guys I had too much to think last night.I did get the tshirt reference @catsnbirds what I'm missing is an understanding of how we got here. I don't know whether I get more angry about the way certain politicians manipulate particular sections of the media, the media's complicity or the gullibility of large numbers of the electorate.
    Anyone in the building trade will tell you that the most important part of a house is it's foundation. I'm trying to devise a new game. Not sure what call it-open to suggestions on that one. Few ideas:Witch-hunt, Fakenoos, Fatberg. Anyway the idea is to build a political empire based on deceit and chicanery and downright evil behaviour. The more outrageous the lie the more points you get etc.
    Course it couldn't happen in real life politics is so much above that and a political platform built on lies and smears will eventually collapse just like a house built on top of a toxic dump.

    As regards Jonathan Higgs beautiful falsetto you're not the first person to be put off the Band's music because of it. I think we have the same difference of opinion about Brandon Flower's voice and it is a shame I find his voice and gymnastic delivery combined with the music very compelling. Noticed they've done a bells and whistles remastering of Man Alive(not a fan of revisiting and tinkering with the original magic, just look at Rovio). Maybe if they used AI to reproduce the vocals in the style of Lee Marvin?

    You're not a fan of madrigals then?
  • Speaking of annoying voices (I can hear you all shouting:"Shut up!"). I often had trouble with the Police (please insert joke here) much as I enjoyed their music I found Sting's voice irritating when he sung in that high pitch as it always sounded unnatural and forced. What about you guys? Music you like voice not so much?

    Same subject different vocation. There's a football commentator I think he's called Adam Fullerton he works for what used to be called B T Sports now TNT Sports (that nasal twang). Not only does he have a nasal twang but he also has a speech impediment. He has the awful habit of exaggerating or even mispronouncing the consonants at the end of words. For instance weekend becomes weekent-uh. Billings becomes Billingshxk-uh. I can't tell tell you how he pronounces Perisic, remember the dog on That's Life who could that say sausages? Bit like that.It's like listening to a really bad version of M. E. S. reading the football results on BBC Final Score(surreal as it sounds it actually did happen).

    I'm all for helping out folk with special needs but someone should point him in the direction of a good careers adviser. Did I mention he also has a lisp?
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