New Group! ABN Members' Map has Moved to Groups Page 6
  • @yuriygolkin -- You're the first member on map in Russia. Do you know any others?
  • @surfcow......ahhhh, but you are barely in Kansas, up there Missouri, and close to Nebraska. And the Twymeister?? Here I am, Missouri and close to Oklahoma. sigh. But, we be brothers in the nest, right?!
  • @mvnla2, I don't know the others.
  • @mvnla2, so I just looked at the map and see OPUS in Kansas, also. Don't find an Opus in member directory...??
  • When I search for Opus in member directory, another name comes up. What's up with that? What am I missing? What am I doing wrong? Where am I? Why am I even out of bed?? Who, BTW, am I, anyway?
  • OPUS is one of the celebrities -- He lives in Bloom County, but Bloom Township is as close as I could find. Hint: he also has a summer home in Antarctica. Also more about him on previous page.
  • @all Map now has large purple pins for multiple people in the same location, or very close together. Still has a separate pin for each person, but you may need to zoom in.
    @Kathy -- Haven't figured out (yet?) how to search map for individuals. Does anyone know how?
  • @DocTonyNYC, Yes, sir! Born, partially raised, and I keep returning! I've also lived in Middletown, NY; La Grange, GA; Warren, OH; and Minneapolis, MN but I've settled here again and again. Nice town, good size, and good proximity to the Twin Cities. But, yeah, the granite city is doing well! I'd sure like to visit Puerto Rico though. ;)
  • @mvnla2 Southampton is delightful.

    @fujitoast. Small world! I always think of St. Cloud as a small town, but it's amazing how often it comes up for one reason or another (even Trisha Yearwood has a song, "On a Bus To St. Cloud, Minnesota"--although she had never been there when she wrote it). And, heaven knows, you have one of the most visible members of Congress representing the area (whether one loves her or hates her--and I really don't want to start a political debate!). While I like PR most of the time, I would return to St. Cloud (or "The Cities") in a heartbeat.
  • @3sjs
    Stevens Point
  • Map updated, but not table.
  • They would be me; will fix in next update. Thanks for letting me know.
  • Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • would be nice if you could see the member name when you click at the spot. is there an alternative to google maps? cause it works so poorely!!! (at least on mobile devices) because it loads as soon as you zoom a bit and it takes ages to load!
  • @cosmo2503 -- Welcome!
    @Andreas189 -- You should be able to see the members' names when you click on dot??? I will check on my iPhone (haven't done so yet). I don't know of an alternative to Google maps. If anyone can suggest one, I consider it. I would really like to implement a search function on the map page; haven't figured out how to do that either. Thanks for all your help.
  • @mvnla2 yes it works, but also very poorly on my ipod! because it always starts to load from zero when i zoom in!
  • @ZOLOTKO86 Welcome, you will be included in next update. I usually do them once a day, in the evening here UTC - 8 hrs.
  • Nice job at the list @mvnla, I haven't had the chance to take a look till now, but this makes it much easier to look a person up, thanks!
  • @mvnla2 - nice job on the map and table.
    On the table, would you consider having member name as the leftmost column?
    I think many people look for the person they're interested in and then see where they're from.
    You may want to get opinions from others, but that would make the list most useful from my perspective

  • @andreas189 -- Got to admit, looking at the map on my iPhone leaves much to be desired. I assume an iPod is worse? Don't know if I can make map more accessible to devices with a small screen and slow update rates. Have you tried the sortable table? I think I will take @PlayDBird 's suggestion and put names first.
  • @mvnla2 the second link is better i think because i know where the countries are and i see the members immediately and without ages of loading! :) good job! am i the only one but on my ipod in the member name column there are often more members in one line! e g the thre (4?!) from the netherlands are first listed all in one line and then every single in his own line. and maybe you could add to me the region which is Upper Austria! (like ccjolly has tyrol!) ;) thx
  • @Andreas189 -- I changed both the map and table based on your and PlayDBird's comments. Would still like to add search by member name to map, but don't know how. BTW table can be sorted by different criteria (like alphabetical by member name), and maybe you can do search on member name.
    The rows that have more than one member name are for locations that are too close together to distinguish separate dots without zooming in a lot; they also have the large purple pins on the map. Will take a look at Austria later. I suppose "looking" has a whole different meaning on a small screen. Will think about what to do. I do all my ABN activity on a computer, because the keyboard and screen are much nicer than even the iPad.
  • посмотрел . спасибо ! )
  • @ZOLOTKO86 -- I don't think Google translate does very well with Russian. I think I know the meaning of what you wrote. I did take some Russian so I know what спасибо means, without Google. Do you know any English? I don't think many people on this site know any Russian, or bother to use Google translate. You would get much more interaction if you commented in English, even if not great English. Also, you should become "friends" with @Yuriyigolkin, who also lives in Russian, and is one of the most respected players on this site, not to mention world-wide.
  • @mvnla2 I translated that comment just fine with Google Translate.
  • on google translate it says: looked. Thank you! )
  • For some reason, for me Google translated the first word as something other than looked, but I figured out that looked was what was meant. It did translate the second word correctly, but I knew what it meant anyway.
  • @scooter
    Hixson TN
  • Thanks for letting me know about this!

    San Antonio, Texas, USA (Central Time)
  • @andreas189 -- I looked at Austria, and with one or two clicks on the zoom button, both dots are clearly distinguishable. Have not tried on iPhone yet. Maybe I need to do something entirely different for phones???
  • @mvnla2... You have done a yeoman/yeowoman's job here. It's really impressive to see all the places AB players are from, even though many are still not represented. Thank you for all your work. Very fun to check this out.
  • jrz3472
  • kpnanny
    Desert Hot Springs
  • Map updated 7/7/12. Please let me know if there are any mistakes, or if I left anyone out. Real life has been interfering for a few days now.
  • Updated 7/10/12 There are still a lot of countries with no members (which I know isn't true); so please join.
  • I guess you can add me:
    Sparty83, DeWitt Michigan (48820)
  • @mvnla2 -- Nevermind, I figured it out (I had a random google map question). Thanks anyway!
  • @sparty83...I used to live in Portland & Charlotte, not too far from you.
  • @duffy, both very nice towns.
  • @Sparty83 -- Just added you. By any chance, are you a Trojan (but I'm probably mixing my ancient history)?
    Well -- I tried to add you. Google maps doesn't seem to know where DeWitt is, even though you can find it on map. Power going off. Will try later.
  • He! Is! Sparta!
  • Ha! Michigan State U grad or fan or both!

    @duffy, went there, (didn't graduate) but I did meet my wife there. (she did graduate and now has a masters) and yes, we are both big fans of MSU

    @mvnla2, if you want, you can just add me as Lansing Mi. Google had better know that city, it is the state capital.
  • @sparty83. My niece is an MSU grad & my husband got his Masters there. I hear Lansing has really improved its downtown.
  • Sorry for offending all grads of MSU. Fortunately, I can plead ignorance of most college mascots. I know USC is the Trojans, only because I live in LA, and it takes a concerted effort to remain ignorant. (I don't know the UCLA mascot, however.) I did have an inkling that Spartans probably were not the same as Trojans, but every time I see your avatar, I think USC. Will gladly change my mental image. I think I know how to put you in DeWitt; now that the internet is back on. Google has it spelled Dewitt on the map, so maybe that's the problem, although I tried that spelling also.
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