New Group! ABN Members' Map has Moved to Groups Page 7
  • @Sparty83 You are now on the map in Lansing. I put the zip code in for DeWitt, but it seems to be the same as for Lansing??? This seems odd to me, in LA, where a zip code changes every couple of miles???
  • @mvnla2 DeWitt's zip code is 48820. Lansing has seven, they all start with 489__. Don't know why it isn't showing up for you?
  • @rat9
  • @Sparty83 @Catsnbirds -- Will try again today. Again, power will be off for several hours, so may be later.
  • @rat -- I put you in the town of Aiken, since Alken appears to be a county??? If you would prefer something different, I can deal with a zip code. Also real problem may have been user error; so I could try again. : (
    @catsnbirds @sparty83 -- Not sure how much of the problem I was having yesterday was user error: I took the quick and dirty way out when I was improving the map a month or so ago, and am now suffering the consequences of being lazy. : ((( Well actually, I just managed to get things messed up by creating an exception to the formula; still : (
  • Sandy
  • Matt Ellison Winston-Salem NC
  • @mvnla2, I just checked the map and it shows me pinned in DeWitt, Thanks!

    fyi, Just checked the pin for Lansing, and you have me there along with DeWitt.
  • @mvnla2, about your comment about offending all grads of MSU, would much rather be called a Trojan than a Wolverine!
  • @Sparty83 -- Guess I'll have to figure out who Wolverines are?? I'll check the Lansing pin, but I might leave you on it, since it is a group pin; depends on how easy it is to see separate pins for DeWitt and Lansing.
  • @mvnla2

    Last update some is wrong, my browser showing this 2 error.

    Web page cannot be found. HTTP 404 error
    Could not fetch saved links. Try reloading the page.
  • @mvnla2 Wolverines are the school mascot for The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Spartans for Michigan State University in East Lansing. Cross-state rivals athletically.
  • @PJng -- Not clear what the problem is. It works for me, but then I created it. Maybe I didn't set sharing correctly??? Will do another update later today, so that may fix it.
    Other people have tried map this afternoon, and it worked for them, so hopefully problem was just temporary. If you continue to have problems the magic potion seems to be to turn your device entirely off, and clear the browser cache after you turn it back on (or before and after for extra luck). Let me know if neither time or magic work.
  • I think this is updated. Please let me know if there are any mistakes.
  • Your user name: JTB
    Country: USA
    State: Massachusetts
    City: Boston
  • @JTB Slim and Kathy also live in Boston. Due to the perversity of Google maps, I need to put you each in slightly different locations. Any specific neighborhood you want? If not, I will pick one for you.
  • I can't figure out how to get rid of draft that didn't post...
  • 20 July update is ok, display correctly.
  • lovely idea, and I am also a fan of a sortable list. Good stuff, @mvnla2!

  • Not sure what is going on with Google docs right now... It won't allow me to Geocode, which is necessary for the map. Will try again later, or tomorrow.
  • @ccJolly @AMSlimfordy -- Thanks!!! Thanks!!! Thank you both!
  • You're welcome :-)
  • @Justadoo444
    New Hampshire
  • @psquare53
    San Diego
  • @justadoo444 @psquare53 -- Thanks for joining! I've been pretty busy, with real life and the new Space update; will try to update map tomorrow.
  • username: @reaz69
    nickname: Inferno
    Country: Bangladesh
    City: Dhaka
  • PaulAnthony63
    Santa Rosa
    Hello EVERYBODY!!! Happy Friday!!! ;-) AND...thank you to ALL who do the extra work to make this such a fun place to be. KUDOS
  • @PlayDBird @justadoo444 @psquare53 @reaz69 @PaulAnthony63 Thanks for joining. You should all be on the current map. Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
    Inferno -- Thanks for filling in a new country with at least 1 member.
    PaulAnthony63 -- Santa Rosa is a nice place. Are you in the wine industry? If not, I hope you like wine, living in the center of the CA wine region.
  • @GoldenHawkeye -- Thanks for joining. Will probably update this evening (PDT).
  • can't believe I'm only one of five from GB. Need to spread the word, clearly :)
  • I'm the only one from Georgia
  • bring yer friends, @angryboy! I plan to :)
  • I talked to one about it, but he never join
  • Dear @mvnla2 I am @Congo
    I was born in Parrita, Costa Rica, but now living in Geneva, Switzerland. I leave it up to you where you want to put me.
  • @GoldenHawkeye @Congo Thanks for joining! You should both be on map and table. Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
    GoldenHawkeye -- You're the first on map from Iowa. My grandparents lived in Iowa when they were young.
    Congo -- I put you in Switzerland, because it's more useful to know what time zone people are currently in. Did you realize one of the best AB players, Bastieroxxor, is also Swiss? Checked your leaderboard and discovered that you're not too shabby yourself. I've generally given up on the facebook games, so I didn't recognize your name.
  • @all -- Added link to my twitter account, where I will be trying to drum up more members for the map. If you're on twitter, please consider following me and retweeting.
  • Still hoping to fill in a few vacant countries. ABN must have members in China and Japan!!!
  • there must be and the entire South American country is vacant aswell
  • @krykel
  • @gregpage10
    GMT -5
  • Ohforfive -- Your profile says your user's name is ohforfive. Is @gregpage10 a twitter name?
  • @mighty-eagle
    Mighty Eagle
  • London, England - same name
  • Sorry for the late update. El Capitano -- Your user name is actually @el-capitano. Without the "-" you don't get any e-mail notifications when you are mentioned.
  • Deleted by user.
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