Level Glitches & Bugs (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 14
  • Not sure if anyone else is experiencing these things but I definitely want to check:

    ABo: when getting the daily power up, my king sling and sling scope seem switched. For example if the slot shows king sling, it will add one to sling scope and vice versa. These seems to happen every so often, but not every time.

    ABS: after completing all of the back to school levels, I did not unlock the floating book in the background until after the levels were 3 starred. Typically the "object" is unlocked after finishing the levels and then will have a star somewhere on it once the levels are all 3 starred. At one point there was also a finger that would pop up and indicate where an explosive was although I'm sure that was part of the game and intentional but seemed very random in when it would appear.

    Any thoughts or verifications?

    I did recently move my data from my iPod touch to my iPhone using the walkthrough on the site however I don't think that would explain some of these occurrences.
  • 1: This is on the bug list.

    2: The Big Item is unlocked after 3-starring all levels and is "lit" once you complete the level itself. This has been the way since the beginning.
  • For 2) I meant the little item that floats in the background of the first menu. It has always been that you get that particular item being tossed around in the background after first completing the chapter levels. Then once they are three starred it then is tossed around the main menu with a star on it. What I noticed this time is that once I completed the levels the little textbook that gets tossed around in the main menu did not appear until I had three starred the levels. Am I making sense? Not sure if you're talking about the bonus level you get after three starring the levels.
  • Oh I understand now. I didn't notice this.
  • @AMslimfordy - AB Seasons BTS Level 1-4 appears to be unstable on the top right structure. It wiggles a bit upon each restart and has been known to collapse on its own. I caught it collapsing once so far but only after I had launched YB. It was collapsing before YB hit the boards towards TNT. No one has announced a zero-birder yet, but I have to wonder about the higher scores (ie 113k).
  • It seems to me that there's a bug in season greedings. I have reached 3 stars on every 25 levels. When I cleared the last star, it came up with the notification that all levels were cleared. However, the "big gift" was not unlocked on my device (ipad).
  • See the existing Bug List. This is a side effect of the Christmas bug.
  • ABS Sometimes the big brother bird doesn't disappear.
  • Not a glitch! If the bird is still moving, it won't disappear.
  • Oh I actually meant that it doesn't disappear even after fully stopping.
  • I'm sure he will eventually ;)
  • Ok, I tried again and they do indeed disappear, but it takes them much longer than any other bird (roughly 3-4 min) I think the bug only works if the bird doesn't hit anything: for example, launching it downwards.
  • @Asdehielo I also think it is not glitch but part of game and I just hate when bird dies so slowly. It happens that I launch an other bird while big is still alive and then realize that he moves and make some more damage that could kill pig and finish level
  • Don't know when this happened: Went back to ABS WtH to check partial collapse. Episode screen still shows that I have all stars and feathers, and presumably correct total score, but when I opened level select, only 1st four levels showed stars and feathers, the rest were locked!!! I re-cleared 4, and level 5 opened with stars and feather, but rest were locked.
  • @mvnla2 See the bug list.
  • the migthi eagle PC Will he?
    sorry for mistakes, if there is because Traduci by google
  • There is no ETA for the Mighty Eagle for PC.
  • hurts :( as he wanted to leave for pc
  • Understood, we just have no news to report on this matter.
  • Has anyone noticed that the Rube Goldberg machine on Angry Birds Original Golden Egg Level 8 will not work around 90% of the time. I either get stuck on the part with the mustache pig, the TNT to the right will not move. Or I get stuck when that part go's to plan, but the TNT boxes at the bottom do not blow up in a chain, because the second one doesn't blow up the third. This problem has been around as far as I can remember.
  • I just played through 10 times with 10 successful clears. I have not heard of any issues with this level.
  • Maybe there is something wrong with the android version
  • Like I said, I've never heard of issues from anyone. And we have loads of Droids here.
  • I had tried the level more than fifty times without it working properely. I checked the walkthrough and figured the precise angle to complete the level, thanks for your help. Finally Done It!!!
  • New here, so apologies if I get anything wrong. Got a message last week about a minor update to ABSeasons. Tried to install it on my iPhone, but keep getting a "retry" message.
    I can't play Seasons because every time I try, I get the "can't download, retry" message.
    Anybody else having this problem? Any solutions? (I have tried turning phone off.)
  • Try to update your game through itunes on your pc and sync your device.
  • Thanks, will try that. Any other advice also very welcome.
  • In facebook Mighty Hoax Level 4-11 I have destroyed everything with mighty eagle several times and can only get 98%...
  • I just played this level, got my feather even after one stone block remained.
    Sometimes ME will push blocks away without destroying them.
    It's always a good idea to destroy as many blocks as possible with the birds before launching ME.
  • Glitch in Angry Birds Space where if you came back from playing Red Planet and go go Pig Bang's planet (still on the episode screen), a bit of the Pig Bang planet will have red on it, specifically the mini mountain where the large pig is sitting on.
  • I tried to get MH 4-11 feather again and same thing as before. I dont even have many stones remaining after the 3 birds... Mighty eagle destroyes all and 98%. Sick of this one!
  • @Jonsered - Do yourself a favor and stop trying to destroy stuff first. More than likely when you do, some material fall off the screen thus preventing you from getting 100%. This is one of those levels that you don't even need to throw a bird at all. Simply place the sardine can on the little wooden block that is just below and to the left of the pig with the helmet above the ham. It might take 2 or 3 tries (I got it on my first attempt), but it will get you 100%. Hope that this helps.

    Sometimes landscapes and structures lend themselves perfectly to simply using the eagle without attempting prior destruction. This one has two elements in that realm in your favor (a self contained bowl landscape, tall slender structure in the center). The bowl helps to contain material if hit with a sudden force at the bottom (a la Mighty Eagle), and the tall slender structure helps in that if the bottom were to sudden vanish (again, a la Mighty Eagle), it would fall straight down upon itself and help to destroy itself in the process.
  • Thanks heathen! Got it first try also and didnt destroy even nearly everything. :)
  • There are some levels that are like puzzles in that you HAVE to use the birds to destroy material beforehand and see what material is needed and what is expendable. I like those, but I also like seeing if I can figure out a zero-bird feather for levels first. I've do that for a few of the levels, especially in Rio, when videos were made showing how to do so otherwise. If nothing else, it gives me perspective on what I should destroy in order to solve it.
  • @jonsered -- There is a tutorial by Slim on ME techniques (not sure where). One of them is to try 0 birds and fling the ME in the most likely place (maybe several likely places). If you luck out, you get TD with no birds flung; otherwise it gives you valuable info on what the ME can and cannot destroy.
  • Still not sure where to post this, since it is an ABN issue, somewhat trivial, but irritating. To the left of my name in the gold bar, there is a number. In the forum this number seems to have no relation to any activity on the drop-down menu. It is better on the main site, but not sure it is totally accurate there either.
  • As far as we know, there is no "bug" with the notification number. You can go through the drop-down menu in your name to hunt down where the notification is coming from.
  • Well, right now the number to the left of my name is 5, the drop-down menu has 3 next to friends, because I have 3 friend requests that I haven't accepted or rejected. I have no idea what the other 2 are for.
  • @mvnla2 It could be because of ''2'' mentions or ''2'' messages maybe?
  • I can't tell without looking into the system. I haven't been having any issues.
  • He looks wedged moreso than floating.
  • This is a website issue, and I still don't know where you want them posted; so here it is:
    Have experienced a couple of weird things recently relating to friend requests:
    Tried to friend anonymousomething, and it only gave me the option of canceling friend request, not sending friend request. When I clicked on "cancel" it said "not allowed" He's not currently my friend, so why can't I friend him?
    A day or two ago, I got a message saying someone had accepted my friend request, which I don't remember sending, but maybe I did.
  • We're having a few issues there, but we just can't deal with them right now.
  • OK, thanks. Will remind you later, if necessary, when you are less busy.
  • BPs achievement glitch: I have Rolling Low II, but not Rolling Low I
  • @mvnla2 I'm going to create a separate forum post for this, and "Announce" it to keep it at the top.
  • @liverpoolfan4ever & @AMslimfordy :

    I can confirm the same problem with ABO Golden Egg 8 on iOS and PC. Different angles yield different results, and if you don't impart the right momentum at launch, the machine "breaks", either with TNT not sliding all the way or the balls not rolling/dropping.
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