The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2247
  • It happened again! Went to get the golden gear and game froze. :(

  • @rat I certainly didn't mean any offence by not mentioning @burpie. I hope none was taken. I just said the names of the people that were in my thoughts at that moment. Of course I feel for everyone involved.
  • @JLZ666 None taken. Unfortunately friends of friends were on that flight. A family. We didn't know them personally but it does bring the tragedy closer to home. .
  • @Burpie Sorry about your friend's loss. This tragedy is going to touch most lives in some fashion before it's over.
    @JLZS66 I wasn't fussing at you so much as I was trying to include Burpie as a rider in your comment. Please forgive me if I appeared callous towards you. Sorry. That wasn't my intention.
  • Thoughts and prayers with all those affected by this tragedy
  • Hello @guys, good (?) afternoon.
    Still less flinging today, my mood isn't very well. Yes, I know, I'm a bit to sensitive.
    It will past, as all the shit in my life pasts - as in other people's lives. Those crazy idiots! Don't have words for it, not in english, not in any language.
  • @bernersenn Afternoon my friend. Don't worry, you're not too sensitive. I think all of us feel the same way you do, although I can't imagine how much more difficult it must be for you guys.
  • Hi @all , hi @bernersenn, think we're both in the same mood for the same reason just now. and It's so darn hot I'm at a loss for words anyway.. .
    TG there are still some good guys around:

    Am totally mystified by new Rio, BTW. But it's fun, and pretty too.
    BB when things are better
    Love, as always xoxo
  • *rushes in , grabs the 'L' factor *
    Sorry guys I Needs It Badly
    .I'll return it later I Promise.
    OB a PigKiller to go please. ..♡♡♡♡♡♧♧♧♧♧♧☆☆☆☆☆
  • No worries @rat :) I just didn't want burpie thinking I was uncaring.
    @burpie I think that's close enough. My heart goes out to your friend and that poor family.
    @bernersenn You're certainly not too sensitive. I'm sickened by all this. I need to stop watching the news as the stories are bringing me to tears. So many families,so many children.... At nearly 200 people,I can't imagine how this is effecting the Netherlands.
    Mood not good so no flinging tonight. Going to cuddle up on the sofa with hubby and kitties and think about how lucky I am.....
  • @burpie so sorry to hear about your friend friends! eventhough you didn't know them, it must be very painful to see your friends going thru such an ordeal. Guess the temps we are having isn't helping either, I just can not function with temperatures of 30C/86F and higher. We did keep all the doors closed, so it is a whopping 2C lower inside than out, but it does give me a cooped up feeling with everything shut.

    Tomorrow is going to be even warmer, so if I am awol... I am probably in the bathtub filled with cold water and ice, trying to unfry my brain cells.
  • @estar you and me both. It's getting hot and humid again, and it just drains me. Icy bath sounds like heaven. A bit shivery, but still nice.
  • Well said @JLZ666. I highly endorse your plan. I'll be doing the same.

    @Kathy I hope you came in to get more luck because you had used what I gave you to win loads of money and wanted to go after more. But a bit of advice, word to the wise, warning...whatever you want to call it. Don't chase a loss!!! If you've lost what you took to play with, enjoy the food, entertainment, spa, or just lay around the pool and play Angry Birds. Don't try to get your investment (losses) back by getting more money in the game than you originally planned. Words I live by. If the planets won't align, you can't force em. Good luck Ma.
    *secretly I know your kicking their butts...break the bank*
  • Having recently had 86F in my bedroom "at night" for many weeks, I feel your pain @Estar.
    BTW, I wouldn't worry too much about Ma losing money at the casino. I'm not sure she's found it yet. She keeps getting on the wrong shuttle. ha ha ha
  • @Estar The pain I was referring to was temperature related. I can't begin to understand the anguish you're suffering over the senseless loss of your countrymen. My condolences to you and all affected.
  • Sorry for not saying "Hi" to everybody. I haven't been my chatty/combative self for weeks because of my new found pain. And yesterday didn't improve my mood one bit!!!
  • Ha ha ha ha ha 180 points @Kelani? You've forced my hand. When next I fling, I'm headed to level 38. Just remember, you asked for it.
    Wow! Where did all that emotion come from? lol
  • @burpie, very sorry to hear the tragedy hit so close to home :(
  • @fenikus starting to see "messy leaderboards" as you call them in TT
    #1 & #2 certainly have the 3k "Rio present" score included
    And there's one or two scores I'm absolutely convinced are aided by the Flock of Birds. Have alerted the fab admin team for a decision on the Flock: PU / not PU

    Rather like @kelani with his Double Count score experiment, I now have a Flock score I won't post

    Annoying when Rovio mess with things
  • @Rat well, I know from experience if I leapfrog you by 5k, you'll quit playing, so I wanted to keep you in the game. :)

    @hunnybunny I think it's too early to know if those are PU scores. We had the same thing happen in BR and Beak, (and I guess all episodes). A few days in, someone posts an unusually high score that makes everyone grumble, then more people get similar scores and eventually someone posts a strategy. Don't get me wrong, some of them *cough*14*cough* are obvious typos or PUs. I'm glad you're there to call them on it :)

    Ok, If anyone needs me, I'm attempting to remove my old 120lb/54kg/8.5 stone TV from a 7'/2.1m high wall shelf. Ideally, without dropping it and/or squashing myself. If I don't post in the next 4 hours, It's because I've become a low-profile human TV stand.
  • @Hunnybunny, I thought it was declared that "Flock" was a PU? Actually I haven't read any walkthroughs or other posts so maybe it's just that it was declared a PU here in BP. I can see the confusion; Flock icon is not with the rest of the PUs so people might think it's ok to use it. Maybe it is, I guess we'll have to wait for admins' decision.

    BTW, starting with last night, I started getting those parachuting presents with semi-fierce intensity. I am going to remove my credit card info from the app store in an effort to validate my far fetched theory that they only appear when you have CC info stored.
  • p.s. I hope Flock is/will be declared a PU. Otherwise, it would be enough for me to stop playing Rio competitively. And the Flock is now available in all Rio episodes. I really think it has a separate icon only because Rovio wanted to promote this new PU.
  • @fenikus other than the fact the CC info is stored by Apple, and Rovio has no knowledge of it, I don't think it's too far-fetched. Something controls those little devils. I've been getting dozens per day, sometimes 2-3x in one level. Been playing an hour today, and not a single one so far.

    After posting that bit in BR #1, I think we need a forum topic to make people aware of the 3K point issue. It's not widely known, and lots of people seem confused about what to do with them.
  • Sorry I am just trying to catch up. On my way home
    @pa thanks for the luck and the advice :)
    Didn't win but didn't all is good. Had fun a couple good meals and a nice room.
    *places *L factot ' back in its spot"
    I feel very guilty for trying to have fun in the wake of these tragic events :(
  • @Kathy Glad you had fun. You can't feel guilty for that. You earned that vacation. Besides, you were upset enough to get on the wrong bus! I bet that's waaaay more caring & empathy than most people in that casino showed.
  • @kathy please don't feel guilty, all of us have had tradedy and sadness in our lives at some time, but no one wants the world to stop because of it.
  • @kelani just have mental image of shorter, squat, Kel with worlds biggest TV on his shoulders. Perhaps a little like Atlas?
  • Goodnight all

    PS @kelani look at TT #5 If that ain't a PU / Flock score, I don't know what is!
  • @fenikus was your #3 111k score with Red? There sure are a lot of 110-112k scores.

    edit: @hunnybunny I was thinking more like Kel squashed by a big blanking TV :)

    edit2: yes, 5 and 14 are...not right.
  • @Kelani, TT #3 was with Red, yes.
  • Kinda glad I'm on the sidelines. Sounds like Rovio has totally messed up Rio for us nesters. Y'all work it out.
  • BTW, Funny Ha Ha @Kelani. Yep, 5k bumps scare me.
  • @Rat, regardless -- you should seriously download Timber Tumble and fly through levels just to get to level 20. Great puzzle and fun to figure out. I was licking my chops and circling around it like a dog around a raw steak for 2-3 days. I could have solved it sooner but I wanted to savor it.
  • @Rat I dunno about everyone else, but for me the episodes are really fun. Sure, a few scores are sketchy, but most of them seem ok to me. Aside from the gray area of #3, it doesn't seem much different than how BR played out. Yet. :) The Flock PU button could cause a few problems, but anyone who played Short Fuse should know better.

    On Beak, I had to abandon those 5 levels where I'm 5-8k below #1. Lotsa points, but not easy to get. Instead, I scraped up a few on #40 using a variation of your strategy. :)
  • @Kelani, so Short Fuse also had some new PU in its own icon? Was that the last ABO episode? Curious if they merged it with other PUs after another update came out.
  • Home at last..
  • @fenikus Yeah, the electrified bomb bird was introduced in that episode. Some of the levels had them as part of the bird lineup, but they are also buyable PUs, and the icon is in the exact same place under the Pause button.

    edit: That was the last released ABO episode (PC ver still isn't out yet), and it's still in that spot.

    I'm surprised nobody's posted any score confirmation requests on #5. That has to be a typo or a 0-birder. Even a total-destruction 1-birder wouldn't hit 200k, let alone 210k.
  • @Kelani…and in SF admins declared it as a PU, correct?

    Re: #5, I agree that score is impossible. Re: asking for clarification from the flinger: well. how does that saying go…if you want something done ,do it yourself...or something like that ;-)

    p.s. maybe it's a DCB?
  • @fenikus @Kelani Evidently you don't believe me. But I'm having great difficulty flinging. I've barely played AB at all for the last six weeks. I played for two hours this week and lost the ability to move my neck. Any windows of opportunity, however infrequent I have for flinging, will be in Space. Not because Rio is not fun, I'm sure it is. But I'm way behind in Beak Impact. It also sounds like Rovio has thrown in a wrinkle or two.
  • @fenikus After no PU's in a few hours, I've gotten 4 gifts on #5 in the past half-hour. Also, that 209k score has to be a DCB. 189k is smack in the average score range.
  • @Rat, it's the statements like "I'm way behind in Beak Impact" that make people wonder sometimes if you're serious or just playin'. 180 points behind Kelani and couple of thousand behind Ollygod is not way behind.

    But seriously, man, it is clear as day that playing Angry Birds for any amount of time is exasperating your condition at the moment. So why not just stop cold turkey for a couple of weeks, a month, or whatever it takes for you to go back to "normal". You've tried the measured approach and it's not working.

  • @fenikus ok, I gave in and posted on #5. Watch me get yelled at :P
  • @fenikus I meant I'm behind in time, not so much in score. I've played a total of three hours in the last three weeks. Not much in the three weeks before that either. There's no way I can "fly though levels" in Rio as you say. I'm not looking for pity, but I would like some understanding of my limitations. If I say I'm not flinging or I can't fling, I'm being serious. I'd never belittle or make light of someone over a disability, mine or theirs. Well, that's not totally true. Kelani is short.
  • @Rat, all-righty then.

    Edit: I'm not sure how me pointing out to you how TT #20 is a delightful level is me belittling you because of your disability, but whatever. I won't address you anymore.
  • @Kelani, it's interesting that you noticed that parachuting present 3,000 graphic is in pink color. I never saw it in pink, it was either blue or some sort of green (I think sage green). Anyway, whenever I picked up a present, I watched the score after that bird. I could swear the score didn't look any higher than on similar previous present-less attempts but there is no denying the 3K graphic showing up. If we don't believe our own eyes, we're in trouble.
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