The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2678
  • And I got my crown back:)
  • You got so close Mrs. Bunny. I didn't get back in time to fling for a puppy. Improved my score a bit last night verifying my strategy for the flingers that did get a puppy. They used my words against me.

    I was wondering why the wife ordered a brass frog. Thanks for the warning.

    Still not cute yet @bernersenn. What week do they become adorable?

    Night @Ma
  • I've been off grid, #bluemongodrinkers, son had his 8th grade graduation dance (and decided Tuesday to tell us he wanted to go), two little girl scouts have their weekend camp in and I went down to supervise campfire and s'mores.
    @bernersenn he is tooooo cute, like a little baby Panda!
    @Kathy congrats, and I also have an ex, my oldest now pays his rent there by being weekend DD, so no stonefrog suspicions here. Go @Rat, Go. Own the Space!
  • Stone frog says, "Not that I've ever been inside the house. Or, HAVE I"

    Now I know what that commercial means .....
  • Lol sorry guys. Notifications aren't working idk why?
    @knichy What stone frog? Huh? Lol
    @Pa why did Zack flag your comment 'night @Ma' he said you'd understand ?
  • And @Pa your saying night night, are you going or am i supposed to be going?
    I'm so confused,
    OB one more Blue Mongo
    @knichy thank you:):jeesh you got your hands full , lol Mr. Mom hee hee!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Big daddy having black mongo tonight, aka Guinness.
    220, 221 whatever it takes.
  • Finally broke avg on eagles den. Don't know why that one was so tough! I guess some flingers gotta fling fling fling fljng fling and some singers gotta sing sing sing sing sing.
    Fling it up, fling it up.
  • @Ma I assumed Zack was proving his point about the time difference. No idea past that.

    I said "Night @Ma♥" because I was headed to bed. Kinda hard to misconstrue.
  • @bernersenn When you sprang Wolf #1 on us he had already attained maximum cuteness and was headed toward gorgeous. I'm still waiting on Wolf #2. Week 4 maybe?
  • I looked at the Season's WW level you asked about @Ma. The towers are still unstable on my iPad. Almost matched my old score.
  • Hello @all:D Good afternoon!
    @knichy what's Eagles Den?
    @bernersenn thank you for the Week 1 Wolf pic, yes he looks a bit bigger (longer) and yes more white on his back in at week 2 , he'll get cuter as weeks go on, i think he's very cute now:)
    Thanks @Pa for trying WW 19 for me, ,did your towers fall? if so how long did it take ? maybe i need more patience
    OB a Blue Mongo please :)
  • Prayers for the victims of Egyptair flight 804 and their families :(
  • @rat We will visit Wolf in 2 weeks (4th June). Then the puppies will waggle around and be more cute.
  • @bernersenn do you take him home at 6 weeks or 8? sorry i forget:(

    and i think he's already cute, ,can't wait to see him up and wobbling lol, can you post videos?
    i know that's a lot to ask, but i would love to see, perhaps I'll reopen my FB so i can see posts of Wolf :D
    I'm off to go look for something to wear at Daughter graduation tomorrow, I had planned on wearing a dress, but is gonna be cold, all i own is jeans lol
    and if anyone sees me here after 10 pm @Pa send Snort my way, need to get up at 5:45 am yuck that's the middle of the night :(
  • @kathy we can take him home with 8 or 9 weeks. That is depending of his weight. He has to weigh 10 kilogram (22 lbs).
  • oh ty @bernersenn , much anticipated homecoming, he's become the BP mascot!
    gotta go bbl
  • It varied for the timing on the towers @Ma. They only fell about 10% of the time but fairly quickly, within 60 seconds. I rarely waited for them to fall because they didn't do enough damage when they did. Btw, they fall to the left and the right. I used their instability against them with the first shot. Bit of a crap shoot but aren't they all. Good luck.

    22 lbs? Wow! Most of my pets never weighed that much full grown.
  • Thanks @Pa I'll try it again:/
  • Well, there I was, contemplating a top four finish in Ham Dunk: 67 levels, mad bouncy stuff, only two to go, about 15k needed. Easy!
    But that darned @pellystar just took the number one spot from Mrs Bunny, Queen of Seasons Bonus Levels.
    Aaaarrrrggghhh! Back to Bonus levels
    This war will last forever....
  • Nighty night xx
  • Oohh nooo @hunnybunny!! That darn @Pellystar go get em'
    Drinks on me OB :)
    I'll have another Blue Mongo!
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams
  • @kathy WASSSUUPP
    @hunnybunny sleep well
    @rat @knichy hello
  • @bernersenn :) hes gonna be really cute soon
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
    And Wolf IS Already cute!!! **
  • @kathy no he's not cute yet, right now he looks like a big rat minus the tail, but he will be adorable :)

    can't even match my pre-challenge score on this one ( is it Tuesday )
  • Well @gumby we each see currents cuteness in our own ways:)
    And no it's not Tuesday but whining is perfectly acceptable any day:)
    As a matter of fact I'm going to Wwwwhhhhiiinnne about WW 1-6 is impossible!!! I'm in 439th place:( !!
  • @kathy ow 439th and I haven't even played it yet, lol maybe 440 soon
  • Actually @gumby I'm 429th place , same difference lol..
  • @kathy no it's 10 places higher :)
  • Ya but still Far away from top 100:(
  • @Gumby Women are genetically keyed to love ugly babies. It's a survival thing. As a man, I've seen some uuuugggleee babies the Mothers think are gorgeous. Men missed that gene. Too bad. We're very visual creatures.
  • @rat well Wolf will eventually be adorable for sure
  • @kathy well at least I passed my previous score by 390 points and am in the top 50 now ( barely )
  • that's good @gumby ,sorry was taking a showa, I'm back
  • nooo @Pa I've seen some ugly babies too, but puppies are Always cute; )
  • Nighty night @Pa
    Night all, nighty night Snort, hee hee can't catch me now!
  • Beware! Snort loves a challenge too.
    Good night @Ma
  • Good night all, guess I got in too late. I think Wolfie is adorable! I've seen far less cute people babies!
  • I feel your Seasons Bonus pain Mrs. Ex-Queen Bunny. @Romo won't quit in Mirror Cold Cuts either. Is he a relative of yours? He's like the Energizer bunny. He just keeps flinging and flinging and flinging. He really wants that CC trophy. I though I'd won the war when I got close to 3 million points. LOL I've since scored an additional 100,000 points and yet still the battle continues. Within 800 of 3.1 million points now. Only Romo knows where this will end.

    Good luck with Seasons Bonus Mrs. Bunny.
  • Today's challenge, I had a rare top ten to start, just going into #2. Any BP regulars looking for a puppy today?
  • So a BP exclusive set of hints for todays challenge
    I play zoomed all the way in on my android phone
    first bird is probably about 35- 40 degrees. I get the edge of the pipe between red's two head feathers. tweak it out, the point is to hit the wooden boulder about 10 o'clock, bounce up and hit the mushroom, then come down on the slanted portion of the platform and bounce back into the wooden piece dislodging the potion.
    second bird, our beloved OB (too early for blue mongos) I aim such that OBs back orange head feather or eyebrow or whatever is lined up on the horizontal crack of the pipe, fairly flat. should go through the top of the wooden triangle, I activate a millisecond before it hits the bottom of the concrete triangle. after you dial both shots in, start tossing OB to try to time out both OB and the green pig bloating up at the same time.

    I just broke 104 3 times writing this up so pretty darn repeatable. Lets get Team BP into the top 10!
  • The crown should be up for the taking soon......
  • Well hope I'm just in time to claim my crown?
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