The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1445
  • Niiiice @KitKat!! Loooove it!! :D geez gravatar is indeed on speed!! Eh what's with the lingo lesson there?? LOL
  • Eeeek!!! :O
  • Hey @iammighty yes we are in protest of pu's
  • Lol i hit the Spanish button on
  • Yours looks clear @Kimmiecv..mine looks fuzzy...
  • I do t think it looks fuzzy KitKat maybe cause it's yours? Hmmm I don't have buttons for diff languages that'd be wicked!!
  • I wonder if or how we could get a petition to Rovio demanding they remove pu's until they can differentiate the scores...and about having to earn feathers for new levels..
  • My avatar is shining out some colors here ;)
  • @kim @AMslimfordy is already in talks about PU's with the birds on Twitter and how to differentiate between them so I think they will hear us out.
  • It's in my keyboard settings too bad i have Nooo idea what i i know what i typed but my typing not that reliable hahaha..
  • That's good to hear @iamMighty I hope slim gets somewhere with that!! IKR your like a beautiful peacock standing out from the rest!! ;D

    LOL @Kathy we can only guess what you may have said!! Although I uploaded an app that breaks languages down so I guess we could try that!! Heehee :D
  • Yeah @Kimmiecv i hope nothing bad..i think i said my keyboard messed up
    Then now i don't know what i say..
  • Anyway gonna order pizza and fling a you doing did you get level 5?
  • Hahahaaa @Kathy you are one of a kind and I'm glad I kinda fell into BP or I'd have missed ever knowing you!!! :D
  • Enjoy your pizza! I've started it but haven't gotten the aim just right. Gotta go back and reread the aims peeps are using! :)
  • Alright I'm out for a while, the shows I want to watch on the trial are starting so ill be gone for a couple hours!
    @Kathy I hope your pizza is wonderful! I'm jealous!! ;)
    @iamMighty chat later I hope! Enjoy the new updates!!
    BBL :)
  • @kim Not out, really bad Wi-Fi. Have to change it I guess. Later guys.
  • O.k Kimmiecv (((( hugs))) I'm glad you found us too kiss kiss:)
  • Aww see ya soon @ iammighty hope your wifi gets fixed..
  • looks like almost everyone has a PU-protest avatar
  • Yep ,@angryboy for a couple days..
    @Kimmiecv they haven't sentenced that chick yet?
  • Yikes!!!!! I've heard of mourning, but all the dark avatars...

    @E_star, can you add a little no PU icon to my grayed avatar please?
  • @kathy: You're talking about Jodi Arias?
  • Hmm... I want to do something more than just gray my avatar. I'll draw something up tomorrow.
  • Yes @brave1966 and ty for joining the protest..we should get everyone in abn to do it!!!
  • I think a lot of us already have @kitkat :)
  • I'll make sir Overly Happy Agent 22 staring angrily at a PU symbol, how's that? I think power ups are fun, I just don't like the scoring issue.
  • Yes @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster cool!!
    @brave1966 i meant get everyone to darken their avatar...
  • @kathy: That's exactly what I was talking about. ;D
  • @E-Star -- Love that everyone is going black and white. I admit I've bought it and played it, but can I join you? How do I get the no PU symbol in my avatar?
  • Well, I couldn't get it BW, up at least it's monochrome. Can someone give detailed directions on how to make BW and add the no PU icon? Thanks.
  • @mvnla2 i guess you gotta wait for E* she did mine..not sure how to add it..but at least you got a start on it..:)
  • @kathy: you need an image compositing program (i.e. Photoshop) to layer the images together and save it out.
  • @brave1966 ty E did mine..mvnla2 need ed help..if you know how..
  • Let me see if I can get something to work here... watch my avatar space...
  • * places cones all around brave1966 avatar space, plops butt in spot*
  • Hello fellow mourners!! I will have a White Russian please. Large. Drowning sorrows, etc.
  • @brave1966 -- How do I watch your avatar space? I used Preview to change colors, but it wouldn't let me go to BW. I don't think I have Photoshop.
  • Hey Ripsy..OB I'll have what he's having...
  • Hey @kathy! I'm buying.
  • Weird -- I used a different program, and I think my avatar should be BW now, but it updated much faster last time. Still need to know how to add the no PU icon.
  • Thanks Ripsy
    ask E* tomorrow she can know how..
  • Lol great English getting "she can know how" Ohhhh my Roflmao...
  • Even weirder. My avatar on my profile page really looks BW, but here there is still a hint of color!
  • It is b&w now mvnla2 cool...i hope the whole site does it!!
  • @mvnla2 I believe E* designed the No-PU logo. Which is why most people that have her special avatars have the logo. She sent them to all of them that expressed interest.
  • Well v 15 minutes till bedtime.trying to accustom myself to early bed..see if these scary spells go away good night all :( it's been a dark day hopefully Rovio will have dark days ahead with low sales..
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth (((hugs))))
    Thanks for the drink Ripsy good luck with the 'plan' hee hee
    Night all....
  • And while I thought my avatar before looked good before, I do enjoy the B&W version of it. It speaks a little more than the other.
  • Thanks @kathy. I might be able to pull it off tomorrow. All I have to do is buy the card and put it on my Google Play account as soon as I get to the van. Then I copy the essential information to a secret folder on my memory card, just in case there are problems. And as long as she doesn't become a tech-nerd over night, there will be no evidence. *insert maniacal laugh*
  • @kathy: not quite as nice as @e-star's, but I was able to do it. :)
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