The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1473
  • And a good day to all of you.
  • @angryboy, basically some of us are saddened at the closure of the DZ badge, and the departure of leggy from the nest, among other things that I would not like to mention, you could pm me, or any one of the other members involved in the conversation if you want more information...
  • What type of flinging are you working on today, @iammighty???
  • Nothing new just going around Rio. What about you?
  • @angerM DZ closing is sad, and @leggy leaving is very sad too. guess it is a depressing day...
  • HEY!!! Have a good weekend everybody! I hope I can come back to a happier more colorful BP next week. God knows I have enough real life to bring me down, Y'all need to brighten my day!! No more downers, this is a game!!!
  • Ob a PigKiller please..ty
    Just to let everyone know..i am always sad to see anyone leave the nest unhappy
    But i am not going to consume my weekend over it..we've talked it over till blue in the face..we've 'what iffed' it to death...i for one wish leggy the best wish she'd stay..BUT fact is she's not!! The movement for No pu's still grows
    I'm not reading any more pm's on this subject to much drama I'm here to have fun and relax after my workday or workweek
    Let's concentrate on the Happy Fact that one of our own who's been here and worked her little birdie butt off to please us all and help us in everyway possible

    Has now achieved a Great Honor and i do not want it to be darkened
    So i ask of all in respect of E* achievement of Admin that this weekend be a celebration not a mourning.
    All that can be said has Been said..i ask that you take your dreary dark feelings to pm's and wallow in your sorrow elsewhere..we want to keep this a happy upbeat forum

    We've had 2 days in the doldrums without getting anywhere but saying the same sad stuff over and over
    Ob break out the Cristal
    @angryboy disco bird up to a party¿;)
  • Lol @angermanagement i got your pm..i appreciate the lesson..i will try it
    E* has been teaching me also..i can't even post a link..haha
    Hey @Burman hope things start looking up..come join us we are having a drama free weekend starting now:)
  • Hey everyone! :)
  • HarryStar6 !!! Hey lol i just used your famous quote;) love it!!

  • @kathy nice! Pigs are annoying after all :)
  • How is everyone going?
  • Don't doubt your self @kathy, I didn't have a clue before I found out how easy it was;)
  • Hear hear Kathy!! Done with that drama as well. And thank you so much for all the sweet things you say about me, this last day has really given me so much love and frankly I kinda needed that! So here is a big kiss to you my friend!
  • Uhmmm @angermanagement OB not gonna fall for the polite act..or the fake if your gonna get a fake id you Don't tell the whole pub

    Roflmao..ha haha
    Ok I'll give the html thing a try maybe tomorrow..i saved your indstrutions;)
  • Hahahahah LOL AngerM, guess you will need a pretty darn good costume to wear, OB has pictures of all teens behind the tap, he will spot you the minute you walk up to him, and better not make him mad!! Enjoy your cowboy punch!
  • * passes glass of Cristal to E*... Clink*
    Everybody raise your glass:) clink :)
  • @e-star congrats on becoming admin WTG :)
  • @burbman, I did notice you message a couple of days in my email, but saw your comment edited, so figured you didn't want to talk about it, but I am glad to see things are looking up for you. Always pains me to see other nester struggle in real life! Here is a HUGGG from the Dutchie!!
  • Or did I read it wrong @Burbman, please say it aint so... still trouble?
  • E* I'm sorry i wish i knew how to make banner for you and post decorations and cake:(
    But alas I've a little phone and no tech skills... Sooo close your eyes and imagine walking into BP on your big day...there's a banner hanging
    And a beautifully decorated with balloons and flowers everywhere
    And a huge cake chocolate with white frosting and yellow roses
    Congrats E* written on top with pink frosting:)
  • Thanks *clink* Kathy! And Harrrrryyyyy!!! long time no see!! How is our young Aussie? Hope you are doing fine? and Thanks, really proud to be of service, all though there much to learn. But I will do my best at learning the ropes :D
  • Don't you have a designer on board in here? what was here name again?! hahahahah LOL

    *closes eyes*
  • @e-star I am going good just happy it's the weekend so I can a rest and watch some movies and play Angry Birds
  • @estar - Thanks, Slim and I discussed things and decided too many raw nerves could be exposed, so he removed it for me.
  • *walks around with arms stretched in front of her* *turns head as if she is looking around*
    Awwwww Kathy, look at what you have done to the place!! Love it!! Would have liked Ripsy to join the festivities, but I guess he is busy with work. [[[[[huggggsss]]]] kathy for doing this!!
  • It was kinda shocking indeed Burbman, and given there this is an Nest for all ages, I think he made a good call. But if you want to get it of your chest, you know where to find me right? Do hope the Nest can provide the happy times you need right now!
  • Any movies waiting for you Harry?
  • ((( hugs))) E* I'm Happy to try , i know your mind can see what i hoped to do lol;)
  • We used to have am artist..we still do;) wouldn't be fitting to make her hang her own decorations ;)
  • @e-star I am probary going to watch some batman movies and Harry potter movies later haven't watched those movies for a while now.
  • @all how is flinging going?
  • hahahah IKR figured should I make one, or not... but usually Ripsy shoots ideas and I get inspired, but like I said, he is probably busy anyway and in a way it would be silly right :D
  • Ow I loved the Harry potter movies!! And the batmans as well... so great choices! Harry
  • Haven't done much flinging, been revisiting Easter Eggs, but the Easter Bunny is apparently busy stocking up on Eggs somewhere, cause he isn't helping me at all.
  • @e-star I agree we have a box set for Harry potter but I have only seen a few of the movies on TV.
  • Yes E*
  • I haven't been doing all that much flinging either I have been playing a bit of the croods which I haven't spent any I tunes money on what so ever I already have played quite a few of those IAP games.
  • Typed a whole page error comment made it disappear
    I'm going to practice ...brb i have learned to copy and paste..;)
  • Didn't even check it out Harry, just doesn't trigger me! And good for you the whole set!!!
  • I am going to watch some movies now cya later everyone
  • Unless you want to wait till tomorrow.. So all can see,;)
  • @kathy Aww sweety don't break your head over this, really... Your words made me see your decorated BP and I love it!!!
  • I think everybody is starring at their screens now figuring how to break the silence...
    So I will be the first... @AMSlimfordy I can only image the EDIT not so nice stuff /EDIT you have to put up with, so good for you!! Have a drink on me! But not to much, still studying the no one can reproduce the name of that studie? Well hope all this interference and the little new admin with all her questions don't get in the way to much :D
  • And he I survived the first 24 hours and I haven't broken anything!! yeahhh me :D
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