The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1475
  • And the tune is making me smile even bigger than I already was!!
  • And Yeahhhh POPPPPPSSS!!!! :DDDDDDD
    You can't believe how happy I am to see you in here with a smile on your face for ME!!
  • Whooo and I even get to turn the page!!
  • They are real! I made them myself! Chocolate cake, with raspberry, and chocolate truffle filling and white chocolate ribbons on the outside. It took 3 days to make it! :D enjoy!!!!!!
  • @all -- If you just joined, we are celebrating E-Star becoming an admin. There is a party all day today in the BP. It started on the previous page, so be sure to look at the posters, etc.
  • Mumsie comes in with a ginormous card signed by everyone in ABN! And also signed by lots of people who know E* videos from YouTube!
    Mumsie also has a little gift she has knitted - it is a special polishing cloth with OB embroidered on it just for @E*’s new Admin badge!
  • Congrats E*. Sorry I can't stay and celebrate. But I wanted to say your contributions to the Nest have been essential and monumental in the fight against the enemy. May good luck and positive vibrations be continual as your life grows and expands.
  • Noo way!! @Sunshine!! now you are making me lick my screen to try to get a taste of the raspberry and all that delicious chocolate.. *slurrpppppp* blech... the cleaning lady (as in I) forgot to clean the screen :s
  • Mumsie?? I hear you, but I can't see you?? where are you?? Ahhhh behind that enormous card you are holding!! *reads card* awwww *tears up* thank you all!! I will hang this above my bed to look at when I turn out the lights way in the morning knowing I have such amazing friends all over the world!
  • Thanks Ripsy for popping in, have some delicious cake Sunshine made!
  • I am afraid to say at this point, food is not appealing to me. You know? With two kids with the flu. It looks wonderful. Put a slice in the fridge for me, OB. I will pick it up after the bug is gone.
  • aw man! I'm missing the party! *presses a secret button. disco bird becomes bigger and brighter* there we go!
  • Take care everyone. If I get time between Lysoling and cleaning the house, I will pop in.
  • Heyyyy Aboy!!! Great to see you in here and look at how Disco bird is doing its thing, only you can make him shine like that!!
  • Ooohhhh sorry I'm late!!!!! Congratulations E-Star:) :)
  • Been a busy day for everyone, I guess, I've been preparing 4 lesson for Kathy all day, along with @estar's poster, busy but great, as now we can all enjoy the party, great cakes, @sunshine, looking good, and tasting even better;)
  • aww shucks @Estar, thanks! and another congrats on the promotion!
  • Mumsie packs up a box with lots of tasty tidbits and puts it in a cool place with a big tag saying it is awaiting @ripsy to pick up!
    Mmmmm @sunshine this cake is fantastic! Can you PM the recipe?
  • @angermanagement thanks!!!!
    @angryboy Hi!!!!! Disco bird looks great!!!!
    @kathy hello!!!!! :D
    @ripsy great to see you! You don't know what your missing out on....yummy!
  • That reminds me in all the commotions I did read your note TAS and well although I can see what you mean, I hope I didn't create anything that big... don't have the time hahaha!

    And I think this amazing show of love has brought me back to the spirit of Spring again... so although I love all the people who supported my cause and changed their avatars, I think I need to switch my outfit to portrait the happy feeling I have now!
    Will try to come up with a way to still have the sign and will of course help any of you out if you want to change back into you colorful you's with the sign!
  • @mumsie yes, if you really want it!!! I made the truffle tree from the leftover truffle from the cake.
  • @estar count me in!! ;D
  • Everything looks wonderful..beautiful cake and decorations sunshine,:)
    @angermanagement awesome poster just like i pictured
    Mvnla2 what can i say thank you for your narrative if i close my eyes i can picture it just that way
    E-Star ((((((hugs)))))))
  • Sunshine if you can send you colorful avy to me, I am happy to apply the sign to it... need to work on it a bit, but expect it to be ready in the next hour or so.
  • I'm changing back also, gonna keep the sign though:)
  • Kathy!!!! [[[[[hugggggggsssss]]]] you sweet sweet woman!!! thanks for finding a way to show me so much love!!!
  • I'll send it now, but take your time, no rush!!
  • Nope, want to change in to more happier clothes myself and when I am done with that, changing yours will be an easy peazy thing to do :D
  • Kathy will be doing yours as well, and so will the others who have gone to b/w and have an E* creation :D
  • And of course who else want to :D
  • @sunshine remember this one? My very first avatar you created it for me:)
    *wipes tears,* sniff sniff i don't know why I'm feeling so nostalgic today
    Just the whole promotion start of a greet new thing for my friend, and the end of a sad week
    I feel like the gloom was taking us all down and the SUN has just .burst through the clouds and warmed up to eighty degrees:)
  • Yes!!!! I didn't know how to get it to you, so I asked Slim to send it to you!!! ;D
  • @E-Star -- Will don my colors later today. Thanks for the BW avatar. I agree, it's time to celebrate Spring.
    @Sunshine @AngerManagement -- I think we need some decorations on this page, don't you? Could just copy a couple from the previous page.
  • Sunshine? Ask Slim to send what?
    And mvnla your welcome and thanks for standing by me in the time of grey! Working on the color sign as well speak and the spring avy... but will be in my booth looking up every now and than to remind me of the joyfull day you all brought me :DDDDD
  • Decided there is no time like right now. Feel much more in the party spirit.
  • @e-star the first avatar for Kathy that I made for her. I don't think I had written to you at that point yet!
  • i also updated my avatar for spring
  • Love that avatar, @sunshine;)
  • I have always loved yours aswell, @angryboy:D
  • Ahhh I see Sunshine, well I have put my spring face back on again, hope all the b/w birdies who followed me, will understand me changing back to a more happier face... but WITH no PU sign :D
  • @sunshine, how did you make the images above bigger than 100x100 pixels???
  • thanks @angerM, yours is great too!
  • Just waiting on gravatar to kick in... in the mean time, I want to hope over to the b/w thread and make an announcement there so people know why I changed back :D brb
  • Wow, lovely avatar, @estar:)
  • Nice too see some colour in here:)
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