The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1478
  • Page change, yessss :-)

    Hey Estar. I heared from Kathy that we make Party here in BP for you my Admin ;-) Party Party Party
  • @angermanagement Harry Potter is well written and the films are great - Star Wars I only watched the first two - when they first came out (yes Iam old!) and , sorry, but not for me!
  • I happen to like all of them, StarWars, StarTrek (I know a real no no), Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter :D
  • Star Trek I like!
  • The Movies or also the Series? (Me both!! hahaha)
  • Eeeessssttttaaarrrrr!!! I'm soooo late to the party!!! A huge Congrats my Sweet Dutchie Friend!!! You deserve this more than anyone I know in the nest for all you do to keep the Nest happy and help to Anyone that asks!! Your a blessing to us all and I'm so happy for you and to be a part of your life!! Hazzah to our e-star!!! Mwaaaaah
  • Runs to Kimmie!! Yeahhh you made it :DDDD And awwww thanks, but I only give so much because I always get so much love in return!! I feel like a record player, but it means a lot to me that so many of my friends think I am the right girl for the job :D So thank you so much and come here ... on big smacker on each cheek!
  • Great, @angryboy, I really like SW, which is your favourite episode? Prequel or Original Trilogy?
  • *smiles big time for the kiss from my sweet Dutchie!*
    I'm happy to see the party was a hit!! :) you'll go to bed with a big smile and that's what matters!! :D Poor you trying to keep up with everything!! Crazy good day!! :)
  • (((@kimmie ))) hurrah you made it! Just before I go! Lovely to see you! How's the tooth? Only a couple of days to go and you can say bye to it!
  • original
  • Hey @mumsie I'm glad I didn't miss Everyone! :) The tooth is begging to be pulled :( so it's wish will be granted on Monday! Stupid thing! How are you? I guess ready for bed! Silly time zones! Ha likely I'll be up when you awaken though! I see bunches of you when you go to bed and when you wake up! Very strange thing for my mind to wrap itself around! LOL
  • IKR Kimmie, I am running between PM's, email, notifications and MY PARTY!!! Whooohoooo... LOVE and I am sure the smile will still be there in the morning :D

    btw have you seen the new Mumsie ;)
  • YES!! OMG I'm so scattered I completely missed it!! *bangs head on table to try to make the stupid thing work right! (Oh kinda rattled the evil tooth......maybe not a smart thing to do?!) *
    @mumsie42 my apologies!! I saw it LOVED it and went straight to air head mode!!! :/ the hat has to be mentioned!! :D I'm so glad you got a spectacular e-star creation you can use durning the normal part of the year! And It rings of mumsie!!
    Don't know how you get us all so well e-star but once Again you outdid yourself!! :) hmmmm how many days left to April.......
  • I read too slowly to ever conquer the books, but I've been listening to the audiobooks during my commutes to school/work/whateveryouwanttocallit. Jim Dale does a great job, IMO.

    The exhibit was great. Amazing the detail that went into every little tidbit. The brooms, everyone's wand (even Neville's and Luna's), the candy from Honey Duke's. unfortunately, it's leaving the US for a while to head back to London, but they'll go on another tour soon, I bet.
  • :D :D :D Just popping in for a second! So happy to see all the color returned to the BP! Congrats again @E*! If I'm feeling down this next week, I may PM for some mortal support! Thanks for the offer!
  • @Kimmie thanks I love it too!
    Well @all time for bed - Gngb - great party BP seems back to normal!
    OB you & the blues have outdone yourselves well done !
    E* if you're staying up have a great time!
  • Oooh it sounds like you had a wonderful time @slim! Wish I could have seen it! I love little details and I'd likely have been there from opening to closing to see every little tiny detail!

    @Burbman I hope the cheery colours helped to make you smile!! :) Hang in there and know all your nester friends are sending you waves of support for whatever your going through!! :)
  • Awww now you are making me jealous @AMSlimfordy!! Would have loved to see it!
    And dito on the slow reading thing (don't know if my problem is the conquering part, although I always want to know all the details)! Do you image him doing a couple of books in Dutch? hahaha BUT I never tried a audiobook, but reading your comment makes me wonder if that is something that could work for me as well.
  • Where you allowed to take pictures @AMSlimfordy??
  • Good night @mumsie42! I really love your avy! It suits you perfectly!! Have fab dreams of big trophys in ABN!! LOL ;D
  • @Mumsie Good night and sleep well, thanks for coming to this wonderful surprise party!!
  • Why does everybody prefer the original trilogy of SW to the newer trilogy, I love the prequel trilogy... What are the other nesters thoughts on their favourite SW movie, mine is The Phantom Menace because of the awesome (first time I have used that word:) music. Do you like SW, @amslimfordy, or are you a HP guy???
  • @burbman Hope the colors do bring some smiles to your face and even though I am such a crazy busy bee, I am always willing to listen, one caution in advance though.... The Dutch are know for their grounded and direct way... add the fact I am always brutally honest and you will know what you are gonna get :D Don't want to scare you of or anything, just wanted to let you know :)
  • Do you support Liverpool F.C, @mumsie???
  • Please Anger... don't post those big pictures please!! do you know the code for making them smaller?
  • Sorry again @estar;) I don't know how, could you tell me and I'll reduce them to about a 1/3 of the size???
  • And by the looks of it @AMSlimfordy just popped in and out again, a shame, would have loved to know about the audiobook and the exhibit.
  • @angermanagement -- You had me fooled for a couple of seconds. I thought your PC users pick was really from Rovio. You should send it to them as fan art. I think you do that through facebook.
  • Well, I hope Slim is enjoying a fantastic dinner in NYC before heading back to Boston.
  • II'll take that as a complement, that you thought it was from Rovio, @mvnla2;) I might send it to Rovio?? Ideas anybody??? Oh, and thanks @estar, it looks better, and it will take up a lot less memory (I imagine this is why you wanted it to be decreased in size), also I learn't a new skill;)
  • ow dear I forgot with all the running... Yeahh @CCjolly you made it to my party as well!! Sorry my friend, it has been hectic for me today. Thanks for the cheers!
  • Taking a break from flinging has awoken the creative side of me, it is a shame I wont be able to take advantage for my Graphics lesson ast school, as I am returning to AB next wedensday;)
  • no Anger, the image still has the same resolution and takes up the same amount of memory. I just don't think that it is nice to put up such in-your-face pictures.
  • but thank you for changing them and yeahhh learned something new!
  • I agree 100%, I was just about to search google on how to reduce the size, until I saw your comment, thanks again, @estar:D
  • You are welcome Anger, you can even make them clickable if you want to let people access the bigger version, by turning it into a link... just consider the part you used (the img src thing) as the text you normally see in a clickable link... if that makes any sense...
  • Thanks for the tip, @estar, I figured out how to do it;)
  • Well done to @junkenmetel on getting Jedi Addict, lots of reasons to celebrate this weekend:D
  • And you even managed to put in the "open in new tab" nice AngerM!
  • I see it just me and OB and even though I like spending time with OB, I better turn in my flashlight into Kimmie's booth, I think this day I spent a total of 10+ hours at the Nest and let me tell you... I loved it!!! Thank you all for the Surprise party, it has made me feel so loved and I feel humbled to know you all did this for me!! MANY MANY Thanks!! I will be going to a fabulous Pillow walk and of to dreamland with a huge smile on my face!
  • Awww @e-star I'm so glad you had a great day!! :)
  • *shines estars flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland *

    Sorry @e-star it posted before I could finish!! Have a wonderful pillow walk and a last Huge Congrats to you!! We are so happy and excited for you!! :). Kiss kiss
  • kiss kis my dear sweet Kimmie, thanks for guarding me on my way to dreamland and may the holder of the key bring you something ever so cheerful today!! Love ya!
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