The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1477
  • Hey @kinkykiwi welcome to the BP :) nice to see you:)
    See page 1 for general information on our forum..
    *pours a glass of Cristal for kinkykiwi*
  • Oh I love a party, especially one in honour of our new Admin Goddess! I'm sorry I can't stay as I'm on my way out but congrats @Estar, I'll be celebrating with you in spirit!
    The BP looks awesome, great job everyone. :)
  • Clink, Clink!!!!! @kinky couldn't have thought it or said it better!!! Cheers!! ;D
  • @karen68 hi!!! Clink, clink cheers!! ;)
  • @E-star
    Thank you for the updated avatar. Have to go cook on the grill. Wish you the best on this special day.
  • Pops, looking colorful as ever! So you made it :D Ow and send me one of those famous steaks my way if you would :D talk soon! Thanks so much to pop in and join in the festivities!!
  • Take care @wrw01 thanks for popping in:) (((( hugs))))
  • @karen68 thanks for stopping in even if it was just for a moment!! (PS I will be leaving you a note to your avatar in color with NO PU sign if you want to change ;)
  • its great to see you too kathy and also my dear friend sunshine....fancy popping over to the UK and melting some of this snow for me ?? lol *clink-Clink * and cheers
  • @kinky it would be my pleasure!!!!!!!! :D I'm working on my snow as we speak!! Lol
  • Sorry to sneak out for a while but don't want hubby to go cold turkey due to the fact he hasn't been able to get my attention these last few days... so I will enjoy some snacks and drinks with him, will be back in a bit... but THANK YOU ALLLLLL for all the words of love and the time you all took to surprise me with this!! It warms my heart to think I am so liked around the Nest!!
  • grabs some bubbles for the road and some piece of Sunshine delicious truffle tree

    Talk later!! [[[hugggss]]]]]
  • Hey all! So glad to see the lively festivities here! I'll be joining in a bit more later on. I've got a bit of work to do in the veggie garden. Just want to say Cheers! See y'all soon!
  • Popping in to congratulate my newest colleague!
  • * cheers* @Amslimfordy we've all brightened back up since the awesome news of E* joining the ABN team..she'll be a great asset::)
  • Sneaks in (hubby just looked away and fast as lightning I ran for the computer LOL)

    But Thanks ABCrazy for popping in and yeahhhhhh @AMSlimfordy!!! thanks for stopping by, hope I will do you guys proud and not break anything ;)
  • Guess we are all on 'real life' break lol..I'll be flirkin:)
    And ty @angermanagement I've learned the select cut thing;:
  • Well done, @kathy, now onto lesson 2;)
  • I am backkkk hahhaha, guess hubby could see me sitting excited on the couch wanting to get back on the computer :D
  • Goodbye forever, @leggy:( Don't forget to e-mail me, you still remember my e-mail address:)
  • Lol E* i can picture you sitting on the eye on computer,, ear listening For dings hee hee,
  • Hey @leggy thanks for popping in:)
  • @leggy the link didn't work for me:( see you around someday.i wish you'd reconsider..but seems your mind is made up..did you read my pm we've all been through some trials..especially now look how rl far E* has come..but anywho take care.
  • Oohh looks like we need more bubbly..*poofs down cellar,*
  • Thanks Leggy for the congratz, not totally sold on the meaning of the song (if the lyrics where the meaning you wanted to share with us), I like to think the dream I am living is for a lifetime, this way I can enjoy myself to the full extent without any reserve and if I go down hill, well mwaaah will deal with it then. I do wish you an road that leads up and on to better things for you!!
  • @leggy. Hope that plane is winging you someplace exciting, with a bright, happy future for you! Also hope that when you're rested up you will reconsider and come back to the nest. We will welcome you with open arms. Take care
  • I would love that to happen, @mvnla2:]
  • @mvnla, did you see I left you your avy with the sign in the other thread? if you don't want to, no problem, but would hate to make you think I forgot yours :D
  • @amslimfordy Hope you're enjoying the Harry Potter show. Somehow it doesn't seem like your cup of tea, but it sure would be mine. Maybe it will come to LA sometime, and I can drag my hubby to it kicking and screaming.
  • @e-star thanks! Ive been gone for a while so haven't had time to catch up yet.
  • Hey @ mvnla2 :) thanks for getting the party going:) , your arrangements turned out perfectly:)
  • @mvnla2 Harry Potter show?? Guess I missed something in the last hectic week...
  • @angermanagement DONT EVER let me hear or see you call yourself stupid again!!!! You are not!! I actually never noticed the rio thing i have to go check
    But promise not to ever say or think your stupid you are not...
  • Error box:(
  • took me a while to notice that too @angerM
  • @kathy -- I couldn't listen to song on iPad, had to use computer.
    @E-Star -- Wikipedia says the lyrics are based on Verdi's Requiem. Don't think I've ever heard translation, but interesting.
  • Slim said he was in NYC today going to a Harry Potter exhibit. Left link in PM. Oh, yeah, you weren't on PM, cause we were planning party for you. : )
  • I hate Harry Potter, much prefer STAR WARS, that's why I write it in Capital letters:P
  • Ty @angermanagement:) you are very far from stupid:) not sure why error boxes thought something to to with site..
    Leggy sent me another link in can't be played on mobile @mvnla2.
  • Lol i read the first 3 books Of Harry potter started the 4th but lost interest
    I enjoy the lord of the rings starting with the Hobbit:) read them twice then watched a couple movies..books better:)
  • @AngerManagement -- How can you hate Harry Potter? I love the books and the movies. They are so imaginative. I know it's not a male / female thing, because I know many males who are as big a fan as I am. OK, I'm not the kind of fan that stands at line at midnight to get the next book the second it is released, but I have pre-ordered from Amazon, and it comes later the same day. Good thing there aren't any more books, time sharing between AB and Harry Potter would be a challenge.
  • @mvnla2 O_o who knew tee hee, but thanks for the link, gonna check it out in a moment, love all the Harry Potter movies... wish there was a way to poof and check it out myself... I think HarryStar6 was planning on watching them this weekend. what are the odds right? Guess Harry Potter is world wide a big hit :D
  • IKR mvnla, I am just so glad I read all the books before ABN. There is only room for one obsession hahahah
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