The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1623
  • @abcrazy if I stay in the top 20 of tatoonie I'll be happy! I Really Really don't want to go back there!!! :/
  • Hmmmm musta lost crazy at the sling!! :D
  • Well @Ripsy, the day has finally come - DZ-22 is the one level I never wanted to see as the Challenge, but I just knew you would throw it in there eventually. In the past I have spent hours & hours & hours (seriously, no exaggeration) trying to get the 1-birder on this level with no luck. Even worse, I'm below average so I'm just going to hope to improve my score. OB, could you make it 3 fingers of Scotch for me this evening? Thank you.
    Now that I'm done complaining, I hope everyone is having a great evening! I'm going to take my Scotch into Space & torture myself for a bit.
  • @kimmie, you're talking to yourself.. How are you? :)
  • Hey @karen68 I'm used to it!! ;) Ack good luck on the challenge! I've seen you pull some serious whoopers so it may be that your going to ace it this time!!! Good luck! :)
  • I just KNEW IT!! Got that stinkin error box following me! It was a matter of time before I got the double post blue error box curse!! Between that and my super wonky wifi I'm ready to give up!! :/ How are you @karen68? How's your son doing? Better I hope?!
  • Gaah! I'm still up, and just barely above average, so may have to improve. BBL
  • Erm Hi @mvnla2 eh bye @mvnla2 good luck to you too! Are you serious?? It's only 8pm!! WTH do you get up at 4am??
  • Hi @kimmiecv @kathy the rose & champagne is the least I can do. I've been following in both your paths for the past few months. Thanks for the inspiration to seek higher than 'above average'. I wouldn't have realized I could do better if I hadn't seen both your comments along the way & stuck it out to score better. You've really been an inspiration, not a competition. So, I'm sorry to bump you, but couldn't have done it without you.
  • Wow @kimmie, double post, you really are talking to yourself ;D
    I'll send you a PM soon, unfortunately things aren't any better.. I'm half asleep already so I'll try to get to it tomorrow. Loved your last snail story!
  • Awwww thanks @abcrazy! I'm glad we inspired you to fight on and reach your potential to me that's better than being what was it? Whatever it was on the Leadersboard! :)
  • Annnd that makes 2!! Stupid evil error box!!! :( @karen68 not only am I talking to myself but I'm stuttering!!!!! Do let me know what's up when you have the time but get rest it's waaaay more important!! I'm sorry to hear things haven't turned around yet though :(
    LOL can you believe it EARWIGS??!!!! Eeeeeewwwwww now I have double the trouble to go with my stuttering!!! :O
  • @kimiecv It really is about going through what it takes to get there, not the number that designates the place. I think some of the numbers only players miss a lot, but that's just my opinion.
  • @kimmie I don't like earwigs, they bite...or pinch..or something. Yuck. I hope you can get rid of them.
    Ha, I just noticed, what so you get when you spell "Eeeeeeewww" backwards?
  • @ABcrazy you just summed up one of the most wonderful things about the Nest :)
  • @karen68 Wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
    That was fun!
  • LOL @karen68 that's funny! I hadn't noticed it :D IKR those pincer things are creepy! I meant it when I said I drew the line at catching those icky things! My sister brought them here she gets to get rid of them!! Bleck!!!

    @abcrazy not sure I understood what your saying?
  • @karen68 Thanks. The nest is such an awesome community that I'm so happy to be a part of.
  • Ooohhh duhhh I got it! Dork! Took me a couple reads to get it through my thick scull! Yep I agree! You can always tell the players that are here for high scores only, never hear a peep out of them as they take advantage of the strats people share! You can call on them and they never answer!
  • Darn i missed a whole page!! Aww sorry can't play catchup
    I've downloaded a backup program i think will work..
  • Alrighty is 3 a charm? Good grief I'm not only getting the stupid error box every time I post thereby getting double posts But my wifi is super slow WHEN. It wants to work!! :/

    Hey @KitKat :)
  • @kimmiecv WWwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee...... This is fun!
  • LOL I know it is abcrazy :) Ripsy and I used to do it A Lot!! :D

    Hey @KitKat congrats on the new thingy you got! I take it it's not an iPad but something similar to it? Why didn't you get an iPad?
  • Ipad its an apple fire is Android system same as my phone..just bigger and not a phone..same as ipad o think kinda..
  • Ok back to flinging;)..almost bed time;(..
  • Hi @kathy - you said you're getting a Kindle tomorrow - no wonder you're excited!
    Where's @jlz-666 when we need her - if there's a Wwweeeeeee going on she should be here :)
  • Ahhh got it, the android version of the iPad! Cool KitKat I hope you really love it! :) have fun flinging :) I'm on the very boooring level 15 :/ don't know how bigger scores are happening unless they're hitting from the top laser down somehow so they get all the glass to break but I can't seem to get the right angle from the top not to mention the exact split time.
  • @kathy I think I understand. Familiar system, why learn a new one? I'd probably prefer Android if iOS hadn't infiltrated my household beyond my control.
  • Yep she should since it all started with her!! :D But she's working like a mad woman right now so she's not having the extra time ATM :( Guess it got sunny there so her business picked up!
  • Oooh nooo androids for me!! To much Hoodoo Voodoo in them!!! *shudder*
  • @kimmiecv you & @ripsy? Oh. I didn't know. I'll try to be discrete.... (Wink wink nudge nudge)
  • Hahahaaa cute @abcrazy! We had a girls night and JLZ-666 said something about a wee something and it set off a wonky chain reaction the Ripsy and I kept going! Ripsy almost always hangs with us on a girls night! ;)
  • Girls night? @kimmiecv Please let me know when the next one comes up. I wanna play too.
  • @kimmie I remember that night, didn't we go through a dozen pages & hundreds of comments?!
    Ok I need some sleep. One of my kids is sick, the other has no school tomorrow & my hubby's going to a funeral so it should be a crazy Friday. Might be tomorrow night before I get to any PMs but I will get to them, I owe jlz one too.
    OB thanks for the Scotch, I hope everyone has a great night :D
  • Yep that was the night @karen68! :D It was a blast!!! Ach could you have any more on your full plate Karen!! Sleep well and good luck with the lunacy tomorrow and Don't worry about PMs instead if you get a chance have a little YOU time!! Talk to you later my friend and I hope things settle down very soon!!

  • FRIKEN ERROR BOX!!!!!! :/
  • Wait, that was a pig that did the weeeeeeEEEEEEEEeeee....... Thing wasn't it.
    Cunning creatures.... I was lured in for a while, but you just can't trust them.
    Back on ALERT! Where are the eggs?.....ah, yes......
  • @abcrazy we rarely have them because it's hard to get e-star and JLZ-666 on at the right time, especially JLZ-666 because she is NOT a night owl! LOL but usually when they have some time off or if it's a good weekend for JLZ-666 then we get our girls night! I'll let you know when it's going to happen. Scares all the makes away except Ripsy! :D
  • Sorry not ignoring..just flinging and trying to ignore arghh...
    Anyway thanks fotr the good wishes @karen68 and all..I'm be back..;)
  • @Kimmiecv -- Of course I'm still up. You asked if anyone was still up. I've been trying to improve on the Challenge, with absolutely no success.
  • What time do you hit your pillow @mvnla2? Is this late for you? Hmmmm I think I'm glad I'm not doing the challenges because this ones got everybody in a not so happy mood! It must be a very baaaad one!!
  • K @kimmiecv you know I'm lurking anyway, but I want to be part of the next girls party whenever.

    Time for me to check out & get some zzzzzzzzzzs. Good note @all. Happy flinging!
  • I've heard it all!! The most non-sensical thing I've heard in a long time
    "we better bring in the plants, its going to rain"
  • You got it @abcrazy :) sleep well see ya tomorrow

    Ummm @Kathy WTH are talking about? What plants, rain and nonsensical stuff??)
  • There are potted plants outside on our porch..very Hardy..Momma says bring them in because its going to rain...Hello...plants love water..rain = free water...ahhhb
    Babaalala there driving me nutters..might as well pull up the grass..roll it up like a rug .i can't take much more lalala bla brr...
  • Hello all.
  • Heehee! Weeeeeeee!!!!! Good morning @kimmie! Sorry I'm MIA:( Promise to to write tonight. It's 5-20am and just having a quick wake me up coffee before I hit the gym. Got another long hot day ahead but hopefully this should start it off great........hopefully;) gotta scoot,wish me luck!
  • Hey @JLZ666 have fun:)
  • Hey @iamMighty :)

    Shut up!!! Are you kidding me @KitKat? What did the nag do with her brain? Does she not get that water keeps plants alive and hey ho free water straight from the sky, well that's like a filet minwhateverthatscalled to meat lovers!!!! Sing her a song, it goes like this: If only I had a braiiinnnn!!! LOL

    Oh crap the error box is up again!! :/
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