The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1625
  • @kimmie-Mommy, she cheated and change the spelling after my comment.
  • I'm quick on my erm finger @rat!! Heh heh
  • Yeah, it kinda scared me.
  • The page change or my quick finger?? HAHAAHAHAAHAAHAA
  • Well, if I digress any further, I won't have a birthday anymore. Need to go lie down. Good whinning with everybody.
  • LOL funny guy!! Have a nice lie down @rat, it was nice chatting with you again :)
  • @kimmie--Before I go, I have to ask what erm means? I've seen it a couple of times.
  • Eh, erm, gah, ack, argh, just a few of my silly comments, don't mean anything really but I actually use them in my speech so they get put in writing just as I'd actually be saying it! :)
  • Duhhh
  • :D WAHAHAHAAAHA you've got me doing the @Kathy Rthingy!!
  • @kimmie--BYE BYE funny lady
  • @rat--BYE BYE funny guy! :D
  • So where were we ?
  • Dunno @fbb but I'm off for my pillow walk, it's 3:30am here, have a great Day? Night? :)
  • Gnite, it's afternoon here , 5:30 PM
  • Ok then have a great evening @fbb :) I'm off to Dreamland erm Ahh after a couple of flings! ;)
  • Hi all! Just came home a while ago, we went to buy some supplies for the strawberry cake I'm going to make tomorrow and after that I took the little monster to a barber. He's hair was already so long that it was in his eyes and mouth all the time, so now he's got a nice summer haircut :D

    It's still extremely hot. I've been checking the weather casts several times a day and they are always telling that it will rain but no, it isn't. Now I have to water all the flowers by myself, when those usually do great without watering. If this heat is going to continue, I think I need to book a trip to Antarctica or something ;(
  • @Kimmiecv sleep tight...sweet dreams:):
  • @Kathy weird! My Dinger was shut off but it dinged anyway LOL Have a great day because its FRIDAY!!!! :) See you later!!

    Hi @lisko Bye @lisko good luck with the heat and your strawberry yummy!! :)
  • Good night @Kimmiecv! Yeah, I really hope it would rain, even a little bit. Haha, let's see what my cake becomes :D We've got a tradition that I make a strawberry cake as soon as domestic strawberries are available in stores and now they are so...Somehow those taste much sweeter than foreign which we have in stores around the year. And I also think that it's a good thing to support the local producers :D
  • Good morning !! Happy Friday:)
    @lisko sounds delicious i love strawberry cake:)
    See you all later..I'm of to work:(
  • @Kathy - Haha, yeah it really is delicious! Though not so pretty xD I can take a pic when I get it done :D Have a nice day, even when it's work, but it's FRIDAY! :D
  • Happy Friday everyone! Good to see you all here.

    How've you been @kimmiecv and @kathy? I haven't been around the BP in awhile, finishing up on ABO just a few days ago and now into Seasons. Well, it's time for me to get going to work. Have a pick-me-up drink on me to get your weekend started. Happy bird flinging!
  • @kimmiecv, thanks for clarification, I was confused as @jlz666 mentioned MIA and workout in what, at first seemed to me, same conncept and hard workout is connected with eating dissorders. I am lucky that it isn't case here.
    @lisko happy baking, I just adore strawberries and couldn't find any fruit that would taste so great and look as beautiful as strawberies. I bet cake would taste delicious and its' look doesn't seem important when it is a family cake and not some fancy french patry. I read article in BBC news you linked to about Finnish moms. Admit, I envy your women. You have luck to live in country that has high living standard and are also very practical (like other Scandinavians). I belive that I spend a little fortune on cute little Italian clothes for my girls while they were babies and toddlers, which is like I burned money just to see that people living in much wealthier societies just never do that.
  • @cosmo2503 - Haha, thanks for the cheering! I'm going to make that cake even if my hands were bleeding, I promised to the little monster that there will be a cake so I just HAVE TO do it, no matter how bad I am in baking stuff :D Nice to hear that you read it, though it isn't the whole truth in any way. Actually I'm feeling really sad 'cause the government has decided to raise the taxes and now they announced that many hospitals will be over and from now on they are sending people to another town to give a birth. In the worst case the trip would be almost 200km :/ Not so good decision at all...And same thing with the taxes, we already pay 14% taxes for food, but now they decided to raise it to 24%. I really don't know what we're going to eat after the tax raise, 'cause food already is so expensive that we need to run after sales :(
  • Hello @lisko. I think your strawberry cake sounds absolutely scrumptious! I love summer fruits, because I do a lot of baking with them too. I know how the calories can add up but I like to tell myself and the family that it's healthier. LOL. Have a great weekend!
  • @Lisko and all -- It's true that I live in fresh fruit and vegetable heaven (southern CA), but I love the really fresh fruit you get at the farmers' market! Fruit that was picked this morning, or at worst yesterday is always much sweeter than the stuff you get in the grocery stores (scientific fact, not exaggeration). I bet that the strawberries grown in Finland are not the super-hybridized kind so common here, but closer to wild and even sweeter.
    We go to the farmers' market at least once a week all year round, and only buy fruits and vegetables in the grocery store when they aren't available in the market. Only thing that is better elsewhere is New England corn picked a couple of hours before you buy it. Corn just doesn't get as sweet in CA, maybe the daylight isn't long enough.
  • @stennu -- Hi again! You're allowed to make more than one comment per page. ; ) We don't bite, and are very understanding if your native language is not English. You do need to post in English, because using Google translate to moderate posts creates a lot of work for the administrators. (Every post is read by the admins to check that it is acceptable for a site available to young kids.)
    As you can see, there can be long gaps between comments, because people are not in the BP all the time.
  • Still do not have a clue how you know about my Geography test, @hunnybunny... I only have 1 Top Score on BFM-8, where I got really lucky, I'm dreading the day when the notification comes and tells me the bad news;D @lisko, I have never thought long hair is a good look for men, but I suppose you'd better ask the ladies here whether they find it hansome, along with facial hair:/ Oh, and don't worry about money problems, everyone has a period in their life where they are forced be anxious about something, but I have noticed that good things happen to good people, so you'll be fine:] Hey, @lurkers:]
  • Hey, @mvnla2, how's things?
  • Just looked at today's challenge level, love it:D I got the 1-Birder about a month ago after trying for about a year;D
  • @rat, I have just compared mine and your AB Space leaderboards, and it turns out you are beating me in every level possible, except for level 5-19 on Red Planet... (congrats and wow) I'm ranked #4, and you are ranked #25, and I am 4,570 ahead of you, just thought I would tell you where you could get some easy points, and how you would be beating me on every single level;D Just helping you in your quest to become #1 in Space:D
  • lol, now who's having a conversation with themself;D
  • Hi everyone (well, if anyone is here)
    OB, one pig shaped pancake please :)
  • Hi @Annifrid how's your flinging?
    @AngerManagement it was just a guess. I'm really not in cohorts with your parents or teachers!
    OB a small glass of wine please, I know it's a little early, but....
  • @Hunnybunny I'm still in Tatooine, currently #22 in the total score leaderboards there. I'd like to make it to top ten, at least for a while :D
  • I think once you discover the leaderboards and start entering scores, your AB addiction only gets worse :)
  • Hi @angermanagement and all lurkers -- @AM -- Be careful about gloating about today's challenge; won't make you very popular with lots of us. : (((
  • Didn't mean to gloat, sorry if it seemed that way.
  • @AngerManagement -- All is forgiven (I got a 1-birder for 115K)! For anyone else that still has a device to play on (someone else, maybe swellD, said that), I found @SwellD's tips to be extremely useful, especially since he uses an iPad, like me.
    Also AM, I don't think you were really gloating, just seemed so because DZ-22 was driving me crazy.
  • @angermanagement--I just don't have the heart to take away your claim to fame.
  • @mvnla2--I still hate and will not play that level again. As I said earlier, I can find no pattern in it. Just say no on Lvl 22.
  • @Rat Ive put on my longer ears this time so you can see me lol
  • @hunnybunny--Isn't that the sane hat I saw you wearing in 1979?
  • @Rat no my ears are real not on a hat:-)
    I've just popped in for a quick drink. The family landed at heathrow have made their way up the motorway and should be here in ten minutes. The end of peace and quiet and much of my flinging for the next five days :-(
  • I just stopped by to answer @angermanagements gloating on RP 5-19. I admit it. He's better than me. Happy now. Haaaaaahaha Gotta go. Bbl
  • @Rat bye impending doom about to arrive
  • @hunnybunny--I loan you all my patience. Keep sane or as they say "grin and bear it".
  • @HunnyBunnyawaitingimpendingdoompagechanger
    I hear a car door outside. The family have arrived
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