The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1659
  • @FBB JackS is not new to Bloated Pig. He already came here one or two months ago :D
  • I didn't know that
  • @Jack_S If you are on Twitter, you can tweet to Peter Vesterbacka, the Mighty Eagle of Rovio (VP of marketing or something). He was the one that gave the talk in Moscow Sun? Let me know it you've figured out how to contact Rovio -- I can provide more help later this afternoon if you need it.
  • @Jack_S I think you can e-mail them at - [email protected] for ideas.
    But I'm not sure.
  • Hmm, still waiting for Red Bird's announcement. Eyes on Twitter.
  • @jack_s sorry.... I didn't know you'd been here before.
  • @iamMighty I don't think there's any Red Bird announcement today :D
  • It's on the 25th right?
  • Something's happening today, @iammighty:)
  • Yup. Hope you're doing fine today?
  • Just fine. Flinging a bit on ABF for now.
  • Not yet. Maybe a bit later.
  • Where's the announcement taking place?
  • OK, i have read 14 pages of forum titles (because search cant restrict to titles its not very useful) and enough is enough :-) So i will put my questions here one per post where i welcome answers or poiters to the relevant forum thread.
  • Hey, @grammyk, I don't believe we've been name is AngerManagement:)

    Anyone think it would be nice to have the BP and a few of the other popular forums as a group instead? Then you can at least get threaded conversations making things much easier to follow and easier to catch up and no more need to @ @ @ everyone to tie in who is answering what.
  • hi @angermanagement, nice to meet you, if i dont answer its just because of all the trouble i am having connecting to the net the past few days
  • @Grammyk The Member's Map and Badges and Ranking: Nominate and Congratulate used to be forums, too. I'm pretty sure they will turn more in to groups, too. But I like this one as a forum.
  • one vote for, one against :-)
  • What you flinging on, @grammyk? Also, the forums will be integrated into the main site in the next months, so I think we'd better keep the BP here and see if we can get to 100,000 comments before the big move:D Also, I think having the BP as a forum is a necessity, because of the bundles of activity, especially in the North American evening, or when I'm sleeping;] However, I agree that there should be a lot more groups, such as MVNLA's great forum on Self-Destroying and Un-stable levels, however, I think the opening page would be pretty ginormous;D
  • @grammyk by "questions" do you mean forums that will ask questions for other members to answer? Lots of people have done that, but half the time they get closed. You can just PM (private message) one of the Admins. They don't have to be on your friends list.
  • interesting @angermanagement, i especially like that you have reasons behind your thoughts. thanks
  • @theanonymousone, for example, i cant upload pics to my album, i havent finished all my testing yet so am not actually ready to ask this question, but that is one example
  • @cosmo2503 - I find Candy crush totally addictive but not much skill required - wish I could get bored of it! Didn't pay for it though but has eaten into flinging in AB!
  • What device are you playing on @grammyk?
  • Hi @tas - loved your story on the last page - had a perfect mental picture thanks to you description!
  • samsung galaxy tab 10.1, original op sys, refuse to do any upgrades because they lose too much. got it xmas 2011
  • @grammyk, you have to upload a PNG, JPG or JPEG image if you want to upload an image:) What error message do you get?
  • my screenshots and photos are all. jpg but dont work. error message says exactly what you are saying . i found a. jpg with alpha only shorter name in downloads but didnt work either. same message. now i am hunting for. gif on net to test
  • I think asking BirdLeader or AMslimfordy by way of personal message will be the way to go forward, @grammyk, they're the experts at anything ABN:)
  • @grammyk - can you transfer your images to a PC and then upload them to ABN from there? That's what I had to do before I got iOS 5 on the iPad
  • no go on the. gif either.
  • Sorry AM didn't mean to talk over you!
  • Is it me or is the site playing up again just got fatal error for the last half hour here in BP and couldn't load any other ABN pages either.
    To answer your other question @grammyk I'm happy with the BP as it is but if the powers that be move it to a group I'll still be happy!
  • no go on the. gif either.
  • i dont want to bother the admins directly, and i still dont know how to pm anyone, @mvnla2 tried to explain but i didnt get it. i will open new discussions and they can get to it when they have time
  • @grammyk, go to their profile and click personal message, next to 'Add Friend' and 'Public Message', and type what you want into the text entry field and press 'Send'. Or, click on Messages (3rd from the left on your tabs), then 'Compose', next to 'Inbox' and 'Compose', then type their name into the text entry field below the label entitled 'Send To'. Make sure to type in a subject, or else the message won't send:)
  • @grammyk -- The idea of turning the BP into a group has been discussed previously (maybe more than once). I think the @team is not in favor, and since I am an admin of a group, I can understand why. I've been told that groups are a canned function, and the admins can't change how they operate.
    * If you want someone to be notified, you do need to use @name, and your name as it appears on your post in the group is not necessarily the correct @name (I am always confusing username and nickname, so won't say which is which).
    * The administrator of the group does not automatically get notified of every new post to the group. This is why the map and B&R groups ask you to @mention me and Sunshine, respectively. I believe there is also nothing equivalent to the star at the top of the forum page, which lets you choose to be notified of each new message. I do use the star for the unstable levels forum.
    * If someone replies to a thread that is not on the first page, and doesn't @mention the person they are talking to, that person is likely to never see the message, unless in the case of the BP they were to read through all 1659 pages!
    * All of the above means it is impossible for anyone other than the admins to monitor the new posts in a group. I believe the @team monitors the new posts in the BP most of the time. Every comment made on this site is monitored, which is why there are no trashy or offensive messages.
    (This is the short version : D ).
  • @mvnla2, that all makes sense now. too many downsides just to get leveled conversation :-) Thanks for the info! Canned software is the bane of my life also :-)
  • It's awfully quiet this evening. Anyone lurking?
  • Yup, here @mvnla2. Still no Red Bird announcement.
  • ya, just have bp bookmarked and watching emails
  • @grammyk Welcome to the Bloated Pig! Hope you're having a nice time here though it's a bit quiet today. Feel free to ask any queries you have.
  • thanks @iammighty. no question right this minute but have some funny thoughts on power ups.
  • i started playing the weekly friends tournament last week when i noticed the app available for android. so, being a no powerups player i decided that it was ok to use them in friends because that is where they originated and more a natural part of the facebook versions. WELL! I used up all the free ones and was not able to get a better score using them any ways :-) i cant buy any because i dont use credit cards anymore and doubt if i would spend the money anyways :-). Had a good laugh at myself anyways, renamed them power downs :-)
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