The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1661
  • @mvnla2
    Sorry I did note receive your request. I have not started icebreaker. Still working my way through Season Summer Pignic. I am in Seattle working and have not had a lot of time to fling in May and June. Things should slow down by August so I should be back flinging and visiting the Nest for longer time periods.
  • I believe that there are unknown elements @angermanagement. And there actually is an element called Krypton.
  • It's been so slow today..... Well I guess I'll get a few Pig Ears on the way out. *Drops a serving of super seeds on the counter* Sorry I didn't have any money, I hope you'll accept seeds this time.
  • The current view out of one of our windows.
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- How awful! Is it just heavy rain puddles, or are you actually flooded?
  • @ripsy Looks like home to me!
  • Hi @tas How are you doing? Looks like you've been the one tas band keeping the place alive all day. Sorry I've only been able to lurk lately. Some real world stuff has been keeping me occupied. Hopefully I'll have reason to celebrate again sometime soon.
  • I just like the Piggy ears. ;^)
  • @tas Have you tried bacon jerky? Very addictive!
  • Hmm.... nope. I'd get some but I'm full from Ravioli.
  • They have it at Walgreens. Also at Bucees, but I don't know if those exist beyond Texas. Just beware, once you try bacon jerky.... You'll give the pig ears to the dogs as a treat. :-)
  • Oh, it's real stuff? Well I must try and get it sometime.
  • Oh yeah, it's real stuff! Try it & let me know what you think...
  • @tas What ya playin lately?
  • Well my dad went on a business trip to Mexico and took my Nook with him to read Catching Fire, so mostly doing summer activities/camps, practicing piano, being dragged to errands/ doing work, doing stuff outside, or games on the Xbox, mostly Minecraft, and AB trilogy if I could afford it. The Nook is just one thing off that list, but that's alright. Dad needs as much reading time as he can get before the Catching Fire movie comes in November.
  • BTW @tas Have your cheeks recovered from last weeks pinch-fest yet? @rat seemed to think you were seriously hurt, but it looked like a nice warm glow to me.
  • Don't worry, my implants protected me.... oh no.... What, implants? Hehe, who said anything about implants that are very high tech and top secret from the CIA? Just strong cheeks that's all.... hehe.... Nothing to see here.... sandwich
  • Oh yeah, he took your Kindle, didn't he. What are you playing on the piano? Sorry I don't know much about the Xbox games. We have a PS3 at home so I've seen a bunch of those games.
  • Good solid sturdy cheeks. I could feel that while squeezing. :-)
  • Aaaaaiiiiiaaaaahhhh! The lights & tv are being turned off around me. I must ... Go ... To .... Bed....
  • Hey all sorry i haven't popped in today:( crazy flinging!!
    Have a good night all:)
    *places flashlight on@Kimmiecv treats tonight..Kitties getting fat i heard lol;)
    Nighty night:)
  • @all Some places near us, including us got close to 5 inches of rain today. The water will be standing there for the next couple of days due to horrible drainage in our town. They built the town on clay. Which, as you know, doesn't absorb water very well. The clay is so bad here, that in the dog days of summer, when we haven't had rain for weeks, your white shoes will turn red from walking on the ground.
  • @abcrazy Not a kindle a NOOK. There's a difference. >:^(
  • Hello @kathy
    Goodbye @kathy
    That doesn't sound good @rd
    @abcrazy The Xbox has a disc game you can buy with ABO, ABR, and ABS. I think they need ABSp and ABSW too, and the new AB go when it comes.
  • @wrw01, are you visiting Seattle for work? I don't remember where your home turf.

    Hope you are enjoying our weather ;)
  • Yeah, @theanonymoussomeone, Krypton is the 36rd element (I thought 63, weird or what) in the periodic table, and I am pretty sure that it is green aswell;D
  • *Poof* *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles for what's left of her pillow walk*
    Hi @everyone :)
    Sorry @AM but that's so silly I'm not sure how to answer it! Meh if it makes some peeps happy to think it's a hoax then I've got some great swamp land to sell them! LOL
  • BPC
    Yes I am working in Renton/Kent area this week. Flying out today for Naperville for a meeting on Friday.

    The weather was diverse with the rain, sun, clouds, and cool air changing every hour, as it appeared since Monday. The sky has been dramatic with the rolling clouds. Did get wet a few times. Just a beautiful area with the green of the trees, hills , water, etc. Nature's drama on the west coast is magnificent.

    I live in Valparaiso, IN. Have not been home much since April but looking forward to August for a bit slower pace.
  • @angermanagement I never believe in conspiracy theories. Americans did land to the Moon in 1969 and that really was one giant leap for mankind and marked the beggining of new era. What makes you thinking that was faked?
  • Good morning everyone:)
    Have a wonderful day and happy flinging:)
    @angermanagement i totally don't believe the landing was fake, not at all!!
    @grammyk as i said my knowledge is limited so there's no other advice i can tell you sorry:(
    OB a , large coffee please to go and a sandwich wrap please:)
  • Why do you consider it a fake @AngerManagement, I believe it's a real
  • @theanonimussomeone I've just read that you play piano. I used to play when I was girl, my both daughter play and my sister teaches piano at Music School and Music Academy. How good are you? What do you play at time?
  • @AngerManagement I don't believe that landing was fake :D
    But why you are asking this question ? :)
  • @cosmo I'm working on one called Soldier's March, and another dreaded Minuet. I can also play Hedwig's Theme almost perfectly from memory.
    I also play clarinet.
  • Good thought @AngerManagement :)
    Btw--I also watch Mythbuster
  • It is real that we as America landed on the Moon first, but at least give credit to the Soviets for the first lunar rover (launched after we stepped foot on the Moon).
  • @TheAnonymousSomeone -- Great to hear that you play piano as well as clarinet! I played for many years growing up, and am taking lessons again in the hope that I'll at least get back to where I left off. My husband plays the clarinet. He is very good for an amateur. I am learning a Piazzolla tango called Oblivion, that we will play together. The music we have is written for an oboe, which is in C, and he transposes while playing to B flat. Of course, I keep telling myself that he only has to play one note at a time.
    Hope you enjoy your music lessons and keep it up throughout your life.
  • @AngerManagement -- I watched the moon landing live on TV in Trafalgar Square. I also knew some of the people who designed the lunar descent engine.
  • Wow, you knew people that were involved with 1969,
  • I was nine at the time. My mother considered this so important she made sure we watched every broadcast. I have vague memories of being woken at odd hours to watch any broadcasts. Those were exciting times. Star trek and a real moon landing.
  • My dad was born in 1969
  • @grammy k I remember the same thing. I also remember going to Florida and watching Apollo 17 launch.
  • Oh how wonderful, i was always such a space nut, started reading asimov when i was only six. To have seen it in person, i am green with envy :-) !
  • @abcrazy I went to Florida once to watch the Space Shuttle launch. But it was cancelled due to upcoming rain. And 3 hours later, still no rain!
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