The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1755
  • OK @absm, Look out for that sibling rivalry.
    @Kathy--Why don't you fill in @bl on the rules. You're better at it than me.
  • @Bl is working hard to three star ABO though. She's persistent ;)
  • She also likes to draw comics too, just like me. She's really good at it.
  • @absm--Don't tell me ages, but who's older? You or sis?
  • @bubbleslover read page 1 of this forum and the rules of the forum are there..also there is s link to the rules of the angry bird nest must be,13 years old to join.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster !!!!, WHAT didn't tell your sis all this stuff!!¿
  • How do you get in to the avatar compitition? I am confused.. Do you get nominated?
  • I'm older. She's only younger by a couple years though
  • @bubbleslover your first drink and meal are on the house non-alcoholic available menu on page 1..
  • Don't worry, she's above 13, @kathy
  • Okay I'm going to look at the rules!
  • @bubbleslover the avatar contest is a separate forum each month you can nominate any avatar...then at the end of the year there is a vote..I'm not really sure how it works but you can post any questions in that forum direct them towards @ACT
    Did bro tell you to use the @ symbol to directly comment to someone?
  • @absm @Bl--I headed off to eat. Again, welcome and best wishes to passing your brothers scores. I enjoy the friendly competition between me and my brothers and sister.
  • I'm going ahead to sleep-- you should too @bl ;)

    Talk to y'all later
  • Okay I looked at the rules!!
  • I'm off to bed.. See ABN in the morning!
  • anybody find my missing ABo?
  • No @WiiWillie, but I backed up my scores again.
  • @bubbleslover -- Another welcome to the nest and BP! Hope to see more of you.
    @WiiWillie -- Can't help with your missing ABO scores. Did you ask @AMSlimfordy for help?
  • @mvnla2 yes, @AMSlimfordy wanted to know if I reset. I think it is a glitch in my tablet. I don't save my scores anywhere besides my tablet. Turned it off and when I turned it back on, all the levels on ABO were back to 0. Did not intentionally save any scores on ABN. SOL, some of those levels I did not want to do again!! More importantly, where can I save the progress??
  • Hi and welcome to BP @bubbleslover (ABSM's sister)
  • *stumbles in wearily after many attempts at POTJ 22 ..
    Places baskets full of earplugs on every b booth and table near the door*
    OB get ready ours y WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee Tuesday!!!!
    Happy flinging all!!!
    *places flashlight on@Kimmiecv favorite booth..big ((((((((hugs))))))*
    Mwahhhh\ * see ya tomorrow...
  • Nevermind, @all signed up to backup my stuff with ABN. Will try to do that tomorrow.
  • Haha! I just checked my actual scores against the Haunted Hogs leader board, found six were wrong and went up 41 places without flinging a bird. More checking needed I think!

    Good morning all :-)
  • Sorry @Kathy, we got home pretty late tonight. :(
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use today and sets out a candle for her to see by when she wakes up in a couple hours!* Have a good day at work! (((((Hugs))))) :)
  • Thanks @mvnla2 & @firebombbird :)
    My New avatar appears automatically.
  • Hello everyone!
    Welcome to ABN @BubblesLover , Hope you're enjoying this great site :)
  • My Tuesday whine is not over a level, but about how horribly long it's taking for this Space update to even be teased! WhhhhhhhhhHHHIiiiiinnnnNnnnneeee
  • I agree @absm. Where is that update? Whhhhhiiiiinnnnneeeeee!!!!!!!!1
  • (lurking in the dark corner) I need to find 500k in space before update thats my Whhhhiiiinnnneee
  • Squaksome? That's a new one. I just really hope the update is out before school starts in September.
  • @mudslinger -- Hi! I know I've seen you before; no need to lurk in a dark corner. Come on in, pull up a chair, and have some food and drink. If you haven't been to the BP before, be sure to read the rules and other info on the first page. If this is your first time in the BP, food and drinks are on the house. If not, they're on me. Just want to make sure you feel welcome.
  • @WiiWillie -- Not sure what you meant about backing up, but be sure to read the tutorial about how to back up your progress on your device.
  • My Whine agrees with my bro, WHERE'S THE UPDATE?!? Whhhiiiiinnnnnee
  • Sorry, I'm new here, so what's with all the whining? I sort of just played along, but why the whining?
  • Okay, I've got to leave, so bye!!
  • @BubblesLover Tuesday is the official whining day here at the BP. If you have problems with getting a good score in some particular level, this is the day for you to come and whine. Some people think it helps. From my own experience, sometimes it does ;)
  • @BubblesLover -- Whine day is actually both Tues and Thurs. Sometimes other days if you're really desperate. Kathy has the whine perfected. It's traditional to pass out earplugs if you're going to whine loudly (especially in caps).
    BTW -- I've never seen a whine have any effect on Rovio, but it does frequently help you get the score you're looking for on a level.
  • I do stop in here from time to time @Mudslinger. I saw your 500k whine for Space points. I was surprised you didn't whine for 514k. 500k will leave you in second place. You're already shooting for the moon, why not go all the way and shoot for the stars. Moon, Stars, Space. Get it...Ha ha...he he he...Good luck with that whine.
  • Well, seeing as we're all whining over odd things today, here's mine
    Santa hat glitch: all scores allowed to stand
    Wreck the Halls 1-23 glitch: all scores allowed to stand
    Pig Dipper S15 glitch: the only one I can actually achieve, working on it at present, all scores limited to 170k on the leader boards
  • @hunnybunny--The S-15 glitch has unlimited scoring potential. People have let it run into the millions. If you don't achieve the glitch, you have no hope of getting close to the leaders. I'm not saying I agree with the way the other glitches have been handled, but I was glad to see a limit put on S-16. Small whinnee.
  • @rat I have no problem with the limit on S15. I've got it to go three times, but no huge score yet. The wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeee is for the other glitches. Wreck the Halls glitch was only "discovered" weeks ago (although someone high scored ages ago without letting on). One player (who had an old version he reverted to) made 100k extra once it was known. What is the limit of glitches that is acceptable?
    Just re-read that, I think you said the same thing!
    Here I go again, rambling, back to AB Anonymous for me I guess ;-)
  • Mumsie bounces into the BP and stops - no one's here! OB when they all come in the drinks are on me! Played a great game of golf today shot a nett 67 (CSS73) and dropped my handicap by 3 shots!! Soooooo pleased (now off 23!) @mvlna2 - I feel I could play in the Solheim Cup at this moment in time!
    Welcome @bubbleslover - will take a while to get used to all the funny little foibles in the BP - any sister of @abm is a friend of mine!
    Oh @wiiwillie - did you get any of your scores back?
    @hunnybunny - must check my leaderboards when I have time between golf and knitting dusters, would love to move up 41 places without flinging a single bird!
    Hi @ibird & @mudslinger don't think we,ve met but if we have I apologise I'm quite old and somewhat forgetful
    Hi @annifrid - how's it going?
    @kathy did the mega whine work??
    @rat - feeling so benevolent at the moment that there is a huge wheel of cheese for your multitudinous offspring in the BP garden!
    Mumsie has a large glass of ice cold Cristal and sits in her rocking chair to chat with OB.
  • *places platters of cheeses and crackers on all booths and on the go with the
    Covers in place so @heyyougettaouttamyway can't get at the cheese*
    Lol sorry to all 1278 of you:)
  • Wooo Hooo great game @Mumsie :)
  • Mmm cheese and crackers - perfect! Just what I need! Hi @kathy - did the whine work then?
  • @mumsie -- Wow! Congrats! Didn't know it was possible to drop your handicap by 3 shots with a single game. Not sure we use CSS, but I assume you mean the course rating was 73 (as opposed to what they say par is)?
    @ibird and @mudslinger -- Don't believe Mumsie when she says she is "quite old." She is a golfing fiend, as evidenced by her score. She plays so many rounds of golf a week, the rest of us would be exhausted.
    @Kathy -- Don't think heyyougetoutamyway and siblings will be after the cheese you brought for everyone else since Mumsie brought them a whole wheel for themselves.
  • @mvlna2 - yes CSS (Competition Standard Scratch) is calculated using the actual scores of the players in the comp and what category each player is in - as opposed to Standard Scratch of our course which is 72 (par) so I scored 6 under the CSS so I drop 0.4 for every shot under so 6x0.4 = 2.4 and as my exact HCP was 25.5 (playing HCP 26) I was cut to 23.1 (playing HCP 23) the only downside is that I'm playing in a semi final matchplay comp on Thursday and now mu opponent will only have to give me 8 shots instead of 11! But I'm so pleased! That's 5 shot reduction since April! I think the good weather we've been having has helped immensely, great run on the ball!
    Apologies to all lurkers who think golf must be the most stupid game on the planet - I also think that but love it!
  • Ohh no the WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee didn't Work yet..guess i should really learn to read up lol;:)
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