The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1757
  • @hunnybunny I haven't seen the ads your talking about, very curious what they are? Games? But only for men/guys?
  • Poor @Mumsie. She likes it quiet in the BP.
  • Rat's, I didn't get to see the ads before they took them down. I'm sure I would have been offended for hours.
  • LOL maybe hunnybunny is googling questionable stuff and that's why it keeps popping up for her?! :O I haven't ever see those ads.
    Hey @hunnybunny whatcha been googling, ill give it a try and see if I can finally see those ads you've been talking about?! I wanna be offended for hours too! ;D
  • @hunnybunny -- The best thing to do about ads that you think are inappropriate is to take a screenshot and send it to BirdLeader. He responds as quickly as he can, but I think he sometimes can't see them, and I, like you, don't want to click on them.
    @kimmiecv @rat Sorry you haven't seen any of them, if you really want to. There was one a couple of weeks ago for a game for "males only" with a very scantily clad, unrealistically buxom woman. The one today (or yesterday) had the same type of image, but didn't say for males only.
    Kimmie -- I don't really think you want to be offended for hours with this stuff.
    Rat -- I'm sure you can figure out how to find these kind of things, if you really want, without having them advertised on ABN. Just be careful that your wife doesn't find out what you've been doing.
  • :O ok now I see what you mean without actually Seeing it! Think ill pass on that one!! LOL
  • Rat9 o congratulated you in B&R but it wasn't working:(
    Congratulations:)!!! A true certified nutter...opps Nester lol;)
    *rolls in a huge wheel of cheddar cheese for@rat:)
  • @Ma It got through. Thanks. I liked the congrats by slim the best.
  • @kimmie I wasn't expecting your comment about your being offended for hours. Caught me off guard. ROFLMAO
  • Yw Pa..Hmm i musta missed that¿ Lol:)
  • @mvnla2--A five year old can find offensive material on the internet. It's not rocket science.
  • @Ma What's Yw? His comment was right after yours.
  • Your Welcome? Oh
  • Expect the unexpected when dealing with me @rat ;)
  • No No expect it from me @kimmie Birds of a feather.
  • Two peas in a pod and all that :D
  • @kimmie I can't believe @Kathy couldn't find Slim's comment to me in B&R. It was right under her comment.
  • Don't be surprised @rat it'll only hurt your head! @Kathy thinks in mysterious ways!! LOL ;D
  • BTW, Hi @kimmie. It's been a while. Been real quiet in the bar. Too quiet. Maybe it's the calm before the storm of a Space update.
  • Hi @rat :) yep it has been and I Really hope your right!! Love space!! The more games I have waiting for me the better!!! :D
  • You've been hiding, Estar is on vacation, tas is Mia. The only discussions in the bar have been about golf for weeks now.
  • Yes mysterious Pa that's me:)
    Jeez a girl trying to laundry..jmmmm fling...
    Testing testing..:)
  • Where the heck is Waldo!! Aka angryboy..I've sent him umpteen pm's I'm very many scary stories on the news these days..he hasn't answered me:(:(:(
  • @Ma Testing...You read it?
  • @rat.......:::..:........I'm Baaaaaaaack WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA :D

    Funny one @Kathy :D
  • Did tas change his name ¿
  • Dunno @Kathy it has been a long time though. See put him on payroll and he disappears?!! :(
  • Ah uhnmm saw it the first time..i guess you didn't get my'i musta missed it' lol i was kidding...:)
    Ohhh my Roflmao.....are we all ...¿
  • I don't think tas changed his name? He's an odd duck, starts a story then never finishes it!! Just goes off to parts unknown! Maybe it's a teen thing?!
  • Hahahaha @Kimmiecv hee hee .took his big check and went to peacock island !!!:)
  • OK, Too subtle for the Rat. I'm getting old.
  • Lol @Kimmie 'mia'..i know..i know lame attempt at humor..its late..i gotta fling..gotta go to sleep sooner than i learned me lesson today.haahaa..
  • That's what I'm thinking @Kathy! LOL he was here everyday for months then you put him on BP payroll and *Poof* he's done with it!! LOL
  • I bet you did @Kathy!! Keep it up and you'll be a walking zombie like me!! :D
  • Ok no more s subtleties..;) sorry ;)
    But seriously Congrats you should have had it long ago..;)
  • @Kathy One thing before you go. Can you tell an old man what jmmmm fling is?
  • Uhmm @Kimmiecv angryboy..he.s been here everyday since forever that's why we put him on payroll ¿ ohhh I'm confused..going fling love you both ((( hugs)))
  • Hahahah...@rat9 meant hmmmmm.. Flinging' lol..wonky keyboard especially when i try to keep up with the resident chatterbox...;) i should know better..hee hee
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • But now he's not been here for a month?..not answering team messages..not answering pm's I'm just worried that's all ..not like him..unless he's on punishment but that's unlikely cuz he's such a good kid..
  • I can't understand half the lingo used these days. Stop coming up with new typo ones.
  • Ok midnight..gonna fling for a few minutes.then be back to turn in flashlight before @Kimmiecv has to poof across the country to pry it out of my clenched fingers..
    Its happened before..believe you me..i know she tries to be gentle..but boy do my fingers cramp in the morning..;)
  • Does anyone know where the list for S-15 scores is at? Does one exist? The Anchors Away scores.
  • Whaaaaaaaaa Whoooooo heehee :D
    Have fun @Kathy (that was sarcastic!) and I know he was here everyday forever, that's why I can't understand why he ditched ABN once he was inducted into BP, very strange!

    Ok gotta go, time to start dinner! @rat maybe catch you later, your hours are as wonky as mine! :)

    Crap on toast the error button is following me!!!! :/
  • Huh¿ Lol if i didn't correct half my typos you wouldn't believe what my keyboard comes up with..haha.ask Kimmie..hee hee ...
  • @Kathy--Don't stay up for me. You know I hardly sleep and definitely not on a schedule.
  • Yeah don't make me do the prying @Kathy!!! LOL

    @rat I don't think there is, really only way is to weed through the bazillion comments to see what they said their scores were!
  • Nooo Kimmiecv he's been part of team bp for a long time...I'm confused..
    Enjoy dinner..I'm out...Poof...
  • Where are all the kids go ? Angryboy, AngerManagement, tas ?
  • @kimmie I saw this list once, but can no longer find it.
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