The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1799
  • @kathy -- Where are you stuck at on S-5?
    @Rat -- It appears that stuck for you means not in the top 5 or 10. There is only one strat posted for >100K. Did you use that or some other?
  • @BubblesLover -- Sorry! I stole your page change. : (
  • @mvnla2--Over the top, pull the plane to bottom of next planet. Numerous times could have had great score, but some little piggy or tnt wouldn't quite cooperate. Bottom method not as high scoring in my opinion. But who am I to say. I'm down in 29th place.
  • Sorry @bubbleslover not you..i just missed the absolute perfect shot would have got me 87k but nooooo... That one little tie fight er just winking and laughing:(
  • I agree the info on the pink cricket much better than the talk of the game which i have no idea what it is..:):/
  • @mvnla2 I'm in 163 place in S-5 only advice i see is follow the video:(
  • Oo he hee i see @mvnla2pagechanger swooped in and stole the change right away from bubbles hee :)
  • I guess that's why I have no words on the walkthrough @Ma. Bfnmiwcblidk
  • Bfnmiwcblidk is that the key @Pa ?
  • @Kathy -- Read Dasa's strat. May not improve Rat's score, but should help you.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I'll give it a shot:)
  • @Kathy--I'm just trying to use acronyms like everybody else. I thought this one was universal. Bye For Now, Maybe I Will Come Back Later. I Don't Know. bfnmiwcblidk! Too much? How about bfn? BFN.....
  • Lol @Pa id was trying to figure out !!
    @mvnla2 i don't see a Dasa ? Absw bonus S-5 is where I'm stuck:(
  • Well !!! Something worked now in 75 place waaahoo and I'm outta there never to return
    Thanks @mvnla2 even though no Dasa
    Thanks @Pa i used your acronym as a code word in walkthrough!! :)
  • Now just a few more clean ups:)
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    G'nite Pahtna:) ((( hugs)))
    Try the code word lol..good luck see ya Tomorrow, gonna send a draw:)
  • @Kathy Awesome job, love the new magic code word!! :D I'm soooo far from done though :( I hope you still have some ABO games you have to work on?! If I can catch some 'L' factor I know it'll go somewhat faster, Sowwy :( Sleep well!! ((((Hugs))))
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Off to make dinner!! *Poof*
  • @rat -- Must be way too late for me -- I don't get your code word at all. : (
  • @mvnla2 is pulling my leg. She knows it's an exit strategy code word for those impossible levels.
  • Good morning @all
    I'm very grumpy today
    No sleep, again
    Resurfacing the road outside the house, very noisily, is giving me a head ache
    And I just found yet another level where the great hallowed players of our time (more 'share the wealth', 'helping hand', and 'certified nesters' badges gathered in one place than ever seen before) are all 15k ahead of us mere mortals, who are playing a three bird strategy. Send a one a message and he comes back with a two bird strat, that none of those 'greats' cared to share with the rest of us. Grrrrrrrrr!
  • @rat I accidentally unfriended you. You're not the first, and probably won't be the last! I've sent another request.......
  • Good morning!!*sets about placing baskets of ear plugs on tables and bar*
    Welcome to WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee Tuesday:)
    I'm off to work:( SE ya all later:)
  • *sneaks out of the wall and grabs a set of @Kathy's ear plugs. Immediately scampers back through hole. Cowers in wall muttering*, "Beware the bunny today kids".
  • For he's a jolly good fellow ooooooowww that nobody can deny!!!
    SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) :) @angryboy we miss you!
  • Happy Birthday Dorito:)
  • Happy Birthday @angryboy!!! Where the heck are you? When was the last time the @team saw him?
    Happy birthday @dorito!
    Hi @sunshine @kathy!
    Sunshine that's another fab spread :-D
    Not getting into why I'm in a stinking mood but lets just say that car dealerships are not my favourite places and the salesmen are seriously not my favourite people :( I'm waiting on two calls,so far gone unanswered from the manager and one email...again unanswered from 9-30 this morning.....I'm just......Arghhhhhh!!!! :(((
    Finally getting back to some messages here though.
    @hunnybunny Yep he is indeed a good husband for treating me to Jo Malone but from the look on his face at the cash register,that's my lot for the year! I'm going to have to use it sparingly! Last year my Sis in law gave me one of her candles and I still can't bare to light it lol! What level are you stuck on today? I love your pooch btw,sorry,there was to much going on on Sat to notice!
    @rat same to you! I just LOVE Bob! Hubby wants a main coon eventually but I won't discuss it while our pair still rule the roost ;)
    @mvnla2 sorry I completely missed you as well! I'm not a scotch drinker,just hate the stuff.....bleughhhh :( I know,I know I'm a disgrace to my people lol!!
    Crikey I'm blabbing again!
    Oh BTW flinging in anger really does work! I'm so PO'd I tried the challenge and got 2nd place lol!
  • Happy Birthday @AngryBoy, wherever you are?
  • @JLZ666--Still have no clue about your name. Maine Coon cats are social animals. Be prepared to eat, drink, and sleep with them. They don't like doing anything alone except hunting. And they are great hunters. You'll never have mice, moles, snakes, lizards, or bunnies.
  • @Angryboy -- Happy BirdDay! Hope you get to sneak in today to enjoy all the good wishes coming your way.
    @Dorito -- Happy BirdDay! May the birds all be on your side today and the pigs cooperative!
    @JLZ666 -- ICR -- I used to hate scotch until I visited Scotland, and found out that the real stuff can be really good.
    @rat -- Sorry, I good night's sleep doesn't help with your acronym. Must be I just don't understand rat.
  • Hi, anybody still here?
  • Happy birthday @Angryboy and @Dorito
    Hi @JLZ666 playing Mooncake today. Only been there twice before, once to 3 star and once to get above average. Now comes the hard part!
    @mvnla I love a drop of whiskey, but normally drink the Irish
    @rat do they hunt rats as well?
  • Hi @bubbleslover I'll let you say it today!
  • It is okay, @mvnla2 I fell asleep... School starts soon (nooooooooooooooo!!!) so I have to go to bed earlier... Still, I always seem to miss everyone! Oh well!! I want to whine about autocorrect but that's not relevant! ;) lol
  • Hi, @Hunnybunny! How's it flinging? Ha Gotcha!!! ;D
  • Poohy you take the fun out of everything.. :( jk ;D
  • OK. I'm flinging in Seasons today. You still in Space?
  • Nom nom good granola.. ;)
  • Yes, but going. Just popped in to see what was happening.
    See you later
  • @rat,sorry,the meaning of my name is a secret ;) Only a few know! I've heard the Maines are great cats to have,they're stunning and the size appeals to me! I think @wanda has 2 if I remember right? Anyway I wouldn't bring another one in until......oooooo I can't say it but until the house is empty :( My boy Oscar is a great hunter but thankfully I only have to cope with mice,birds and bunnies. No snakes or lizards here thank goodness!
    @hunnybunny I haven't been in Mooncake for a long time. In fact I really need to look at seasons again. I'm in a rut at the moment. Have the attention span of a fruit fly and can't stay on one episode for long. Really need do follow the example of the terrible twins and pick one and stick to it.
    @mvnla I've tried,I really have but I just can't! The best I can do is a liqueur like Drambuie. I've been to tastings at a couple of distilleries but it's completely wasted on me. I only like wine,can't stand the taste of beer either! Ohhhh hang on.....I won't turn down a cocktail......or!
    Hi @bubbleslover have we met? Hi if not!
  • howdy @JLZ666! nice to see you around. Was kind of dead yesterday. Apart from some scintilating cricket convo with hunnybunny and rat, along with my introduction to the above ABSM sibling, things moved very slowly while I was on.

    Might just be me... :P

    Making my way home from work, but hope to pop in for dinner and drinks later on. See you soon @all!
  • @bubbleslover save me from trawling through the pages please,who's you're doggy avatar? Very cute :)
    Hi @hinarei long time no see,how's things? No I'm pretty sure it wasn't you yesterday! I'm sure if @mighty had been around he would have joined you all in the cricket chatter ;) enjoy dinner.
  • Any lurkers?
    I'm feeling a little better, after the horrors of this morning, and then finding I'd forgotten a main ingredient of today's dinner and my last remaining onion was rotten in the middle, the rather wonderful He-Who-Does-Not-Fling suggested it would be easier to grab a meal in the local pub, than go to the supermarket to buy some stuff and cook. Absolutely!
  • @jlz666 that's Gracie, a mix of cocker spaniel, Lhasa apso, and goodness knows how many other dog breeds. As bubbleslover said "my dad got a DNA dog testing kit, how good a present is that!"
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