The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1822
  • I know i saw Halloween candy at the store yesterday....
  • *thinking about playing ToT, hmmmm*
  • Good grief!! Scary thing is the candy gets on the shelf and before it's Halloween they're putting out Christmas stuff!!!! :/
  • Ohh Pa lol wish you would join us:)
  • Heeeey @rat!! Might as well join the party!! :D Not to mention it'll get ya in the mood for scary time!! ;)
  • No kidding xmas stuff already..before you know it we'll be seeing Easter in December:(
  • Good evening Ladies.
    CongRATs on 1-4 @kimmie.
  • @kimmie I don't know if I want to go up against the Powah Twins.. But if you guys are chasing me down I might have to! I found TorT really hard but you might just reel me in :)
  • Thanks @rat, didn't get a wicked high score but got into the top 100 and that's all I wanted! Just took Forevvvvver to get there!!
  • Who'd have guessed it? @kimmie likes Scary.
  • @karen68!!! :) Yep I found it hard as well!! But man I Loooove those pumpkins!! Although the black ones are my most fav of the bunch!! Those bats flying out are too wicked!! :)
  • I don't think ToT would be my choice. Heard too many people crying about it.
  • I'm not a rinse, repeat kinda guy.
  • @rat I go all out for Halloween!! Long table with loads of scary stuff on it and a great fog machine! Scary music! The wee ones are always afraid to come up to get their goodies!! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA :)
  • It's not really rinse repeat's kinda exact..i think¿
    Lol @Karen certainly love the company..
  • It takes good shots to get through it @rat which while annoying most times is great when you finally get it since you know you had to work for it! Definantly Not based on luck like 98% of ABSW!! ;)
  • I noticed you changed institutions on the map. Or did you just escape @kimmie?
  • He heeheee heh heh lalalaalalaalaaaaaa lalalaalalaalaaaaaa can't tell ya @rat *they may find meeeee*
  • Ruhhhh Rohhhh
    *shines e-stars flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Alls right in the world again!!!! :)
  • I heard people fussing about high scorers not putting posts in the walkthrough in my sleep. Yeah, I did get some. Will wonders never cease?
    I don't post anything if I don't have a new strategy and didn't look at someone else's to get my score. Seems redundant. I did post one last night. Forgot to make it blue though.
  • That would be bpc, she tends to get heated about stuff in walkthroughs! I'm sure she'd like to get near enough to Kathy and I to tear our fingers off since we tend to chat as well as add stuff to them! Wonder how much she wants to kill surfcow Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa ooooh bet more than she wants to hurt us!! :D
  • AAARRRRRGHHHH Error Box!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo
  • AhahHa there's my scary twin:) mwauhahaha...
  • @kimmie I forgot how much you love Halloween, so TorT is perfect! I agree they're not really rinse & repeat levels, well maybe the 1st few are like most episodes, but there's some tricky shots in there.
    Evening @rat9! We never seem to be here at the same time. I think the point about posting when you get a top score is to at least post which method you used so people know what works.
  • Echo..echo.... Hmm i seem to remember a certain bunny well about those type that don't post there lest BPC is helpful and does post if she gets something new;)
  • Looooove Halloween!!! Can't wait!!!! :D I told Kathy it was perfect to start there so I get in the mood even earlier!! :)
    Kathy my scary is always just under the surface waiting to come out and play!! Heeheee Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa
    Frikken Error box is following me closely tonight!!! :/
  • Crap on toast with a huge side of bacon!! The error box has it out for me tonight!!!!! Frikken echo with every post!!!!!! :/
    Annnnnd there it is AGAIN!!! Arrrrggghhhhhh
  • Nice to hear you got some sleep @Pa how much?
  • Like @kathy I saw Halloween candy in the store a month ago, right in with all the back to school stuff. @kimmie don't you do a haunted house every year?
  • Not a haunted house per se but I set up a big table inside the garage and hang up lots of scary stuff around it and the fog machine and scary music along with the black lights add Much flavour!!!! :D
  • @karen68--I Do acknowledge when I use someone's strat. But, believe it or not, I rarely read the walkthroughs until I've pulled what little hair I have out. It keeps me from going down the wrong path occasionally. Keeps me fresh. I remember once using what everyone said was the way to go, so I went there, repeatedly. Wore a lot of blisters on my thumb before I finally came up with my own approach.
  • @Kathy--Four, count them with me 1, 2, 3, 4, glorious hours of uninterrupted blissful sleep.
  • Woo hoo that's awesome Pa so 4 tonight plus 3 yesterday getting better:) i wish you 5-6 tonight:)
  • @kimmie--Mot many of us have our own fog machine. You do like HALLOOWWEEEN.
  • @rat9 I know what you mean - sometimes the walkthroughs don't always have give the best advice. And you have a really creative flinging mind as your scores show!
  • @Rat9 -- You said if you come up with a new approach that you post it, which is very useful. However, if you get a top score (which is fairly frequent) it is just as useful to the rest of us to say what strat you used, even if it has already been posted, and even if you discovered it without reading the comments. We all really want to know what strat works best for a top score, even if we only use it to get above average.
    Are you leaving for Myrtle Beach tomorrow? Any plans other than roasting yourself in the sun on the beach? I hear they have some great golf courses, but I know you don't play any more.
  • @kimmie black light is really cool, combined with the fog.. spooky! You do more than a lot of people do!
  • Thanks for wishes and dreams, it's what I exist on @Ma.
  • @rat 4 HOURS!! That's awesome!! Your on a roll!! :D
    Meeee Loooooove Halloween!!! Hahahahaahahaahahaa Can't wait!!!!! And it's my Moms Birthday so cake And candy!! Sugar high!!! Whoo hoooo
  • @Kimmiecv -- Have you ever filled a cauldron with dry ice, and shaken hands with trick-or-treaters using a rubber glove filled with cold water? My mother did that one year, while dressed as a witch. I think she decided it was a bit much -- too many really frightened kids.
  • @mvnla2--Yep. In the morning. I was thinking about picking up a few orange cones off the road during the drive. If I place them around me at the beach, maybe they won't try to put the Great White Whale back in the water.
  • @karen68 my neighbours across the way do it up big time too! So kids have it on both sides!! Although they usually have a huge Halloween party going on at the same time! I've noticed that some other neighbours are now getting into it as well! Pretty soon the whole lot will be like a haunted arena of goodie giving!! :D
  • I'm getting sick of this error box echo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/
  • Ha ha @rat :/

    @mvnla2 I've not done that glove thing, the dry ice I've done before I got my wicked fog machine. The younger kids are afraid to come to my table, usually their parentage is dragging them over! I don't even dress up scary anymore but they still get freaked out!! :D
  • @kimmie I'm coming to your street for Halloween, sounds more exciting - only a few hours away by plane :) As the kids in my neighbourhood get older people are doing less.
  • I gotta go help my Mom with my Daddy-O.
    @karen68 @Kathy @mvnla2 have a restful sleep!! :)
    @rat unless you fall asleep again or have to go because of your trip I'll BFNIMCBLIDK ;D
  • Well ladies plus Rat, the tennis is over so I'm off to bed - 1st day of school tomorrow so a busy morning ahead! (*happy dance*) Enjoy your flinging, & @rat9 I hope you have a great holiday!
  • For once the error box not haunting attached to you Kimmie..sorry:(
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