The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1823
  • @karen68 we have Tons of little kids in this area and if you can believe it the parentage around here load up bunches of kids and drop them off too!! It's mayhem from 7 to round about 9:00!! :) I sometimes can't keep up with handing the candy out! I actually make lines of goodies so I can quick drop them in bags and inbetween with the tiny lulls I make more candy lines!! ROFLMAO :D
  • Well, there are plenty of kids in our neighborhood trick-or-treating (parents even bring them in from outside the area), but very few come to our house. Our house is on a street that is steeply up-hill from the nearest main street, and we have a good flight or more of stairs from the street to our front door. Guess it's just too much work for the candy we give out, which I think is pretty good. Some years we've had less than 10 kids!
  • You needed a break @Kathy so it started to tail me! To bad it added the echo along with it! Thank goodness for the edit button!!!

    @karen68 Yahoooo enjoy the quiet once their off to school!! Sleep well :)

    Ok I really gotta go!!

    BFNIMCBLIDK hahahaaaa
  • Thanks @all--BFNIMCBLIDK
  • @mvnla2 that's like our other house! Up a Big hill and No kids not one in the 13 years we lived there!! We stopped buying candy! Now I never buy enough!!!
  • Whew!!!! That stupid stupid power up button in the way..i guess i hit by 85440 on 1-5 i was so so oooo mad i thought my phone was gonna show that as my high score!! , but cool it doesn't whew i wish they'd move those stupid things along with the mighty eagle eye that i keep Hit' by mistake.when trying to refresh game..ill be damned to pay for a stupid eagle eye..arghhhhh
    It's not Tuesday yet i know..but that totally pisses me off!!!
  • Couldn't agree with you more on all points @Kathy! Erm nice score!! Heh heh Ahem sorry!! ;/
  • Ok same here laundry calling..Work tomorrow
  • @Kathy -- In Seasons, I think the ME only costs ~$2 for unlimited use. Well worth it, if that is still the price. Actually, I think that cost is true for ABO, ABS, and ABR. Getting feathers creates a second game for all levels. I don't have many feathers in Space or Star Wars, because they cost per use, but you do get some for free.
  • Lol @Kimmiecv yep nice score aright haha.. Thank goodness the admins keep our boards free of that crap.!!! Alrighty laundry calling..
    *places flashlight on Kimmie booth for a Quick shine, a couple dents..*
    Thanks Pahtna luv ya (((((( hugs)))))
  • I'm getting the evil eye because I keep coming back in!! But @mvnla2 do you have to get 100% to get the games or just use the feather to open the extra games up? I was never real clear on that!!
  • Hmm -- Has @Mumsie been around recently? I enjoy her tales of golf conquests, and she's always nice to have around.
  • Night @Kathy *undings and shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Thank goodness I can type so bloody fast!!! Aaack
  • Ohh thanks @mvnla2 i have the eagle in abo i can't remember if j paid..i don't think but maybe .99 not sure I'm willing to do it again..even though only a buck or two i didn't find it challenging or entertaining at all:/
    That's it I'm out good night all
  • @Kimmiecv -- The ME does 2 things:
    1) It allows you to pass a level you're having problems with. I've used that occasionally.
    2) It also gives you the opportunity to play each level for total destruction (100%). Some are easy, some are wickedly hard. See Rio Cherry Trophy Feather walkthrough:
    Even Slim had difficulty with this one!
    I have feathers on all levels which have the ME or equivalent available for a few $ for unlimited use.
  • Happy Birthday @lisko! :)
  • ROFLMAO @JLZ-666 over here October is our flippin Indian Summer!!! Like in the 90s to 100s!! I'd take your weather any day over ours!! Especially in October uhhh wait not snow though! Rain ok snow no way!! Nice cake!!! :D Hope your day flys by quickly!! :)

    @mvnla2 I got the MEs when I first started playing AB for 3*s even used them a couple times. But what I'm wondering if you know is this: in order to get the games that come with using the ME do you have to get a certain percentage or just fling the sardine and the new game for playing MEs opens up? I'm not real big on the feathers thing so I wanted to know if I could just fling it through all the games and get the freebie or do you have to get 100% on each level before you can get the freebie game?
  • @kimmiecv to open the bonus level you need a certain number of feathers, properly completed ie 100%. It's not hard, because they don't prescribe which ones you need, just how many, so pick the easy ones!
  • Hey @hunnybunny :) How do you know the number of feathers for each game? Is there somewhere it tells you? Crap on toast 100% huh :/ ok thanks for giving me the answer to that mystery!! At least there are walkthroughs for feathers!! Phew
  • @kimmie the walkthroughs tell you. I think on the actual game, if you try to open one, it will tell you too, but as mine is already open, I can't confirm.
    What level are you in now?
  • I've never seen anything in the games about it hunnybunny but ill check the walkthroughs maybe they tell you there. I'm on level 5, just started it tonight. Blecky
  • Ok I just realized you said the walkthroughs tell us, nope I'm not overly tired! Not at all!!
  • My absolutely last word on this, I promise!
    There are forty five levels in TorT, therefore forty five top scorers.
    And how many of them have posted their strategy for that amazing score?
    Enough said.
  • :D Even when they do, most will only give you a wee tid bit, not a detailed strat with aiming and when to (if applicable) hit the Powah, I can count on one hand those that will, in any game in any given level, but they sure will use others detailed strats to get a better score won't they!
  • @kimmie, can't comment, it was my absolutely last word ;-)
    For someone who admits to be overly tired, shouldn't you be heading to bed, must be four in the morning there?
  • Sour Grapes...Why don't y'all at least make some whinneee.
  • @hunnybunny I'm perpetually tired nowadays and it's going on 3am, have to work early too, buuut I just lay there looking at my pretty blue wall wishing I could fall asleep! Of course when I'm working I can fall asleep at my desk! But put a pillow under my fool head and ill lay there!! :/
  • There was a time when people were appreciative of someone letting them in on a secret. Now it's a sense of entitlement.
  • @rat shouldn't you be collecting traffic cones and warning the marine authorities about the impending beached whale?
  • Because it would make sour WWwhhhiiiinnnneee @rat! Duh!!!
  • @rat you're NOT drawing me in. I have said my last word ;-)
  • Huh and I thought all the thank yous I sent to peeps that let us in on the secret was a sense of thankfulness, guess I'm way off base......
  • @all--Some people put a lot of time and effort into developing unique strategies. Why should they give it away immediately? I have no problem posting mine. I normally am proud of my achievement, but listening to how you are owed a strategy is changing my mind quickly. nuff said
  • Haha @kimmie my colleague had to wake me more than once, as I snoozed over the computer zzzzzz
  • Your thanks are always appreciated @kimmie.
  • Sorry @all. Someone found one of my pet peeves. ENTITLEMENT
  • I'm itching to answer, but I promised...........
  • @bunnybunny can't tell you the number of times I've woken up at my desk lately with a ruler and pen stuck to my face!! :D

    Okey dokey @rat
  • Are you ready for your trip @rat? When exactly are you leaving? Are you driving or flying?
  • What's with the twenty questions?! LOL :D
    Just curious!!
  • In a couple of hours. Wife is getting her beauty sleep. I'm taking care of the last minutes things.
  • Are you driving or flying?
  • Haven't decided whether to take my car or the wife's. She wants hers of course, but she just can't take everything she wants and still drop the top.
  • @kimmie--She just can't imagine going to the coast and not being in her little convertible.
  • Compromise!!! Wonder which she'll choose, stuff or top down?! LOL

    Have a great time @rat!! I'm sure you won't be popping into BP while your gone? A whole week? BP will be boring until you get back!!
  • Take pictures of both your feet and the sunrise/set on the sand! @e-star seems to like those kinds of photos!! Hahahaa :D
  • I think everyone will not only survive, but after my last comments, they'll be quite happy not to have the Rat around. I know we're taking the SC430. She just hasn't admitted it to me yet.
  • Enjoy yourselves @rat
    Sunset without the feet for me please!
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