The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1824
  • I've got to go to bed! See if I can sleep?! :/
  • Wrong coast. All I get are sunrises @hunnybunny.
  • Wait is that your car or hers? I don't know what the letter/number thing means? Naw it won't make most of us not miss you, but good try!! ;)
  • Goodnight @kimmie sleep well
  • I'll miss the lot of you!! That's hers by the way.
  • Schoolgirl error there @rat
    And I accuse my other half of being awful at geography :-(
  • bfnimcbidkw
  • Gotcha @rat! I hope you can fit all her stuff in it!! :D Have a super great time!! See ya when you get back, with a nice tan! Remember the sunblock!! ;) And drive safe!! :)

    Thanks @hunnybunny, it's my fondest hope I'll actually get some sleep!!
  • Bye!!
    Like that'll ever happen!! Heh heh See Yas later!! :)
  • Good Morning everyone!!! * places baskets of earplugs on all the booths and along the bar*
    Welcome to WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee Tuesday:);)
    @Pa have a wonderful safe vacation:)
    No time to read..gotta run..bells ringing I'm sooooo late.
    Have a great day all:)
  • Get ready for it
    TorT 1-2
    I'm doing ok elsewhere, just can't get this one at all
  • @lisko Happy birdday to you! Have a good one!
  • @angermanagent Gonna send you birdday wishes a day in advance, cos will be travelling - no wi-fi 2moro. Save a piece of cake for me!
  • Happy Birthday @lisko! Hope you have a wonderful day :)
  • @rat -- Hear there's a lot of rain predicted for FL the rest of this week, so you should have the beach to yourselves.
    On the subject of your pet peeve -- Don't accuse @Hunnybunny of feeling entitled (if that's what you meant), it's just that most of us (including you) think that this site is great because of the friendly competition, which includes sharing your strats, and we get kinda annoyed when people take advantage of the site without sharing.
  • @mvnla I didn't take it personally, Rat has ranted on at me (rather than about me) on "entitlement" before, although in a completely different context. We all have our pet subjects that get us going!
    Also, he may have been trying to get me to break my promise to stay silent on the subject in future, which is just like him ;-)
  • Escaped convict finally caught at 3pm this afternoon
  • Also...Happy Birdday @lisko!!!!
  • @kimmiecv and @kathy -- Others slugging through ToT -- If you notice some recent footprints from me, it's not because I wanted to join your competition, just where I was today in eliminating all my iPhone scores. I started AB on my iPhone, and then switched to iPad, so my scores for the earlier levels are a mix of iPhone and iPad. On the vast majority of levels my iPad scores were higher (due to my increased experience), but there were some where the iPone score was higher, and I left those in. Since I've been somewhat desperate the last few weeks, I decided it was time to get all my iPad scores as high or higher than the iPhone ones.
    On ToT there were a few levels where I gave up and settled for changing the leaderboard to my lower iPad score. Ugh! There are some beastly levels in ToT. So good luck to all.
  • @all -- I know there were a few comments recently about the most hated / most difficult levels in ToT, but I can't find them. Mind telling me again? Might make me feel a little better about not being able to better my iPhone scores.
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- So where did they catch him? I bet he gets a much longer sentence in someplace that is not a minimum security prison.
  • Lol.@mvnla2 Soooo its YOU who shook up the leaderboard today..hahaha
    No worries:) even if you did want to jump in to the ToT party that would be fine with me:)
    The more the merrier so 'they'say whoever'they'are ;)
  • Holey Moley @Hunnybunny you been practicing:) nice cake
    Ermmm but angermanagement birthday tomorrow i thought?
    Ohh but that's your today right? Darn Time Zones!!
    Happy.Birthday @angermanagement:)
  • Ohh and glad they caught the escape @Ripsy..
  • @kathy baking the cake was the easy bit. I've spent all day struggling with HTML codes, and still posted a tiny cake, despite @Estar detailed instructions. Hoping she'll pop in and make the cake huge!
  • @hunnybunny beautiful cake!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!
    @angermanagement Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Cheers!!! :D
  • Hi @sunshine ((((((( hugs)))) fancy seeing you here this late:)
  • Don't mind me I'm a flingin' fool lol:) waiting for my pizza:)
  • @kathy enjoy that pizza!!!! ;)
  • Thanks @sunshine i will heee hee...:)
  • Goodnight, my old eyes are very tired after all those codes and icing bags lol
  • HAPPY BIRDDAY! @lisko Miss you around here, but I'm happy/hopeful for you that less time here means more fun time with your little monster and your hubby + learning projects. Do you have your own project car yet? Do tell when you get a chance!
  • @hunnybunny @rat9 Good nite!, sleep well! I think we've have the top scorer commenting conversation before? Mmmmm..... I'm still a fence sitter enjoying the banter. Love the sharing, love to share, competitor me wants to share selectively with my friends, less with my competitors who rarely share. I think the key is to develop the relationships and ask if you would like more detailed strats. And understand if memory gets weaker over time.
  • HAPPY BIRDDAY! @angermanagement Have fun!
  • Happy Birdday to @AngerManagement as well. Sorry. Got called away.
  • Aha hi @ABCrazy you hit the bird on the head with that..i like to banter and share with friends..its not often i get to share s good strat..but i agree with Pa on the whole'entitlement' thing..but i think if you have a high score you should give a hint how you got it..even of just posting 'i got it like the walkthrough'
  • I don't like when i directly mention a high scorer and ask how..and they never answer..of course i understand they have maybe moved on..but if they get the @mention they should at least acknowledge it..whether they remember or not how they got it..
    Ok that's enough of my rant..
    Now a WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee..fur tot 1-5 and a PigKiller please OB;)
  • Page change up for dibs! Want it, @Kathy? lol ;P
  • No. I get the page change. It's MINE. (pulls pouty 6-year old face)
  • And the page change goes to.....
  • Whine Tuesday: WHERE is the Space update?!!??!!?? whhhhhiiiinnnnNnnEeeeeeeeeeee
  • Hmmph. We'll see... Anybody else still around? Besides him... *Says jokingly*
  • A duel between brother and sister...let's seee...hmmm betcha bubbles gets it:)
  • Me me me! Page change! Cmooon
  • No. I'm getting it. Blaaaaah
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