The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2194
  • Hi annfrid!! I know I already mentioned it in the Avatar contest, but I finally am in the BP at the same time as you, so congratulation on such a wonderful grade on your final exams! Hope the driving is coming along as well!
  • Hey @karen68 great to see you popping in! always a pleasure!
  • Wahhooooo I just took the Trophy in B2 #32 !! SWEET!!
    Drinks on me ;)
  • @Kathy I think I've improved a bit, maybe I'll even pass the test :D One thing I still hate (and can't ever get it right) is driving in the city with all those traffic lights and stuff.
  • Awesome @kathy ! congratz!
  • @EStar Thanks :)
    @Kathy I'd have a drink on you but I believe you can't drink in the BP until you're 21 (feels kinda weird to me as over here we can drink at 18 so I could get a PigKiller in real life but not here in a virtual pub) ... congrats anyway :)
  • I see y'all couldn't wait on me to get back. Y'all partied till you got sick in my bouncy house. Did you drink before bouncing @sunshine?

    I'm back from being pampered. Fresh hair cut, massage, and mani-pedi. Then to the hardware store to get things for the honey-do list. Yikes! Look out @Kelani. They put your hands and feet in hot wax. What's up with that.? Did I say that right? Mani-pedi? I think Mrs. Rat is trying to tell me I'm not taking care of the grooming. My toenails were getting a little claw-like. And the hair, when you don't have much, why do you need to cut it that often? lol

    I expanded your photo @hunnybunny. Too late. I can't unsee that horror. Bunnies and rats compatible? *snicker*

    All our cats are synced. Callie has been leaving me little presents too. It is my birthday after all. I wish she would use the hardwood floor instead of the rugs, backs of comfy chairs and my favorite...the BED. Nothing more enjoyable in this world than getting a present in the bed. wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more...

    A little tip for you @Kelani. No animal likes to be poked. Loved the Badge. I need to post with every stRAT I put in the walkthroughs. Ha ha

    Well will you look who finally got out of bed. Good afternoon Ma. I sure am envious. I can't stay horizontal for much more than three hours on a great day. Are they mad at you for your great progress in Beak Impact. Giving you an "accidental" bloody nose. I'm not buying it.

    My @Estar has been here all afternoon and me not here. Dagnabit, I thought stars come out at night, not during the day. I miss my star!
    What? No Mac and cheese ever? You poor child. Even little old me made a casserole starting with a roux and three different cheeses when Mrs. Rat was out of town recently. Yum!

    @TomPuss Those tutu clad men looked more like little Lelani's to me. Not one over 5'6". Speaking of the Princess. keep that wax away from me. I've got a scary image in my head now of a naked rat. All wrinkley.

    Thanks for the new high score @burpie. You couldn't have gotten me a nicer present. I love competing.

    Thanks for the cake @bernersenn. It's a tad big for little old me, but I'll give it a go.

    I loved the gifts @SweetP. I was a young kid when they came out with that line of toys. What were they called? I've forgotten.

    Thanks for the Cheese cake Ma. Mrs. Bunny is right and wrong at the same time. Confusing isn't she. I love a GOOD cheese cake without all the goop on top of it. But fresh fruit like you put on yours is fantastic! Good job. And my age today is 59. I put the wrong age on my profile page a while back and I was so close to 59 that I just left it. The big Six-O comes next year. And don't worry about getting any rat hugs. Ain't happening.

    I think Mrs. Bunny is at fault for the "rodent" nom de jour @Estar. She's been pushing it a lot lately. And you're right. It hurts so much. She's not playing fair.

  • OB I will have an Angels Delight, yummm thanks @Kathy
  • Hi @Karen68 and @Annifrid. I missed you two coming in while I was slowly tapping away at my keyboard. I should have refreshed before sending. My bad. Please forgive me. You have to you know. It's my birthday.
  • @rat I'm glad we get to cross paths, even briefly. Sounds like a nice birthday so far. Even a mani-pedi? Nice to know you're being pampered :)
  • There he is!!! Mister @rat Finally!! I guess the workout has brought up my energy level and seeing it is the weekend I thought I come play... I have been shining throughout your day, but noooo he needs to hop out with the mrs.... and good for you! You should enjoy every moment of real life with the mrs as possible. And nope... never... all my pasta's that have been served to me have been with red sauce and tons of veggies and stuff. (So that is a no also never had carbonara sauce either, well I tasted it once and it was too darn salty for me, but it was store bought) I remember your roux of 3 different cheeses! But I also remember thinking, hmmmm which kinds did he use. I know Dutchieland is known for it's Cheeses, but I ain't a huge fan. Anything stronger than semi-mature cheeses and I am out :)
  • I think it was for her own protection in bed @Karen. The toenails were too long.
  • @estar I've always said rodent when I'm trying to say something about him in a sneaky way. To me, It's just another interchangeable nickname. Some rodents are supercute, so it's not an inherently bad term. Like, to me, You Dirty Rat sounds meaner than You Dirty Rodent. *shrug* :)
  • @Annifrid there are options to have non alcoholic drinks on the menu. But yeah I do agree, over here the legal limit just went up this year... from 16 year as the legal limit to the new 18 years of age. Still find it strange to be so connected in the Nest, but we are all world (and regulations) apart.
  • @Estar I used what I had on hand at the time so don't use these cheeses as a recipe. My mac and cheese was made with a gruyere, a mild cheddar, and a fontina. It was very good though.
  • Whoa !! I popped out for a minute lol And missed a bunch!!
    You'll get the hang of it @Annifrid before you know it!!
  • @kelani I believe you when you say you meant it as an interchangeable nickname and meant nothing by it... I didn't mean to imply that you did, I just feel different about it. No harm in that right? Same thing applies to the Dirty Rat vs. Dirty Rodent... Ithink Rodent has a meaner sound to it. But I am not a native speaker, so maybe that is why... who knows
  • I agree with you @Annifrid. Twenty-one is too high for a drinking age. It was eighteen when I was younger. They're trying to legislate away drunk driving. Which I abhor btw.
  • Uhmm @Estar isn't the rule if you can drink legally in real life then y can drink here? Or did we change it to USA law?
    @Pa ((((((hug)))) hope your had a nice day !!
  • @Kelani I was referring to your wax comment of earlier. Not the mani-pedi. You dirty rat!
  • I like your suggestion @Kathy. If it's legal where you live, who are we to force our laws on them?
  • Mister @Rat Callie too?? I am going to drill Jaapie about the secret meeting that must have had and ROTFLMAO!! IKR never on the wooden floors or tiles, always the soft surfaces... luckily Jaapie does jump off the bed before leaving the present, but still... I use a spoon to scoop most of it up and put it in a bag. I tried paper towels a couple of times, but ughhhh one time it tore apart and it all landed on my feet... little extra info, I hardly ever wear sock/shoes when at home, inside or out.... so barefeet o_O
  • Yep @pa I thought that Was the rule but isee its changed ;/ I'm so far behind right now there's no catching up lol..if i try I'll just miss more!!
  • @Kathy I thought so, but not sure anymore... but I think it is a good new rule... so @Annifird Cheers, here is a PigKiller for you :)
  • Ermmm I love being cute @kelani but care to explain the cuteness in ain't? I love little tidbits of info like that :)
  • So that's what, 5 kitties now that puked on stuff today? Conspiracy, I tell you!
  • Yay! I agree. .*clink* @Annifrid ;) cheers!!
  • Hi @estar, that was an interesting fact that drinking age in Holland was increased from 16 to 18 -- I thought it was 18 all across Europe. What is the driving age in Dutchieland?
  • Thanks! *drinks the PigKiller* and off to kill some pigs ;)
  • Pooor must be the season.. they are shedding and grooming.weird it Happening to all BP kitties at the same time! !
  • grr. I just noticed I have a canteloupe-sized hornets nest stuck on the railing of my deck. These must be moron hornets. The thing is totally exposed to the wind and rain! But, not for long. :>

    @estar because it's a southern thing, and other US people, (especially teachers) make fun of us for using it. It's just cute to see it elsewhere. Imagine if I let some obscure Dutchie or Welsh slang fly. That may not be cute to you guys, but I bet it'd be somewhat amusing :)
  • When i was 18 the drinking age in US was 18 then they raised it to 21 when i turned 21 lol so i never had a problem :)
  • My cat's female @Kelani. You know the old wives tail about females that hang out together right? Synced, I tell ya, synced.

    How's the challenge chase going @fenikus. Is there a new sheriff in town yet?

    Enjoy your PigKiller @Annifrid.
  • @Pa did you see I took the trophy away from vortex in #32 ? :) :)
  • That was OK for you and I @Kathy, but we send kids off to war and they can't even legally have a beer. Sad.
  • BRB Ma.
  • @Kathy It must be that seasons, but I know Swipe's was because he ate too many fishies yesterday. He doesn't have those two undercoats that cause hairballs, and of course gets several baths a day playing in the sink.

    edit: yay for 32!
  • Thats Exactly what i was gonna say @Pa !! Old enough to Defend the country but not have a beer !! Our laws our backward sometimes ..
  • Thanks @Kenobi lol Kelani. .
  • Whoo hoo is right Ma. You'll have to teach me that one with what the @Kelvinator is doing to me in part two.
  • @Rat all my Brazilian exchange students were NOT pleased to learn of our drinking age. Some went and tried to purchase because they didn't believe us.

    edit; @Rat that's Lord Kelvinator to you :P Actually, I just got one more trophy and 2k points a bit ago. Still not out of that 15k danger zone.
  • @kelani ain't you cute too :-)

    How does Mr Rodent sound @rat?

    Goodnight, happy birthday, dear sewer dweller (you know that's a heart felt greeting lol)

    And goodnight everyone else
  • Decided not to play the challenge @Rat. Too beautiful of the day and 2 soccer games to watch too.

    How's Beak Impact going for you? It must suck to be #2 in both parts…so close but so far away...
  • WHAT??? brb
  • @hunnybunny don't forget Rattus Rattus. Always a nice choice. :)

    @fenikus damn man, that's cold. On his birthday? Oh wait. I should chastise @burpie.
  • What indeed? WTG @burpie @kelani rat infestation (temporarily) under control....

    Goodnight sgain
  • @fenikus Oh, it was @Burpie that bumped me in part one. I can handle that. I thought you were saying you had took me down a notch. I couldn't handle that quite as calmly.
  • Oh, @rat9.... Maybe a Bloody Mary or two (maybe three or four). Are you telling me and @kkathy that's Tomato juice running out of Kathy's nose?????? :O
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