The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2218
  • Oopsy @fenikus *stomps foot. .walk away in shame*
    Lol..darn I Almost had it..
    O.k so the fires just meet in the middle and run out of stuff to burn.. that's it:)
    Lol ty fenikus that was a fun puzzle:)
    Your turn @Kelani your the detail Man hee hee..
  • No @Kathy. They haven't even got close yet. If someone gets in the ballpark, I'll give it to them.
    Speaking of close. Think about what you did Kathy. You burned the east side of the island while the west fire is traveling towards the east.............if the east has already burned......wait for can't burn twice......almost there.........

    BTW @Kelani. It's not a door hinge, it's a piano hinge. And that's just a pieces part, like the stained glass, not what it is.
  • Darn Princess! !! Stop it!!
  • So I kinda got it right? I just was wrong about the wind..I should have reread the puzzle.
  • @Kathy, yes, even though you omitted some details your way of thinking would eventually save you so I accept your answer. Not sure if @Kelani is still at it (he'd be dead by now) so I'll post the details later if he doesn't get it. But @Rat pretty much summed it up -- the forest can't burn twice.
  • @Kathy I have no idea yet. The "no tools" thing precludes setting another fire. Using a burning piece of wood won't start a fire unless everything in the forest is already dead and dry.

    But what @Rat said, If you burn the east side, you're caught between two fires, so I guess you'd have to go to the midpoint and start a fire, then follow it as it burned eastward, and hope the one behind you isn't moving faster (which since it'd established and an inferno, it would.).
  • Good grief - spent a lot of my time whist waiting for teams to answer pondering the picture puzzles - come back and @mvlna2 has given us the answer to hers - no never would have guessed that but great photo -
    @rat - completely stumped now!
    @fenikus - had no idea til I read @Kathy's post - so by lighting something (piece of wood from forest floor) then runs nearly to the eastern end and lights a fire near the end then the wind will cause that to burn out so he can then stand in the burnt area and not be burnt to death - but as @hunnybunny said he wouldn't live long with everything else burnt!
    I used to set these sort of puzzles for my staff as a bit of light relief but heavy thought!
  • You don't have to burn the whole island @Kelani. Just enough to keep your toes from getting crispy.
  • Oohhh @kelani :( I thought you'd do better:( think MacGyver lol.. and whyy if you took a piece of wood (better than a shirt) would the wood not burn? Have you ever seen driftwood? Pretty dried out!
  • Oh hopes dashed as @kelani posted whilst I was typing! When I say I set them I got them from a lateral thinking book!
  • Ok bedtime for me - golf tomorrow! What a surprise! Nngb @all. I'll pop back in my morning to see if @rat has posted the solution!
  • All these fires are leaving one hell of a carbon footprint :P Shame on us.

    @Rat At this point, if you said the thing opens to reveal a shelf where Mrs. Rat puts freshly-baked pies to tempt you away from flinging, that would sound perfectly reasonable to me. I have no idea what mysteries are contained in your little alcove. :)
  • Hi @mumsie ;) hee hee I lost you inn the whirlwind :/
  • I'm about to take my long overdue nap. Should I post a picture that shows "What am I' or leave it till someone guesses. It's your call. But I hopefully won't be back for a few hours.
  • @Kathy there is no driftwood in a forest, and some living trees can have a moisture content of up to 200%. It takes an inferno to make them burn. Holding a stick to the trunk won't cut it :P

    @Rat People keep guessing, so I'd leave it. Plus, don't forget you enjoy seeing us suffer :P
  • And @Mumsie gets a duster of her own, congrats -- you answer is completely correct!
  • Don't let @Kelani bother you Ma. He's just upset because he got burned up. ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • @Kelani, the forest is obviously dry as a bone if a lightning strike made such a violent fire that is spreading through the whole island. So yes, take a piece of wood, maybe use Kathy's idea to wrap your shirt around it and make a torch, run with it to near the east end and start a fire that will burn the east end of the island and give you shelter from the main fire.
  • Can you go for a double @Mumsie? I've still got a few minutes before I pass out.
  • I take it from the silence that you want me to leave the mystery alive. So be it.
  • @fenikus That's a pretty neat puzzle. :) If that's an actual survival strategy, what do they recommend for dealing with the smoke that's engulfing you from the main fire? I guess if you had some water, you could wet your shirt and cover your nose...oh wait, we burned our shirt already. :P

    @Kathy you sure re-earned that crown in your avatar. You're now BP Puzzle Queen :) The rest of us ash piles will just sit here :P
  • @Rat, it would make it more fun if you gave us a couple of clues. You just said you use it for flinging -- that could be anything (in your case at least).
  • @fenikus I built it before Rovio released Angry Birds.
  • :/ how come when i said Wind @fenikus it was wrong but @mumsie said the same rthing?
  • @fenikus Eric Bristow, Leighton Rees, and John Lowe helped me christen it. If you don't get it now, you're not trying.
  • @Kathy, you said that the second fire would burn toward the first fire and they would cancel each other out, didn't you? That couldn't happen because the wind is blowing from the west and second fire would "run away" from the first one.
  • Ooohhhh o.k I get it @fenikus ya that makes sense now that i re read it:)
  • @Rat, why you *********** -- it was a play on words! Everyone thought by "flinging" you meant Angry Birds…it's DARTS!

    The answer is: dartboard.
  • Not bad, @Rat, not bad.
  • I'm not sure @Pa what every one else guessed but is it an opening that leads to the porch where you fling. .so you can hide the flinging stuff from SWDNF ..ohhhh lol @mumsie I get it now:) but Pa wasn't it Robert's kitty door also?
  • Darn....!! Late again hee hee.
    Nice work @fenikus :) congrats! !
  • And yes @Kelani. Mrs. Rat did the hard part making the stained glass. All I did was design it, build it, wire it, and hang it. ha ha
    Mrs. Rat wouldn't let me just hang a dart board in the house. So I design a stained glass shadowbox with a surprise inside.
  • Birds of a feather @Kelani. We're both handy to have around.
  • @Rat Hats off and well played. That was a good one. :) Is that stained glass well-protected? Don't wanna miss high and have Mrs. Rat'd get after you. :)

    edit: lol, at times :P
  • Leighton Rees was from that unpronounceable place: Ynysybwl, Wales
  • Well.... you obviously throw darts @fenikus to know those people's name and connection. .:) but hey
  • Going flinging :)
    Enjoy your nap @Pa
  • I'm wondering how he got three pros to christen it.
  • I really thought the position on the wall in picture three would give it away. No dart flingers in the nest? I just knew the Europeans would get it. Funny fact. I didn't meet the guys attached to the three names I dropped while I lived in England. I met them after I came back to the States at the North American Open.

    Edit: The wife and I were pretty good at darts @Kelani. And as @Hunnybunny eluded to this morning, you get to know your competition. They've been to my house and practiced when they would come over for tournaments.
  • @Kelani I've even taken a leg or two off Phil Taylor. But that was decades ago. I couldn't touch him with a ten foot pole for the last twenty-five years. He's a machine. And he's never been to the house. Truth is, they all probably don't remember me. But I remember them because they were famous at the time. I was just a wannabe, a Kel if you will...
  • @Rat I was gonna say impressive...until that last bit :P I do like darts, but haven't had many opportunities to play seriously. You know how people down here are, their idea of playing darts is getting drunk and seeing who or what else they can hit with a dart.
  • I Wonder if Nick Mason and David Gilmoure Play Angry birds ?
    Pink Floyd realising new album called 'The Endless River' lol
  • @Kathy rofl. I didn't know that. I already have 30-something other albums and bootlegs by them. Guess i gotta get that too.

    Hmm, it could be AB, but probably a metaphor for all those years dealing with Roger's tantrums.
  • Lol @kelani probably the latter !! Roflmao
  • @Kathy You know what i'm talkin about. :) He is such a jackass.

    I got to see Floyd in 1994 when Division Bell tour came to Raleigh. For some reason on that one show they did an encore of DSOTM start to finish. But they didn't start until most people had left the stadium. You never saw so many stoned people tryin to get back in somewhere. :p It was a glorious show. Easily in my Top 5 best memories.
  • Lol I know exactly what your talking about. !!
    I saw them in '94 also they came to Foxboro stadium where the Pats was awesome
    They also did the same encor ! Was a good time. .great show!!
  • @Kathy awesome! That's something you and I know, and none of these guys ever will :) Did your show have the huge banks of white floodlights in front of the stage facing toward the crowd? They had them for some shows, then got rid of them. People in the front rows were getting temp. blinded and (supposedly) sunburnt. :P
  • Hi @fenikus @Rat @all -- Guess I missed all the fun, and the puzzles are all solved. I've been back for a while, but it took forever to get caught up just in the BP.
    I guess all I will say is that I don't think it's that hard to start a fire in a forest, particularly one that hasn't been inhabited for years. There should be plenty of dry and dead underbrush that will burn hot enough to set the trees on fire. Of course, after setting the fire, the guy would have to retreat to someplace safe for a while, since the wind was blowing W to E.
  • Yep @Kelani it was an awesome Show!! One of a kind. .I didn't hear about the lights blinding lol people though. .:/ But ya they had them And an incredible light show!! Yes a memory that will not fade away. .ooh haha that's the stones hee hee just kidding ..Yes it was great!
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