The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2216
  • I'll pass that on to SWDNF @Mumsie. Her current project is reupholstering the dining room chairs. And
  • @rat it must be part of your flinging contRATption TM. He can only show the corner of it because he can't reveal the giant lighted magnifying lens hovering nearby.

    Btw is that the ghost of Jesus image in the corner glass?
  • @mvnla it does look kinda watery. I'm guessing its a reflection off your (not on) iPad screen.

    Edit: oops @mvnla2
  • @rat - is a lap tray on which to balance your iPad??
  • @mvlna2 is it a very rainy day and the water is on a window illuminated by something - street lights/ flames from a fire/ headlights??
  • @ABcrazy lol. careful. I doubt @Rat wants a crowd standing around venerating stuff while he's trying to fling.
  • @kelani Really? You don't think he just basks in the attention he gets from being the space master? Are you kidding? Bring on the admirers....
  • Mrs. Rat makes me purdy up stuff. Y'all are getting bogged down on the purdy part.
  • I'll help y'all out and take a different picture before I lay down.
  • @rat it's your smoking supplies box.
  • @ABcrazy well, they'd be admiring Jesus' reflection and not paying any attention to him. So yeah, I think he might get tired of that, especially if they block his light.

    grr. I can tell you exactly what router bit he used on the inside of the frame, but no idea what its purpose is.
  • Or it's the box your contRATption goes into while not in use. Be safe 'my precious'.
  • rofl.

    edit: still rofl. I love it.
  • @Rat I knew you were gonna do that! :P
  • @Rat is it covering a cutout in the wall, that acts like a glorified kitty door?

    edit: or maybe it's covering a hole you knocked in the wall when one of us booted you out of 1st place on the River.
  • @abcrazy @mvnla2 I knew what @abcrazy meant with the cycling, was just kidding. Don't know what"/ wrong ith me today, but I can's be serious for more than 2 minutes.
    iE, the Challenge today. The guy with highscore commented that he self isn't able to repeat his own score. So, to get a puppy today, you have to perform miracles. I thanked him for his comment and for his saving-my-time
  • No @Kelani. But there is a picture of my widow kitty door in my album. But don't look now because I have just uploaded another photo that is a dead giveaway.

    Again @ABcrazy. Great guesses. You've got an interesting mind.
  • Ok then it's the wall safe you keep your precious in.
  • Hee hee ! @rat - love it!! If it's vital for your flinging is it just a window for ventilation so that the smoke doesn't go indoors?
  • @Rat I know you have another kitty door, but cats go everywhere :P

    Hmm, you told me you fling on a porch. The pic says study. Is that a cutout so you can lean in and smooch on SWDNF occasionally?

    edit: love the cash register.
  • @bernersenn did you mean comex666 on the challenge? Someone else just posted a score higher than his. And it's his only posted score. hmmm..

    No worries. Being serious is highly overrated.
  • I know what it is. Something @Rat uses to pray to AB Gods before flinging to give him those incredible scores!
  • I got it now. It's the portal he & the 'heyyous' use to poof into the walls of the BP!
  • @fenikus lol. oh yes. A little sacrificial altar to Rovius. God of cartoonish frivolity.
  • @kelani than it will be that way. Don't want to spoil that much time on the Challenge today. I'm busy with the Seasons, came to #13 and the troubles started. Rovio has done it again, I peeked to #14: same worries as in Space and on the River (for me).
    Enough serious again, back into crazy mode. OB, serve this people what they want, a Harvey Wallbanger for me. That's my mood at the moment
  • Bad Kel! You peeked at my album after I said not to. *takes rolled up newspaper and smacks Kel on the nose* Bad boy, bad.

    Nope, not a safe for precious @ABcrazy. Although I do have one hid somewhere. Nothing in it. It's there to keep the criminals busy while the police get here because of the alarm they set off.

    Sorry again @Mumsie.

    Poofing portal or altar to the flingin' gods? Interesting, but no.
  • Well it can't be dressing to cover the ugly wifi box. All that lead would kill the signal range.
  • Hey! This is fun.

    Is it a bike reflector? ha ha ha ha ha
  • Hmmmm..... It's the peephole you use to verify SWDNF is otherwise occupied before you sneak out the door to fling.
  • I always wanted a piggy bank as a child @Kelani. Not a piggy bank as such. Just a way to secure my money and stuff from my two brothers who resided in the same room with me growing up. That cash register is the adult version of that childhood desire.

    Nope @ABcrazy. No peep holes at my house.
  • Re: @mvnla2's mystery photo. It looks like contained water that is somehow disturbed and an indoor light is reflecting on it. But it's really hard to say what exactly it is. Maybe an aquarium.
  • I'm surprised Sherlock Kel hasn't asked about the picture on the wall. He's always looking at the periphery instead of the subject.
  • As fun as this is, I prolly should go do something more productive. Last guess for now.
    It's the dumbwaiter SHDNF uses to make sure you stay fed.
  • @Rat, you need to give us a couple of clever clues.
  • @Rat Ow. when'd you say to stay out of your album? As for ignoring the picture, I was too buy looking at the cash register. Adult toy or not, It's very nice.
  • Thirteen minutes before you looked @Kelani. At 1:30 pm today. I guess you held out as long as you could. lol
  • Oh my god. I just got another bizarre #38-style score on #33. Only 1k above the high score, but it was a 2birder 7k above my 1bird score, and many more points were possible, but it timed out.
  • I've never seen debris throw itself around like that.

    @Rat I had the album in a new tab set to refresh every minute while waiting on photo #2. I forgot to close it after, then saw the other one pop up :P
  • Uh huh! I bye that @Kelani.
    BTW, my strategy to beat you is working. You've almost run out of places to get points. That's when I'll pounce. lol
  • @Rat If I can get 7k on a level I expected 1-2k from, who knows what's still out there, for any of us. comex666 just the same thing on #39 two days ago. I thought that level was also tapped out.
  • I will admit that your last bump in score did hurt a little @Kelani. Ten grand is going to take some serious flingin'.
  • I wish I'd gotten that on video. All the debris was motionless on the planet, and it's like someone closed an invisible book under it, making all the debris rise up and fall into the center, smashing everything.

    edit: well @Rat if anyone's capable of serious flingin', it'd be you. @fenikus and @burpie are also making some nice gains as of late.
  • @rat the safe where you keep your wabbit catcher?
    Or more seriously your Hawaiian princess catcher
  • Anyone ever come across "genkik"?
    Posting excellent strategies with photos in the new Seasons episode. But something very odd. Apparently been a member for years, a Master Flinger, really good scores in Seasons as a whole, but has no friends, no badges, no nothing.
    I've flung in Seasons for about twenty months and know most of the good players, but never came across him / her before. @estar can you shed any light?
    Or is my old brain just forgetting things / people......
  • How come you only know most of the good players @Hunnybunny? What about the average Joe or the beginners. They have feelings too ya know. *snicker*
  • @rat don't take the mick (again)
    You know what I meant
  • @Hunnybunny, what's "gagging" mean in local slang? BTW, have you heard of Magnus Carlson?
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