The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2584
  • Goodnight @kathy @catsnbirds hope you have enough snow to enjoy, but not enough to disrupt, and the bird gods look kindly upon you xx
  • Lol @hunnybunnypagechanger :) Thanks for the well wishes :)
    Where are you flinging now that your done with Ski and Squeal?
  • @hunnybunny Thank-you! And that is the exact amount of snow we have, along with temps that are not below zero! Love your David Bowie avatar.
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny, sweet dreams :)
  • @kathy alright already will ya turn off the dang snowmaker LOL. roads are pretty slick out there. and in a few hours Ill be venturing back out :(

    Oh and I haven't got Spike from the pound yet, he must be snowed in.
  • Ohhh @gumby Believe me if I could turn it off I would! ! Can't believe you have to be out driving in this storm:( who the hell is taking a cab anywhere tonight? The airport is shutdown right ?Where do you have to go?
  • @kathy Im finished working, but gotta pick someone up at the T later around 11
  • Oh boy @gumby, I'm surprised the T is still running:/ be careful:/
  • Ive been trying to figure out this challenge, I can't seem to figure out where the extra points come from. The same shot 1 million times and many different results for score. I am still trying and so far nobody has a puppy but there is one guy just 30 points short of one.
  • @kathy yea roads were getting really slick, its that wet heavy slippery snow :(
  • Flinging in Pig Days, 5-12 my penguins won't do their tricks, earplugs everyone, fair warning!
  • Wwwwwhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee! !
  • @kathy ya gotta give us time to PUT the earplugs in LOL. Is Sweet P on vacation?
  • @Gumby OB faithfully fills the earplugs baskets cuz he knows I forget and we've kinda got away from the whine Tuesday rule lol :) No @sweetp is not on vacation she's just been very busy with real life work, but hey Real life over rides virtual life every time, it just seems real life has hit everyone at the same time through the holidays and new year beginning I guess; )
  • But ya @gumby I shoulda waited At least a minute hee hee!
  • @kathy getting tired of 112-114k scores on this challenge, Whhhhhiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeee.
    LOL maybe that will get me a better score.
  • @Gumby I just tried it, is a tough one and @happyshake is a fine flinger, follow his advice along with the walkthrough, Rinse and Repeat ! Good luck:)
  • Hope all my East Coast flinging friends are staying safe through all that snow!
    I'm glad we're missing out on it, I don't mind some snow but not that much.
    @kathy does the snow inspire you to go back to Ski or Squeal lol.

    @gumby what puppy are you looking for?
  • @karen68 the one I earned a couple days ago wreck the halls I think it was
  • @kathy yea its all luck for scoring
  • @gumby you have an Underdog badge already... you only get one, until you get 10 puppies, then you get another.
    @sweetp will hand out congrats for it, but you know how real life can get :)
    And check the Club Underdog sheet, you're on there for your WTH puppy.

  • @all-who-like-snow -- I've lived in Denver, where I liked snow, Chicago, where snow was nice, and Buffalo, NY, which cured me of the desire to see snow. After Buffalo, I didn't even go skiing for 10 years. Saw enough snow (a few flakes and maybe an inch in cold places) in Santa Fe before Christmas to satisfy me for several more years.
    Keep warm and safe!
  • @karen68 yay its showing there now, Spike is now part of the family

    @mvnla2 WE hate snow lol

  • @Mvnla2 hence my video above lol, California sounds awesome right about now :D
    @gumby see the 'about ' section on the gold bar above, click on 'badges and ranking'
    As @karen68 says you will be acknowledged for the new puppy but don't receive another badge until you get 10
    Sounds like D.C. and NYC got hit hard
  • @kathy see my above comment to karen :P
  • apparently whining hasn't helped with my score on this one, at least I am in the top 25 overall :)
  • Top 25 Is awesome @gumby :)
  • @kathy a puppy would be more awesome :P just not getting the luck
  • Well @Gumby you still have time:) go get em' !!
  • Be safe @gumby careful driving :/
    Nighty night Pa ♡
  • @kathy made it home safely then had to do some shoveling :( YUCK
    Because we just don't get very much
    What I hate is when it turns to ice or black sludge and just hangs around for days
    Ideal snow arrives when walking home from the pub, big flakes, floating down, magical, dinner in oven, loads of snow whilst eating dinner, watching the garden get buried in the white stuff. Huge rainstorm overnight washes away snow.
    It never happens like that...
  • @kathy are you still in Pig Days?
  • Glad you made it how l home safely @gumby
    Ahhh @hunnybunny if only it smowed exactly like that, you forgot the fire crackling in the fireplace, *sigh * sounds lovely
    And yep still in Pig Days
  • @knichy how ya doing down there? Buried? What'd ya get 2'?
    Watching the news ,lol people sledding on Capitol hill !!
  • @Gumby are you in front of the Cathay center right now lol
  • Goooo Pats? :(
  • Brady almost pulled it off Ma.
  • @Kathy -- Playing in Denver is an unfair advantage, even for football players who are in excellent condition. If you don't know, Denver is a mile high, and you do notice the altitude if you come from basically sea level.
    HWDNF is still watching it on tape.
  • No he didn't Pa, he woke up tooo late,seriously with 2minutes left in the game! Never threw the ball to Edelmann, or Gronk until the last minute, he sucked to be honest! And Where the hell was his protection?
  • Yep @mvnla2 the air is definitely a disadvantage, and the Broncos of course are used to it, but still, Brady wasn't on his game :(
  • Going flinging :/
  • @Kathy I was near the Cathay Pacific around 5:30 in my blue cab, not the Cathay center. But I have done karaoke there.
  • feelin under the weather Ill probably take a dose of NyQuil and crash.
  • Aww ssorry your not feeling well @gumby:(
    And ya I've sung karaoke at the Cathay Center also, couple years ago, haven't been to the Cathay Pathetic in Years:/
    Nighty night feel better !
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