The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2586
  • @karen68 hey you weren't supposed to pass me on the challenge :P Man this one is a bugger.
  • @hunnybunny -- Moonsabre still hangs around some. I think he pops in to congratulate the new sheriffs. I don't remember anything about "mental health issues". There were several of the great flingers who went back to another AB site.
  • @mvnla2 There's another AB site ? What could be better than the Nest:/
    I know there's a type of Alumni forum, but on my past few visits there it doesn't look like anyone has been active there for years!
  • @kathy -- I haven't looked at the website in years, don't remember it's name, and obviously don't know if it still exists or is active.
  • Hmmm interesting @mvnla2, i wouldn't think one better than the Nest:/
  • @kathy -- I don't think it's better, but some really good players may. For sure it doesn't have as much social stuff, and mostly discusses strategy, if I remember.
  • @mvnla2 are you meaning the alumni site ? I see it more as a forum separately from ABN, if so I agree is more of discussing strats , and a lot of high scorers participate there, or they used to anyway
  • @kathy -- I'm not sure what you mean by the alumni site. What I'm talking about is a totally different website that may have existed before ABN, where a lot of the world's really good players went to exchange stats.
  • Ohh @mvnla2 That must be totally something different than i meant,
    The alumni forum is separate from ABN , but it's a forum made from a lot of high scorers from ABN such as enror ,moonsare, manu and many others, I scooted in at the last minute on an invite, i have the link somewehere , I'll look for it .. Maybe tomorrow is getting late now
    I'm about ready to call it a night..
  • This is it @mvnla2

    That's the one i was thinking anyway.
  • Nighty night Pa ♡
  • @Kathy -- That's what I was probably thinking about, although I thought they had a leaderboard. It's clearly been inactive for more than a year.
  • @kathy @rat been climbing but intermittent internet connection. Plus he's hand shoveling 1500 ssq ft of driveway 500 sq ft of deck and 700 sq ft of patio and then sledding / snowboarding with kids wore me out. And then they have to go and open the #$%%-( base and I gotta work! Oh the ignominy!
  • I'm just trying to go back thru ABO and get to the top page. At 126 now, about 1.2M to go. But I just got the latest updates And blasted thru for 3 star and points, now going for >avg on all. I do get back in top 50 in Rio tho!
  • Just look ed got bumped off top fifty in space. Gotta hit that next. Of course I have to start from scratch, new device no backups.
  • Night Ma
  • No backups @knichy? Yikes!!
  • @TomPuss -- As usual, priceless! Think I forgot to tell you I liked the video of the winter piano. Although I could help wondering about the piano they covered in ice. Also, I really wonder if the sound track was actually performed in that environment. The video clearly combined different shots, because the cellist was in different spots. Sorry for being so analytical. : D
  • @mvnla2 that's just you being you, we wouldn't expect anything else
    @tompuss as Mvnla said, priceless
    @gumby if you hated yesterday's challenge with Matilda, you are going to really, really detest today's, with the flapping blue bird...
  • @hunnybunny yea not liking flappy the bluebird either but at least 105k :)
  • @tompuss lol thats cute
  • Roflmao @Tompuss!! Priceless and Very Creative on the part of the Humane Society, I wonder if Annie got rescued¿ I mean How could anyone resist!!
    Wouldn't it be cool , if we started a thing like v with the challenge, for every puppy won Rovio, or ABN world donate $1 to the Humane society?
    @Birdleader whadda ya think ¿ good advertising and a great charity!! Plus it's a write off on your taxes!! Everyone wins, and real puppies get a chance to find a great human: D
  • @kathy WASSSSSUUUUUPPP geez another pita challenge LOL. Got 2 real dogs of my own plus caring for 5 puppies on ABN. Know a good veterinarian?? lol
  • Hey Hey @gumby :D hmm Nope don't know Any, real or virtual lol
    Good luck on the challenge, yeppers Rio CU is a tough one, but can be done:)
    Back to Pig Days for me
    OB I'll have a Bottle of Cristal please:) yep you heard me a Whole bottle lol, one of Those levels!!
    5-10 is a one bird wonder pita!!
  • Huh @gumby ? Who said anything about driving? Or you mean your not working?
    Ohhhhh lol you mean no driving for Me after drinking a bottle of Cristal heehee!
  • @kathy YEAH no drivin for you, think Ive had about enuff of this challenge its all luck it seems. Ill go watch some TV.
  • hmmm. fixing dinner, putting kids to bed, setting up computer for Mrs Knichy to take on line classes tomorrow.... fling at midnight?
  • Hey @knichy seems you have your connection trouble fixed,? Can't believe your City has been shut down literally, for a week!! When do the kids (girlsi assume?) Or did you say that? Go back to school :( no flinging for you, you don't have phone or tablet? I have a Nexus I can send you, bit it needs the charging port fixed, if you know anyone who can fix it is yours for the asking?
  • Argghhh I gotta go to sleep but I'm not done flinging:(
  • Nighty night Pa ♡
  • One last Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee. ..
  • Nite Ma
  • Morning... anyone playing the Challenge today? @hunnybunny you've got a nice score there, what strat are you using? I remember this one, what a nasty level. Haven't managed an above average score yet :(
    OB a large black coffee please? I need some fuel if I want to improve on this one.
  • @karen68 Pellystar's strat is the only one that's worked for me. A few scores over 130k both with a second bird into remnants. Although I had a very nearly one birder, that would have been close to puppiness!
    I'm one place above Rat on the overall leaderboard, which never happens. Don't tell him, he'll do some nasty injury to himself trying to get ahead of me ;-)
  • Thanks @hunnybunny, I've come closest with the same strat, but jeez what an inconsistent level.
    P.S. You just told him yourself :D
  • @Kathy @BirdLeader -- I think it's much more likely that Rovio could be persuaded to contribute. There are so many puppies given out on the nest, I think it would bankrupt ABN.
  • @karen68 just winding up Mister @Rat
    I can count on two fingers levels where I'm actually ahead

    Happy flinging all, I'm exhausted. Doing some charity work, albeit sitting on my butt at the computer (please don't get me confused with someone who's saving sick children, it's all about garden restoration, but it is a registered charity, so I don't get paid) and taking long walks to clear head, and preparing for guests for Mr Bunny's birthday weekend.

    Good Night
  • You might be right @mvnla2 but all in all how many puppies are won each week? @Sweetp ?
    Maybe there could be an option for members to contribute if they participate, voluntarily of course? Idk was just an idea, and good for the site over allI think?
    Soo @gumby are you still working on the challenge, i haven't even looked at what it is?
  • @kathy no not doing this challenge, way too many levels to unlock. I worked on improving some of my Tattooine scores today :) one almost up by 10k one only up about 300 points but improvement is improvement :)

    @hunnybunny I think @rat might bite his tail off if he finds out you are ahead of him on a Space level :P
  • @mvnla2 I think comex666 would bankrupt ABN if it were $1 for each puppy, heck he might even bankrupt Rovio LOL
  • Haha @gumby and @karen68 has quite a few, but I'm talking about future pups not already earned and o.k. how about .25 cents a puppy? I still think it's a good idea, good promotion for ABN AND its a write off on taxes so it might Save ABN some money? No? :(
  • @kathy Im not sure why not ask AMSlimsfordy
  • @gumby your not sure 'Why 'what? Why ask Slim¿
    Anyway did I not whine loud enough on PD 5-9?
    Get earplugs ready.. Fair warning
  • I just got blocked for spamming:/ I posted 5 times in a row within 60 seconds:(
    Anyway i realized Why my Whine isn't working, I'm on level 5-10:/
    Kk I'm shutting up now,
    WWWwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiinnnnneeeeeeee !
    Later , first I'll have a Pigkiller please OB and can you send the blues to PD 5-10 now and again, and again and again.. At least until I say shtop lol:)
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